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        소농경제에 있어서의 농산물생산비산출문제

        안인찬 ( In Chan Ahn ) 한국농업경제학회 1983 農業經濟硏究 Vol.24 No.1

        Even after the concept of the costs of production becomes clear there still remain certain problems of choosing items of the costs of production and estimating them. Traditionally there have been two contrasting views on costs of production. The one is economists` view and the other is that of accountants. According to the former the items of the costs of production extend to include taxes and other charges as well as the items such as speed, fertilizer, chemicals, etc. These two views show some differences in estimation. The former includes even unpaid costs for self-supplied labor, land, and other materials in calculation through imputation while the latter excludes any items unpaid and records only practical payments. These differences in estimation of costs of production create differences in the magnitude of costs of production between economists` method and that of accountants. Usually, estimated results of the costs of preducticn by economists` method are greater than those of accountants. This is one of the reasons why producers favor the economists` method while consumers favor the accountants` method. As a base determining a level of supporting price which makes agricultural sector enjoy equality with industrial sector economists` method is more appropriate. However, in explaining the background including socio-economic relationship of agricultural production accountants` method is superior. In this sense there is no general cost of production. Any estimates of the cost of producing agricultural products will encounter some criticism. Beside these, a lots of problems emerge from the characteristics of peaseant economy such as indivisibility of consumption and production. To reduce the number of problems as many alternative estimation should be attempted as possible and estimates should offer flexibility to the user. That means providing sufficient detail on input items, including both costs and physical quantities, so that users can adjust the cost estimates. Furthermore, estimates should be accompanied by indicators of returns to have full meaning.

      • Decoupling 정책하의 쌀 생산자에 대한 소득보상수준의 적정성 검토

        안인찬(In-chan Ahn) 한국동서경제학회 2004 한국동서경제연구 Vol.16 No.1

        한국 정부는 WTO 규약에 의거하여 정부 수매가를 상승시키는 방법이 아니라 직 접 지원방식을 통하여 쌀 농가에게 농가소득 손실분을 보전하여 왔는데, 그 규모는 2000년의 300,000/ha 에서 2003 년에는 532,000 월/ha 로 큰 폭으로 증가하였다. 그러나 기존의 직접지원방식은 그 지원수준 기준년도 및 소득 수준에 대한 적정성에 대한 어떤 명확한 준거도 없는 실정이다. 본 논문에서는 2002 년의 쌀 농가 지원수준을 1990 년과 2000년을 기준으로 하여 연구하였다. 연구 결과 지원수준은 1990 년을 기준으로 하였을 때 적절한 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 이것은 2000 년을 기준년도로 하였을 때는 척정 수준보다 매우 낮은 것으로 분석되었다. 이와 같이 기준년도에 따른 차이는 주로 기준년도의 작황의 차 이에 의한 것으로 풀이할 수 있다. 현재의 직접지원시스템은 목표 년도의 작황, 쌀 농가의 소득수준 및 일반 상품가격에 영향을 주지 않는 것으로 분석하였다. 따라서 직접지원제도가 위와 같은 변수에의 영향력을 증대시키기 위해서는 쌀 농가의 직접지원의 적절성을 증가시키는 방향으로 개선되어야 할 것이다. Korea government has subsidised rice farming through direct payment to compensate for the loss of income by not increasing government purchasing price under the WTO rule since 2001 the amounts of direct payment increased from 300,000won/ha of 2000 to 532,000/ha of 2003. However, there is no evidence for the appropriateness of the subsidy level, base year, and income level to be supported for rice farming of target year should be determined previously. In this paper, the subsided level for the rice farming of 2002 was checked by setting 1990 and 2000 as base year respectively. The subsidies level was considered to be appropriate when checked by using 1990 as base year. While it was found to be for below the appropriate level when checked by using 2000 as base year. The difference between the appropriateness was considered to be due to the difference of yields between base year. Present direct payment system does not reflect the condition such as yields, income level of rice farmers, and prices of general commodities of target year. Correction to reflect this shortness seems essential for increasing the appropriateness of direct payment for rice farming.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        우리 나라 米穀生産費 算出方式의 變遷에 관한 硏究

        安仁燦 韓國農業政策學會 1979 농업경영정책연구 Vol.6 No.1

        In Korea, the calculation of the production cost in respect of rice was started in the Japanese occupation period. Therefore, its pattern of calculating is similar production is that of the Japan. For example, most of the items consisting of the cost for the same in both countries. In Japan, Oski's theory was prevailed at first but recently Kayo's theory is much introduced in calculating the production cost in respect of agricultural products. Oski insisted on true to market price basis at the standpoint of economist but Kayo insisted on true to paid cost basis at the standpoint of accountist. By the method of Oski we can not refled the real state of any individual farm but can reach the average value of the production cost all around the country. By Kayo it will be reversed. It goes without saying that Oski's theory is imperfect yet, Oski's theory is prevailing in Korea. The calculation of the production cost in respect of rice was started in 1918. At that time not only sample size was small (only 108 farms were surveyed through the whole country) but also the surveyed results were not promulgated. Through the sample size increased to 3,375 farms as of 1979, as the time goes on its secrecy has been continued recently. Since 1962, the ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries have been promulgating the production cost in respect of rice surveyed in accordance with the statistics Law which was enforced on Jan. 15. 1962. In that law the purpose of surveying the production cost for agricultural product is enacted as to provide data on the parity price of agricultural products and agricultural managemental improvement. The sample size surveyed was determined by considering of budget state more than theoretical adequacy historically. Therefore the adequacy of the present sample size should be once checked. Furthermore, the purpose of surveying the production cost in respect of rice has been the control of rice price based on the thought which presumes the production cost as the base of market price. The cost of production in respect of rice has been underestimated traditionally both in Korea and Japan. Monopolized survey by single institution has been the main cause of former's discredit on the results promulgated in Korea. Market price basis system which Korea adopted is simple but its theoretical righteousness should be verified. In addition to these, promulgating time of surveyed results is one of the problems necessary to be checked once. Because the results surveyed are promulgated after one year it is difficult for individual farmer to use them as improving criteria for his farming. In short, surveying of the cost of the production in respect of rice is a year long practice in Korea, but it has such problems to be solved as test of adequacy for sample size, promulgating time, method of calculation, theoretical verification, improvement of surveying system, etc.

      • 奧地農村에서의 兒童期 人間資源의 開發實態分析

        안인찬 淑明女子大學校 兒童硏究所 兒童福祉學科 1990 兒童硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        The aim of this study is to establish a monitoring system on YHRD at local level in remote rural area. At village level Ri chieves are helpful and by activating them most of the informations necessary for YHRD can be collected through the desk of social affairs of Myon Additional informations which are not collected through Myon such as on vaccination of children and status of pregnant woman can be collected through village health aids nominated by county governor. Informations and announcements from the government can be disseminated through the same channel only by reversing the flow. Coordination between Myon office and Myon health center can correct the errors in informations. ▷그림삽입◁ Above flow chart shows the monitoring system which has been run by the project team. In each level development committee has ben run to disseminate the informations collected and to find ways of improvements for YHRD. By running this monitoring system statistics on YHRD can be maintained accurately every day at local level However, improvements for YHRD were not so easy at all. For example, in BCG vaccination case even though everyone agreed on the necessity of opportune vaccination for a baby withim 1 month old and knew the fact that only a few lucky babies, less than 30 percent of the total, got vaccination in time nothing had been done for the improvements At the local level where local autonomy was not in practice there was nothing to do under present system but receiving and consuming the vaccines supplied by higher authorities no matter what was the demand in that area. Even the central government level unless high dignitaries realized the importance of the subject and ordered some improvements the officials were just murmuring at the shortage of budget. Early education for children was in its cradle stagte yet in rural area Many children were excluded from day care centers because of distance to the facilities from home. The situation seemed to be difficult to improve for the time being with getting sparsely populated rural environment. For the improvements in YHRD at local level central government should address more efforts for YHRD. Given the vaccine supplying practice like supplying BCG vaccine twice a year in a large bottle to Myon health branch there could not be any improvements in opportune vaccination at local level. Local autonomy would be helful in making local authonty allocate budget and resources for YHRD to meet local demand. In addition to these, the best way would be making parent aware of the importance of YHRD and keep health records of their children in cards for themselves.

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