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      • KCI등재

        On-site Output Survey and Feed Value Evaluation on Agro-industrial By-products

        Kwak, W. S.,Yoon, J. S. 한국동물자원과학회 2003 한국축산학회지 Vol.45 No.2

        본 연구는 산업체에서 발생되는 총 19종 부산물들의 동물사료로의 활용성을 증대시킬 목적으로 유기성 부산물들의 배출 현장을 방문하여 부산물 발생 및 이용 현황을 조사하고, 각각의 화학적 특성을 평가하고, 분석된 화학적 성분들 중에서 부산물 사료의 동물 소화율을 예측할 수 있는 신뢰성 있는 지표를 발굴하고, 사료 배합비 설계 시 실제 분석치 대신 문헌 성분표상의 수치 이용의 위험성을 진단하기 위해서 실시되었다. 실험 결과, 부산물들의 발생 현황 및 이용 현황은 매우 다양하였다. 부산물들을 영양적 주성분에 따라 분류하였을 때, 과일가공부산물(사과박, 감껍질, 배박, 포도박)과 제과부산물은 에너지 사료에 속하였고, 비지, 동물성 사료(혈액, 우모분, 닭내장), 유가공슬러지는 단백질 사료에 속하였으며, 대두피, 버섯잔사, 맥아파, 폐지, 육계분은 조사료에 속하였다. 반추위내용물과 식당 원 남은 음식물의 영양적 특성은 각각 소 TMR사료와 양돈용 배합사료 성분에 근접하였다. 대두박과 비교해서 아미노산 함량은 혈액과 우모분은 상대적으로 높았고 (P<0.05), 맥아근, 유가공 슬러지, 식당 원 남은 음식물들은 상대적으로 낮았다 (P<0.05). 단백질 원 부산물사료들의 펩신 소화율은 66∼99%의 범위에 속하였다. 부산물 종류에 상관없이 in vitro 건물 소화율은 식당 원 남은 음식물, 제과부산물, 사과박, 대두피, 배박, 감껍질, 맥아피, 맥아근, 비지, 포도박, 반추위 내용물, 가금부산물, 육계분, 폐지, 버섯잔사, 유가공 슬러지, 우모분, 혈액의 순으로 높았다 (P<0.05). In vitro 건물 소화율은 화학성분들 중에서 비섬유성 탄수화물과 가장 높은 상관관계(r=0.68)을 보였으며, 이는 비섬유성 탄수화물이 부산물 사료들의 소화율 예측 시 신뢰성 있는 지표로 이용될 수 있음을 의미한다. 부산물 사료들의 실제 화학 분석치와 문헌에 제시된 성분표 상의 수치간의 차이는 큰 편이었다. 따라서 동물 사료 내에 다량의 부산물 사료를 이용할수록 동물 생산성의 극대화를 위해서는 실제 분석치의 이용이 필수적인 것으로 사료되었다. This study was conducted to make on - site survey on the output pattern and utilization situation of 19 by - products selected, to evaluate their nutritional characteristics, to find out a reliable index with which digestion of by - products can be predicted on the basis of chemical compositions analyzed and to diagnose the risk of using book values in the absence of the actual values analyzed for diet formulation. Production and utilization situations of by - products were quite various. Nutritionally, fruit processing by - products such as apple pomace (AP), pear pomace (PP), grape pomace (GP), and persimmon peel (PSP), and bakery by - products (BB) were classified as energy feeds. Soybean curd meal (SCM), animal by - products such as blood (BD), feather meal (FM) and poultry by - products (PB), and activated milk processing sludge (AMS) were classified as protein feeds. Soy hulls (SH), spent mushroom compost (SMC), barley malt hulls (BMH), waste paper (WP) and broiler litter (BL) were classified as roughage. Rumen contents (RC) and restaurant food waste (FW) were nutritionally analogous to complete diets for cattle and swine, respectively. Compared to soybean meal (SBM), BD and FM contained high (P<0.05) levels of amino acids and barley malt sprouts (BMS), AMS and FW contained low (P<0.05) levels of amino acids. Enzymatic (pepsin) digestibilities of proteinaceous feeds ranged between 99 and 66%. In vitro DM digestibility was high (P<0.05) in the order of FW, BB, AP, SH, PP, PSP, BMH, BMS, SCM, GP, RC, PB, BL, WP, SMC, AMS, FM and BD. In vitro DM digestibility had the highest correlation (r=0.68) with nonfibrous carbohydrate among chemical components. Differences between analyzed values of chemical components and book values were considerable. Caution is required in using book values when large amount of by - products are used in diets.

      • KCI등재

        육계분-제과부산물 혼합사료 급여가 육성 거세 한우의 생산성, 경제성 및 육 특성에 미치는 영향

        곽완섭,윤정식,정근기 한국동물자원과학회 2003 한국축산학회지 Vol.45 No.5

        This study was conducted to determine the effect of feeding a mixture of broiler litter and bakery by-product on production, economy and meat characteristics of growing ?Hanwoo? steers. A control diet (conventional formulated feed and rice straw) and a treatment diet(90% mixture of broiler litter 64% and bakery by-product 36% and 10% rice straw on DM basis) were prepared on an isoenergetic basis and fed to 20 steers for 12 weeks. Palatability of TMR by ?Hanwoo? was fair. Compared with feeding a control diet, feeding a treatment diet resulted in increased(p<0.05) DM intake, similar OM intake, similar daily weight gain(0.75 vs 0.64㎏/d) and feed efficiency of DM(10.1 vs 12.5) and OM(9.0 vs 10.6), considerably(45%) reduced(P<0.05) feed cost/gain, and similar meat characteristics. These results show that a mixed ration manufactured with broiler litter and bakery by-product may be potentially used for growing ?Hanwoo? steers.

      • KCI등재

        육계분과 제과부산물을 이용한 반추가축용 완전혼합사료(TMR) 제조 시 가공처리 방법이 물리화학적 특성에 미치는 영향

        곽완섭,윤정식,정근기 한국동물자원과학회 2003 한국축산학회지 Vol.45 No.4

        This study was conducted to develop effective manufacturing methods of a total mixed ration(TMR) composed of broiler litter(BL) and bakery by-product(BB) for ruminants. Five experiments included a small-scaled manufacture of TMR using a deepstacking method(Exp. 1), its pelletization(Exp. 2), its field-scaled manufachure(Exp. 3), a field-scaled manufacture using an ensiling method(Exp. 4), and a mixing process of deepstacked BL and BB prior to feeding(Exp. 5), BL and BB were mixed at a ratio which makes total digestible nutrients of the TMR 69%. For each experiment, temperture, appearance and physico-chemical properties were recorded and analyzed. The chemical composition data revealed that the mixture of BL and BB showed nutritionally additive balance which resulted from a considerable increase(p<0.05) of organic matter and a desirable decrease(p<0.05) of protein and fiber up to the requirement level for growing 'Hanwoo' steers. Deepstacking of BL and BB in Exp. 1 and 3 resulted in a sufficient increase of stack temperature for pastcurization, little chemical losses, appearance of white fungi on the surface, and partila charring due to excess stack temperature. For Exp. 2 its pelleting, which was successful using a simple, small-seated pelletizer, resulted in a little loss(P<0.05) of organic matter and an increase(P<0.05) of indigestible protein(ADF-CP). Ensiling the mixture in Exp. 4 made little effect on chemical composition; however, one month of the ensiling period was not enough for favorable silage parametcrs. Deepstacking BL alone in Exp. 5 tended(p<0.1) to decrease true protein : NPN ratio and hemicellulose content and increase ADF-CP content due to the heat damage occurred. Deepstacking or ensiling of BL-BB mixtures and simple incorporation of BB into deepstacked BL prior to feeding could be practical and nutrients-preservative methods in TMR manufacture for beef cattle, although ensiling needed further hygienic evaluation.

      • KCI등재

        육계분-제과부산물 발효 완전혼합사료(TMR)의 면양 체내에서의 영양소 이용성 평가

        곽완섭,윤정식,정근기 한국동물자원과학회 2003 한국축산학회지 Vol.45 No.4

        This study was conducted to determine the effect of feeding a total mixed ration(TMR) of broiler litter(BL) and bakery by-product(BB) with additional BL or rice straw incorporated at 10% of dietary DM as a roughage source on behavior pattern, nutrient intake, digesibility, digestible nutrient intake, ruminal and blood parameters, and N balance of sheep. All the treatment diets were formulated to be isoenergetic[total digestible nutrients(TDN) 66.9%]. Compared with the conventional formulated feed-rice straw feeding system(control), feeding TMR with BL(T1) or rice straw(T2) at 10% of dietary DM resulted in reduced eating, ruminating and totoal chewing time(P<0.05), similar DM intake, low(P<0.05) digestible DM, OM, fiber and total nutrients intake, low(P<0.05) nutrients digesibilities except EE, similar ruminai characteristics(?, VFA concentrations and ratios, efficiency of carbohydrate fermentation, NH_(3)-N), and favorable N digestion and retention. There were no differences in the above parameters between T1 and T2 with the exception of increased(P<0.05) eating, ruminating and total chewing time for T2. These results suggested that a TMR of BL and BB with or without rice straw may replace the conventional formulated feed and rice straw in ruminant diets successfully and furthermore feeding the TMR with rice straw made sheep behavior pattem more favorable.

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