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      • KCI등재

        Interlengua española de los hablantes de coreano: errores en las construcciones equivalentes españolas de las relativas coreanas

        양성혜 한국스페인어문학회 2011 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.61

        Las construcciones españolas equivalentes de las relativas coreanas causan más dificultad de adquirir a los aprendices coreanos debido a lo marcado del español: las relativas coreanas ‘verbo conjugado en relativo + N’ pueden equivaler tanto a las relativas ‘N + relativo’ como a las completivas ‘∅ + que’ o ‘N + de que’ en español. Por lo tanto, la tarea de los aprendices coreanos sería distinguir las dos construcciones y traducirlas al español de manera apropiada. Para indagar la interlengua española de los hablantes de coreano en tales construcciones, clasificamos los tipos de errores que se encontraban en la producción escrita de los 53 aprendices de nivel intermedio y en la oral de los 40 aprendices de nivel superior en la fase descriptiva. En la fase explicativa intentamos extraer las características generales de la interlengua española de los hablantes de coreano y dilucidar la evolución de la interlengua según las etapas. Por último, damos unas conclusiones con las que se puede explicar de una manera plausible la interlengua española de los hablantes de coreano en cuanto a las construcciones objeto de investigación.

      • KCI등재

        스페인어 중성어가 요구하는 인지 상태에 대한 위계구조: esto, eso, aquello, lo, ello

        양성혜 서울대학교 라틴아메리카연구소 2020 이베로아메리카硏究 Vol.31 No.1

        Spanish has five neuters such as esto, eso, aquello, lo and ello although it doesn't have neuter nouns. This paper aims at analyzing distinctive semantic features of each form, based on the assumption that they share the same semantic feature [-discrete]. In a quantitative approach, I analyzed each neuter's frequency in three interviews data from CREA(Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual). In a qualitative approach, by applying Theory of Subjectification of Traugott(2003) to The Givenness Hierarchy model of Gundel, Hedberg and Zacharski(1993), I proposed a model based on four related cognitive statuses for explicating the uses of referring expressions with neuters in Spanish: in focus> deictic> anaphoric> definite. Each status entails all lower statuses. Lo as neuter article requires the lowest status 'definite' in which the addressee can identify the referent on the basis of the nominal alone. Ello and lo pronominal require 'anaphoric' status in which the addressee is able to identify the intended referent because its related expressions have already been mentioned. Esto, eso and aquello require 'deictic' status in which the referent is accessible in situational context. Esto used as reformulater with subjectivity and eso used as reactive marker with intersubjectivity occupy the highest status 'in focus'. 스페인어에 중성명사는 없지만 esto, eso, aquello, lo, ello와 같은 5개의 중성어가 있다. 본고에서는 스페인어의 이들 중성어가 [-discreto]를 기본 의미자질로 공유한다고 보고, 각각의 형태가 어떤 변별적인 의미 자질이 있는지를 살펴보고자 했다. 양적인 접근 방법으로 CREA(Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual)에서 현대스페인어 구어 코퍼스 중 스페인의 라디오/TV 프로그램에서 녹음된 1996년 3건의 인터뷰 내용에 한정하여 중성어들의 사용빈도를 비교해 보았다. 질적 분석 접근법으로 Traugott(2003)의 ‘주관성 이론’(Theory of Subjectification)과 Gundel, Hedberg and Zacharski(1993)의 지시표현의 ‘주어진 인지적 상태의 위계모형’(The Givenness Hierarchy)을 바탕으로 스페인어의 esto, eso, aquello, lo, ello를 쓴 지시표현이 요구하는 인지 상태를 4단계로 위계화했다. 즉 초점 (en foco) > 직시(deíctico) > 대용(anafórico) > 한정(definido) 순이며, 상위의 인지 단계는 하위의 모든 인지 단계를 포괄한다. 이 모델에 따르면 중성관사로 쓰인 lo는 명사구 자체로만 청자가 지시체를 확인하도록 하는 가장 낮은 인지 단계인 ‘한정’을 요구한다. Ello와 대명사로 사용된 lo는 ‘대용’의 인지 단계를 요구하는데 이 단계에서 청자는 화자가 의도한 지시체에 접근할 수 있는데 이미 관련된 표현이 앞 문장에서 언급되었기 때문이다. Esto, eso, aquello는 상황적 문맥에서 지시체에 접근이 가능함을 암시하기 때문에 ‘직시’ 단계라고 할 수 있다. 반면, 주관성이 있는 재형상화 표시자로 사용된 esto와 청자의 반응을 유도하는 간주관성을 가진 반응의 표시자로 사용된 eso는 ‘초점’이라는 가장 강력한 인지 상태를 활성화해야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        El contacto lingüístico en el doble posesivo su casa de Juan en español

        양성혜 한국스페인어문학회 2016 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.78

        This paper aims to explain possessive noun phrases with double possessor reference in Spanish: su casa de Juan. The usual explanation for the possessive duplications in Spanish has been based on a way of mitigating reference ambiguity of the pronoun su(s) which is a unique form that covers different numbers, persons and genders of possessors. This construction was present in Medieval Spanish but was lost in modern Peninsular Spanish except very limited use like su casa de usted(es). However it has remained alive in some American Spanish dialects. Nowadays it is spreading not only into modern Mexican-Andean Spanish but also into modern Peninsular Spanish. In American Spanish language contact might have taken place between Spanish and Indigenous Languages like Nahuatl or Quechua. In this study I verify the transference of corresponding structures of Indigenous Languages in American Spanish. I intend to describe unique and distinctive aspects of possessive duplications among Medieval Spanish, Mexican Spanish and Andean Spanish in detail as a result of the contrastive study and give a plausible explanation for each case from the cognitive perspective.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        스페인어 como의 범주화와 의미분화

        양성혜 한국스페인어문학회 2018 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.86

        “Como” in Spanish has diverse semantic values. “Quomodo” in latin originally was used as an interrogative, an exclamative and a relative adverb and but throughout its evolution towards "como" in Spanish, its use is expanded as an adverb in approximate, comparative and coordinate constructions and became to be used as a conjunction in causative and conditional sentences. In modern colloquial Spanish, "como" has topicalizer role at pragmatic level. In order to explain the semantic divergence of "como", in the present study I applied grammaticalization theory with the prototype categorization. In the first step, among the original values of “quomodo”, the use as a relative adverb in adverbial clauses generated its basic meaning: "cognitive proximity" between two entities or attributes (como A = A') and became to assume the cognitive schema A'≒A. In the second step, the uses of "como" as a preposition or an adverb in approximate, comparative and coordinate constructions were derived from this basic cognitive meaning. In the third step, once firmly established its use of multivalue as an adjunct, "como" became to be used as a conjunction whose function is adjunct as well but at sentence level. Finally, its grammacalization process culminated in its use as a topicalizer at pragmatic level. This phenomenon can be explained as subjectification, the last step of grammaticalization.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        무들의 협력학습도구를 활용한 통역 수업 시스템 설계 및 구현

        양성혜 부산외국어대학교 이베로아메리카연구소 2012 이베로아메리카 Vol.14 No.2

        Design and Implementation of a Moodle System with Collaborative Learning Tools for Interpretation Courses Classes in foreign language interpretation courses are usually done off-line and consist of the following four steps: preparative phase of the subject, preparative phase of specific terms, phase of interpretation practice and phase of feedback. But some problems are observed from the point of view of learning effectiveness. First, students submit to the teacher personally the task of investigating the issue and specific terms so that students can't share the information each other and lose the opportunity to prepare for the class in advance with equality. Second, the oral feedback from peers and the teacher in class is limited with respect to time and content, so that students may not have an opportunity to reflect their performance neither in class nor after class. If students themselves had an opportunity to reflect their performance after class, they would learn more. To provide a solution to these problems, this study proposed the introduction of blended learning in the interpretation class and showed how to implement Moodle system for Interpretation courses. The focus of the design was to use the collaborative learning tools like forum, wiki and glossary. And the web site implemented was applied in a real class for one semester in 2011. Finally, analyzing the result of the survey about effectiveness of the system, this study purposed some suggestions for teachers. [Key Words: Moodle/ System Design & Implementation/ Wiki/ Forum/ Glossary/ Collaborative Learning] [주제어: 무들/ 시스템 설계와 구현/ 위키/ 포럼/ 용어집/ 협력학습]

      • KCI등재

        오픈코스웨어(OCW)의 국내 스페인어 교육 활용 방안

        양성혜 서울대학교 라틴아메리카연구소 2010 이베로아메리카硏究 Vol.21 No.1

        OpenCourseWare es un recurso educativo gratuito que ofrecen las universidades del mundo en un entorno virtual. Tanto los estudiantes como los profesores en Corea podrán disponer de ello con tal de que estén conectados a Internet. En el presente trabajo, nos enfocamos en la búsqueda de los OCWs útiles para la enseñanza o el aprendizaje de español. Primero, se presentan los portales de varias asociaciones de la OCW donde se pueden encontrar los materiales de español. En segundo lugar, analizamos algunos OCWs reconocidos de español como el MIT OpenCourseWare, OpenLearn: The Open University UK, OCW de las universidades de habla hispana, OCW del Instituto de Cervantes, etc. Para aprovechar al máximo de estos OCWs, seránecesario juzgar si son rentables para los profesores o para los aprendices. Claramente los OCWs tratados en el presente trabajo resultan que unos sirven para la clase por parte de los profesores y otros, para el autoaprendizaje por parte de los estudiantes. En conclusión, añadimos unos criterios de seleccionar los adecuados OCWs cuando queremos usarlos.

      • KCI등재

        자연적 접근방법(The Natural Approach)에 근거한 효과적인 스페인어 교수법과 교재활용 -Dos mundos를 중심으로-

        양성혜,안영옥 한국스페인어문학회 2011 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.59

        Hoy en día la mayoría de los profesores de lenguas extranjeras han dejado su creencia de que existe un método de enseñanza omnipotente para todas las clases. O bien les interesa más saber organizar bien sus clases aplicando unos métodos de enseñanza adecuados según sus características. Nuestro estudio se ha realizado con el objetivo de ofrecer a los profesores una instrucción eficaz de diseñar la clase en la que se utilizan el libro de texto y muchos materiales de multumedia adcionales como Dos mundos. Para ello, en primer lugar, hemos reflexionado las teorías psicológicas sobre el aprendizaje y el enfoque de la enseñanza de la lengua, “The Natural Approach”, en el que se basa Dos mundos. A través de las reflexiones teóricas, hemos inducido que el “input hypothesis” de Krashen es primordial en este enfoque y funciona como un principio para organizar las clases de una manera rentable. En segundo lugar, hemos elaborado un modelo del diseño de la clase con Dos mundos en el que se muestra la secuencia de los materiales teniendo en cuenta “comprehensible input(i+1)”. Además hemos ofrecido unos consejos en relación con los métodos de enseñanza que ayuden a los profesores de lenguas extranjeras a estimular el máximo provecho por parte de los aprendientes. En conclusión, nuestro estudio podrá ser una guía para cualquier profesor que quiera organizar las clases con mayor eficacia utilizando un libro de texto y varios materiales de multimedia como Dos mundos.

      • KCI등재

        통역수업을 위한 위키학습모델 개발

        양성혜,송상기 서울대학교 라틴아메리카연구소 2012 이베로아메리카硏究 Vol.23 No.3

        The training of qualified interpreters has been a crucial educational issue for the national competitiveness in era of globalization. In Korea, the education of interpretation has been offered in courses of foreign languages for each undergraduate and graduate courses specialized for the interpretation. The class is usually done off-line and consists of the following four steps: preparative phase of the subject, preparative phase of specific terms, phase of interpretation practice and phase of feedback. But some problems are observed from the point of view of learning effectiveness. First, students submit to the teacher personally the task of investigating an issue and specific terms so that students can’t share the information each other and lose the opportunity to prepare for the class in advance with equality. Second, the oral feedback from peers and the teacher in class is so limited with respect to time and content that students may not have an opportunity to reflect their performance neither in class nor after class. If students themselves had an opportunity to reflect their performance after class, they would learn more. To provide a solution to these problems, this study proposed the introduction of blended learning in the interpretation class and elaborated a wiki-based learning model. 국제화 시대에 전문적인 외국어 통역사의 양성은 국가경쟁력과 결부된 필수적인 교육 사안이다. 통역교육은 대학의 외국어학과나 통역학과의 학부 및 통역 전문 대학원 교육과정 내에서 주로 이루어지며 주로 전통적인 면대면 수업의 형태로 이루어지고 있다. 통역수업은 주제준비, 용어준비, 실제통역, 피드백으로 구성된다. 기존 수업의 문제점은 크게 두 가지로 구분해 볼 수 있다. 첫째, 수업 시간에 다룰 주제에 대한 배경지식 및 용어가 개인과제로 부과됨에 따라 자료의 공유가 미리 이루어지지 않아 학습자들이 동등한 통역준비 기회가 없다는 점이다. 둘째, 구두언어로 수업시간에 실습한 내용에 대한 교수자 및 동료학습자의 피드백이 시공간적으로 한정적이고 학습자의 자가 피드백 기회가 없어 학습효과가 떨어진다는 점이다. 만일 통역 전에 배경지식과 용어에 대한 자료가 공유되고 통역 후 활동에서 학습자가 자신의 통역에 대한 성찰을 할 기회가 제공된다면 학습효과는 보다 상승될 것이라고 기대할 수 있다. 기존의 면대면 통역 수업에 대한 대안으로 본 논문에서 통역 수업의 블렌디드러닝을 제안하였고 위키학습모델을 개발하여 제시하였다.

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