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        일반계 고등학교 한문교육의 실태와 대학 교육의 소통방안

        원용석 한국한문교육학회 2008 한문교육논집 Vol.30 No.-

        A lot of people take Test of Sino-Korean Proficiency Level to a certain certificate of Sino-Korean Vocabulary these days. So many parents, who have secondary schoolers, send their children to Private Academies for extra study. Of course they are spending plenty of money for it. However, it's hard to say that people recognize the importance of teaching Sino-Korean Vocabulary at Schools. There are an increasing number of general high schools which are not offering Sino-Korean courses for students majoring in science or arts. Even for students majoring in literature and social studies, some schools don't open Sino-Korean Classics as an elective subject. Now, the time has come to think of roles of the Sino-Korean Education Department. Its roles are not only giving teacher training programs and making Sino-Korean teachers, but also studying the intrinsic contents and extrinsic forms of Sino-Korean Education and making alternative plans for Sino-Korean Education of Korea. The alternatives need to deal with whole education circumstances from the Korean National Education Policy to teaching Sino-Korean as a subject in secondary schools and to the 7th Curriculum of Korea. For secondary school teachers, being a teacher as a Sino-Korean teaching specialist is worthier than being a Sino-Korean scholar. So Universities of Education require special courses so that students can develop their Sino-Korean teaching skills. Of course, the courses for developing qualities of Sino-Korean scholars should be offered as well. But the problem is that there is little concern of those courses from university curriculum developers. Universities only offer courses to teach Sino-Korean contents itself, not its teaching skills. A survey, whose subjects were the secondary Sino-Korean teachers, shows that they obtained much about how to study Sino-Korean but they didn't learn much about how to teach it. So, it was suggested that Sino-Korean Departments of Universities should enhance their courses for developing teaching skills. This means that the problem of general high schools' Sino-Korean education lies not in the contents itself but in the ways to teach it. Furthermore, most of the teachers replied “yes” to the questionary; “Do we need to change Sino-Korean Vocabulary subject as an optional curriculum to the subject as a general curriculum?” Of course, a high percentage of teachers were very interested in developing various teaching-learning methods and models. Perhaps, from now on Sino-Korean Education Departments(in Universities of Education) should provide chances for students to study various teaching-learning methods and prepare them be ready for teaching Sino-Korean Vocabulary, a subject as a basic curriculum. In addition, it's important for the students of Sino-Korean Education Departments to communicate with secondary school teachers. 중등학교에서 한문 교과의 위상은 시간이 지날수록 낮아지고 있으며, 이러한 양상은 한자 능력 검정시험 등 사교육의 열풍과는 역방향으로 진행되는 것이다. 현재 일반계 고등학교의 학교교육과정 편제 속에서 자연공학과 예체능계열의 경우 이수하지 않는 학교가 늘어나고 있으며 ‘한문고전’은 상당히 많은 학교에서 인문사회계열마저도 배제하고 있다. 이러한 상황을 고려할 때 사범대학 한문교육과의 책무가 단지 한문 교사를 양성하고 배출하는 것만은 아니며, 한문 교육이 이루어지는 그 모든 내적 외적 내용과 형식에 대하여 검토·연구하고 그에 대한 대안도 제시해야 할 것이다. 이는 한문에 관한 국가 정책으로부터 교과 교육에 대한 모든 양상을 대상으로 하며 개정 제7차 교육과정에 관한 것도 예외가 아니다. 한문 교사는 중등학교에 뿌리박고 있으므로 한문학자로서의 덕목보다는 학교 한문교과교육 전문가로서의 덕목이 더 중요한 가치이다. 따라서 사범대학 한문교육과의 교육과정은 한문 교사로서의 전문적인 소양을 갖출 수 있도록 배려되어야 한다. 또한 한문 교사는 중등 한문교과교육을 담당하는 교수자이기도 하지만 교과교육을 연구할 수 있는 연구자이기도 하므로 연구자로서의 자질을 배양하는 것도 대학의 책무이다. 그러나 사범대 한문교육과의 교수 상황과 이수 교과목의 상황을 살펴보면 전체적으로 내용학 위주의 교육과정으로 편성한 것을 알 수 있다. 현직 일반계 고등학교 한문 교사들을 대상으로 한 설문조사 결과 교사들은 사범대학 한문교육과에서교과교육학에 비하여 교과내용학을 탄탄하게 이수한 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 교사들은 대학에서 교과교육학 과목을 강화해야 한다고 응답하였으며 이것은 현재 일반계 고등학교 한문교과교육의 문제가 내용학 쪽에서 일어나고 있는 것이 아니라는 것을 말해준다. 교사들은 설문조사에서 ‘한문교과 필수화를 위한 정책 개발 및 대정부 협상’과 ‘중·고교에서 활용 가능한 다양한 교수·학습 모형 및 방법 연구 개발’의 제1순위에 9명이 응답함으써 대학의 역할을 크게 두 가지로 기대하였다. 차제에 사범대 한문교육과는 한문 교과의 필수화에 대처할 방안과 다양한 교수·학습 모형에 대하여 연구할 뿐만 아니라 그에 필요한 준비를 해야 하며 학교 현장과의 연대를 확대하여 한문교육이 처한 문제 해결에 앞장서야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        改定 敎育課程 ‘漢文’의 現場 適用 方案 硏究

        원용석 한국한자한문교육학회 2010 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.24 No.-

        The core of the state of affairs of school lesson is always on 'what and how to teach?' and the curriculum must satisfy this. Since the foundation of the 7th revised curriculum on Sino-Korean subject is different from that of the 7th curriculum, the school field is in a situation of having to accept many changes. In this context, it can be said that 'what' is the 'Sino-Korean' that is the major area of Sino-Korean curriculum and 'how' is the 'a secondary school field application'. The revised curriculum changed into the major area system of 'Sino-Korean & Sino-Korean knowledge'. Accordingly, the possibility in the aspect of linguistics was examined first for the school field application for only the 'Sino-Korean' except for the major area of 'Sino-Korean knowledge' in the revised curriculum. The major area of 'Sino-Korean' in the revised curriculum has been categorized and structured into the three mid areas of 'reading', 'comprehension' and 'culture', and the contents according to each mid area have been presented. In addition, the contents according to the middle school years have been presented. Such contents are in fact a presentation of a series of courses that progress to 'understanding' from 'reading' and to 'culture' from 'understanding'. This is a literary embellishment course that must be dealt with in the Sino-Korean curriculum through which the 'cultivation of Sino-Korean skill' is being sought. Therefore, the 'contents system' and contents' of the revised curriculum 'Sino-Korean' were examined, analyzed and schematized to understand their implicit flow. As a result, it was revealed that there is a literary embellishment process of 'reading out aloud → punctuation → correct interpretation → understanding of contents and subject → understanding and appreciation of special expression methods'. In addition, actual 'sentences' were applied to this and the process of literary embellishment flow was traced in order to integrate the intend of revised curriculum which is the 'cultivation of Sino-Korean skill'. In addition, it has been elaborated that the curriculum itself must be respected rather than depending on the textbooks in order to increase the possibility of achieving the goal by applying the revised curriculum in the school field. It is considered that the revised curriculum will end up being correctly applied in the school field when the teachers become those who practice the curriculum and the recomposition of textbooks. 敎育課程에 대한 관심은 그 교과에 종사하는 사람에 국한하여 의미를 가진다. 학교 수업 사태의 核心은 늘 ‘무엇을 어떻게 가르칠 것인가?’이며 敎科 敎育課程은 이를 充足해야 한다. 그러므로 ‘무엇을’은 교육과정의 目標와 內容을 包括하며, ‘어떻게’는 敎授-學習 方法과 교수 학습 방법에 기여하는 技法과 資料까지를 그 범위로 한다. 개정 제7차 교육과정은 제7차 교육과정과는 그 근본을 달리하기 때문에 학교 현장은 많은 變化를 受容해야 하는 상황이다. 여기서 ‘무엇을’은 개정 제7차 교육과정 대영역인 ‘한문’이며 ‘어떻게’는 ‘중등학교 현장 적용’이라고 할 수 있다. 개정 교육과정은 ‘漢文․漢文知識’이라는 大領域 體制로 轉換하였다. 이에 따라 우선 개정 교육과정에서 대영역 ‘한문 지식’을 제외한 ‘한문’만을 대상으로 한 학교 현장의 적용하기 위하여 言語學的인 側面의 可能性을 探索하였다. 개정 교육과정의 대영역 ‘한문'은 ‘읽기’, ‘理解’, ‘文化’라는 세 개의 中領域으로 範疇化하여 構造化되었으며, 또한 각각의 중영역에 대한 領域別 內容이 提示되었다. 또한 그들을 통하여 중학교 學年別 內容을 提示하였다. 이러한 내용은 사실상 일련의 과정을 제시하는 것으로서 ‘읽기’를 통하여 ‘이해’로 나아가며 ‘이해’를 통하여 ‘문화’로 나아가는 과정으로 이어져 있다. 이는 문자언어를 대상으로 한 한문 교과 교육에서 다루어야 할 文識의 過程이며 이러한 문식의 과정을 통하여 얻고자 하는 것은 ’漢文 能力의 伸張‘이다. 따라서 개정 교육과정 ‘漢文’의 ‘內容 體系’와 ‘內容’을 檢討․分析하고 圖式化하여 그것들이 갖는 內在的인 흐름을 把握하였다. 그 결과 ‘소리 내어 읽기 → 끊어 읽기 → 바르게 풀이하기 → 내용과 주제 이해 → 특수한 표현 방식 이해 및 감상’이라는 文識의 過程이 있음을 밝혔다. 그리고 그것에 實際의 ‘文章’을 適用하고, 文識性 흐름의 過程을 追跡하여 ‘漢文 能力의 伸張’이라는 改定 敎育課程의 意圖를 學校 現場에 繼承하려 試圖하였다. 또한 개정 교육과정이 학교 현장에 적용되어 보다 목표 도달 가능성을 높이기 위해서는 교과서에 의존하기 보다는 敎育課程 自體가 尊重되어야 한다는 것도 부연하였다. 결국 敎師들이 敎育課程과 敎科書 再構成의 實踐者가 될 때 개정 교육과정은 비로소 學校 現場에 바르게 適用될 것이라 여겨진다.

      • KCI등재

        漢文科 敍述形 評價의 理論과 實際 - ‘한문’ 영역을 중심으로 -

        원용석 한국한자한문교육학회 2011 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.27 No.-

        2010년부터 주로 客觀式 五指 選多型의 紙筆評價와 遂行評價로 이루어지던 학교 평가에 敍述形 評價가 學校 現場에 適用되면서 다양한 문제가 드러나고 있다. 아직 한문과에는 적용되지 않고 있지만 向後 適用을 對備하고, 評價의 多樣性을 確保한다는 側面에서 機敏한 意味가 있다. 한문과 서술형 평가는 公正性과 客觀性을 確保하면서 敎育課程이 意圖한 評價目標를 達成할 뿐만 아니라 明瞭한 答案 作成과 採點도 容易하게 하는 방안에 중점을 두어야 한다. 그러므로 본고에서는 고등학교 ‘한문’을 대상으로, 紙筆 評價 중에서 總括評價의 방법을 검토하였다. 또한 서술형 평가에 대한 範圍를 알아보고, 漢文科 敎育課程 內容의 詳細化를 통하여 評價 目標를 抽出하였으며, 평가 목표를 대상으로 例示 問項을 開發하고 採點 基準案을 마련하여 보았다. 서술형 평가에 대한 연구는 이제 시작단계이다. 더 많은 評價道具의 開發과 評價에 대한 多樣한 接近이 이루어져야 할 것이다. From 2010, a variety of problems emerged as descriptive assessment was applied to school assessment, which was mainly comprised of (five) multiple choice method of paper-and-pencil assessment and performance assessment. The application of descriptive assessment, although not yet practiced in Sino-Korean curriculum, has prompt significance with respect to planning future application and securing the diversity of assessment methods. Descriptive assessment in Sino-Korean curriculum should focus on securing fairness and objectivity while achieving intended goals of assessment as well as finding ways to make the answering and grading uncomplicated. Therefore, the study investigated the method of summative evaluation, among paper-and pencil assessment, with respect to High School Sino-Korean curriculum. Also, the study included research on the scope of descriptive assessment, sampling of goals of assessment through detailing the content of Sino-Korean curriculum, and development of sample questions and grading criteria based on goals of assessment. Research on descriptive assessment is at its beginning stage. Future efforts should include the development of assessment tools and other varied approaches to assessment.

      • KCI등재

        阮堂 金正喜의 敎育觀 硏究

        元容錫 한국한자한문교육학회 2002 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.9 No.-

        The main purpose of this study is to define the educational philosophy of Wandang, Kim Jung Hee through his writings and arts. Wandang has been receiving much recognition as a metaphysicist, practical-scientist, writer and artist. But most of the studies on him have placed too much stress on a specific field of his work to prove his real worth on the whole. Moreover not a single research work on his educational philosophy has been found yet. If it is true that a man’s life and his ideology is the same, Wandang’s ideology could be learned through studying his life. It could be also said that his writings and works of art display his thoughts. In Chapter II, Wandang’s educational philosophy is more carefully examined. It is based on Wandang’s doctrine, ‘You can’t be a man of ability without education,’ which talks about the importance of education. And it is also based on his doctrine, ‘Education is to realize the morality of sages,’ which tells us about the purpose of education. His educational philosophy is examined through his writings about traditional Confucianism and practical-science, and his literature of poetry that he had wanted to show his feeling. It is also examined through his works of art and the theories of the art works. At this point, the ultimate purpose of education is to realize the morality of sages. To accomplish it. first of all it is needed to succeed in the literature of poetry based on the spirit of practical-science which is ‘You need to seek truth based on facts’ and also to be followed by studying constantly. It shows again that all studies and arts need to have some aroma, which comes from beautiful phrases and magical power to lead a person. Finally this study shows the thought of Wandang that good teachers and fine educational environment is necessary to bring up a man of ability. The outcome of this study is to define Wandang, Kim Jung Hee as an educator that has not been studied yet. His educational philosophy should be discussed later on. Since this is the first study of it, there might be a lot of unsatisfied things in many respects. I will make up for those unfinished ones in the further studies afterwards. The aspects of the education of Chosun are different from those of the modern education. But it should give us a chance to examine the education of the present through the education of the past. that is the usefulness of this study, and these kinds of studies should be in progress with other figures. It would help the traditional education contribute to the present education, which could become the basis of our future education.

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