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      • KCI등재

        화장품 애칭의 다양성에 관한 연구

        윤숙영 ( Suk-yeong Yun ),신세영 ( Sae-young Shin ) 한국미용예술경영학회 2012 미용예술경영연구 Vol.6 No.1

        21st century is an era of sensitivity, culture and informatization. In a rapidly changing era, competitions among corporations trying to strengthen the product competitiveness are getting morefierce, and establishments of new marketing strategies are in demand. In order to maximize the product competitiveness in an era where great importance is being attached to sensitivity, the process of assigning appropriate images to products is important. Brand competitions have gotten intense due to reductions in product qualities, and we have entered the era of sensitivity marketing as forms of purchases by consumers have changed into sensible purchases from purchases that originally focused on product features only. This is not an exception in the cosmetics industry. In order to respond to the era of limitless competitions, corporations are putting in efforts to discover new strategies that can enhance the brand competitiveness and form unique images for their own brand. One of such methods is brand nicknaming. Up till now, brand names of products, which are brand modifiers, consisted of alphabets and numbers, and it was difficult for non-experts to recognize them. Brand nickname is equal to the brand modifier, and it is attached to the product so that consumers can recognize the brand name more easily. Product nicknaming behaviors by consumers are occurring actively after the product launch. This can be understood as the customer participation that occurs during the consumption process, with characteristics of re-interpretation of products and ascription of meanings through interactions among consumers. Therefore, this study wishes to examine the types and diversity of nicknames that are known to increase the brand awareness in cosmetic products. Channels of birth for cosmetics nicknames are diverse, and communications with consumers are actively ongoing through recent nickname contests. It is believed that nickname marketing strategies that must be considered when it comes to purchase decision factors and new products launches in a complicated future market circumstances will have sufficient marketing effects.

      • KCI등재

        스마트폰에서 나타난 뷰티애플리케이션의 다양성에 관한 연구

        윤숙영 ( Suk-yeong Yun ),임희경 ( Hee-kyung Lim ) 한국미용예술경영학회 2011 미용예술경영연구 Vol.5 No.1

        New smart phone products are pouring into the market every day, leading us to question the fundamental reason the smart phone niche took off and were able to maintain their explosive rate of growth in 3-4 years? If ordinary cell phones were tools of commu-nication, smart phones are data-centered pocket PCs. In addition to numerous and varied applications, increasing numbers of businesses are dealing exculsively in ads for smart phones. If, in the future, other similar products such as tablet PCs and smart TV s are launched, communication with the consumer will be ever more diversified. While until recently speed was king in connecting to c1ients, in the future it will be more important to offer a more entertaining, utilitarian, and unique service than the next provider. Businesses and corporations will have to be ever more “smart" in their approach to marketing communication in order to keep up with the advent of these smart phones. In keeping with the “smart revolution" of the times, this paper will look at the variability of the applications currently available on the beauty market. Brands are increasingly turning to applications to market their products, but these are either less than satisfactory to the customer in many ways, or without a significant presence in the consumer awareness entirely. Therefore, in this highly competitive applications market, an application must offer useful content, entertain, be continuously updated, and pique interest to induce the user' s participation in order to succeed. Also, an application must hit the perfect balance between the skills the smart phone can offer and beauty in order to go beyond mere novelty to a consistently useful fixture to the consumer.

      • KCI등재

        스마트폰 뷰티 애플리케이션의 유형화

        윤숙영 ( Suk-yeong Yun ),신세영 ( Sae-young Shin ) 한국미용예술경영학회 2012 미용예술경영연구 Vol.6 No.4

        Such Smart phones are introduced to the market in 3~4 years just to maintain explosive growth was the fundamental reason is The most common cell phone calls were a central simple communication tool, a data-centric smart phone is in the pocket PC. The smart phone enables companies to implement communication marketing with customers, and then advertisement agencies have increased dramatically. The beauty market in mobile contents is rapidly growing, as more and more people acquire and share information using smart devices under this new trend. In this study, I searched up the beauty-related words - Hair, Make-up, Skin, Nail and Beauty - both in Korean and English from January 4 to June 1, 2012 at the app store of Apple, and first selected a total of 1,942 beauty applications, then finally selected a total of 385 applications to examine their invigoration based on the updates since January 2012. The study was conducted by directly downloading and executing the applications from smart phone. Firms to conduct marketing communication with customers due to the emergence of smart devices will be more smarter. Brand marketing company based in the application becomes active, but this time to satisfy consumers' response in the application was worth many points too low, even the existence of the innumerable amount of things that were unknown. Thus, in a fierce market constantly update applications in a fun and useful content, engaging in motivating the item should be excavated. This was indicated by the smart thing to provide the right combination of skill and beauty that must have been issued a new feature that can be sustained beyond the application was seen to emerge.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        The Effects of Agricultural Experience Program on Agricultural Literacy and Hand Function Improvement of Adolescents Living in Self-reliance Residence Hall

        류자영(Ja Yeong Ryu),김미진(Mi Jin Kim),윤숙영(Suk Young Yun) 인간식물환경학회 2021 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        Background and objective: This study was conducted to increase understanding of agriculture through agricultural experience programs for adolescents living in self-reliance residence hall, and to investigate changes in work performance ability through changes in hand function. Methods: There were 11 subjects, and the average age was 18.2 years, all males without disabilities. The agricultural experience program consists of a total of 10 sessions including orientation and watching videos on future agriculture, creating vegetable gardens, planting, managing each crop, harvesting, visiting the processing room, and selling at a local food store. Results: The change in agricultural literacy by the agricultural experience program positively improved from a score of 113.73 to 127.91 (p = .008). The changes by sub-item are as follows. The value and safety of agri-foods (p = .020) and agriculture and natural environment (p = .007) were significantly improved. The function and value of rural areas (p = .050), production of agricultural products (p = .160), processing and distribution of agricultural products (p = .248), and agricultural policies (p = .058) were not significantly changed. The simple function of the hands was measured by the number of pegs inserted during 30 seconds, and the assembly function was measured by the number of pegs inserted during 60 seconds. In the case of simple function, the dominant hand was improved from 14.82 to 15.83 (p = .014), andthe non-dominant hand was also significantly improved from 13.79 to 15.01 (p = .002). There was no significant improvement in the simple function (p = .153) and assembly function (p = .770) of both hands. Conclusion: It is considered that the agricultural experience program will enable youths living in self-reliance residence halls to enhance their understanding of agriculture as an occupation, and enable them to play a role as wise consumers by positively affecting improvements in their agricultural literacy and simple hand functions.

      • 실버세대의 체취개선용 기능성 기초화장품 개발

        송원섭(Song, Won-Seop),숙영(Lee, Suk-Yeong),숙정(Yun, Suk-Jeong) 한국자원식물학회 2011 한국자원식물학회 학술심포지엄 Vol.2011 No.-

        인류는 자연으로부터 식량과 질병 치료를 위하여 자연스럽게 약초를 얻을 수 있었다. 약 6만 년 전 네안데르탈인의 무덤에서 오늘날 향료로 쓰이는 약초가 발견 될 정도로 인류가 약초를 이용한 역사는 오래 되었다. 약초는 난치병, 노화, 성인병 등 현대의학에서 미비점을 보완하는 대체의약 산업의 원료이자 새로운 생물자원의 보고로서, 그 중요성이 커지고 있다. 새로운 생물자원 소재로 약초는 약용성분을 함유한 식물자원의 확보 및 개발 등 고부가산업의 소재로 선진국에서 연구개발의 경쟁이 치열하며, 약초산업은 천연소재 신약과 기능성 식품, 화장품, 생활용품 등으로 확대되고 있다. 의약품 분야에서는 새로운 시대의 중요한 생명산업으로서 약초는 한약뿐 아니라 신약 개발을 위한 소재로도 부각되고 있으며, 항암제인 택솔, 신종플루 치료제인 타미플루 등 천연물 약의 가능성은 이미 증명되었다. 식품 분야에서는 재배기술 발달과 웰빙 트렌드 속에서 약초는 신선채소와 기능성 식품으로 변신하고 있다. 한약재의 이미지를 벗어난 약초는 음료와 과자, 술 등으로 활용되고, 비빔밥 등 다양한 약선음식으로도 개발되고 있다. 산업소재의 활용분야에서는 약초는 특히 화장품 산업의 소재로 각광받고 있다. 이미 다양한 화장품 회사에서 한방화장품을 출시하여 세계 속으로 진출하고 있다. 또한 약초는 천연 색소이자 생활 용품의 소재로 활용되고 있는데, 약초를 활용한 염색약과 여성 생리대, 샴푸 등의 인기가 높다. 약초산업의 부가가치 증대를 위하여 한약재 위주의 약초산업을 천연물 신약, 기능성 식품, 화장품, 산업 소재 등 고부가가치 시장으로 확장시키고, 우리 약초 산업의 세계화를 추진해야 한다. 연구개발 투자 확대와 빠르게 변화하는 시장을 반영하여 연구 방향을 수립하고, 산학연 및 생산자단체 등과 새로운 약초 산업의 블루오션 창출을 위해 협력을 해야 할 것이다. 또한 약초의 생산기술 안정화를 통해 산업화 기반을 구축하여, 약초 공급의 안정화, 약초 생산 농가 소득 안정화가 필요하며, 마지막으로 변해가는 약초 산업의 트렌드에 부응할 수 있는 품질관리와 유통 질서 확립을 위한 정책과 제도의 선진화가 뒷받침 되어야 할 것이다.

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