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        6세기 前半 安羅國 주도의 加耶諸國 관계 이해를 위한 기초적 검토

        위가야(Wee, Ka-Ya) 한국고대사학회 2019 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.0 No.94

        이 글은 안라국이 6세기 전반 가야제국 관계를 주도할 수 있게 된 요인을 안라국 대외관계사의 주요 쟁점인 ‘포상팔국 전쟁’, ‘안라인수병’, ‘안라국제회의’에 대한 검토를 통해 확인하려 한 것이다. 그 내용은 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다. ‘포상팔국 전쟁’을 전하는 『삼국사기』 본기와 열전, 『삼국유사』의 기록을 비교·검토하면 전쟁의 대상이 안라국임을 확인할 수 있다. 포상팔국이 안라국을 공격한 이유는 함안 지역의 농경지를 확보하기 위한 것인 동시에 안라국의 세력 확장에 대한 반격에 있는 것으로 추정할 수 있다. 안라국은 신라의 지원을 받아 포상팔국과의 전쟁에서 승리함으로서 성장의 발판을 마련할 수 있었다. 『광개토대왕비문』의 ‘안라인수병’은 안라국을 직접 가리키는 것이 아니라, 400년 고구려 남정 당시 고구려군이 빼앗은 지역을 신라인 수비병을 배치하여 지키게 한 사실을 가리키는 문구로 이해할 수 있다. ‘안라인수병’의 이해를 통해 안라국이 고구려-신라군과 임나가라-왜군이 충돌한 전쟁의 戰火를 피해 국력을 온존할수 있는 기회를 얻었고, 이것이 이후 안라국이 가야제국 가운데에서 두각을 나타내는 요인이 되었을 것이라 생각할 수 있었다. 또한 이는 신라와의 우호관계에 따른 결과로 그 계기는 포상팔국 전쟁 당시 신라의 구원군 파견이었다. 따라서 포상팔국 전쟁의 시기는 고구려 남정이 이루어졌던 400년 이전으로 그 하한을 좁혀볼 수 있다. ‘안라국제회의’는 기존 연구에서 이해되었던 것처럼 ‘남가라·탁기탄’이 신라에 병합된 것을 계기로 개최된 것이 아니라 백제군과 신라군에 의한 탁순국 점령을 저지하기 위한 목적에서 개최된 것이었다. 안라국은 왜를 끌어들여 우군을 확보하는 동시에 백제와 신라 사이를 저울질 하는 듯한 모습을 보여 양국 모두를 안라가 마련한 국제회의의 무대로 끌어들이는 데 성공하였다. ‘안라국제회의’는 탁순국의 점령 저지라는 개최 당시의 의도를 달성했으며, 이것이 가야제국 내에서의 안라국의 위상을 고양시켰다. 이렇듯 고양된 위상이 6세기 전반 가야제국의 관계를 안라국이 주도하게 한 것이다. This paper examines the factors that allowed Allaguk to lead the relations between the countries of Gaya in the first half of the 6th century by examining the three major issues in the history of foreign affairs of the country. The three issues are ‘War of Posangpalguk’, ‘Allainsubyong’, and ‘international conference in Alla’. The contents can be summarized as follows. It can be confirmed by comparing and reviewing the records of the ‘War of Posangpalguk’ that the target of the war was Allaguk. There were two reasons why Posangpalguk attacked Allaguk. The first is to secure farmland in Haman area, and the second is to counterattack against the expansion of Allaguk’s power. Allaguk had opportunity to grow by winning the war against Posangpalguk by virtue of the support of Silla. ‘Allainsubyong’ in The Great Gwanggaeto Stele does not refer to Alla. It is a phrase indicated the fact that Koguryo army tried to defend the territory which was taken from Silla by arranging guards of Silla during Koguryo’s conquest toward the south in 400. Allaguk was able to protect the country’s power by avoiding the war between Koguryo-Silla and Imnagara-Wa. This was the reason why later Allaguk stood out in the countries of Gaya. It was also the result of amicable relation with Silla, which established because of the reinforcements from Silla during the War of Posangpalguk. Therefore, the year when the War of Posangpalguk broke out was before 400 when the Koguryo’s conquest toward the south was made at the latest. The ‘international conference in Alla’ was held not because Namgara and takgitan were absorbed into Silla as was understood in the previous research, but because Alla tried to prevent Baekje and Silla from taking Taksunguk. By winning Wa over to their side and gained ally and balancing between Baekje and Silla, Al laguk succeeded in bringing both countries to the international conference held by Alla. The Conference achieved its intention of preventing the occupation of Taksunguk, and this elevated the status of Alla in the countries of Gaya. This eventually made Allaguk lead the relations between the countries of Gaya in the first half of the 6th century.

      • KCI등재

        『일본서기』 소재 ‘임나 4현 할양’기사의 재해석

        위가야 ( Wee¸ Ka-ya ) 부경역사연구소 2021 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.48

        이 논문은 ‘임나 4현 할양’ 기사에 대한 지금까지의 연구를 점검하여 각각의 異見을 통해 확인된 ‘위치 비정’의 난맥상을 확인한 후, 관점을 달리하는 ‘임나 4현 할양’ 기사 이해를 시도해 보려 한 것이다. 관점을 달리한다는 것은 『일본서기』의 내용에 ‘사실’과 ‘인식’이 섞여 종합적으로 반영되어 있다는 관점에서 접근할 수 있다는 것을 말한다. 이러한 종합적 반영의 결과가 사료의 조작이라면 그 조작 이전의 실체를 검증하고 조작이 배태된 동기를 이해할 때 비로소 사실의 복원이 가능하다는 지적 또한 중시하면서 ‘임나 4현 할양’ 기사를 재해석했다. 이러한 재해석의 결과는 다음과 같다. 『일본서기』에서 大伴金村大連의 실각 원인을 기술하면서 신라 방면에서의 실책이라는 실상에 덧붙여 『일본서기』 편찬 당시의 한반도관에 입각하여 임나의 멸망 또한 大伴氏의 실책에 따른 결과라는 내용을 부가하였다. 이 과정에서 당시 일본에 전해지고 있던 임나 관련 지리적 정보에 의거하여 ‘임나 4현’의 지명이 부가되면서 513년 ‘기문·대사 분쟁’의 전제로서 ‘임나 4현 할양’이라는 가공의 사실이 창출된 것이다. 따라서 관련 지명의 비정을 통해 당시의 역사상을 복원하는 것에는 좀 더 신중을 기할 필요가 있다. This article aims at reviewing the disorder in the “specification of location” identified through different views by examining previous studies on the article “Cession of Imna Four prefectures(任那四縣)”, and comprehending the article interpreted from different perspectives. Different perspectives mean that the content of Nihon Shoki can be approached from the point of view that “facts” and “recognition” are mixed and reflected comprehensively. This article attempts to approach the actuality of the article by placing importance on the comment that if the result of the comprehensive reflection is the falsification of historical records, the fact can be restored only when the substance before being falsified is verified and the motive that bears fabrication is understood. While describing the cause of Ohotomo no Kanamuran Omuraji(大伴金村大 連)’s downfall in Nihon Shoki, in addition to the fact that it was a mistake of Ohotomo in the Silla region, additional content was added. The additional content is that the fall of Imna was also the result of Ohotomo’s mistake, based on the view of the Korean Peninsula at the time of the compilation of Nihon Shoki. The place name of “Imna Four prefectures” was added based on the geographic information related to Imna that was transmitted to Japan at the time, and the historical fact of “Cession of Imna’s Four Prefectures” was created as the premise of the “Gimun and Daesa dispute” in 513. Therefore, this article argues that it is necessary to be more cautious when restoring the historical fact of the time through the specification of related place names.

      • KCI등재

        특집 : 이케우치 히로시(池內宏)의 대방군(帶方郡) 위치 비정과 그 성격

        위가야 ( Ka Ya Wee ) 성균관대학교 인문과학연구소 2014 人文科學 Vol.0 No.54

        이케우치 히로시(池內宏)는 근대 일본 동양사학의 실증적 연구를 대표하는 사학자 중 한 사람이다. 이 글은 그가 한군현 중 대방군의 위치를 비정하며 구사한 ‘실증’에 영향을 준 것이 단지 학술적 입장에서의 ‘합리주의’뿐이었는지를 규명하려 한 것이다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 이케우치는 대방군의 영역이 군의 존치 기간 내내 한강 하류 유역을 포괄하고 있었다고 주장하였다. 하지만 이 과정에서 구사된 ‘실증’은 그의 다른 연구와는 달리 허술했으며, ‘합리주의’와도 거리가 있었다. 그리고 그 배경에 한국사의 타율성을 핵심논리로 하는 만선사관이 자리잡고 있음을 이케우치의 다른 연구와의 비교 검토를 통해 확인할 수 있다. 대방군 영역에 대한 이케우치의 인식은 시라토리 구라키치(白鳥庫吉), 쯔다 소키치(津田左右吉)와 거의 같다. 그들 모두가 남만주철도회사 역사조사부에서 만주와 조선에 대한 연구를 진행해 온 만선사학자였다는 사실에 주목할 필요가 있다. 이케우치의 연구에서 구사되는 ‘실증’과 ‘합리주의’는 그가 상식으로 여겨온 한국사의 타율성과 조우했을 때 쉽게 무너져 내리고 있었다. 이는 이른바 ‘실증사학’이 역사가의 현실 및 시대와 완전히 무관한 것일 수 없음을 알려준다. Ikeuchi Hiroshi (池內宏) is one of the Japanese historians who devoted himself to positive-historical research of East Asian history in modern Japan. This study is aimed at figuring out whether or not his estimate of the location of Daebang-gun (帶方郡) -one of the four Han Commanderies (漢 郡縣) in ancient Korea -and its influence on “positive-historical” research are based on “rationalism” from the academic perspective. As a result, the study has examined the following facts. Ikeuchi maintained that Daebang-gun was located downstream from the Han River during the period of the Han Commanderies (漢郡縣). His positive-historical research made in the process was less precise than other studies of his and was far from the mode of rationalism. Besides, when compared with other studies of Ikeuchi, such an academic suggestion was based on a view that “the history and culture of old Korea had been subordinate to Manchuria (滿鮮史觀),” which was fully based on the heterogenous character of Korean history at its core. Ikeuchi’s understanding of the location of Daebang-gun was almost identical with that of Shiratori Kurakichi (白鳥庫吉) and Tsuda Soukichi (津 田左右吉). It must be noted that both scholars were the so-called “historians of Manchuria-Korea (滿鮮史學者)” who made research of the relations between Manchuria and Joseon as they were working at the Historic-geographical Research Center of South Manchuria Railway Companies (南滿州鐵道會社). Although Ikeuchi had long proclaimed the importance of “positive-historical research” and “rationalism” in his academic study, he only betrayed his own philosophy when the two ideas encountered with what he had regarded as common knowledge: the heteronomy of Korean history. This clearly shows that even positive-historical research is not totally irrelevant to the reality and the period of a historian.

      • KCI등재

        백제의 기문ㆍ대사 진출과정에 대한 재검토 - 513년 국제회의의 실상을 중심으로 -

        위가야 ( Wee Ka-ya ) 수선사학회 2016 史林 Vol.0 No.58

        This thesis can be summarized as follows. The record of Nihonsyoki in winter November keitai 7 is a distortion of the fact that envoy of BaekjeㆍSillaㆍAllaㆍBanpaㆍWa held an international conference in Alla by compiler. The process of Baekje’s advance into GimunㆍDaesa needs to be examined based on the actual circumstance of that international conference. Baekje tried to make an advance into Gimun and Daesa area, but this evoked a strong opposition by Banpa, the leading power of ‘Daegaya alliance’. Banpa attempted to block the advance of Baekje through an international conference with Silla as arbitrator. Baekje accepted the conference under the condition of Wa’s participation. Baekje supposed that Wa’s participation is in their favor because they had an amicable relationship with Wa. Alla was chosen as the venue for the conference. The reason is that Baekje and Banpa regarded Alla as a neutral territory. The conclusion of international conference was given in favor of Baekje. Banpa strongly protested at that decision and carried out a military action. However, this resulted in international isolation. To escape from the isolation, Banpa had to prosecute matrimonial alliance with Silla which was disadvantageous to them.

      • KCI등재

        백제 온조왕대 영역확장에 대한 재검토 : 비류집단 복속과 ‘마한’ 국읍 병합을 중심으로

        위가야(Wee, Ka-ya) 고려사학회 2013 한국사학보 Vol.- No.50

        According to the interpretation of Samguksagi Baekjebongi’s account which was written about the early period, the Onjo clan, a part of which was founding group of Goguryeo came to the south with continuing political force. Because of that, the Onjo clan could build ancient kingdom rapidly on the basis of its previous experience on the Han river. The Onjo clan set up its first capital in Habukwiryeseong(Wiryeseong on the chronicle account). The Onjo clan transferred the capital to Hanamwiryeseong(Hanseong on the chronicle account) because its friendship with Nakrang was broken while the Onjo clan was coping with Malgal’s invasion. Baekje, which gained the Han river as a natural defense line, divided its national strength which was concentrated on the warfare against external force to internal stability. Baejke’s changed attitude like this became the major factor to develop to a nation. According to the folk tales about establishing kingdom and the situation of absorption, Michuhol which was the Biryu clan’s base is assumed to be the area of Paju and Yangju now. The Michuhol can be related with the Haessi group of Bukbu in the chronicle account. The point which the Baekje conquered Biryu clan is assumed to be around the 18th year of King Onjo’s rule, when the Baekje fought a counter-Malgal combat for defense. Then Baekje which had expanded its political power clashed with ‘Mahan’. ‘Mahan’ which was located in the area of Asan bay at that time was the early Mahan was different from a Mokjiguk that was ruled by Jinwang. Baekje succeeded in the absorption of the Gukeup in ‘Mahan’ by making sudden attack with deceptive tactics although it was subordinate to ‘Mahan’ when it moved its capital to Hanseong. Also the commotion within ‘Mahan’ caused the annexation by Baekje. However, the subjugation of ‘Mahan’ by Baekje meant that the Barkjewang could control the ‘Mahan’ society for Mahanwang, did not mean that Baekje dominated the whole territory of the Mahan. At that times, Mahan centering Mokjiguk still existed in the southern part of Baekje’s reign. As this political situation continued by the middle of the 3th century, the existence of Baekje and Mokjiguk could be recorded in the Samgukji Hanjo.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

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