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        “Liberation Space” and Times of Resistance in Visual Records

        Yang Jeong Sim(양정심) 고려대학교 한국사연구소 2014 International Journal of Korean History Vol.19 No.2

        이 글은 해방공간, 소위 ‘해방3년사’를 다룬 영상기록물을 통해 당시의 사회상을 다루고자 한다. 분석 대상은 사실(fact)에서 출발하는 영상자료인 뉴스영화와 기록영화를 대상으로 한다. 한국사에서도 문헌기록 뿐 만 아니라, 사진, 포스터등 사료의 활용 영역이 넓어지고 있다. 여기에서는 생생하게 보여주는 영상기록을 토대로 해방공간을 재구성해보고자 한다. 이 글에서 특히 주목하는 것은 영상기록의 촬영과 상영 주체라 할 수 있는 미군정의 의도가 벗어나는 틈새 지점이다. 미군정의 탄압 속에서도 생존권 투쟁과 분단을 막고자 하는 정치적 저항을 함께 하는 순간을 포착하고 그 의미를 되새겨보고자 한다. This paper attempts to discuss social aspects of the “liberation space” or the history of three years after the Korean liberation from the Japanese colonial rule, through audiovisual records of the time. The object of analyses will be audiovisual resources, specifically news films and documentary films, which are rooted in facts. The use of not only written documents but also photographs, posters, and other historical resources is increasing in studying Korean history. This paper will reconstruct the space of liberation based on vivid audiovisual records of the time. In particular, this paper focuses on the points in films that deviate from the motives and intentions of the United States Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGIK), which was the principal agent that produced and screened the films examined in this paper. This study attempts to capture and ruminate on the significance of the moments of Korean peoples’ struggle for the right to live and their political protests to stop the division of the Korean Peninsula under the oppression of USAMGIK.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁기 미 공군의 대북첩보활동 -도널드 니콜스(Donald Nichols)를 중심으로-

        양정심 ( Jeong Sim Yang ) 수선사학회 2013 史林 Vol.0 No.46

        Donald Nichols who belonged to FEAF(Far East Air Force) during the Korean war conducted US army counter-intelligence against North Korea. He was a founder of USAF HUMINT (US Air Force Human Intelligence) and so active in a war to be called ‘an expert of war’ or ‘a genius of intelligence’. Nichols came to ROK in 1946 September as a branch manager of the 607 CIC(Counter Intelligence Corps) and became a general of the 8th OSI(Office of Special Investigation) right after withdrawal of USFK(US Force in Korea). He took charge of the 6004 AISS(Air Intelligence Service Squadron) since 1951 May. He maintained his position until 1957 even if the 6004 AISS changed to the 6006 AISS in 1952 September. Nichols was a guaranteed wirepuller who had collected information regarding politics, military, and features even before the Korean war. He could predict the beginning date of Korean war exactly with his information network. After the outbreak of Korean war, he carried out counter-intelligence operation with commanding Korean soldiers and Korean special force under the support of the USAF. The 6004(6006) AISS under his command was a Korea-US joint special intelligence corps in the FEAF. The AISS took part in counter-intelligence activities such as collecting air information, infiltration into North Korea, rescue operation for pilots, and destruction and disruption of the enemy`s rear. Nichols actively participated in the Korean war. For example, he gathered information with the founding the radio inspection corps, and captured North Korean`s essential weapons like T-34 and MIG-15. Also he successfully carried out repression against guerilla warfare as well as special operation based on the coast. As a result, Nichols won the ‘Medal of Honor’ which was called the highest honor in the U.S force. The performance of Nichols in the Korean war could be possible with strong support from not only Syng Man Rhee but also Earle E. Partridge, a commander of the 5th USAF. His work played important role in the foundation of the ROKAF. Nichols` corps was a special one in its normal organization system. Nichols, who even did not have any rank insignia in his uniform, conducted the 6004(6006) corps and had the same rear area support as one fighter wing did by the FEAF. The monthly budget for his corps was huge. Nichols was a legendary hero in the intelligent war to the US force. However, he was criticised for intervention into Korean politics during the Korean war through torture, genocide and lots of Korean intelligence agents` death with reckless operations. It is not easy to gather plenty of the materials about intelligence war because most missions of the so called ‘invisible war’ were carried out in secret. Studying on the USAF`s counter-intelligence warfare against North Korea during the Korean war besides Nichols` activities had many difficulties. We should lay a stress on combining Nichols` biography and his psychology including testimony form Korean agents with intelligence war to expand the study about Donald Nichols much more than now.

      • KCI등재후보

        해방 후 북한 기록영화와 정치선전

        양정심(Yang, Jeong-Sim),김은경(Kim, Eun-Kyung) 역사학연구소 2016 역사연구 Vol.- No.31

        본 연구는 북한 노획 영상을 통해 해방 이후 한국전쟁 전까지 북한의 사회상과 정치선전 전략을 분석했다. 연구에서 주목한 부분은 영상을 제작한 주체의 의도와 텍스트가 유포하는 담론이다. 연구 내용을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 남한에서 미군정이 미공보원을 통해 정치선전을 했던 것처럼, 초기 북한의 기록영화 제작에서 소련의 역할과 비중이 매우 컸다. 소련은 자국에서 생산한 기록영화를 북한에서 상영하기 위해 우리말 내레이션을 삽입하는 등 북한에서 사회주의 정치선전을 하는데 힘을 쏟았다. 정치선전의 장이 되었던 기록영화는 북한에서 소련의 문화적 헤게모니가 관철되는데 큰 역할을 했다. 둘째, 초기 북한 기록영화는 북한정권의 정당성과 사회주의의 우월함을 선전하는데 집중했다. 북한은 ‘민주개혁’과 사회주의를 표방했기 때문에 기록영화의 주요 선전 주제는 토지개혁과 공장의 생산성 증가, 그리고 농민, 노동자, 여성, 청년 등 하층 대중의 삶을 조명하는 것이었다. 또 선거와 교육을 계몽하는데 많은 분량을 할애했고, 분단이 현실화되던 시점에서는 남북연석회의를 집중 조명하기도 했다. 셋째, 북한 기록영화의 영상 스타일은, 계몽과 선전을 위해 사운드를 많이 활용했다는 특징이 있다. 북한 기록영화는 이미지보다 사운드를 우위에 두어 전지적인 ‘신의 목소리’를 통해 대중을 계몽하려 했다. 이는 문맹인구가 많은 상황에서 북한의 정책과 이데올로기를 선전하는 효과를 극대화하기 위한 것이었다. 넷째, 기록영화는 김일성을 비롯한 북한 정권과 소련의 정책을 일반 대중에게 선전하고 보다 쉽게 다가갈 수 있는 설득의 매개체였다. 문맹인구가 많았던 북한대중은 영화를 통해 새로운 정치체제와 이데올로기를 내면화했다. 북한의 개혁이 실제 생활양식과 삶의 방식을 바꾸었다면, 영화는 개혁의 정치적 의미를 각인시켰다. 기록영화의 관람은 오락과 정치 학습을 오가는 시간이었다. 그런 점에서 해방 후 북한의 기록영화는 새로운 체제에 동의하는 대중-인민을 형성하는데 기여했다. This paper attempted to discuss the social aspects and political propaganda of North Korea after liberation before Korean War. The targets of analysis were visual resources, specifically news films and documentary films of North Korea that US Army captured during the Korean War. The research began with the question, how or to what extent can visual records be used as historical resources? Of course, it is a difficult task to reconstruct history with short films. However, the attempt like this is very important because it helps us to find a historical methodology between visual records and history. In conclusion, documentary films of North Korea was a very effective media for propaganda. there were a lot of illiterate people at that time. They easily could accept new regime and ideology through the documentary films. Film had been one of the most popular media since colonial period. Watching documentary films was located between political study and entertainment. Therefore, they made people who agree with the North Korean regime.

      • KCI등재

        [전시분석 ②] 반쪽의 역사 보여주기

        양정심(Yang, Jeong Sim) 역사비평사 2013 역사비평 Vol.- No.103

        The National Museum of Korean Contemporary History was opened without broad consultation and with the historical view focused on national success. As the Museum was hastily opened, exhibitions are deficient of contents. The most serious problem is the historical view of the Museum. The initiators of the Museum have claimed that it is important to compile and convey Korean history with a “balanced view” and that the exhibitions in the Museum reflect this. However, the contents of the exhibitions are problematic. There are some discrepancies between the contents in the exhibition and the guide book. At a glance, the exhibitions have the appearance of conveying the results of an objective study of modern Korean history, but the historical context is different according to the arrangement of the selected exhibits and the facts. The same problem is seen in the organization and placement of the exhibited items. Also, there is a problem with the arrangement of the exhibits. There is a lack of accurate historical continuity between the establishment of the R.O.K and the U.S. Army Military Government in Korea, nor between the May 16th Coup and Park Jeong Hee’s government. Above all, the Museum does not actually show the relationship between state violence and human rights issues and the exhibits should show the pain of the victims if the Museum claims to deal with industrialization and democratization in a balanced way.

      • KCI등재

        해외 영상기록에 담긴 한국전쟁 -전쟁의 이미지화와 냉전의 구축-

        양정심 ( Jeong-sim Yang ) 수선사학회 2016 史林 Vol.0 No.55

        This article started from the question how should be the video records used to analyze modern Korean history, otherwise how much is it possible to use them under the same goal. I’d like to target at analyzing documentaries including newsreels which have been video materials based on fact. Analysis on the period when the war images were created and circulated was tried with the Korean war videos. As little video records were created in Korea even if it was directly involved with the war, the value of the video records from abroad is high as historical materials. Of course, newsreels are the materials influenced by the time when they were taken. Many countries involved with the war have produced the newsreels on a large scale with their own view. Video images displayed vividly the way those regimes intended wartime events to be recognized and to be remembered in the Korean war. The United States showed itself as the winner of the cold war with the image to conduct and protect the free world. England and France took their actions to the sites of the cold war in the postwar relationship with the U.S. Other Asian countries in the ‘free’ world did so like England and France. Nonalignment policy of India could not be accepted in the Korean peninsular. The newsreels which hold urgent ambience of the wartime and nonfictional reality have spread the image of “Thankworthy America” to help us over South Koreans. Contrary to the R.O.K army which lost the capital in only 3 days, the U.S. Force’s overwhelming power which turned the war situation decisively and enormous amount of aid goods and military support by the U.S. before and after the Korean war made abstract idea of American democracy concrete in reality. On the other hand, political neutrality and nonalignment policy had no place in the ‘free’ R.O.K. The war ended, but the whirlwind of the cold war came to strike the Korean peninsular.

      • KCI등재

        미국 기록영화와 한국전쟁 ― 미 육군통신대 영상을 중심으로 ―

        양정심 ( Jeong-sim Yang ) 수선사학회 2017 史林 Vol.0 No.60

        By taking note of the image records as the historical sources, this paper examines the imagification process of the Korean War. With the Department of Public Information in the US government, organizations in the US armed forces had produced lots of documentary films about the wars. The United States Army Signal Corps (USASC) produced video records on the Korean War in order of the outbreak, processes, and armistice negotiations. The films contain edited records related to the events of the Korean War; and these news films were showed and broadcasted. The Korean War that was triggered by the collision of two different ideologies, capitalism and communism, caused the propaganda war for aggrandizing military victories and for justifying the enter a war. The image records containing fierce battles and nonfictional truths were the significant media for legitimating the US participation in the Korean War and for persuading it to the public. Video records are the contemporary historical sources; thus image records produced in the USASC reflected the direct perspectives of the US government. Therefore, these records show accurately the intention of the US government in what way the Korean war perceived and memorized. These films explicitly demonstrate that the US government was confident as a winner of the cold war under the images that it led and protected the free world. Although the war was broken in the Korean peninsula, the group who commanded and had battles and protected the civilian was not the South Korean but US armed forces. On the other hand, the Korean people were described as the pitiable images. The films frequently exhibit that the US government decided on the fate of the Korean peninsula where the international war was outbreak beyond the civil war. This study begin with the critical mind that the visual media are also significant historical texts as with documents. Nevertheless, it is not easy work to historicize image records for conducting historical research. For this reason, this paper adopts the theory that `approaches` is more appropriate term than `methods` in the research field in the visual history, because it seems that the concept `approaches` embraces new concerns or perspectives rather than the term `method`. By considering that image records contain more facts than dramatic films, the analyses on image records that are similar to historical literatures will widen the area of historical studies.

      • KCI등재

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