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      • KCI등재

        유아체육 지도자의 웰니스 요인과 자아실현과의 관계

        염두승(Yeom Doo-Seoung),김정규(Kim Jung-Kyu) 한국체육과학회 2008 한국체육과학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        This study’s aim is to look into what relationship lies between infant sports leader’s background variables and wellness factors, namely, physical social emotional and intellectual factors and self-realization factors. After collecting the response-completed data to the questionnaire, only valid samples were encoded according to coding guidelines, exclusive of duplicate entries, empty entries and untrustworthy-looking data from analytical objects. After inputting encoded data individually into computer, standard multiple regression analysis was applied according to analytical purpose through the statistics program of SPSS 14.0 version for Windows. On the basis of the research method and findings above, the conclusion drawn is as follows: There was some relationship between wellness factors and self-realization of infant sports leaders.

      • KCI등재후보

        생활체육 지도자의 생활양식과 문화성향과의 관계

        염두승(Yeom Doo-Seoung) 한국체육과학회 2008 한국체육과학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to inquire into the relationship between Life-Style and cultural dispositions Life Sports Instructors. Specifically, it is aimed to re-illuminate the viewpoint of being contained in Life-Style and cultural dispositions by moral spirit, Life-Style, and cultural dispositions. The obtained materials were analyzed by using SPSS-PC 14.0 version for Window, which is the statistical program. And, the used analysis technique included average comparison. The following are the conclusions that were analyzed after passing through the procedure and process of a series of research method. it was indicated that there is relationship between Life-Style and cultural dispositions Life Sports Instructors.

      • KCI등재

        실버계층 생활체육 프로그램 참여자들의 스포츠사회화 요인 및 생활양식과의 관계

        염두승(Doo Seoung Yeom) 한국사회체육학회 2008 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.34

        This study aims at investigating the relationship between senior Mass Sport program of Sports Socialization and Life-Style. Research was carried out in L Welfare Center, Y Welfare Center and S Welfare Center that actively practiced and offered a variety of senior workout programs among senior citizen welfare centers in Gyeonggi Province 2008, and the subjects of the study were the senior citizens who attended the programs. Through stratified cluster random sampling, samples were drawn. After collecting the response data to the questionnaire, only trustworthy data were encoded. After inputting encoded data individually into computer, multiple regression analysis was applied(α=.05) through the statistics program of SPSS 14.0 version for Windows so as to verify the relationship between senior Mass Sport program of Sports Socialization and Life-Style. From the method and result of research above, the following conclusion was drawn: There was some relationship between senior Mass Sport program of Sports Socialization and Life-Style.

      • KCI등재

        지역 노인들의 여가 스포츠 참여가 문화적 가치성향 및 웰빙추구성향에 미치는 영향

        염두승(Yeom, Doo-Seoung) 한국웰니스학회 2021 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구는 여가 스포츠 참여 노인들의 웰빙추구성향을 파악하고 앞으로의 노령화 사회에서 노인들의 삶에 긍정적 영향을 줄 수 있는 토대와 문화에 유용한 기초 자료를 제공하며, 이에 따른 노인들의 문화에 대한 효과적인 방안에 대해 알아보고자 하는데 그 목적이 있으며, 대상은 강원도 영동지역에서 지역문화센터, 자치센터, 복지회관, 경로당에서 여가 스포츠에 참여하고 있는 65세 이상 노인들 중심으로 모집단을 설정 후 편의추출법(convenience sampling)을 이용하여 총 289명을 대상으로 표집 하였다. 자료처리는 분석목적에 따라 요인분석, 상관관계 분석, 다중회귀분석, 회귀분석을 이용한 인과관계 분석을 실시하여 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 지역노인들의 여가 스포츠 참여가 문화적 가치성향에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 지역 노인들의 여가 스포츠 참여가 웰빙추구성향에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 지역 노인들의 여가 스포츠 활동과 문화적 가치성향 및 웰빙추구성향은 인과 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. This study provides useful basic data for the foundation and culture that can have a positive impact on the lives of the elderly in the future aging society, as well as to understand the well-being tendencies of the elderly who participate in leisure sports. The purpose of this study is to find out, and the target is convenience sampling after establishing a population centering on the elderly aged 65 or older who participate in leisure sports at local cultural centers, autonomous centers, welfare centers, and senior citizens in the Yeongdong area of Gangwon-do. A total of 289 people were sampled using. For data processing, factor analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and causal analysis using regression analysis were conducted to derive the following conclusions. First, it was found that the participation in leisure sports of the elderly in the region had an effect on the cultural value orientation. Second, it was found that the participation of leisure sports of the elderly in the region had an effect on the wellbeing-seeking orientation. Third, it was found that there was a causal relationship between the leisure sports activities, cultural value orientation and wellbeing-seeking orientation of the elderly in the region.

      • KCI등재

        2018 평창 동계올림픽 유치에 따른 지역주민의 협력의사가 지역발전 및 스포츠문화에 미치는 영향

        염두승(Yeom, Doo-Seoung) 한국웰니스학회 2016 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        이 연구는 2018 평창 동계올림픽 유치로 인한 지역주민의 협력의사를 중심으로 지역주민의 협력의사가 지역발전 및 스포츠문화에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 규명하는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 대상은 강원도 평창군 및 강릉시에 거주하는 19세 이상의 지역주민을 대상으로 설정하였으며 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 평창 동계올림픽 유치에 따른 지역주민의 협력의사가 지역발전에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 평창 동계올림픽 유치에 따른 지역주민의 협력의사가 스포츠문화에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 평창 동계올림픽 유치에 따른 지역주민의 협력의사, 지역발전, 스포츠문화 간의 인과관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결론은 학문적인 측면뿐만 아니라 스포츠이벤트의 저변확대와 같은 실증적인 측면에 이르기까지 효용성이 기대된다는 점과 2018 평창 동계올림픽을 앞두고 있는 현 시점에서 성공적인 개최를 위한 기초자료로 제공될 수 있다는 점에서 의의를 갖는다. 또한 지역발전을 더불어 스포츠문화의 광범위한 저변확대를 구축하기 위해서 더욱 심도 있는 스포츠이벤트 연구가 계속적으로 이루어져야 할 것으로 판단되는 바이다. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the intention of the locals for cooperation for the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics on regional development and sport culture and the causal relationship of their intention for cooperation to regional development and sport culture. The subjects in this study were 512 people who were selected by convenience sampling from the population that consisted of the locals who dwelled in Pyeongchang-gun and the city of Gangneung, Gangwon Province, as of 2015. As for data analysis, a statistical package SPSS WIN 21.0 was employed, and factor analysis, frequency analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and path analysis were carried out to determine the causal relationship. The findings of the study were as follows: First, the intention of the locals for cooperation for the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics exerted an influence on regional development. Second, their intention for cooperation for the Olympics had an impact on sport culture. Third, theor intention for cooperation had causal relationships with regional development and sport culture.

      • KCI등재후보

        인구사회학적 특성 변인과 청소년 후기 스포츠 활동 참여와의 차이 분석

        염두승(Yeom Doo-Seoung),황지현(Hwang Ji-Hyun) 한국체육과학회 2008 한국체육과학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        The purpose of this research is to examine how sports and or athletic participation effects late adolescents. In addition, this research seeks to explore whether or not sports activities actually contribute to the creation of physiological and physiodynamic awareness, intelligence and societal understanding. The research offers concrete information on the effects of sports activities sports in light of the connection between specific variables of these activities (level, type). This paper is a close examination of three variables in sports activity participation: the level of late adolescents Sports activity participation, the type of late adolescents sports activity participation, of late adolescents sports activity participation. The subjects ages range from exactly 19 years of age and between 19 and 24 years of age. The subjects come from the capital of Seoul, Taegu City, Jeonju City, Kangrueng City and the township of Yeoju, Yangyang from 2002 to present. 879 subjects were studied utilizing stratified cluster random sampling. Results from data acquired from this research are as follows. Distinction between level, type of the sociological aspects concerning late adolescents sport activity participation.

      • KCI등재후보

        청소년의 여가 스포츠활동 참여와 사회적 관계 연구

        염두승(Yeom Doo-Seoung) 한국체육과학회 2003 한국체육과학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        This study aims at showing the type of adolescents leisure sports, furthermore, the aim of study is to help adolescent leisure sports activity guidance by examining how leisure sports activity participation type and degree influences their social relationship. Study was executed on the population composed of students who has been in boys' and girls' middle school and high school located in the Yongdong district area (Kangnung city, Sokch'o city, Samch'ok city, Tonhgae city), Kang-won do, at the present time. After research samples were extracted by random sampling, 8 schools were assigned, then boy 250, girl 2m, namely total 465 adolescent response were used in this study. Following conclusions were based on mentioned research method and result. 1. Concerning adolescents leisure sports activity according to individual events or group events have something to do with social relationship. 2. Concerning adolescents leisure sports activity Participation degree, it influences on social relationship. That is, more wider range and more higher frequency in participation degree influence on social relationship.

      • KCI등재후보

        유아체육지도자의 조직요인에 따른 자기실현 및 사회적 능력의 관계

        염두승(Yeom Doo-Seoung) 한국체육과학회 2006 한국체육과학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship of self-realization and social ability according to organizational factors by a physical instructor for younger children. To accomplish the purpose this research sampled 500 men and women directors working with a certificate of qualification in 2006. The materials used for the research were 470 of 500 instructors who participated in the survey excluding was a 30 people who answered without sincerity. The investigation tool used was a questionnaire as a standard containing demographic characteristics of; sex, achievement, import, career as background variable, organizational factors; material compensation, organizational commitment, human relations as independence variable and self-realization; ability exhibition, capability development, purposeful ideal realization and social ability; initiative, sociality, responsibility, openness as dependence variable in order to study the relationship of self-realization and social ability according to organizational factors of a physical instructor for younger children. The collected research data in compliance with the investigation process made a coding indicator. After coded data was individually inputted into the computer, we examined the relationship through descriptive statistics analysis, one-way ANOVA, relation analysis as each analysis aim by using SPSS 12.0 Version. statistics program for Windows. The following is the result. First ,organizational factors and self-realization are related. Second, organizational factors and social ability are related.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Influence on the Adaptation and Quality of Lives of the Aged Women by Their Types of Leisure Activity

        염두승(Yeom Doo-Seoung) 한국체육과학회 2007 한국체육과학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        The object of this research is to examine the influence on the adaptation and quality of lives of the aged women by their types of leisure activity. Specifically, the object of this research will be achieved by building a model mainly about the demographic and sociological character, types of leisure activities, and the factor that changes the adaptation and the quality of lives of the subjects, the aged women. The subjects of this research are the aged women who currently live in 4 cities(Chun-cheon, Won-ju, Gang-neung, and Sok-cho) in Kang-won Do and have steady jobs and have been selected as a population. Samples of 350 persons have been extracted by "stratified cluster random sampling". To survey the types of leisure activities, the questionnaire of this research consists of a question for each one of following 5 types of activities - physical activities(sports game, dancing, etc.), social activities(picnic, party, clubbing, etc.), cultural activities(art, music, play, folk games, etc.), natural activities(fishing, hunting, camping, hiking, etc.), mental activities(reading, creation, chess, etc.), which were classified by Lutzin & Story(1973). The questionnaire also consists of other 12 questions with 3 subordinate categories based on Kim(2001) version of SASS(Social Adaptation Self-Scale) which was developed by Bosc(1997) to measure the adaptation with lives. The data collected by the survey procedure has been encoded by the coding guide and been inputted into a computer. A statistics program, SPSS ver 14.0 for Windows was used to make a descriptive statistical analysis, a mean comparison, and an ANCOVA on the inputted data. Following conclusions have been drawn from the methods and results of the research above. First, types of leisure activities and the factors for adaptation to lives seems to have some relation with each other. Second, types of leisure activities and the factors for quality of lives seem to have some relation with each other.

      • KCI등재후보

        시니어 생활체육 프로그램 참여자들의 인지된 자유감 및 자아실현의 차이 분석

        염두승(Yeom Doo-Seoung) 한국체육과학회 2008 한국체육과학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between senior workout program participants’ perceived freedom and self-realization and simultaneously to investigate the relationship between senior mass sport program participants’ socio-demographic characteristics, individuals’ total perceived freedom and self-realization's sub-constituent factors in order to more concretely discover what influences there would be. Research was carried out in L Welfare Center, Y Welfare Center and S Welfare Center that actively practiced and offered a variety of senior workout programs among senior citizen welfare centers in Gyeonggi Province 2008, and the subjects of the study were the senior citizens who attended the programs. Through stratified cluster random sampling, samples were drawn. After inputting individual data into computer, the one-way ANOVA was conducted so as to investigate the differences between perceived freedom and self-realization according to senior workout program participants’ socio-demographic characteristics through the statistics program of SPSS 14.0 version for Windows. And as to any significant differences, Scheffe’s post-hoc test was applied(α=.05). The conclusion was as follows: It showed that there were some differences between socio-demographic characteristics, perceived freedom and self-realization.

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