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        구어에 나타난 운율적 실현의 문법적 해석

        유혜원(Hye Won Yoo) 한국어학회 2014 한국어학 Vol.64 No.-

        This study is purposed to research the relationship between prosody in spoken language and syntactic units or their functions. In the various spoken languages that are realized in formal situation or informal situation, I analyzed which function the prosody realization like pause and intonation have and, suggested the syntactic status of prosody. For this purpose, I collected the spoken language as lectures, 1:1 interviews, discussions, debate, and conversation, transcribed the data and marked the prosodic realization. As the result of analysis, the functions of prosody are three as follows. First, pause tends to be realized in coincidence with grammatical unit like final endings and connective endings. This phenomenon can be analyzed as prosodic realization can be functioned as subsidiary elements in the realization of grammatical units. Second, the prosody can be realized instead of grammatical categories in the marked situation as ellipsis or inversion. In these cases, prosody can be analyzed as independent grammatical function elements. Third, prosody can be functioned as the elements practicing the special discourse strategy.As a result, the prosody in spoken language is connected with grammatical units and can make utterances or sentences completed or efficient. The reason that prosodic realization was hard to be analyzed as grammatical function unit was due to function prosodic realization to make the realization of grammatical units more marked. In other words, the marked situations of various grammatical units are very diverse. The marked realization of grammatical functions are related to speakers`` discourse strategy, and therefore the integrative grammar model can be appropriate model for spoken language grammar.

      • KCI등재

        텍스트 속에 나타난 분열된 사회 - 체계 기능 언어학적 분석을 중심으로 -

        유혜원 ( Yoo¸ Hye-won ) 한민족어문학회 2021 韓民族語文學 Vol.- No.93

        이 연구의 목적은 ‘조국 백서’라 불리는 <검찰 개혁과 촛불 시민(2020)>과 ‘조국 흑서’라 불리는 <한번도 경험해 보지 못한 나라(2020)>를 대상으로 텍스트 속에 드러난 분열 양상을 체계 기능 언어학적 분석을 통해 구체화하고자 하는 것이다. 이를 위해 장르적 특성을 분석하고, 이 중에서 ‘언론’을 다루는 부분을 발췌하여 계량적 양상과 질적 양상을 살펴 텍스트에 나타난 분열 양상을 분석하고자 하였다. 그 결과 계량적 분석과 타동성 및 어휘 양상 분석을 통해 <검찰 개혁과 촛불 시민(2020)>의 장르적 특성인 백서의 성격을 확인할 수 있었으며, <한번도 경험해 보지 못한 나라(2020)>에서는 팩트와 논리에 기반하고자 했던 저자들의 의도를 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 <검찰 개혁과 촛불 시민(2020)>에서는 ‘언론’의 문제를 언론 그 자체로 보는 반면, <한번도 경험해 보지 못한 나라(2020)>에서는 ‘언론’이 조작되고 만들어지는 객체라는 인식 등을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 분석을 토대로 두 텍스트에 나타난 분열적 양상을 저자, 독자, 내용적 측면에서 제시하였으며, 두 텍스트에 나타난 감정적 어휘의 빈번한 사용, 경멸어의 과도한 사용 등이 우리 사회 분열을 가속화하고 있음을 주장하였다. The purpose of this study was to specify divisive aspects revealed in two texts, < prosecutorial reform and candlelight citizens (2020) > called "ChoKuk white paper" and < country that has never experienced (2020) > called "ChoKuk black paper", through systematic functional linguistic analysis. To this end, genre characteristics were analyzed and division aspects shown in two texts were analyzed by looking at quantitative and qualitative properties. Especially, I analyzed parts that dealt with the 'press' in priority. Results of quantitative analysis, transitivity analysis, and lexical analysis confirmed the nature of the White Paper, a genre characteristic of < prosecutorial reform and candlelight citizens (2020) >, and the authors' intention to base facts and logic in < country that has never experienced (2020) >. In addition, < prosecutorial reform and candlelight citizens (2020) > saw the cause of press problem as the media itself problem, while < country that has never experienced (2020) > revealed the perception that the media could be manipulated and created by the power. Based on this analysis, I presented divisive aspects of the authors, readers, and contentual aspects presented in the two texts, arguing that frequent use of emotional vocabulary and excessive use of pejorative words in both texts are accelerating our social division.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대학 토론 교육의 방법론 연구 - <토론의 이론과 실제> 강좌의 구체적 사례분석을 중심으로 -

        유혜원(Yoo Hye Won) 우리말교육현장학회 2016 우리말교육현장연구 Vol.10 No.1

        이 논문은 대학 교양교육으로서의 토론 교육에 대한 성과와 문제를 실제수업 사례를 통하여 분석하고, 이를 토대로 발전적 토론 교육의 방법론을 모색하는 것이 목적이다. 이를 위하여 우선 그동안의 토론 교육에 대한 연구 성과를 토대로 교양교육으로서의 토론 교육의 교육 목표와 방향에 대해 검토하고, 토론 교육의 목표가 ‘포괄적 의사소통 능력 제고’와 ‘합리적 민주시민의 역량 함양’이 되어야 함을 제시하였다. 또한 이러한 교육 목표 아래 개설된 단국대학교 <토론의 이론과 실제> 강좌에 대한 수업 사례 분석을 통하여 토론 교육의 성과와 과제를 살펴보았다. 그 결과 경쟁 중심의 토론에서 출발하여 사회의 문제를 직접 해결할 수 있는 방안을 마련하고 토론을 통해 합리적 결과를 도출해 가는 실습 과정을 통해, 두 가지 교육 목표를 달성할 수 있었음을 학생들의 강의 평가 결과에서 확인할 수 있었다. 반면 이론 교육에서 배운 지식이 실습과 연계되지 않아서 토론에 익숙하지 않은 학생들에게 많은 부담이 되는 강의였음을 확인하였다. 따라서 이를 보완할 방법으로 교육연극을 토론 교육에 도입해야 할 필요성에 대해 제안하였다. 이 연구는 그동안의 토론 교육에 대한 성과를 토대로 개설된 실제 수업 사례를 통해 그동안의 성과를 확인하고 남은 과제를 분석하여 이를 극복할 방안을 제안하였다는 점에서 의의가 있으나, 실습 위주의 교육인 토론교육에 대한 구체적인 방법론은 더 연구되고 검증되어야 할 것이다. The purposes of this study are to analyse the achievements and problems of the debate education in university and then to suggest the advanced methodology of debate education. For this purpose, first, I surveyed the debate educational objectives and directions through preceding researches and then I represented that the objectives of debate education were both ‘enhancing comprehensive communication skills’ and ‘cultivating reasonable democratic citizens’ capability’. Also, through analysis of <The theory and practice of debate> class, the liberal education class in Dankook University, I surveyed the achievements and problems of the debate education. As a result, achievements of this methodology are that I can represent the cooperative communication model exceeding competitive communication and aim at the two educational objectives. On the other hand, as theory studies are not connected with practice well, the students who are not good at debate, had a difficulty in the class. Therefore, I suggested the educational drama methodology. This study is meaningful in that through case analysis of the debate class, the achievements and problems of the debate education in university are analysed and then the advanced methodology of debate education is suggested. But the studies of the debate educational methodologies are still needed.

      • KCI등재

        멀티모달 딥러닝을 이용한 우울증 진단 모델

        유혜원(Hye-Won Yoo),오하영(Ha-young Oh) 한국정보통신학회 2023 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.27 No.5

        본 연구는 화자의 텍스트 신호와 음성 신호를 입력 값으로 하여 두 개의 모달리티를 융합하고, 우울증 여부를 탐지하는 모델을 제안한다. DAIC-WOZ 데이터셋을 바탕으로 CNN을 활용하여 음성 특징을, 트랜스포머를 활용하여 텍스트 특징을 추출한 후 텐서 퓨전 네트워크를 통해 두 개의 모달리티를 융합하였다. 또한 최종 레이어에서 LSTM을 사용하여 화자의 우울증 여부를 탐지하는 모델을 구축하였다. 본 연구는 일상 대화에서 환자 스스로 우울증 탐지를 가능하게 하여 정신 질환 진단에 대한 접근성을 높일 수 있다는 가능성을 제시한다. 본 연구에서 제안된 모델을 발전시켜 음성 대화 시스템을 연결한다면 주기적으로 병원을 방문할 수 없는 환자나 병원 방문에 대한 거부감이 있는 환자들이 보다 쉽게 자신의 상태를 점검하며 회복을 도모할 수 있을 것이다. 나아가 다양한 정신질환에 대한 멀티레이블 분류로 확장하여 간편한 자가 정신 질환 진단 도구로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. This study proposes a model that fuses two modalities with the speakers text and voice signals as input values and detects depression. Based on the DAIC-WOZ dataset, voice features were extracted using CNN, text features were extracted using Transformers, and two modalities were fused through a tensor fusion network. We also build a model to detect whether the speaker is depressed or not using LSTM in the final layer. This study suggests the possibility of increasing access to mental illness diagnosis by enabling patients to detect depression on their own in daily conversations. If the model proposed in this study is developed and the voice conversation system is connected, it will be easier for patients who cannot visit the hospital periodically or who are reluctant to visit the hospital to check their condition and seek recovery. Furthermore, it can be expanded to multi-label classification for various mental diseases and used as a simple self-mental disease diagnosis tool.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 구어자료에 나타난 ‘요’의 분포와 기능의 변화

        유혜원(Yoo Hye-won) 한국어학회 2016 한국어학 Vol.71 No.-

        This study aims at researching the change of ‘yo’ in terms of distribution and function through investigating the distribution and function of ‘yo’ appeared in 20<SUP>th</SUP> century spoken language corpus. The data of this study are Korea University spoken language corpus and with these data we researched ‘yo’ quantitatively as well as qualitatively. As a result of the study, we identified that the use of ‘yo’ was spreaded in the latter part of 20<SUP>th</SUP> century and this spread was related with the spread of ‘haeyo’ style. Also the most influential register classification criterion of ‘yo’ use variation is ‘one way or two way’ criterion and in two way registers the various uses of ‘yo’ were more appeared. In one way registers, ‘yo’ appeared productively in 1960s and in this case ‘yo’ functioned as the realization of ‘haeyo’ style and the delimit of the intonation unit. In two way registers, ‘yo’ appeared productively in the latter of 1950s and in this case ‘yo’ functioned as the anaphor of the predicative phrase. Of the two way data, the registers of the distinguishing ‘yo’ realization are the general formal two way register and the special formal two way register. Especially the special formal two way register as debate rarely used ‘yo’. This study is meaningful in the way that the distribution and the function of ‘yo’ are empirically investigated with 20<SUP>th</SUP> century spoken language corpus. But as this study treats a wide range, more detailed studies are needed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        20세기 ‘-겠-’ 사용의 변천 연구

        유혜원(Yoo Hye won) 한국어학회 2017 한국어학 Vol.74 No.-

        This study aims to conduct research into the use change of ‘-ket-’ through analyzing the use aspects of ‘-ket-’ in 20th century. The functions of ‘-ket-’ are [intention, supposition, future, possibility]. As the 20th century is the diversified period, the language change of this period may be predicted. So I analyzed the movie data in 20th century Korea University spoken corpus. As a result, as coming to the second half of the 20th century, the use of ‘-ket-’ decreased. As 1970’s is the period that ‘-ket-’ and substitution expression used together, in this time two expressions were in competition. And later substitution expressions were increased. These changes are related with hearer honorific system. In the former of 20th century the informal style like ‘haeyo style’ and ‘hae style’ were used by females or children and as coming to the second half of the 20th century, these styles were used by men also. The use change of ‘-ket-’ are similar with this aspect. In the former of 20th century ‘-ket-’ representing the meaning of [intention] like ‘hakeseoyo’ was used by females or children and then later this expression appeared in men’s speeches. The substitution expressions were often used in females’ speech and then later the use of this expressions were expanded to men’s speech. Through these aspects, we identified that the main agents of these changes were females and the direction of the changes was to obtain formalness. This study surveyed the changes of ‘-ket-’ use in 20th century broadly. For more studies, the phonetic change study of ‘-ket-’ and sociolinguistic studies of ‘-ket-’ are needed.

      • KCI등재

        여성 리더 발화 분석을 통한 말하기 교육 방법론 연구

        유혜원(Yoo, Hye-won),김유미(Kim, Yu-mi),김정녀(Kim Jeong-nyeo) 한국사회언어학회 2011 사회언어학 Vol.19 No.1

        This study is aimed at suggesting the leaner-centered education methods in the formal speech education that is one of the liberal education in the university. It is important for learners to understand their style. Their own characters and style influence their speeches. So in order to show the various speech model, we analysed the women leaders’ speeches in Korea. These models help for learners to find their style and to improve their speech ability. As practices comprise a large portion of the speech education in the university, it is more important that learners prepare the speech and practice by themselves. Therefore, in this paper we present the 4 steps for speech practice. Through these steps, learners can understand their style, find their model, prepare speech and improve their speech ability. To find their model, the learners evaluate their characters, speech rate, tone, intonation, linguistic expression, gesture and face look. The method of learning suggested in this paper can help the learners overcome their fear and prepare the speech. Also, the college students that recognize the women leaders superficially will have an opportunity to aware women leaders in Korea at a new viewpoint.

      • KCI등재

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