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        Local relationship in consonant insertion

        안영란 한국음운론학회 2010 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.16 No.3

        When a consonant is inserted in the Korean total reduplication, the choice of a consonant is not randomly made. Among other factors that may affect the choice of a consonant, this paper focuses on the local relationship in the consonant insertion, and argues that the choice of a consonant refers to context; that is, a consonant is chosen by some contextual requirements. The epenthetic behavior makes reference to a preceding consonant, as well as a following vowel, in a reduplicative form of VCVC-CVCVC, in which C indicates an inserted consonant. The local relationship in the process of consonant insertion is viewed with general wellformedness conditions in the language, e.g. sub-syllabic constituency and syllable contact. Sub-syllabic constituency requires that an inserted consonant refer to the existing following vowel. Syllable contact laws play a crucial role in determining an inserted consonant following an existing consonant on the border of syllables.

      • KCI등재

        Identity avoidance and speaker preference in Korean

        안영란 한국음운론학회 2012 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.18 No.3

        The principle of identity avoidance, aka OCP, is universally attested in many unrelated languages. This paper introduces such a case from Korean, which is curious in that it does not simply obey the principle of identity avoidance in a categorical manner. At issue with this principle is variation in speakers’ preferences, which seems to be still one of the factors in operation toward gradience in a phonological phenomenon. In a type of total reduplication in Korean, a consonant is inserted in the onset position of the first syllable of a reduplicant, e.g. allok-tallok. Based on the data from a dictionary and a word creation experiment, the inserted consonants were found inclinable to the identity avoidance principle. Besides, the experiment showed that speakers prefer to have certain consonants as inserted consonants, irrespective of identity avoidance, which contributes to the non-categorical tendency of identity avoidance.

      • KCI등재

        The Syllable Contact in C Insertion Revisited

        안영란 한국언어학회 2014 언어 Vol.39 No.4

        There may be a myriad of factors affecting the choice behavior, given many potentially possible consonants to be inserted in a certain position, like the onset of a reduplicant in a form of VCVC-CVCVC. Inter alia, this paper picks up the matter of local relationship, focusing particularly on a consonant preceding the segment to be inserted. It was previously found that the neighboring consonants on the border of syllables respect the constraint of syllable contact, in terms of sonority profile. This paper expands on this idea and provides a microscopic analysis on the data in point, arguing that seemingly SYLLCON violating cases turn out not to be the true instances of violation.

      • KCI등재

        Gradience in the Korean Reduplication

        안영란 한국언어학회 2013 언어 Vol.38 No.4

        Korean has a type of total reduplication in which the base begins in a vowel and a consonant is inserted in the reduplicant. This paper argues that while the choice of an inserted consonant is not completely predictable, it is also not arbitrary. That is, the Korean total reduplication data illustrate the OCP effect which requires the inserted consonant to be dissimilar from adjacent consonants. However, the inserted consonant and its neighboring consonants are not distinguished across the board in all the features. This gradient OCP effect in the consonant insertion in reduplication was also verified in the experiment conducted on the Korean native speakers with nonce morphemes, given as bases, in which they were asked to write down what they considered as a natural reduplicant, when presented with a given base. The results showed that the OCP was in operation to the extent that the inserted consonants tended to be nonidentical to the existing base consonants. This tendency shows that the evidenced OCP is not categorical, but gradient.

      • 중첩 분석의 변천 : Mokilese 중첩 현상을 중심으로

        안영란 이화여자대학교 영미학연구소 2000 영어학 연구 Vol.- No.5

        Reduplication is one of the word-formation processes which is language-universally observed. This phenomenon has been treated by many linguists due to its unique and different behavior from language to language. This paper reviews Transfer theory (Clements 1985), X-theory (Levin 1985), and Prosody theory (McCarthy & Prince 1986) first among others. And one of the most intractable data the progressive forms of Mokilese will be presented with some account from each theory. Lastly, the recent Optimality Theory is to be given an overview and within its framework the reduplication in Mokilese will be dealt with once again, the problem of which turns out to be solved in a simple and nontrivial manner.

      • KCI등재

        Anti-Identity in Reduplication

        안영란 한국언어학회 2010 언어 Vol.35 No.3

        An, Young-ran, 2010. Anti-Identity in Reduplication. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 35-3, 683-701. This paper argues that a general tendency of avoiding identical elements in a phonological process in many unrelated languages also prevails in the Korean language, e.g. the total reduplication with an inserted consonant. This tendency was not only shown in the existing lexicon, but it was also borne out in a real-time nonce form creation, which means that language users appear to have implicit knowledge of identity avoidance. I replicated Wedel’s (1999) methodology for the Turkish reduplication data, based on the data from a dictionary and the results from a word creation experiment. In both the data of reduplication, Korean and Turkish, I found that identity avoidance played a critical role in determining a consonant to be inserted; however, there were some non-trivial differences between the two processes. (Stony Brook University)

      • KCI등재

        Capturing variation and gradience in identity avoidance: A case of machine learning

        안영란 한국음운론학회 2016 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.22 No.3

        This paper makes the point that a grammar appears to be a sum of tendencies, rather than an aggregate of all-or-none instances. That is, the grammar is not formed by an across-the-board law, but teems with variation and gradience. For a case in point, this paper presents the phenomenon of consonant insertion in Korean total reduplication. To see whether this kind of grammar with variation and gradience can be possibly, and eventually humanly, learned, it is simulated using a model of grammar learning. The instantiation of machine learning in this paper shows that a grammar with variation and gradience can indeed be learned.

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