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      • KCI등재

        동양무예 수련의 바탕 사상

        양진방 ( Jin Bang Yang ) 대한무도학회 2013 대한무도학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        본 연구는 무예를 중심으로 한 동양 운동문화의 기저에 깔린 바탕 사상을 탐색해 보는데 그 목적을 두었다. 동양 운동문화의 사유의 바탕을 이루고 있는 가장 기초적 사상으로 천인합일 사상에 주목하였다. 천인합일 사상은 인간과 자연의 유사성, 상통성에 바탕하여 대우주-소우주로 유비하는 세계관이다. 천인합일 사상은 무예 수련의 신체관, 건강관의 바탕이 되며, 무예 기술 수련의 궁극적 지향점이 되기도 함으로써 무예 문화의 바탕 세계관이 되고 있다. 천인합일적 사유 속에서 중요한 매개 기능을 담당하고 있는 기의 담론은 정·기·신 이론을 중심으로 무예 수련 이론의 주요한 부분을 차지하고 있다. 에너지 대사과정, 운동을 통한 운동 에너지 잠재 역량의 확대, 운동 에너지의 발휘를 통한 운동 기술의 질적 표현으로 전화되는 무예 운동의 구체적 내용이 연정화기, 연기 화신의 이론으로 설명된다. 기는 이외에도 운동의 구체적 수행과정에서 의식과 느낌을 매개로 하여 무예운동의 독특한 기감의 세계를 구체화한다. 기와 연결하여 음양 이론 역시 무예 운동을 설명하는 중요한 범주로 논의된다. 음양은 기의 양면적 속성이라는 데서부터 시작하여 인간 운동이 갖는 대칭적 구조 속성을 바탕으로 강유, 허실, 내외, 동정 등 주요 쌍 개념들로 그 적용 범위를 확장해 간다. 기와 음양의 이론으로 기술 수련의 최고의 경지를 추구해가는 무예는 궁극적인 지향점을 기술의 자연화에 둔다. 인위적 기술의 자연화는 기술을 통하여 도에 닿으려는 도법자연의 사상을 구체화한 것이다. This study is to explore ground thoughts of the eastern asian martial arts culture. The idea of ``unity of universe and man`` is the world view of martial arts culture. Emphasizing ``resemblance`` and ``interaction`` between universe and man, the idea of ``unity of universe and man`` become the ground theory of martial arts practice in such themes as ``concept of body``, ``concept of health``, and ``ideal of technical perfection``. Next prominent thoughts that influenced into martial arts culture are narratives of ``ki``. Ki is a key category that is applied in diverse areas of martial arts practice including issue of energy transformation, power production, and mental strength. The third grounding thought is the narratives of yin & yang. Thoughts on yin & yang embrace concepts of ``hardness & softness``, ``emptiness & loadedness``, and ``inside & outside``. This line of thoughts leads that the conclusive idea of ``successive movements of the yin and yang constitute the Way``. Finally the idea of ``the Way of Tao is Nature`` is interpreted as the ultimate goal of martial arts training in both of technical and mental areas.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        품새의 발생 기원과 품새 개념의 확장 가능성 모색

        양진방 ( Jin Bang Yang ) 한국체육사학회 2011 체육사학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        동양 무술에 보편적으로 나타나는 독특한 기술형식인 태권도의 품새, 우슈의 타오루(套路), 카라테의 카타(形) 등 품새운동 양식은 무술로서 실전적 가치와 목적에 의하여 발생되고 또 발전되어온 것으로 널리 이해되어 왔다. 본 연구는 이러한 전통적 품새 기원에 대한 인식을 보다 확장하여 품새 운동양식은 고대사회에서 무용으로서 그리고 건강을 위한 양생운동으로서 행해져 온 기원적 전통이 존재한다는 것을 밝힌다. 따라서 품새는 무술로서의 기원 뿐 만아니라 무용과 양생으로서의 기원을 함께 가지는 것으로 이해하여야 하고, 이 점은 오늘날 품새의 기술동작의 내용에 대한 새로운 이해의 가능성을 제시함은 물론 품새 수련의 목적과 가치 등 품새의 개념에 대한 보다 다양한 확장 가능성도 제시하는 것이다. 품새는 실전적 가치와 함께 표현적 가치와 건강적 가치를 함께 추구한다는 주장에 대한 역사적 근거를 제시하는 것이다. It is a common understanding in Martial arts community that Poomsae in Taekwondo, Taorou in Wushou, Kata in Karate was developed from the ideas for fighting skills and methods. This study delineates that the Poomsae format techniques is influenced and developed from three different areas, dance, hygiene exercise, and martial skills. The three fold origins of Poomsae format techniques encourages diverse interpretation of Poosae in terms of its definition, value and purpose of its practice. In conclusion the study illustrates a historical background that the practice of Poomsae embraces the value of martial skills, health related exercise, and artistic expression.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        무도이론의 기초개념으로서의 강유론(剛柔論)

        양진방 대한무도학회 2000 대한무도학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        Asian martial artists have understood human movement based on the Asian traditional philosophical concepts, Tao, Taichi, yin and yang, softness and hardness, internal and external, etc., whereas Western approach is concentrated to the mechanical and physical principles on human movement. The study reviewed the concept of softness and hardness m relation to the traditional philosophic and its applications in martial arts. The traditional theories of softness and hardness were interpreted to understand their implications and meanings to practice of martial arts movements, particularly in the aspect of power production in the movements. The study revealed that; softness is a key to exert ultimate power in martial arts techniques, there are various types of power production in which the performer is not reached the level of understanding of softness. In the process of mastery of martial arts techniques, the practitioner is required to acquire the bodily understanding of softness in the given movement.

      • 전통무도의 세계화 방안

        양진방 龍仁大學校 武道硏究所 2002 武道硏究所誌 Vol.13 No.1

        This study is to explore the potential of martial arts education and its international expansion. The study discuss a brief progress and current situation of international martial arts market focused on the implications of the popularity of Asian martial arts in Western society. Today's emphasis on globalization of higher education in Korea has multi-level limitations within its scope and capacity. However a globalization project with martial arts education, particularly by Yong-In University which has strong background and educational capacity in martial arts program should have merits and chance for success. The study illustrate several ideas and strategies for the success of the project.

      • 체육의 인문학적 이해: 체육하기와 체육알기의 소통을 위한 시도

        양진방 龍仁大學校 1998 용인대학교 논문집 Vol.15 No.-

        The academic discourse of Korean physical education reveals that the academic community are heavily dominated by theoretical frameworks and languages of North American physical education. This was evidenced in a document that department of physical education. Seoul National University edited to review the development of Korean physical education in academian activities and its outcomes. The evolving process of contemporary Korean physical education is itself a process of introducing and interpretation of North American physical education, however the community's dependency on American frameworks are so problematic that majority of the academic activities and its outcomes are not much meaningful in the sense of the practice in the Korean society. There are several reasons for this problematic situation ; First, Korean academian in physical education and sport science assume that the universal form is North American concepts of research and theorization of physical education. Second, in most of the cases, elite research manpower was reinforced from those who has their academic training in the North American universities. Third, the positivistic-functional approach has been dominated in the Korean sports and physical education both in research and practice. There is an urgent demand to develop new perspectives and concepts that can explain and accommodate the reality of practice and culture of physical education and sports in today's Korean society. This paper includes some suggestions for the problematics.

      • 태권도 역사연구의 새로운 방향성 모색을 위한 논의

        양진방 龍仁大學校 武道硏究所 1997 武道硏究所誌 Vol.8 No.2

        This study is to reconsider the meaning of historical studies in Korean taekwondo. Most of historical studies emphasized historical evidences of taekwondo as a Korean traditional martial arts. However, this overemphasis on the historical legitimacy of taekwondo limited studies in the area in terms of factual and contextual validity. Most current historical arguments can be criticized for the lack of reality and over-abstactness. Another significant issue is that these studies assume that taekwondo has been developed independently isolated from any influence from neighbor regions, China and Japan. The most crucial issue is on the interpretation of the modern development of taekwondo. With current dominant attitude to the study of taekwondo history it is seriously limited to interpret the significance of changes in techniques which is the product of modern competitive taekwondo. This study is to reorient the perspective of historical studies in taekwondo and Asian martial arts in general. To encourage meaningful and valid historical study, there is urgent need to reconsider studies of this area in the contextual understandings of Asian martial arts.

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