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      • KCI등재

        고전 히브리어의 노에틱적 해설과 그 적용

        오민수(Minsu Oh) 대한성서공회 2017 성경원문연구 Vol.- No.40

        This essay suggests an new approaching method to interpret biblical narrative texts. The new approaching based on verbal syntax of the classical Hebrew is called as noetical interpretation of texts. This essay tries to show how the verbal syntax helps understand profound meaning of a narrative text. Before doing so, the author briefly surveys grammatical distincts and differences between the classical Hebrew and the indogermanic languages. In historical respect of both language families, the use of the former goes back to semitic language cultures. The grammatical systems of the later was fundamental established by the Greek’s Philosopher Aristoteles. Difficulties for syntactical and semantical interpretation are caused by different uses of employed verbs. Thus the noetical approaching is alternatively proposed in this essay. It differentiates content’s level of a sentence from expression’s level, so that one may notice nuances of narrator’s intention. The noetical analysis mainly gives attention to explain interlingual consistent elements and is very helpful to inform beginning and conclusion of a paragraph, progress and ending of events, foreground and background information toward readers. The author applied this grammatical system to Job 1:1-5. Finally, this essay ist pointing out the adequateness of the noetical analysis for Hebrew texts.

      • KCI등재

        경기도 재가노인지원서비스센터의 효율성과 영향요인에 관한 연구

        오민수(Oh, Minsu),박푸름(Park, Pu Reum),최용민(Choi, Yong Min),김재일(Kim, Jaeil) 서울행정학회 2014 한국사회와 행정연구 Vol.25 No.1

        복지에 대한 사회적 관심이 지속적으로 증가하며 사회서비스의 유형과 사업이 점차 확대·발전되고 있다. 하지만 이러한 복지의 발전과는 달리 복지 부문의 효율성에 대한 분석이 체계를 갖추지 못한 채 진행되어 상대적으로 투입된 재원에 대한 성과관리가 부족한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 경기도의 "재가노인지원서비스센터"의 효율성을 측정하고, 효율성에 영향을 미치는 내·외부 환경적 요인을 파악하여 시사점을 도출하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 효율성 측정 방법으로 DEA 분석을 사용하였으며, 분석자료는 "2013 경기도 재가노인지원서비스센터 평가결과"를 활용하였다. 투입요소로는 각 "센터 당 보조금 액수"로 설정하였고, 산출요소로 "일반관리 대상자 수(정량)","집중관리 대상자 수(정량)","2013년 경기도 재가노인지원서비스센터 평가결과(정성)"로 설정하였다. 또한, 재가노인지원서비스센터의 상대적 효율성에 미치는 요인을 분석하기 위해서 내부적인 요인변수와 외부적 요인변수를 독립변수로 하여 토빗회귀분석을 실시하였다. 효율성 측정결과 52개의 센터 중 4개소가 상대적으로 효율적인 것으로 나타났으며, 효율성에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석한 결과 10%의 유의수준에서 인건비 총액과 경쟁환경이 재가노인지원서비스센터의 효율성에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. As social attention on welfare has continued to increase, types of social service and kinds of related projects have expanded. However, performance management has not been fully sufficient since programs have expanded without proper analysis on efficiency of the welfare field. <br/> The purpose of this study is to examine the efficiency and its internal and external determinants of the Home Support Service Centers for the Elderly by DEA and tobit regression analysis. <br/> To measure efficiency, this study analyzed '2013 Evaluation of the Gyeonggi-do the Home Support Service Centers for the Elderly' data using DEA method. The study used the amount of grants per center as the input element, and the followings as output elements: the number of the elderly for general care (quantitative), the number of the elderly for intensive care (quantitative), and '2013 Evaluation of the Gyeonggi-do the Home Support Service Centers for the Elderly' (qualitative). In order to analyze the factors affecting relative efficiencies of such service centers, this study conducted the tobit regression analysis using internal and external elements as independent variables. Efficiency measurements revealed that 4 out of 52 service centers were relatively efficient. Also, the analysis of elements affecting efficiency showed that the sum total of personnel expenses and competitive environments have effects on the efficiency of such centers with 10% significance level.

      • KCI등재

        전도서 3:10-15의 동사 구문론과 의미론적 접근

        오민수(Minsu Oh) 대한성서공회 2021 성경원문연구 Vol.- No.48

        The researcher analyzed the paragraphs of Ecclesiastes 3:10-15 as verb syntax and semantics of a relative tense system, and focused on the expression and meaning generation of the text paragraph. Within the sub-paragraph, the verb has various functions. Verbs within this unit function in various ways. First of all, the verb form qatal is characteristic of the past and pluperfect, and starts observation, reflection, and enlightenment. Yiqtol uses not only individual facts of the future but also general facts and repetitive (habitual) usages. The timelessness of the form of existence is universally transforming statements. In addition, Ecclesiastes 3:10-11 convincingly expresses one’s own statements through strategic use of alternating individual concepts and general concepts. The way the passages in Ecclesiastes 3:10-15 deploy is a narrative development of wisdom that leads to observation (v. 10) - reflection (v. 11) - enlightenment (vv. 12-13; v. 14). Unlike the position of King-Qohelet (1:13b), the Evangelist Qohelet observes the contradictory facts pre-set by God, saying that this is what God has allowed to a humble (or devote) man (3:10c). He says that there is a proper time (v. 11a) when all things are beautiful, but that man cannot understand God’s event as a whole (v. 11bγ) and implies the partial possibility and partial impossibility of man (v. 11bβ). Observation and reflection reach dual enlightenment, and the anthropological dimension of the pre-set kairos-time is not transcendental, but exists in the possibility of simple enjoyment (eating, drinking, seeing good) It is realized in the good and good behavior (v. 12b). On the theological level, enlightenment - this good event of God - continues in the future, and has the sovereignty (v. 14aγ) of sovereign personality that cannot be added or subtracted as a human. People who are habitually fearful of God (v. 14bβ) are enchanted by His aesthetic beauty. Therefore, a person’s limited understanding is not limited, but partial. Even if it is a part of a person and if he can enjoy it and do good things, even though he lives for a limited time (v. 12b), he can enjoy the kairos-reality of “Olam-time” (eternal time, v. 11bα). The thought of Ecclesiastes 3:10-11 is very marvelous: God is not just a distant, incomprehensible, indescribably fearful being (dues tremendus), but a fascinus (deus fascinus). Man does not know God’s events as a whole, but has partial understanding and possibility of capture. Even if it is subject to the passage of time (years), the possibility of partial enjoyment of a person remains. The evangelist says that such enjoyment is also God’s gift. The thought of Ecclesiastes 3:10-15 is far from a skeptical, pessimistic worldview.

      • KCI등재

        동사 구문론과 결합가 이론으로 살펴본, 전도서 12장 9-10절의 해석학적 조명

        오민수(Minsu Oh) 한국구약학회 2018 구약논단 Vol.24 No.3

        There are many interpretative views and theological diverse observations. In order to authentically translate the biblical text, every researcher of the text needs examinable, philological devices. Thus, in this research the noetic system and the theory of verbal valency are applied to understanding the Masoretic text of Ecclesiastes 12:9-10. The researcher explains about the functions of weqatal and the semantical meaning of the stem Piel. The former expresses iterative events. In the relation between the subject and its verb, the latter formulates a habitual characteristic. So theses evidences could indicate that Qohelet was working as a occupational and professional. Through the study, we have come to the following conclusion in regard to the translation/interpretation of Ecclesiastes 12:9-10: epilogue (9aα); Qohelet as a wise man (9aβ); his occupation (9bα-γ)public (9bα) teaching wisdoms for the people and professional (9bβ-γ) weighing up, examining, correcting; sum of his achievement (10)selecting the pleasant words (10a) + writing the truths (10b).

      • KCI등재

        호세아 6장 7절: ‘아담처럼?’ 또는 ‘아담에서처럼?’

        오민수(Minsu Oh) 한국구약학회 2019 구약논단 Vol.25 No.1

        Hosea 6:7, “But like Adam they transgressed the covenant; there they dealt faithlessly with me”(ESV). The phrase “like Adam” is questionable, whether it is a personal name or a local term. Until now, scholars suggested very different ideas: (1) Adam as a proper name, (2) Adam as a city name, (3) the ancient city Admah on the base of a textual emendation, and (4) ‘dirty’ on the base of a textual emendation. In order to solve this problem, the researcher takes the usage of the Hebrew preposition k<SUP>ə</SUP> as his starting point. Its usage could be divided to nine rubrics. R1: comparison, R2: similarity, R3: imitation, R4: situational repetition, R5: mental realization, R6: announcement and fulfillment, R7: demand and fulfillment, R8: temporal use (immediate sequence), and R9: quantitative use. According to a philological argument, the relevant prepositional use of Hosea 6:7a should be definitively ascribed to R4. Also, this conclusion can be asserted by verbal- syntactical (asyndesis) and syntactical (casus pendens) analyses.

      • KCI등재

        오경의 간음 금지 규례로 살펴 본 여성권과 그 사회-역사적 의의

        오민수(Minsu Oh) 한국구약학회 2019 구약논단 Vol.25 No.4

        The purpose of this paper is to examine women’s rights in the typical regulations of the adultery prohibition in the Pentateuch. The regulations are divided into the casuistic law and the apodictic law. In Exodus 22:16-17 [H 22: 15-16] and Deuteronomy 22:28-29, a tendency is observed to protect women"s rights within the “casuistic law.” The regulations were not intended to justify male domination over women, but rather to coordinate disputes among male families who were under the obligation of ‘women protection.’ The apodictic laws (Ex 20:14; Lev 20:10; 18:8; Deut 22:22) prohibit adultery and incest with strict and threatening tone. However, there are no bylaws or enforcement rules that can be found in the casuistic law. This law places emphasis on internalizing the contents of the existing regulations to the members of the society, and it maintains the fundamental order of the patriarchal system and ‘stabilizes’ it. The cultural and anthropological approach shows that tying the “women’s sex” to the head of the family not only optimizes the family"s production capacity in an agrarian society but also prevents the family from being destroyed and lets them survive. To this end, only one “household authority” was requested. The prohibition of adultery and incest is in agreement with the confession of the Yahweh faith, which is beyond the individual dimension. The sexual regulations declare liberation of value by its new levels. This result calls for the modern discourse of women’s rights that considers the social framework, the consideration of other members of society, and the ‘meta-value system’ which can reach the overall object.

      • KCI등재

        읍면동 복지허브화에 관한 이해: 경기도 허브화 추진사례를 중심으로

        오민수 ( Oh Minsu ) 단국대학교 사회과학연구소 2017 공공정책과 국정관리 Vol.11 No.2

        읍면동 복지허브화는 읍면동 주민센터를 중심으로 복지서비스 제공 기능을 강화하는 복지전달체계 개편이다. 읍면동 허브화의 주요 목적은 주민센터에 복지의 기능을 더욱 강화하고자 사례관리, 방문상담, 민관협력, 사각지대 발굴이라는 기능을 추가하고 이를 수행하는 인력도 3명씩 배치함으로써 실질적인 전달체계 개선이 이루어지도록 하고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 이런 전달체계 개편이 제도적으로 성공적인 안착이 되기 위해서 읍면동 복지허브화의 추진과정과 주요한 전략 및 수단들을 검토함으로서 향후 안정적인 착근이 될 수 있도록 시사점을 발굴하는 것이다. 이를 위해 제도주의적 접근을 통해 허브화의 제도적 맥락을 살펴보고, 허브화의 추진 시 주요한 전략을 검토하였다. 또한 2016년 동안 경기도에서 추진되었던 허브화의 과정을 행정자료와 모니터링 자료를 통해 파악하였다. 연구과정을 통해 발견된 허브화의 문제점으로 크게 다섯 가지로 제시하면 지나치게 확산속도가 빠르다는 점, 인력배치가 충분히 이루어지지 않고 있다는 점, 여전히 읍면동에서는 과도한 업무량이 부여된다는 점, 순환보직제 시스템 하에서 공공의 역량이 축적되지 못한다는 점, 주민과 파트너십이 후원자 모집으로만 편향되고 있다는 점을 발견하였다. 이에 향후 허브화의 올바른 착근을 위해서는 제도 내 핵심적 행위자인 공무원의 역량과 행태를 허브화의 목적에 맞게 개발되고 유인할 수 있도록 성과목표의 명확한 설계와 제시가 필요하다는 것을 시사점으로 제시하였다. The Welfare Hub of Eup/Myeon/Dong Community Centers (WHCSC) is a welfare reform service delivery system in Korea. Its major policy goals are reforming the functions of welfare services by community centers though adding officials, assigning new tasks (case management, visiting consultation, public-private partnerships, and seeking blind spots). The purpose of this study is to determine the policy implications of the successful institutionalization of the WHCSC. This study takes an institutionalist approach to understanding the institutional contexts of the strategies and processes of the WHCSC by using administrative data and document and literature reviews. The results of this study contain five elements. It was found that there were five problems: overly rapid reform diffusion, insufficient allocation of officials, overwork, the lack of public capacity due to a circular recruitment system, and bias in interactions with the private sector. These problems were caused by the fact that the system, in which the performance goal of the WHCSC is not clearly specified, influences the behavior of the public officers, who are the core actors. I suggest that it is necessary to introduce performance indicators, monitoring methods, and partnership strategies that are not yet present in the WHCSC`s process.

      • 구약성경 지혜의 문화적 보편성과 주제적 연계성

        오민수(Oh, Minsu) 주안대학원대학교 2024 주안신학논단 Vol.- No.-

        Until now, in the study of Old Testament literature, the wisdom literatures have been considered as a separated stream from other streams of theological traditions of the Old Testament. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a comprehensive summary of the scope, nature, themes, and motifs of the wisdom literatures. This study attempts to culturally and thematically organize the spatial universality and temporal expandability of Israel’s wisdom based on a methodological comparative literary approach and a wisdom motif approach. The purpose of this study is not only to demonstrate that the wisdom of ancient Israel eloquently expresses unique truths within cultural universality, but also to identify the connected communication ability of wisdom that encompasses humans, society, and religion through the enormous thematic breadth of the wisdom. The society of the Ancient Near East developed unique ideas through mutual sharing and borrowing from wisdom literatures. Wisdom literatures adhere to international trends in themes and lessons. The wisdom of Israel was crystallized on the common ground of the Ancient Near East. Comparison of Biblical wisdom literature with similar literatures from the ancient Orient informs us about the literary world that serves as the background for the text, and does not undermine the authority of Biblical wisdom ideas, but rather eloquently demonstrates beautiful literature and truth in the language of the time. I will do it. Despite the divine origin of wisdom, it discovers connections between phenomena in the world and organizes them in principle. And based on this, live a successful life. In this respect, wisdom combines practicality and ethics that are beneficial to life. It encompasses all areas of human activity, including emotions (character), will (action), and spiritual (piety). With the help of this principle, people should direct their lives to promote their life. Therefore, the fear of God becomes the foundation that determines a person’s actions. The benefits of fear and the benefits of wisdom go hand in hand. As the institutional background of wisdom it has been spoken of the family, the bureaucratic education, and the royal family, but its core focus is on the direction of people’s lives as order in the world. While laws and regulations enforce them externally, wisdom persuades individuals based on tradition and experience. In terms of setting a direction for life that promotes life, wisdom not only has universal utility, but also has tremendous spatial universality and temporal expandability The shared ground of the ancient Oriental culture and the wisdom of Israel encourage us today to pursue piety that can be communicated within the world through an open system.

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