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      • 노랑초파리(Drosophila melanogaster)의 알코올 水素離脫酵素의 活性과 分離에 關한 硏究

        오석흔,정용재,박상윤,Oh, Suk Heun,Chung, Yong Jae,Park, Sang Yoon 한국통합생물학회 1979 동물학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        Drosophila melanogaster Oregen-R을 大量飼育하여 alcohol dehydrogenase를 精製하여 그 活性을 測定하는 한편 alcohol dehydrogenase의 isozyme pattern을 分析한 結果 아래와 같은 몇가지 사실을 얻었다. 1. 본 실험을 통해서 Drosophila melanogaster Oregon-R의 alcohol dehydrogenase의 比活性은 Jacobson et al. (1970)이 報告한 바 있는 D. melanogaster Samarkands의 그것에 比하여 약 5배 이상의 比活性을 나타냄을 確認하였다. 2. 이 strain의 ADH isozyme pattern은 fast form인 $AHD_1, AHD_2$ 그리고 slow form인 $ADH_2$임을 알게 되었다. 3. 粗酵表에서의 ADH isozyme pattern은 $ADH_1, ADH_2$ 그리고 $ADH_5A$가 나타났는데, 정제효소에서는 $ADH_1, ADH_5A$ 및 $ADH_5B$가 나타났다. 4. $ADH_5A$와 $ADH_1$ isozyme을 分離 精製한 $ADH_5A$의 比活性은 4,330 units/mg이었고, $ADH_1$의 比活性은 3,670 units/mg임을 알게 되었으며, 이것을 7% acrylamide disc gel에 電氣泳動하여 zymogram의 位置를 정확히 판별하였다. Drosophila melanogaster Oregon-R had been bred in a large quantity and the crude alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) obtained was purified and the activity of the enzyme was measured, analyzed and its patterns were examined. The results obtained are presented below: 1. Through this experiment, it was found that the specific activity of ADH of the D. melanogaster is about more than five times as strong as that of the D. mlanogaster Samarkands which was found by Jacobson et al. in 1970. 2. It was learned that the ADH isozyme patterns of this strain was found to be $ADH_1$ and $AHD_2$ in the fast form and $ADH_5$ in the slow form. 3. It was learned that, $ADH_1, ADH_2$, and $ADH_5A$ are found as the ADH patterns of crude enzyme, and that $ADH_1, ADH_5A$ and $ADH_5B$ as the ADH patterns of the purified enzyme. 4. After the isolation andpurification of $ADH_5A$ and $ADH_1$ isozymes, specfic activity of $ADH_5A$ was found to be 4,330 (units/mg) and that of $ADH_1$ to be 3,670 (units/mg), and the exact position of their zymogram on the 7% acrylamide disc gel was distinguished.

      • 군산만의 패류에 대한 장염비브리오균의 분포에 관한 연구

        吳錫欣 圓光大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.18 No.2

        The author studied on the distribution of V. parahaemolyticus, V. alginolyticus and E. coli among sea water and shell's in Kunsan, janghang and Mimyon from July 1982 to may 1983. The auther studies for the isolated strains to bacteriological identification, Kanagawa phenomenon on modified Wagatuma blood agar plates and serotypes with anti V. parahaemolyticus. The results obtained were as follow. 1. V. parahaemolyticus was isolated in 324 strains(17.7%) among 1830 total specimens of sea water, oystar, a shells and tagillaria. 2. The monthly distribution of V. parahaemolyticus was isolated 41 strains(27%) among 150 strains specimens in July 1982, 86 strains(14%) among 600 specimens in December 1982, 93 strains (14.8%) among 630 specimens march 1983 and 104 strains(20.8%) among 450 specimens may 1983. 3. hemolysis positice strains among the 324 isolated strains were found out 41 strains(12.9%). 4. Lethality(LD 50) of the mice on 41 strains of positive Kanagawa phenomenon were 25 strains. 5. Among the 25 isolated strains, agglutination positive ones to K-facter serum were found out as each one strain of ?? and ??. 6. V. alginolyticus was isolated in 240 strains(13.4%) among 1830 specimens of Kunsan, Janghang and Mimyon. 7. The monthly distribution of V. alginolyticus found to be the largest in 69 strain (46%) among 150 specimens of summer (1982.7).

      • 群産灣의 海洋基礎 調査

        吳錫欣,吉奉燮 圓光大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.18 No.2

        To investigate the oceanographic condition, samples were taken from five stations(St. 1-St, 5. in Gun San bay on alternate month from June, 1983 to April, 1984. Four items for physico-chemical analysis and four items for biological analysis were carried out. 1. Water temperature : Annual average variation of temperature at all sampling sites ranged from 2 ℃ to 29℃. The highest average value of temperature was 16.7℃ at the high water of station 5 and the lowest average value was 15.3℃ at the high water of station 3. 2. pH : The variation of pH value at the station 4 and the station 5 were relatively higher than those in the station 1-3. the highest value on high water pH 8.33 on October, 1983 and the lowest value was pH 7.35 at low water on February, 1984. 3. Dissolved oxygens : The dissolved oxygen content of the high water and the low water were relatively low at all stations during the entire period of investigation. The average values of dissolved oxygen at the high water varied between 4.71mg/ℓ and 7.88mg/ℓ. The lowest dissolved oxygen content with 4.71mg/ℓ was form at the high water on February, 1984 and the highest dissolved oxygen content with 8.41 mg/ℓ was formed at the low water on February, 1984. 4. Biological oxygen demand : The maximum concentration of biological oxygen demand(BDD) was 12.5 mg/ℓ at high water in July, 1983 and the minimum was 0mg/ℓ at the high water in February, 1984. 5. Phytoplankton : The species of phytoplankton which was appeared in all sampling stations were 36 genera, 78 species including 3 variaties. 6. General bacteria : The population densities of total general bacteria were very highly value from 2.12×10³ cells/㎖ to ?? cells/㎖. 7. Coliform group : The monthly population densities by coliform on the 5 stations were most hihghly value from 1.47×10⁴ cells/㎖(high water) to 2.95×10⁴ cells/㎖(low water) at August, 1983.

      • 中浪川 廢水處理에 關한 微生物學的 硏究

        吳錫欣 圓光大學校 1981 論文集 Vol.15 No.1

        Of the organic substances in the waste of the Joongryang River, The suitable aerobic bacteria in removal efficiency were isolated and identified, and followings are the results of experimenting Their removing ability; 1. To get the suitable bacteria for The waste, The 26 bacterias were isolated from The Joongryang River, 8 Genus were chosen' by its ability to waste treatment and identified. 2. The most excellent bacteria was Zoogloea sp, and its removal efficiency of COD is 93%. besides it was turned out that Flavobacterium sp.(25). Pseudomonas sp.(11), and Bacillus sp.(22) were also excellent bacteria. 3. When these excellent bacteria were used in treating The wastes, it was observed that 85% of them was treated within 12hours. 4. The removal efficiency was the highest when The PH of the wastes was 7.2 and temperature was 20℃. 中浪川 廢水內 有機物의 分解能力이 우수한 好氣性 微生物을 分離 同定하고 이것들의 처리 능력을 실험한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 廢水를 處理하기 위한 적당한 세균을 개발하기 위하여 中浪川 下水에서 26점의 細菌을 分雜하고 처리 능력이 좋은 8점의 細菌을 선택하여 同定하였다. 2. 가장 우수한 세균은 Zooglea sp로서 COD 제거율이 93%였으며 그 밖에 Flavobacterium sp.(25), Pseudomonas sp,(11), 그리고 Bacillus sp,(22),가 우수한 세균임을 알게 되었다. 3. 이들 우수균주를 사용하여 폐수를 처리할 때 12시간이면 85%가 처리됨을 관찰하였다. 4. 폐수의 PH는 7.2, 그리고 온도는 20℃일 때 처리율이 가장 좋았다.

      • 군산만에 서식하는 패류의 세균오염에 대한 연구

        陳相一,吳錫欣 圓光大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.17 No.2

        When the author identified the distribution of coliform group, V.parahaemolyticus and V. alginolyticus in the Bay of Kunsan, Janghang, Mimyon in Nov. 1981 and in Mar. in May and in July 1982, the conclusions are as follows: 1) The monthly distribution of coliform on the water surface varies and increases by the water temperature: in Mar. 7.5℃, 4.5×10/ml, the lowest : in May. 18℃, 3.6×10(??)/ml the slightest : in July. 26℃,2.2×10(??)/ml at it's highest temperature. 2) The contamination by coliform on three stations in the same seasons was the highest condition for the Kunsan water and shells. 3) The monthly distribution of V. parahaemolyticus showed 2strains in Nov. 1981, negative in May. 1982, 9 strains in May and 7 strains in July 4) The distribution of V. parahaemolyticus raised also in Kunsan shells when I compare with coliform contamination. 5) The monthly distribution of V.alginolyticus was slightest in low water temperature in Nov. 1981, in Mar. 1982, highest in May and July. But the areas differences were not clarified. 6) Isolated 18 strains of surface K-antigen group were distributed 5 strains 27.8% in Ⅱ group and 3 strains 72.2% in Ⅶ group. 7) Isolated 18 strains of lethality (LD. 50)on the mice were showed 6 strains 5/5. 9 strains 4/5 and 3 strains 3/5, resulting toxicity.

      • 곰솔에 들어있는 生長抑制物質의 作用

        吉奉燮,吳錫欣,金永植 圓光大學校 基礎自然科學硏究所 1989 基礎科學硏究誌 Vol.8 No.3

        곰솔 잎의 水溶抽出時間과 상치의 發芽 및 幼植物 伸長과는 거의 反比例的이었다. pH 3이하로 조절한 抽出液에서는 發芽와 生長이 심하게 抑制되었다. 곰솔 잎의 洗脫液과 곰솔의 빗물에서 實驗한 發芽와 生長은 對照區에 비하여 實驗區의 값이 低調했다. 곰솔 林床의 土壤으로 花盆栽培한 發芽와 生長實驗結果는 實驗區에서 抑制받는 種과 그렇지 않은 種이 있었다. 곰솔 잎의 揮發性 물질을 써서 實施한 發芽 및 伸長率은 對照區와 實驗區의 값이 비슷한 種, 實驗區의 값이 낮은 種이 있었으며, 揮發性 物質의 濃度가 높을수록 抑制되었다. 따라서 곰솔에는 다른 植物의 生長抑制物質이 들어 있음을 確認했고, 그것을 찾기 위하여 化學的인 方法으로 14種類의 化學物質을 分離해 냈으며, 이들은 대부분이 phenolic compounds 임을 確認했다. 이와 관계깊은 9種 化學藥品을 濃度를 달리하여 生物學的 定量을 實施한 結果 植物의 發芽와 生長에 抑制作用을 하는 역식농도는 5X10^-3M임을 밝혀냈다. It was found that seed germination and seedling growth of selected species were inhibitedby phytotoxic substance released from black pine. The longer was the aqueous extraction time of black pine needles, the smaller was the relativegermination ratio and relative elongation ratio of lettuce. And seed germination and growth of the species were inhibited in aqueous leachate and rain leachate as well as in soil underneath the black pine trees. In addition, the growth of lettuce was suppressed in volatile substances from black pine needles. To detect phytotoxic substances of black pine needles, paper chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography were used and fourteen kinds of chemical compounds were isolated and identified as phenolic acids including benzoic acids. The growth of lettuce was inhibited in the experiment using reagents identical to these chemical substances and a great inhibition was observed in the concentration of less than 5X10^-3M.

      • A study on the effects of HgCl2 on the ATPase activity

        Park, Young-Soon,Oh, Suk-Heun,Park, Eun-Gyu 圓光大學校 1981 論文集 Vol.15 No.1

        토끼의 骨骼筋 小胞體에 結合된 ATPase의 活性에 미치는 HgCl₂의 영향을 測定하였다. 이 酸素의 活性은 HgCl₂의 濃度가 증가함에 따라 阻害되었는데 約12.5μM에서 50% 阻害되었다. Dixon Plot에 依한 阻害常數(Ki)의 값은 約10μM이였으며 Woolf-Augustinsson-Hofstee Plot와 Hanes-Woolf Plot 등으로 Parameters(Km, Vmax) 등을 測定한 結果 可逆的 非競爭的 阻害로 나타났다. ATPase의 活性化 Energy는 HgCl₂의 存在下에서 다소 낮아지는데 濃度가 증가함에 따라 더욱 더 낮아졌다. 특히 15℃~30℃ 사이에서 Transition temperature를 볼 수가 있으나 HgCl₂의 濃度가 50μM이 넘으면 Transition Temperature가 나타나지 않는 것으로 보아 溫度의 영향을 받기 前에 이미 ATPase의 Conformational Change가 일어난 것으로 본다. In the present experiment the effects of Hg ion on the ATPase activity, on its parameters, on its concentration, and on the energies of activation of the enzyme were studied. Hg ion inhibited the enzyme activity as the concentrations HgCl₂ increased in the range between 12.5μM and 500μM. On the basis of relative inhibition percentage, the 50% inhibition was observed at 12.5μM of Hg concentration. This Hg^(2+) concentration was in good agreement with the inhibition constant(Ki) which was calculated from the Dixon plot. The ploot, Vmax per minute versus total enzyme concentration, revealed that Hg ion reacts to the enzyme reversibly. And the Km values obtained by ploting the Woolf-Augustinsson-Hofstee plot and Hance-Woolf one were 3.59 and 3.35 respectively. The concentration of Hg ion did not change the Km value but changed the Vmaxes. Deciding from the results, Hg ion inhibits the ATPase activity by means of reversible noncompetitive inhibition. The energies of activation(19.5Kcal mole^(-1)) and Q10 value(2.02) were inhibited slightly in the presece of Hg ion. And the possible transition temperature was observed between 15℃ and 30℃ in control and low concentrations of HgCl₂.

      • A Study of alcohol dehydrogenase of Drosophila melanogaster in Korea by means of acrylamide gel electrophoresis

        Chang, Yong Jai,Oh, Suk Heun 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1974 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.13 No.-

        한국산노랑 초파리(Drosophila melanogaster)의 ADH의 polyacrylanmide gel영동상을 조사하여 영동 메디아의 차이에서 오는 zymogram의 비교와 초파리 집단별 특징의 비교를 위하여 대전, 춘천, 진주, 신촌(서울), 제주 및 충주의 초파리 6계통을 polacrylamide메디아아를 사용하여 전기 영동상, 즉 벤드의 분포, 염색강도 및 이동도를 조사 검토한 결과는 아래와 같다. 1) 대전, 춘천, 신촌, 충주 및 진주의 5계통은 벤드의 수와 분포, 염색강도, 이동도가 다 같이 개체 별로 심한 변이를 나타내고 있으나, 제주계통은 그 변이가 그다지 뚜렷하지 않다. 2) 전기 영동상이 6계통가 같이 초파리 암·수에 따라 차이를 보이고 있는데 이것은 해석하기가 매우 어려운 문제이다. 3) polyacrylanmide gel메디아가 cellulose acetate메디아나, starch gel메디아보다 해상력이 월등하다는것이 제 확인 되었다. The alcohol dehydrogenase(ADH) isozymes of the six strains of Drosophila melanogaster in Korea was studied by the polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the results are presented below: 1. The electrophoretic patterns, the numbers of bands, staining intensity and mobility are considerably variable in the five strains, Taijun, chunchun, Jinju, Sinchon, and Chjoongju but not remarkably variable in the Jeju strain. 2. The ADH zymograms obtained from the six strains are observed to be different between males and females which is hard to interpret. 3. The polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is found to have a resolving power superior to cellulose acetate and starch gel electrophoresis

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