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      • KCI등재

        한우농가의 경영자능력 평가와 과제

        유찬주 ( Chan-ju Yu ) 한국농업정책학회 2011 농업경영정책연구 Vol.38 No.4

        There are many forms of farm management such as family, corporate, full-time and part-time management, single management, and diversified management. Regardless of its form, it is the manager`s management philosophy and decision-making ability that determines the performances and success. It means that, although success of agricultural management is affected by capital, resources, and environment, etc., people play the most crucial part. Therefore, to maintain sustainable management model amid the quick social and economic changes, agricultural managers should build social role and responsibility, management goal and policies on their own, and all these business activities come from the management ability. This research evaluates management ability of Korean beef farms where the scale, organization, and concentrated capital are developing, and suggest challenges according the evaluation result.

      • KCI등재

        주말농장 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

        유찬주(Chan Ju Yu),장동헌(Dong Heon Jang) 한국농촌사회학회 2002 農村社會 Vol.12 No.1

        산업화·도시화에 다른 도시의 거주환경이 점차 악화됨에 따라 도시민들의 탈도시화 욕구가 증대되고 있으며, 농촌에서 자연환경과 접할 수 있는 전원생활이 점차 매력적으로 부각되고 있다. 이러한 도시민의 욕구를 충족시키기 위한 방안의 하나로 주말농장에 대한 관심이 확대되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 주말농장에 대한 제도적 지원과 관심이 확대되고 있는 시점에서 도시민들을 대상으로 주말농장의 인식도 및 만족도 분석을 통해 앞으로 주말농장 운영에 필요한 실증적 요인을 분석하고, 그 결과를 토대로 주말농장의 활성화 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 조사결과를 종합해 보면, 대체로 주말농장은 필요하다고 느끼고 있으며, 앞으로 활성화를 시켜야 한다고 생각하고 있으나 부대시설을 비롯하여 몇 가지 개선사항을 지적하고 있다. 따라서 주말농장을 활성화시키기 위해서는 편의시설, 화장실, 수도시설 등 부대시설을 보완해야 하며, 농작물 관리에 필요한 현장 기술지도와 다양한 프로그램 개발, 홍보활동의 강화, 조직적 정비가 추진되어야 할 것으로 분석되었다. City residences activate and pursue leisure activities along with the progress of living conditions to escape from the desolation of city life and to commune with nature. Here upon government has pushed on with the business of the weekend farms affording a basis for a law on the weekend farms, this business of weekend farms has been gradually extended by the participation of public and private organizations, and other organizations related to agriculture. But in spite of this fact, the business has not been promoted systematically yet. Among those farms, the responses of users, who use the weekend farms operated by the agricultural cooperation association, show the fact that in general, the users feel the need of weekend farms and think that their activation should be done further. They, however, indicate various improvements in the incidental facilities at the same time. As a result, to activate the weekend farms, the incidental facilities, such as facilities, toilets, water supplies, must be complemented and it needs to be progressed in field technical guidances and various program developments which need in the management of the crops, as well as the enforcement of promoting activities and systematical maintenance. Weekend farms are good systems in that they give city residences the experience to farm by themselves and the chances to commute with nature, making use of increasing idle land which results from the qualitative decline of rural labouring power, and farming land around cities, in that they also increase the recolonization on agriculture as well as perform a part of farming profits.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        우리나라 농업,농촌정보화의 현황과 과제

        유찬주(Yu Chan Ju) 한국농촌사회학회 2003 農村社會 Vol.13 No.1

        현대사회가 정보와 지식의 중심사회로 이행해 감에 따라 농업 부문에서도 정보화사회에 대응하기 위해 다양한 정책이 시행되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 농업 농촌정보화의 현황과 정보화인식도 등의 실태분석을 통해 농업 농촌 정보화의 향후 과제를 제시하고자 하였다. 정보화 현황은 정보전달 매체 및 기반시설 보급현황, 농업관련 DB 및 소프트웨어 개발현황, 농산물 전자상거래 및 정보화 교육현황, 정보이용 및 정보화 수준 등을 중심으로 분석하였다. 분석결과는 농업·농촌 부문이 타 부문에 비해 정보화 수준이 매우 열악한 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 농업·농촌 정보화의 향후 과제는 첫째, 정보통신 기반시설을 확대해야 한다. 둘째, 정보획득과 처리의 중요한 수단인 컴퓨터 보급의 확대가 요구된다. 셋째, 농업인들이 보다 쉽게 거주지역에서 정보접근이 가능하도록 정보센터의 확대와 운영이 요구된다. 넷째, 정보화 이용능력을 위한 교육 프로그램 운영과 확대가 필요하며, 농업인이 필요로 하는 정보 컨텐츠의 지속적인 개발이 필요하다. 또한 지방자치제의 시행에 따른 지역특성에 맞는 농업·농촌 정보화시스템 구축과 이를 추진하기 위한 협의회 구성이 병행되어야 하며, 정보화에 대한 단기적인 성과보다는 장기적인 계획하에서 지속적인 노력과 사후관리가 뒷받침되어야 할 것이다. Modern society is information oriented. To confront this situation, the agriculture industry has been trying various policies which so far have not been sufficient. The goal of this research is to present solutions based on an analysis of the current information technology state in the agriculture industry. The analysis is completed by comparing the following factors between cities and farm villages. - Present development IT infrastructure - State of agriculture related software development - Levels of education for electronic trade and data management - Consumption levels for electronic information The results of these comparisons demonstrate that the agriculture industry is inferior to other industries in the information technology arena. To improve these conditions, infrastructure must first be built up to the level of cities. Secondly, more information centers must be developed in villages for easy access to data and more education programs must be developed for farmers in order to familiarize them with technology. In addition, any information system which is built which must fit each village`s character. This can be accomplished by organizing local councils to provide input. A long-term effort and the support of management are crucial to develop the agriculture industry into information-oriented one.

      • KCI등재

        방글라데시 대상 코이카프로젝트의 효과분석 : 양계사육기술 사례

        유찬주(Chan Ju Yu),임천익(Chun Ik Lim),라키블 하싼(M Rakibul Hassan),류경선(Kyeong Seon Ryu) 국제개발협력학회 2021 국제개발협력연구 Vol.13 No.4

        연구목적: LED점등은 전력 효율이 매우 경제적임에도 불구하고 방글라데시 양계농장들은 일반 백열전구를 이용한 점등시스템을 구축하여 닭을 사육하고 있다. 또한 방글라데시의 지역 약국에서는 항생제를 쉽게 구할 수 있으므로 항생제는 닭의 성장과 사료이용성을 향상시킬 목적으로 양계농가에서 불법으로 이용되고 있다. 그러므로 이 연구에서는 방글라데시 다카시 주변에서 육계를 사육하는 농가에게 육계 사육시 항생제 대체 가능한 생균제를 급여하고 일반 전기비용 대비 매우 효율적인 LED 점등 시스템을 적용 결과에 대한 교육을 목표로 하였다. 연구의 중요성: 본 연구는 방글라데시 도시 근교의 양계농가에서 LED조명시스템과 생균제를 육계사육에 도입하여 효율적 점등시스템과 항생제를 대체하는 육계 사육시스템 구축하므로서 양계농가의 소득 및 항생제 저감으로 국민건강에 일조하는 것이다. 연구방법론: 소규모 양계농가는 세 종류 교육프로그램을 이수하였고, KOICA의 기술 지원으로 총 20개의 농가에서 생균제와 LED조명을 적용하여 육계를 사육하였다. 본 프로젝트 종료 후, 2개의 마을(Aragaon과 Pandhua)에서 각각 20개의 농가를 대상으로 설문조사와 데이터를 수집하였다. 이러한 데이터에서 사양관리 교육과 실험 전후를 비교하여 육계의 생산성, 질병발생 및 경제적 수익에 미치는 영향을 구명하였다. 연구결과: 육계에 항생제, 생균제, 사육시스템 및 모니터링에 대한 교육으로 방글라데시 양계농가는 항생제를 사용하지 않고 육계가 적절하게 성장한다는 개념을 이해하게 되었다. 본 사업 육계 사양관리 시스템에서 생균제와 LED조명의 적용으로 육계의 성장과 사료요구율을 개선하였으므로 사업에 참여한 육계농가는 기존 방식보다 농가 총 순수익이 향상되었다. 결론 및 시사점: 본 교육 프로그램은 방글라데시의 양계농가에서 무분별한 항생제 이용을 줄일 수 있는 계기가 되었으며, 육계의 사양실험 결과에서 생균제와 LED조명은 항생제를 대체하고 효율적인 점등사육시스템으로 확인되었다. 특히 이러한 프로그램을 장기적으로 실행한다면 그 효과는 더욱 증가될 것으로 판단되며 이러한 성공 사례를 다른 나라에도 적용하여 시행할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 마지막으로, 이 프로젝트의 핵심은 2016년에 소규모 가금류 농가를 대상으로 3개의 사양관리교육 프로그램을 실시하였으며, 교육 후 농업들은 KOICA의 지원을 받아 무항생제 육계 농장에서 육계를 사육했습니다. 2018년에 육계 농업의 성장 성과를 살펴 보면, 질병발생 및 경제적 수익에 대한 프로젝트 시행 전후 자료를 수집하여 분석하였습니다. 훈련을 받은 후 선별된 농업인들은 전통적인 방식보다 1수당 및 1군당 BCR뿐만 아니라 순수익도 높은 것으로 나타났습니다. 향후 이 연구는 보다 장기 프로그램으로 수행하고, 이러한 성공 사례를 다른 지역까지 확대할 수 있도록 뒷받침되어야 할 것이다. Purpose: LED light can be more economical electric power than incandescent bulb. However poultry farmers in Bangladesh apply such kind of lighting system in broiler house. In addition, poultry farmers can easily obtain antibiotics from local pharmacies, they have been using those antibiotics illegally to promote the growth of broilers. Thus, the objective of these studies were to investigate reduce of the electrical cost by using LED light and probiotics application as an alternative to antibiotics in broiler production. Originality: This study is to introduce the advanced rearing system of broilers to village farm near to the Dhaka city in Bangladesh. Probiotics applied as a feed additives substitute for antibiotics. LED light was also applied to improve the performance of broiler chicks. Methodology: Poultry farmers were trained with three types of probiotics and different LED lighting programs. After the education, a total of twenty farmer were trained to raise broilers fed diets without antibiotics by technical support from KOICA. All data were collected from twenty farms each in two villages (Aragaon and Pandhua). From these data, the effect of economic profits including the performance and disease occurrence was evaluated from probiotics and LED lighting system to replace the antibiotics and incandescent lighting system to improve the broiler growth at urban area of Bangladesh. Result: Poultry farmers understood the substitute probiotics for the antibiotic in broiler feed. They also realized that broilers could be well grown without antibiotics supplementation. They found that weight gain and feed conversion could be improved when LED light and probiotics were used in the broiler feeding system. As the result, the farmers follow up this training program and increased total net income than conventional farming system. Conclusions and Implication: This educational program with probiotics and LED light system was able to reduce the indiscriminate uses of antibiotics at poultry farms and improve the broiler performance in Bangladesh. The results of broiler experiments confirmed that probiotics and LED lighting system were alternatives to antibiotics and conventional incandescent bulb lighting system. If such a program is annually planned, it’s effect might be considered to be further increased. Thus, we recommend those feeding system to other countries. Therefore, the fact of this project is follows as, Three training programs were arranged consecutively to the small scale poultry farmers in 2016. After training, farmers reared broiler chicken with the technical support of KOICA to ensure antibiotic free broiler producing at farm condition. Data were collected during 2018 from the farmers before and after training and demonstration focusing before and after project implementation on growth performance, disease outbreak and economic return of broiler farming. After receiving training, selected farmers achieved higher net returns as well as BCRs per bird and per batch than those of traditional practices. This study recommends carrying out further detailed long term program and replicate this success stories to other location of the country.

      • 농어촌지역의 일자리 수요분석 - 부안군 사례 -

        유찬주 ( Yu Chan Ju ),정치형 ( Chi Hyoung Jeong ),김진헌 ( Jin Heon Kim ),이미나 ( Mi Na Lee ) 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2022 농업생명과학연구 Vol.52 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the actual condition of job demand in the agricultural and fishing villages in Buan-gun. For the actual condition analysis, the target companies were identified based on the administrative data of Buan-gun, and a field survey was conducted. According to the results of the study, there is demand for jobs, and simple labor jobs at the basic wage level were preferred. In order to vitalize these jobs, it was expected to establish governance by forming an intermediate support organization for jobs in agriculture, fishing, and rural areas, and then the local governments would actively participate in job support. Moreover, in order to vitalize jobs in Buan-gun, an intermediate support organization for jobs should be established to operate practical and hands-on programs for the manpower management between the demand and supply, and those who are looking for a job, develop direct dealing businesses and stay-type tourism products, create jobs through connecting with agricultural process field, and actively foster the operation body of the social agriculture and healing agriculture. In addition, new jobs should be created. In other words, it is possible to provide jobs of helping services for teenagers, elderly people, and children of foreign families, and create jobs related to various commentators, performance group, or playing culture. It is possible to create new jobs in the field of production, processing, distribution, and service of agricultural products by providing farmland through developing idle land and may create jobs such as farming start-up, distribution of agricultural products, agent of agricultural work (drone, agricultural work, agricultural machine work, etc.), using idle facilities in the region (facility house or common facility), hands-on and accommodation facilities, processing facilities, restaurants, or markets. In particular, it is hard for young people to secure initial investment for start-up company, so the intermediate support organization should provide information and support establishment of business plan linked with the government’s youth start-up support project.

      • 논 타작물 재배 작부체계별 수익성 분석

        유찬주 ( Chan-ju Yu ),엄지범 ( Ji-bum Um ),장수용 ( Su-yong Jang ),김동현 ( Dong-hyun Kim ),고현석 ( Hyeon-seok Ko ),박상연 ( Sang-youn Park ) 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2019 농업생명과학연구 Vol.50 No.2

        This study compares and analyzes the farmers who newly introduced the cropping system of soybean-Italian rye-grass and soybean-potato and soybean-barley, which are other forage crops, and found implications and grasped technical solutions. In addition, this study examined the success, difficulties and profitability of each cropping system. The gross income of soybean and Italian rice (IRG) cropping system was 1,288,000 Won/10a. Sale price was 3,962 Won/Kg and its yield was 325kg/10a. The yield of IRG was 1,584kg/10a, and its selling price was 125 Won/Kg, leading to gross income of 198,000 Won/10a. The gross income of soybean was 284,000 Won/10a, and the income rate was 22.1%. Income of IRG was -30,000 Won/10a. The gross income of Soybean-Potato and Soybean-Barley was either other 930,000 won, 375,000 won/10a. It would be necessary to establish the technical cultivation system through the continuous researches with long term goals such as land utilization rate and grain self-sufficiency rate.

      • 지역농업 발전을 위한 대응과제

        유찬주 ( Chan Ju Yu ),고경식 ( Kyung Sik Go ),이용기 ( Young Ki Lee ) 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2012 농업생명과학연구 Vol.43 No.1

        As the globalization of world economy continues to accelerate and agricultural imports are on the rise, the sustenance and further development of Korea`s agriculture as sustainable agriculture requires agriculture itself based on regional agriculture, the maximization of characteristics in a given region by integrating the producer, customer, and regional resources, as well as creating a network system within the said region. To achieve this goal, the social and cultural activities, resulting by the creation of communication between production and consumption, must be expanded so that agriculture, as opposed to being a product manufacturing activity, is expanded into a broad food industry that leads the native food culture. In particular, the creation of a production and consumption community is not confined to a specific region. The development of transportation and communication, along with the environment and resources unique of each region enables the creation of inter-regional communities. This approach will present a potential solution in overcoming the agricultural crisis resulting from the internationalization and the opening of markets, as well as present a one of viable alternatives for regional agriculture.

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