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        봉 추나요법의 개요

        오원교,신병철,Oh, Won-Kyo,Shin, Byung-Cheul 척추신경추나의학회 2007 척추신경추나의학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        Objectives : The purpose of this study was to introduce the Chuna Manual Therapy (CMT) using Bong (a type of stick which is called 'bong') as a part of Oriental Medicine. Methods : We searched several traditional methods of CMT using Bong, either individual contact to specialist of CMT using Bong or referred to publications, and summarized briefly for introduction. Authors also made a comparative study between existing CMT and CMT using the bong. Results & Conclusions : The indications of Bong CMT are regarded as acute or chronic pain syndrome, whiplash associated disorders, facet syndrome, vertebral misalignment, chronic fatigue syndrome, obesity and also lower extremity length difference caused by malalignment of vertebrae and pelvic bone. The Meridian Muscle Therapy by pressing down using the Bong can be carried out on the imbalances of the muscle by shortening and lengthening contraction. CMT with Bong is considered more effective than other existing CMT in terms of effectiveness. In the case of pelvic correction which needs a tremendous amount of force, it can reduce the force required effectively. This fact can be inferred by the theory of composition and decomposition of force during the transmission of power. We can perform Bong CMT feeling less fatigued subsequently than general CMT. Pressing down with flexed fingers to grip bong acts on the contraction of flexor digiti and extensor digiti muscle, this protects the $doctor^{\circ}{\emptyset}s$ wrist joints from injury. The bong which acts as a tool between the doctor and the patient, while being given treatment, absorbs and spreads out the direct impact from the patient to the doctor. CMT with Bong is able to apply to both existing massage therapies with the hand. The bong appliance can be used in all applications, particularly, but not limited to; Orthopedic and Manual Correction Therapy, Meridian Muscle Pressing, Exercise Therapy, and Meridian Point Manual Pressing Therapy. CMT with Bong belongs to the category of oriental rehabilitation and Chuna manual medicine.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중앙아시아의 민족적, 지역적 소통과 상생의 토대로서 "생활 이슬람"

        오원교 한국아시아학회 2010 아시아연구 Vol.13 No.3

        본 연구는 글로벌 시대의 화두인 소통과 상생의 관점에서 중앙아시아의 민족적, 지역적 정체성을 구성하는 단일한 토대인 `생활 이슬람`에 대한 고찰이다. 중앙아시아에서 이슬람은 언어, 인종과 함께 문화 정체성을 구성하는 핵심 요소이다. 이슬람은 사회적 삶의 강력한 조정자이고 개인적·민족적 정체성의 고유한 벡터이며, 민족들의 지역적 연대의 기초이다. 특히 생활 이슬람은 중앙아시아 무슬림 대중들의 삶의 양식이자 규범이며 총체이다. 본 연구는 독립을 계기로 중앙아시아 전역에서 일어난 `이슬람 부흥`에 주목하여 생활 이슬람을 크게 독립 전(前)과 후(後)의 두 단계로 나누어 고찰하였다. 우선, 이슬람이 중앙아시아에 전래된 7세기 중엽부터 독립까지의 첫 번째 단계에서는 이슬람과 전통 문화의 고유한 융합을 통한 토착적 생활 이슬람의 형성과 진화의 역학을 통시적 관점에서 탐색하였다 통사에 각 시기, 특히 러시아의 식민지배기에 두드러지는 생활 이슬람의 지속과 변화의 양상을 보편과 특수의 공시적 관점에서 살펴보았다. 독립 이후 현재까지의 두 번째 단계에서는 생활 이슬람의 부흥 겨기와 양상 그리고 전망을 집중적으로 검토하였다. 특히 중앙아시아 이슬람의 현실태인 총제성의 분열에 착안하여 `공식이슬람`과 `저항이슬람`을 함께 비교하였다. 그리고 생활 이슬람에 기초한 중앙아시아 제 민족의 지역적 연대의 가능성을 배타적 민족주의에 대한 비판적 분석을 통해 타진해 보았다. 중앙아시아 이슬람의 분열된 정제성은 영원한 본성이 아니라 일시적 현상이다 따라서 다민족, 다문화, 다종교라는 중앙아시아의 현실에 대한 성찰에 기초해서 조화와 상생을 위한 초민족적, 지역적 정제성의 토대로서 생활 이슬람의 새로운 위상과 역할을 지속적으로 모색해야 할 것이다. Based on communication and coexistence, the key words in the era of globalization, this study explores `everyday Islam` as a foundation constituting Central Asia`s ethnic and regional identities. Along with language and ethnicity, islam is one of the key elements that constitute cultural identities in Central Asia. Islam in this region is a powerful regulator for the societal lives, an indigenous vector for spiritual identity of the individuals as well as the nation as a whole, and a traditional basis for regional solidarity among various ethnic groups. Especially everyday islam is the mode and norms of lives for the Central Asian muslim and even the whole itself to them Taking notice of `Islamic renaissance` flourished throughout the Central Asian region along with the independence from the Soviet Union, this study analyzes the evolution of, `everyday Islam` by dividing it broadly into two stages-before and after the independence. The first stage, which covers the period from the first introduction of Islam to Central Asia in the mid-7th century to the Independence, is scrutinized by examining diachronically the dynamics of the birth and evolution of the indigenous everyday Islam through a unique blend of Islam and traditional culture. At the same time, the aspects of both changes and continuances of everyday islam in each period, especially in the period of the Soviet colonial rule, are synchronically analyzed in terms of universality and particularity. The analysis of the second stage, from the Independence to the present, is focused on the momentum for a renaissance of everyday Islam, the aspects of its development, and the prospect. Especially paying attention to the phenomenon of splitted wholeness, which can be found in the present Central Asian Islam, this study also examines comparatively `official islam` and `political islam` besides, `everyday islam` Based on a critical analysis on exclusive nationalism, finally, it attempts to gauge a possibility of cultural solidarity among the whole Central Asian nationalities based on everyday islam The rifted identity of Central Asian islam, this study argues, is not a perpetual nature but a passing phenomenon Paying attention to the Central Asian realities of multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious characteristics, accordingly, we should reconsider the new stature and role of everyday islam as a foundation of trans-ethnic and regional identity for harmony and coexistence.

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