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        Dialectics of Motherhood-based Existence

        Yun, Jeong-Mi(윤정미),Lee, Soo-Kyung(이수경) 한국만화애니메이션학회 2016 만화애니메이션연구 Vol.- No.45

        『샬롯의 거미줄』은 주요 등장인물들이 모성성을 바탕으로 한 관계 맺기를 통해 서로를 성장시키면서 새로운 생명으로 이어지도록 돕는 이야기이다. 또한 삶과 죽음의 교차는 우리가 살아가는 세계의 법칙을 직접적이면서도 상징적으로 암시하고 있다. 이러한 작품의 분석을 위해 크리스테바의 기호계, 상징계, 코라의 개념을 차용하였다. 크리스테바는 기호계와 상징계의 변증법적 관계와 언어의 의미화 과정에 있는 주체의 사회적 상황과 관계들에 주목했다. 이에 이 작품에 등장하는 인물들의 특성을 상징적으로 크리스테바의 주요개념들과 연관시켜 이들이 어떻게 성장해 갔는지 분석하였다. 또한 주요 등장인물들의 관계의 바탕에 있는 모성성은 여성주의적인 관점에서 모든 생명에 대한 보호와 배려, 관심 등을 통해 상호 발전할 수 있는 사회적 관계 혹은 인간으로서 갖추어야할 미덕이라는 넓은 범위로 상정하였다. 『샬롯의 거미줄』은 이러한 모성성을 바탕으로 하여 각각의 존재들이 가진 기호적 특성과 상징적 특성들이 서로 상호작용하면서 발전적인 변화를 이끌어내고, 풍부한 의미를 만들어내고 있음을 보여준다. 세상은 서로 대립적인 요소로서 배타적으로 구성되어 있는 것처럼 보이지만 그 요소들은 서로 결합되어 있으며, 그러한 요소들의 상호작용을 통해 얼마나 아름답고 조화로운 세계가 만들어지는지를 문학적으로 형상화하고 있다. 또한 주요 등장인물의 특성을 한 인간의 내면에 있는 두 가지 양상으로 간주하여 작품 전체적으로는 인간의 성장과정으로도 이해할 수 있음을 제시하였다. In Charlotte’s Web, each character motivates the other and strives for the new generation based upon motherhood. The intersection between life and death is directly and symbolically addressed as a component of the natural life cycle. Borrowing Kristeva’s theory of the semiotic, the symbolic and the chora, this study investigates the dialectical oscillation between the semiotic and the symbolic and the social circumstances of subjects in signification as well as highlights the features of character growth. From a feminist perspective, herein, motherhood is translated not only as a robust foundation for relations among characters but also as an impetus for developing into a good and influential individual who embraces all organisms with care and consideration. Charlotte’s Web clearly shows how the semiotic and symbolic elements of each being, united by motherhood, interact and lead to positive change. Though the world appears to consist of incompatible ingredients, they are combined. Charlotte’s Web awakens the fact that their harmony makes a commitment to building a more wonderful place. It can be suggested that Charlotte’s Web, where animal characters contain two tendencies of the human mind, exhibits human development proceedings.

      • KCI등재

        쇠퇴지역 도출 및 공간특성 분석에 관한 연구 -공간적 자기상관을 이용하여-

        윤정미 ( Jeong Mi Yun ),서경천 ( Kyung Chon Seo ) 한국지리정보학회 2010 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        This study aims to analyse the spatial characteristics and to draw the declining areas from the whole area of Chung-Cheong Province. For this purpose, the temporal and spatial conditions by the urban decline diagnosis indexes are utilized. Additionally, the spatial autocorrelation method was applied for extraction of those areas. The spatial autocorrelation method is one of the methods on exploring spatial characteristics and considering the spatial factors. We also adopted the concepts of economics and then discovered the characteristics of deprivation areas. In applying this method, the positively valued areas were classified as the complementary areas, and the negatively valued areas as the substitutional areas. The findings show the declining areas and the growing areas caused by the growth of periphery. This study supports the regeneration plan of Chung-Cheong Province in extracting depressed or activated areas and explaining the characteristics of those areas.

      • KCI등재

        도시성장모형의 시뮬레이션 자동화에 관한 연구

        윤정미 ( Jeong Mi Yun ),박정우 ( Jeong Wo Park ) 한국지리정보학회 2008 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Recently, various researches have been studied on the predict method of land change according to its development. The Cellular Automata(CA) is one of the most popular methods in the urban growth modeling. The basis principle of CA is to repeat operations, which convert the current cell into new cell state by the transaction rule. It will minimize the loss of data by using Fuzzy-AHP and it can lead the flexible urban growth modeling. However, AHP would have a disadvantage to repeat the procedure of the collecting intentions until it derives the weight. Also, it is necessary for the simulation of CA to repeat the operations and the test of data accuracy should be accompanied. The purpose of this study is to predict the Busan city growth model and analyze it according to the automated test method by applying CA as well as Fuzzy-AHP. This study shall improve the difficulties caused by complexity and repetitiveness in the urban grow modeling. The practical modeling could be derived from the verification, and the derived modules could be applied to the similar case studies.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        지자체 3차원 공간정보시스템의 현황 및 활성화 방향에 관한 연구

        윤정미 ( Jeong Mi Yun ),김태우 ( Tae Woo Kim ),서용철 ( Yong Cheol Suh ) 한국지리정보학회 2011 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        The 3-D spatial information systems are effective for systematical urban management and civil administration. They have more visibility than the 2-D spatial information systems with height information. However, the 3-D spatial information systems for local government were developed by central government`s master plan of national spatial informatization. It means that the systems are biased toward the 3-D viewing as the visibility like a 3-D display and simulation, without reflected distinct characteristics of the local society. In order to utilize municipalities`3-D spatial information systems efficiently, above all, we have to understand the current status of municipalities`3-D spatial information systems and then have to search the ways applying actively. Therefore, we reviewed the current 3-D spatial information systems and discussed the development directions with central government`s national spatial informatization master plans in order to perform properly on the 3-D spatial information system`s excellent functions. We analyzed each system characteristics based on the applicability to civil administration which has the potential usage of spatial information. Additionally we suggested the development directions of 3-D spatial information systems for municipalities` through reviewing which civil administrative tasks 3-D spatial information can be applied. The consideration was based on the user demand research of the 3-D spatial information system in Chungcheongnam-do.

      • KCI등재

        효율성과 형평성을 고려한 공공시설 입지분석에 관한 연구 -금산군 문화시설을 대상으로-

        윤정미 ( Jeong Mi Yun ),이신훈 ( Shin Hoon Lee ) 한국지리정보학회 2010 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this research is to establish location models for public service facilities considering efficiency as well as equity. And it suggests the method of spatial evaluation reflected the real world. Finally, this research is applied to the analysis on the optimum location of cultural facilities in Geumsan. This research adopts the expert survey for site selection factors and applys AHP for the relative weights. Secondly, it assorts the urban area by satellite image for the spatial analysis on the real world. Next, it adopts the Location-Allocation Model for the location evaluation and embodies the unequal population distribution according to the location model establishment. Finally, it conducts the more specific spatial analysis reflected the real world through the two methods applications; both spatial analysis(Grid analysis) and Network analysis.

      • KCI등재

        공간구문론과 GIS 통합 모델을 이용한 공간구조분석에 관한 연구 -당진시 합덕읍 일원을 대상으로-

        윤정미 ( Jeong Mi Yun ) 한국지리정보학회 2012 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        The spatial structure analysis using the existing space syntax has a weakness only to apply the road factor. Hence, it is necessary to perform a new spatial structure analysis considering the regional characteristics factor as well as the road factor. The purpose of this study is to propose a modified spatial structure analysis which adopts road and regional characteristics factors using the existing space syntax and GIS and then to apply it to the spatial structure analysis of the urbanized areas in Hapdeok town. For the new analysis, the experts` survey has been conducted to derive the spatial structure factors of the area and their relative weights. Specifically, it drew the road factor as well as the regional characteristics factors such as road, district, land value, and building density. This study shows that the existing spatial structure analysis considering only the road factor does not reflect the actual spatial structure but the modified spatial structure analysis considering the road factor and the regional characteristics factors more accurately analyzes the spatial structure of Hapdeok town. Hapdeok is not an area where road networks were developed along main development axis and its centrality was changed, but an area where road networks were developed by effectiveness and equity and its centrality was changed by downtown decline, The towns like Hapdeok is more suitable for applying the modified spatial structure analysis method considering the regional characteristics factors. Further research is required for selecting characteristics factors and appropriate parameters in the modified spatial structure analysis. Further case studies await in other cities for conducting its verification.

      • KCI등재

        지방소멸지수를 이용한 행정리 마을 소멸위험 변화 분석 - 충청남도를 대상으로 -

        윤정미 ( Yun Jeong-mi ),조영재 ( Cho Young-jae ) 한국농촌계획학회 2021 농촌계획 Vol.27 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze and diagnose the actual state of extinction risk in rural villages by analyzing time series population characteristics and extinction risk index of rural villages(Haengjeong-ri). As a research method, a time series analysis was performed on the ‘population over 65’ and the ‘female population aged 20 to 39’ related to the local extinction index. In addition, the disappearance of Haengjeong-ri village was analyzed using the existing local extinction index. For the study, Haengjeong-ri village-level GIS spatial data was constructed, and population attribute data in 2010, 2015, and 2020 were constructed. In order to derive implications, the change of the ‘high risk of extinction ‘village in the 2020 local extinction index, the distribution of the population of ‘high risk of extinction’ villages by three years, the population analysis of ‘high risk of extinction’ villages continuously from 2010 to 2020, and ‘high risk of extinction’ An analysis of the increase and decrease of the population of the village and the change of the local extinction index of Haengjeong-ri, where the city, county, and towns are located were analyzed. As a result of the analysis of this study, it was found that the number of villages with an aging of more than 50% increased by 2 to 3 times over 10 years. As a result of the analysis of the local extinction index, in 2010, the southwestern and central regions of South Chungcheongnam-do were high-risk extinction areas, but in 2020, all cities except Cheonan and Asan were converted to high risk extinction areas. Research has shown that Chungnam is facing a serious aging and village extinction crisis, and since the disappearance of villages gradually spreads, an initial response policy is needed. This result will be the same not only in Chungcheongnam-do but also in other rural villages. Therefore, in the case of rural villages, it is necessary to analyze and diagnose the Haengjeong-ri village unit, not the Eup-Myeon unit, and a response policy through diagnosis must be prepared urgently.

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