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        연구논문 : 하늘다람쥐(Pteromys volans) 배설습성과 조사기법 개선방안 연구

        우동걸 ( Dong Gul Woo ),최태영 ( Tae Young Choi ),이상규 ( Sang Gyu Lee ),하정옥 ( Jeong Ok Ha ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2013 환경영향평가 Vol.22 No.6

        To identify the characteristics of the dropping habits and to provide improved methods for sign survey of Siberian flying squirrels Pteromys volans, an investigation was carried out in Jirisan National Park from April 2012 to May 2013. The latrines of study area were checked once a month and the characteristics of dropping behavior were camera trapped. The feces of Siberian flying squirrel were found on the point which tree forked, mostly from November to May. The squirrel actively presents in forked tree mainly on the September to April. The Siberian flying squirrel is found to be a typical nocturnal animal as it actively move between 6p.m. to 7a.m.. The study found that squirrel does feeding and dropping in the winter time on forked tree. On the point which tree forked could be a good place for the squirrel to hide from their predator when there is no leaf on the tree. Conducting the sign survey is advisable from November to May, as well as with the careful approach to the animals. As Siberian flying squirrel is an endangered species, adjusting the survey period is mandatory, especially when doing environmental impact assessment and a research on its dwelling areas.

      • KCI등재

        농촌지역 삵(Prionailurus bengalensis)의 서식지 선택과 관리방안

        최태영 ( Tae Young Choi ),권혁수 ( Hyuk Soo Kwon ),우동걸 ( Dong Gul Woo ),박종화 ( Chong Hwa Park ) 한국환경생태학회 2012 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        본 연구는 원격무선추적 자료를 바탕으로 우리나라의 농촌지역에 서식하는 삵의 행동권, 서식지 선택, 개체군 위협요인을 파악하고자 하였으며 3개체(수컷 2, 암컷 1)를 대상으로 한 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 행동권은 평균 2.64±1.99㎢(K 95)와 3.69±1.34㎢(MCP 100)이었으며, 핵심공간은 평균 0.64±0.47㎢(K 50)를 나타냈고, 겨울철에 추적된 수컷의 행동권이 가장 넓었다(5.19㎢, MCP 100). 둘째, Jacobs index에 기반을 둔 Johnson의 서식지 선택모형을 분석한 결과 삵은 2단계 선택(경관 내에서의 서식지 선택)에서 초지와 논을 선호하고 산림은 회피하는 반면에, 3단계 선택(행동권 내에서의 서식지 선택)에서는 하천변의 초지를 매우 선호하고 논을 회피하였다. 셋째, 로드킬은 삵의 심각한 개체군 위협요인으로 판단되며, 논의 토지피복 비율이 높고, 하천변에 도로가 존재하며, 산림이 마을 주위에만 소규모로 존재하는 지역에서는 삵의 개체군 유지가 매우 불안정할 수 있어 이러한 지역에 로드킬 대책과 하천변 초지 보호 등의 노력이 보다 집중되어야 할 것이다. The objectives of this paper were to investigate home range, habitat selection, and threat factors of leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis) living in rural area of Korea. The results based on radio tracking of three leopard cats (two males and one female) can be summarized as follows. First, the average home range of leopard cats were 2.64±1.99㎢(Kernel 95) and 3.69±1.34 ㎢(MCP 100), and the average size of core areas was 0.64±0.47㎢ (Kernel 50). The home range of a male leopard cat that radio-tracked in winter was the largest (5.19㎢, MCP 100). Second, the Johnson`s habitat selection model based on the Jacobs index showed that leopard cats preferred meadows and paddy fields avoiding forest covers at the second level, whereas they preferred meadows adjacent to streams and avoided paddy fields at the third level. Finally, roadkill could be prime threat factor for the cat population. Therefore, habitats dominated by paddy fields, stream corridors with paved roads, and human settlements with insufficient forest patches could threaten the long-term viability of leopard cat populations. Thus the habitat managements for the leopard cat conservation should focus on the prevention of road-kill and the installation of wildlife passages in rural highways adjacent to stream corridors.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문(硏究論文) : 서식지 적합성 평가를 이용한 수변지역 핵심 보전지역 선정 -수달을 대상으로-

        정승규 ( Seung Gyu Jeong ),박종화 ( Chong Hwa Park ),우동걸 ( Dong Gul Woo ),이동근 ( Dong Kun Lee ),서창완 ( Chang Wan Seo ),김호걸 ( Ho Gul Kim ) 한국환경복원기술학회 2015 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        In Korea, significant riparian areas have been developed due to river maintenance projects. Introduction of new riparian facilities can negatively affect wildlife in the riparian areas. This study focuses on selecting core conservation areas for Eurasian Otter(Lutra lutra) to support decision making process for development of riparian areas. For the study, first of all, field data of study site were collected by field surveys. Secondly, stream naturalness was assessed to understand physical environments of the study sites. Thirdly, habitat suitability was assessed using occurrence data of Eurasian Otter and environmental data. Lastly, core areas for conservation was selected by comparing and synthesizing stream naturalness map and habitat suitability map. The selected core areas showed several characteristics. The number of artificial facilities is low in the core areas. Rocks which are preferred by Eurasian Otter to eat and excrete are plentiful in the core areas. Also, the ratio of adjacent farmland is high. Based on the analyses, it is expected that this study can contribute to decision making process for environmental spatial plans to better conserve habitats of Eurasian Otter.

      • KCI등재

        지리산 반달가슴곰 상사리 입지와 조망 특성

        유재심 ( Jae Shim Yu ),박종화 ( Chong Hwa Park ),우동걸 ( Dong Gul Woo ) 한국환경복원기술학회 2012 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        The objective of this study is to investigate the characteristics of the location and prospects of the bear shelves built by Asiatic black bears in the Jirisan National Park. Previous researchers have been analyzed bear shelves in terms of places for resting and eating, but we are going to analyze based on the prospect-and-refuge theory. Characteristics of the sites of bear shelves are measured through field survey and topographic analysis by using digital elevation model (DEM). The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is used to evaluate the optimum location of bear shelves in terms of crown density. Man-made objects are identified by viewshed analysis based on geographical information system (GIS). Findings of this paper can be summarized as follows. First, most bear trees are located deep inside of the mountainous national park, slopes of 30~40 degrees, altitude of 400~1,200m, and relatively low vegetation density with NDVI value of 0.4~0.6 compared to the average NDVI of the park. Second, the average height of bear shelves is 12.44m, or 74% of the average height of bear trees.They are located at suitable places to observe nearby trails and other park facilities. Third, man-made objects within the 100m radius of bear trees include lodge, bear training center, beekeeping camp, and hiking trails. Thus we may temporarily conclude that one of the main criteria of the bear tree selection in the park has been to identify optimum places for the monitoring of human activities in their habitat.

      • KCI등재

        생태통로 내부 식생구조에 대한 지표성 딱정벌레류(딱정벌레목: 딱정벌레과)의 반응

        정종국 ( Jong Kook Jung ),박유정 ( Yu Jeong Park ),이선경 ( Sun Kyung Lee ),이효석 ( Hyo Seok Lee ),박영균 ( Young Gyun Park ),이준호 ( Joon Ho Lee ),최태영 ( Tae Young Choi ),우동걸 ( Dong Gul Woo ) 한국환경생태학회 2016 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        최근 서식처 파편화에 의한 생물다양성 감소를 막고 서식처간 연결성을 증진시키기 위해 건설되는 생태통로의수가 증가하고 있지만, 생태통로 내부의 식재 및 식생 유지·관리에 대한 구체적인 가이드라인과 내부 식생 구조 차이에 따른 생물 이동 영향에 대한 정보는 부족한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 지표성 딱정벌레류를 이용하여 동일한 농업-산림 경관에서 육교형 생태통로 상부 식생이 나지 및 초본으로 이루어진 생태통로(나지/초본형)와 관목림이우거진 생태통로(관목형)에 대한 비교 연구를 수행하였다. 이를 위해 2015년 4월 하순부터 9월 초순까지 생태통로 및 인접한 산림을 따라 함정트랩을 설치하여 33종 4,207개체의 지표성 딱정벌레류를 채집하였다. 지표성 딱정벌레류의 우점종과 지점별 개체수 및 종수는 생태통로 내부의 식생이 복잡한 관목형이 나지/초본형에 비해 더 높은 경향이었으며, 종 구성은 나지/초본형 생태통로의 종 구성은 인근 산림 지역 및 관목형 생태통로에 비해 다른 특징을 보였다. 이와유사하게 생태통로 내부의 식생 관리 여부는 토양습도와 교목층 울폐도에 영향을 주었고, pH, 초본층 피도 및 교목층울폐도는 함정트랩이 설치된 위치에 따라서도 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 결론적으로 생태통로 내부의 식생이 복잡해지면 산림에 서식하는 지표성 딱정벌레류의 산림 패치간 이동 역시 증가할 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 생태통로의 생태적기능을 향상시키기 위해서는 통로 가장자리에는 관목 또는 교목을 식재하여 은신처 및 이동통로로 제공하고, 중앙부에는 대형 포유동물이 이동하기 용이한 나지 형태의 통로를 제공하는 형태로 개선될 필요가 있을 것이다. Korea has put in significant efforts to increase the number of wildlife crossings between fragmented habitats to prevent loss of biodiversity and to encourage the habitat connectivity in Korea. However, there is a lack of biological data on the effect of vegetation structure in these wildlife crossings and guidelines for design and management of wildlife crossing structures in Korea. Therefore, we selected ground beetle assemblages as model organisms to compare the effect of vegetation structure in wildlife crossings, i.e. bare ground- and shrub-type corridors, in agro-forested landscapes. For this study, 4,207 ground beetles belonging to 33 species were collected through pitfall trapping along the northern forest.corridor.southern forest transects from late April to early September in 2015. Dominant species, abundance, and species richness of ground beetles were significantly higher in the shrub-type corridors than the bare ground-type corridors. Also, the species composition of bare ground-type corridor was significantly different compared to the other habitats such as shrub-type corridor and forests. Similarly, environmental variables were also influenced by vegetation management regimes or trap locations. Collectively, our study clearly indicates that the movement of forest associated ground beetles between forest patches can increase as the vegetation in wildlife crossings becomes complex. Although further studies are needed to verify this, there are indications that the current wildlife crossings that comply with the guidelines may be unfriendly to the movement of ground dwelling arthropods as well as ground beetles. To enhance the ecological function of wildlife crossings, the guidelines need to be rectified as follows: 1) Shrubs or trees should be planted along the corridor verges to provide refuge or movement paths for small mammals and ground dwelling arthropods, and 2) Open spaces should be provided in the middle of the corridors to be used as a path for the movement of large mammals.

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