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        咸安 城山山城 築造年代에 대하여

        윤상덕(Yoon, Sang-deok) 한국목간학회 2015 목간과 문자 Vol.0 No.14

        國立伽倻文化財硏究所는 城山山城의 最近 發掘調査 報告書(2014)에서 體城壁, 內補築壁, 敷葉層은 同時에 築造되었으며, 山城의 初築은 7世紀 前半의 늦은 시기라는 견해를 제시하였다. 이는 앞서 발표한 발굴결과와 다르고, 木簡을 통한 연구와도 백년 가까운 差異가 있다. 城山山城의 築造年代를 檢討하기 위해 내부에서 출토된 土器의 年代 推定에 앞서 城壁 築造 過程과 構造에 대한 再檢討가 필요하다. 검토 결과 體城壁, 內補築壁, 敷葉層이 동시 축조되었다면 구조상 이해하기 어려운 부분을 확인할 수 있었다. 먼저 내부보축을 동시에 쌓아 성벽을 튼튼하게 하고자 했다면 애초부터 두껍게 체성을 쌓으면 되는데 왜 따로 성벽을 덧대어 二重城壁을 만들었는지, 그리고 內補築壁에 가려서 보이지 않는 體城壁의 안쪽면을 整然하게 쌓아올려 마감한 이유가 무엇인지 疑問이다. 또한, 城壁 內附 다짐층의 ‘L’자형 掘鑿 부분도 다른 新羅 石城에서 확인할 수 없는 부분이다. 그리고 內補築壁과 體城壁의 축조방법이 다른 점도 동시축조라면 설명하기가 어렵다. 마지막으로 東門址는 한차례 이상 改築되었는데 內補築壁이 마감된 지점이 초축 당시의 문지가 아니라 개축된 문지의 남북벽과 일치하였다. 이러한 증거는 內補築壁이 體城壁과 동시에 만들어진 것이 아니라 後代에 追加된 것으로, 그 시기는 동문지 개축과 동시, 또는 그 이후일 가능성이 큼을 알려준다. 敷葉層은 內補築壁과 동시에 조성된 것으로 보이므로 역시 城山山城 초축시에 조성된 것이 아니라는 추론이 가능하다. 敷葉層을 이렇게 해석할 때, 敷葉層에서 이례적으로 2천점 이상의 많은 유물이 출토된 맥락이 이해된다. 즉 敷葉層이 있는 東門址는 城山山城의 가장 낮은 지대로 排水問題가 생길 가능성이 크며, 後代에 문제가 생겨 이를 해결하기 위해 성벽 안쪽에 敷葉層과 內補築壁을 설치한 것으로 추정된다. 결국 敷葉層은 산성 축조 직전에 일시에 조성된 것이 아니며, 일정기간 산성이 운영되다가 조성된 것으로 敷葉層내 유물은 그 기간에 생긴 廢棄物로 생각된다. 구체적으로 敷葉層, 1호 수혈유구, 그리고 맹암거 출토 토기로 보아 성벽의 初築年代는 6世紀 中葉으로 추정되며, 內補築壁을 덧붙이고 敷葉層을 조성하는 東城壁 改築 時期는 7世紀 初일 가능성이 크다. 당초 敷葉層 출토 木簡이 6世紀 中葉의 짧은 기간에 제작된 것으로 상정하고 연구하는 경향이 많았는데 그 시기를 6世紀 後葉까지 擴張할 필요가 있음을 제기하였다. It was suggested in the most recent excavation report of Seongsan Sanseong Fortress that the main body of the fortress walls, the inner retaining wall, and the compacted leaf layer were all constructed at the same time, with the construction of the fortress beginning around the late part of the early seventh century CE. In order to best consider the construction date of the fortress, an examination of the fortress structure and construction process must take place prior to a chronological study of the pottery discovered within the fortress. Upon examining the evidence, it becomes clear that certain elements pertaining to the fortress structure become difficult to understand when it is assumed that the main body of the fortress wall, the inner retaining wall, and the compacted leaf layer were all constructed at the same time. Firstly, if the intention was to make the fortress wall as strong as possible, the logical step would have been to make the main body of the fortress wall as thick as possible, rather than adding another layer (the inner retaining wall) to the wall. Secondly, what was the reason that the inner side of the main body of the fortress wall feature regularly stacked stones if this side was intended to be covered by the inner retaining wall? Thirdly, why was the stamped earthen core of the fortress wall dug into in a ‘L’-shaped fashion? Fourthly, what is the reason for the use of different building techniques when constructing the main body of the fortress wall and the retaining wall? Finally, why does the inner retaining wall end at the point of the rebuilt entrance and not the original entrance that was established when the fortress was first built? This indicates that the inner retaining wall was not built at the same time as the main body of the fortress wall, but was added at a later date. It appears that the compacted leaf layer was established at the same time as the inner retaining wall, which acts to suggest that it also does not date to the earliest construction of Seongsan Sanseong Fortress. The eastern entrance, where the compacted leaf layer is located, represents the lowest point at Seongsan Sanseong Fortress and is therefore susceptible to flooding. It is likely that the compacted leaf layer and retaining wall were added to the inner side of the fortress wall at a later date to solve drainage problems. As such, it may be suggested that the artifacts found within this compacted leaf layer represent the waste that accumulated during the time that the fortress was occupied. Based on the pottery, it is highly likely that the beginning of fortress construction can be dated to the mid-sixth century and the refurbishment of the east fortress wall, which involved the addition of the inner retaining wall and the laying down of the compacted leaf layer, can be dated to the beginning of the seventh century. The wooden tablets recovered from the compacted leaf layer have generally been attributed to a very short time span during the mid-sixth century, but it is possible that the date of their production may extend to the late sixth century.

      • 鷄林路 14號墓의 築造年代와 被葬者의 性格

        尹相悳 ( Yoon Sang-deok ) 국립중앙박물관 2011 고고학지 Vol.17 No.-

        Tomb No. 14 in Gyerim-ro is a long, thin, wood-lined chamber tomb with stone mound. In spite of the small scale of the chamber, whose dimensions are 3.5m in length by 1.15~1.35m in width, the quantity and quality of the grave goods contained in this grave are comparable with those of other contemporary high-ranking burials. Specifically, the precious sword uncovered from the tomb became the focus of attention both in and out of the country. It is estimated that the tomb was built in the early 6th century based on the typological studies of pottery, girdle pendants and solid, thin earrings. The girdle pendants and earrings are comparable to items unearthed from the Royal Tomb of King Muryeong of Baekje. The tomb held the remains of two males (Height: 150~160cm / Age: 20-39) whom it is supposed occupied a considerably high, if not a top, position. The two bodies were laid side by side, which rules out the possibility that one of them was a case of human sacrifice. The two are likely to have belonged to the same social position, as they wore earrings of a similar shape and were armed with a sword and dagger. It is possible that they (perhaps being brothers) were killed in combat as there were many conflicts during that period; or they might have died in an epidemic. Korean scholars tend to regard the discovery of two persons buried together in a gourd-shaped tomb as a married couple, which I think is not an accurate assumption in this case.

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