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        한국인 턱관절장애 환자의 유병률과 진료 양태

        양희영,김미은,Yang, Hee-Young,Kim, Mee-Eun 대한안면통증구강내과학회 2009 Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain Vol.34 No.1

        While previous epidemiological studies on temporomandibular disorders (TMD) have been based on a given health center or population sample, no study has been performed on general population of Korea, especially concerning about treatment pattern such as clinician’s specialty involved in TMD treatment, types and amount of prescription medication and cost. This study aimed to investigate magnitude of health visits and treatment patterns for Korean patients with TMD through the computerized database of Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRAS). Inclusion criteria were all patients registered on the HIRAS database over 3 years' period from 2003 to 2005 and the medical records of patients with TMD as a main diagnosis were extracted. Information collected was as follows; distribution related to gender, age and region and type of hospital the patients visited, treatment duration, clinicians' specialty involved in treatment, cost, types of prescription medication and surgical treatment. The results of this study indicated that 0.15% of the population yearly sought TMD treatment, presenting with increase of incidence over the three years. Most of TMD patients were women (99.8%) and the biggest age group was second and third decades and decreased with age. Seoul and Kyeonggi province presented with higher incidence of TMD compared to the other regions of Korea, which seems to be related with magnitude of population. 56% of TMD patients visited primary care sector and the numbers of treatment visits was the highest in dental clinic (38.4%), followed by orthopedics (28%) and ENT (13.6%) clinics in order. Duration of prescription medication was the longest for anti-inflammatory analgesics, followed by antipsychotic drugs and muscle relaxants. Inpatient care related to TMD was primarily performed in dental hospital compared to medical hospital. Medical database of HIRAS provided comprehensive and vast information on epidemiologic characteristics and treatment patterns for patients seeking TMD treatment, which can be more reliable data to expect medical demand for TMD in condition that accurate diagnosis and standardized treatment is delivered in clinical settings.

      • KCI등재

        Intrapulpal Temperature Change during Cavity Preparation on the Enamel and Dentin with an Er:YAG Laser

        양희영,김미은,김기석,Yang, Hee-Young,Kim, Mee-Eun,Kim, Ki-Suk Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine 2005 Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain Vol.30 No.4

        The purpose of our study was to investigate whether the intrapulpal temperature during cavity preparation of enamel or dentin with Er:YAG laser still remained in range of safety for dental pulp protection when combined with appropriate water flow rate. The effect of different pulse repetition rates at the same pulse energy during ablation was evaluated as well. Caries-free, restoration-free extracted human molar teeth were prepared for the specimen and divided two experimental groups of enamel and dentin. Each group comprised 5 specimens and each of tooth specimens were embedded into a resin block each and measuring probe was placed on the irradiated pulpal walls. For experiments of dentin ablation, enamel layers were prepared to produce dentin specimen with a same dentin thickness of 2 mm. A pulse energy of Er:YAG laser was set to 300 mJ and three different pulse repetition rates of 20 Hz, 15 Hz and 10 Hz were employed. Laser beam was delivered with 3 seconds and less per application over enamel and dentin surfaces constant sized by $3\;mm{\times}2\;mm$ and water spray added during irradiation was a rate of 1.6 ml/min. Temperature change induced by Er:YAG laser irradiation was monitored and recorded While enamel was ablated, there was no significant difference of temperature related to pulse repetition rates(p=0.358) and temperature change at any pulse repetition rate was negligible. Significant statistical difference in temperature changes during cavity preparation in dentin existed among three different pulse groups(p=0.001). While temperature rise was noticeable when the dentinal wall was perforated, actual change of temperature due to Er:YAG laser irradiation was not enough to compromise safety of dental pulp when irradiation was conjugated with appropriate water spray. Conclusively, it can be said that cavity preparation on enamel or dentin with an Er:YAG laser is performed safely without pulp damage if appropriate volume of water is sprayed properly over the irradiated site.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        차이와 평등의 공화국-프랑스의 1848년 혁명과 여성의 정치적, 경제적 권리-

        양희영 ( Yang Hee-young ) 한국서양사학회 2017 西洋史論 Vol.0 No.133

        1848년 2월혁명 직후 프랑스에서 여성들은 여성의 참정권과 여성 노동의 조직화를 요구했다. `1848년의 여성들`은 인간의 단일성이나 보편적 시민권이 아니라 모성과 가정을 강조하는 전통적 성차 담론을 토대로 여성 참정권을 요구했다. 그들은 어머니로서 여성이 수행하는 의무의 이름으로 정치적 권리를 요구하고 그 권리를 통해 여성이 공화국의 완성과 인류 전체의 진보에 기여할 것이라고 주장했다. 또한 여성들은 여성해방에 기여할 여성노동 조직의 방식으로 공동생산조합의 건설을 주장했다. 공동생산조합은 가사노동과 임금노동을 결합하고 가정이라는 사적 영역을 사회화하는 것이었다. 공동생산조합은 전통적 여성 역할을 보존하면서 여성의 자유를 확장하는 타협적 외관 아래 남녀의 사회적 역할과 관계를 변화시킬 수 있는 급진적 성격을 내포 했다. 그러나 여성들의 요구는 성취되지 못했다. 참정권 및 노동의 조직화와 관련된 여성의 경험은 `공화국 도제수업`의 불가결한 일부였지만 제정의 수립에 앞선 `실패한 혁명`의 예행이었다. 제2공화정은 여성시민 없는 공화국을 제3공화정에 물려주었고, 제3공화정은 제2공화정이 마치지 못한 도제수업을 다시 시작해야 했다. Immediately after the February Revolution of 1848 in France, women demanded women`s suffrage and the organization of women`s labor. `The women of 1848` demanded women`s suffrage not on the basis of human unity nor on the concept of universal citizenship but through the conventional discourse of sexual difference which emphasized motherhood and family. They demanded women`s rights for women`s duty as mothers and insisted that women would contribute to the perfection of the Republic and the progress of all humankind with their rights. They also urged the formations of associations as a way for the organization of women`s labor which would warrant women`s emancipation. The associations would unite domestic labor and wage labor and open up the family, which was a private sphere, to the society. While they represented a combination of women`s liberty and the preservation of women`s conventional roles, the associations encompassed the possibility of radical changes which would transform male and female social roles and relationships. However, the women`s demands were not achieved. Women`s experience with the suffrage and the organization of labor was crucial in `the Republican apprenticeship`, but it was also a rehearsal of the failed revolution preceding the establishment of the Second Empire. The Second Republic bequeathed the republic without `citizenesses` to the Third Republic, which had to restart the Republican apprenticeship which the Second Republic was not able to complete.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        기획논문 : 프랑스혁명과 정치 ; 프랑스혁명과 식민주의: 총재정부시기 식민지 문제를 중심으로

        양희영 ( Hee Young Yang ) 한국서양사연구회(구 서울대학교 서양사연구회) 2015 서양사연구 Vol.0 No.53

        The colonial question was one of main political issues in the period of the Directoire. The republicans struggled to preserve the ‘general liberty’ pronounced by the Law of Pluviose 16 because they considered the denial of the general liberty as the denial of the revolutionary cause itself. The controversies over the abolition of slavery, however, always presupposed the retention of colonies and the economic interests of France. The republicans emphasized the economic effects of the abolition of slavery and free wage labor to justify the general liberty. According to them, the force and wealth of France depended on the retention of colonies, which needed the abolition of slavery and the free wage labor. The republicans also argued that only the Republic could guarantee the liberty and civil rights of emancipated slaves against the offensive of the separatist colons and royalists. The general liberty combined with the principle of colonialism and it was the ‘Society of the Friends of the Blacks and the Colonies’ that justified and developed the colonialism based on the general liberty. The Society focused their activities on the regeneration of old colonies and the formation of new colonies. All political groups, as well as the Society, which were concerned about the British monopoly of sea trade aspired for new colonies. The Society offered arguments for realizing and justifying this aspiration by combining the general liberty achieved by the Republic with the regeneration of colonies and the extension of the civilization.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공포정치를 어떻게 가르칠 것인가? : 프랑스 역사교과서와 공포정치

        梁希英(Yang Hee-Young) 歷史敎育硏究會 2010 역사교육 Vol.113 No.-

        'The Terror' was a key issue in the controversies about the French Revolution around the bicentenary of the Revolution. 'Revisionist' historians rejected the orthodox interpretation of the Revolution, according to which the Terror was inevitable in times of national crisis and the Terror could be considered progressive in that the revolutionaries tried to overcome the limits of the bourgeois revolution and to increase democracy through the relative equality in that period. Revisionist historians argued that the counterrevolutionary menace and the invasion of enemies were not the causes but simply pretexts of the Terror. According to their opinions, the discourse of the necessity of the Terror predated the Terror and the ideologies of popular sovereignty and human regeneration dominated this discourse. These ideologies existed in the Revolution of 1789, so the Terror is inseparable from the Revolution of 1789 which is considered a revolution of human rights. How much have these controversies about the Revolution been reflected in french school-textbooks? The Terror is still defined as exceptional measures and institutions designed to save the country from the critical crisis situation in the school-textbooks. Above all, it is insisted that the Terror was the result of the crisis of the Republic. The textbooks present 'materials' to supplement and intensify the 'lessons', which include the documents showing the social composition of sans-culottes, their political demands and activities, their relationship with the national assembly, and the discourses of Montagnards. These materials, however, are not of use to explain how the Terror, which seems to be based on popular demands, suppressed in fact the political participation of the people. And the questions added to the materials don't permit to examine the essential point of revisionist interpretation that the discourse of the Terror was associated with the ideology of the Revolution itself. If it can be admitted that not only the formation of national identity, the cultivation of patriotism and civism but also the development of critical spirit, tolerance and recognition of others are the aims of history education, the textbooks will need to offer the reality of the Terror and its conflicting interpretations more frankly and permit the students to examine the different views on the French Revolution.

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