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      • KCI등재

        老子가 말하는 疏通의 기본

        안성재(Ahn, Sung Jae) 한국수사학회 2016 수사학 Vol.0 No.27

        What is called understanding of the other essentially means that there are no obstacles in communicating with the other. If we extend this to modern society, it is by frank dialogue, that there are no misunderstandings between people. Arguably, over time, society will become more harmonious. On the contrary, in spite of this, with the complex development of modern society there is now both more oversight of human relationships and a strengthened individualism. This is why we currently need to review the Daodejing of Lao tze. Lao tze shows us that when we communicate well with each other, this will tend to promote coexistence within society. In this regard leaders must personally set an example. Therefore, leaders first should eliminate any bad attitudes and focus on the good to embrace all members of society. In addition, “as is the king, so go the people,” in other words, leaders must maintain a harmonious coexistence within their social sphere so the common people will be able to learn from their example. This will promote harmony with other people naturally through the modeling of positive actions. Also, Lao tze stressed that leaders should have a sense of humility. If rulers exert their leadership from the top ordinary people feel pressure, but rulers willing to lead from below more easily encourage ordinary people to obedience, resulting in mutual respect and harmonious coexistence.

      • KCI등재

        노자의 《德經(덕경)》에 나타난 지도자의 수사학

        안성재(Ahn, Sung-jae) 한국수사학회 2014 수사학 Vol.0 No.21

        Because Tao Te Ching is writing of Lao-tzu, also be named Lao-tzu. Tao Te Ching is divided volume one and volume two, all is 81 chapters. Volume one belongs head 37 chapters, be called Tao Ching. Volume two belongs back 44 chapters, be called Te Ching. Topic of Tao Te Ching is can be expressed by “Tao is body of Te, and Te is use of Tao.” Number of full letters is 5000 words roughly. Tao literally means "way", or one of its synonyms, but was extended to mean "the Way." This term, which was variously used by other Chinese, has special meaning within the context of Daoism, where it implies the essential, unnamable process of the universe. Te means "virtue", "inner strength". The semantics of this Chinese word resemble English virtue, which developed from virtu, a now-archaic sense of "inner potency" or "divine power" (as in "healing virtue of a drug") to the modern meaning of "moral excellence" or "goodness." Compare the compound word tao te. As everyone knows, Tao Te Ching is a most heavyweight book to Chinese. Therefore I’ll try to find charm of Tao Te Ching through this paper, especially analyze from leadership view.

      • KCI등재

        Investigation into the Definition of ‘修辭 [Xiūcí]’ as the Translation of ‘Rhetoric’ into Chinese Characters

        Ahn, Sung Jae(안성재),Hong, Sul Young(홍설영) 한국수사학회 2019 수사학 Vol.0 No.34

        본고에서는 서양 ‘Rhetoric’의 번역어인 ‘修辭’’의 정의와 번역 전략을 고찰하고자 한다. 修辭라는 표현은 『周易』에 기인하는데, 공자는 이를 풀이하는 과정에서 “修辭立其誠, 所以居業也”라고 말하여 修辭가 君子 그리고 誠과 불가분의 관계를 맺고 있다고 설명하고 있다. 중국 동한시대의 허신은 그의 저서인 『설문해자』에서, 修辭란 말이나 글을 다듬고 꾸며서 보다 아름답고 정연하게 하는 일이나 기술을 뜻하는 것이 아니라, 예로 내려오는 도리 즉 道를 기록한 文의 내용에 근거하여 시비를 정확하게 가리고 나아가 올바른 도리를 명확하게 천명한다는 의미를 지니고 있다. 결국 동양에 있어서 언어의 가치는 단순히 자신의 생각이나 의지를 표현하는 것에서 그치는 것이 아니라, 궁극적으로는 행동으로의 실천으로 이어져야 만이 그 참된 가치를 오롯이 지니게 됨을 알 수 있다. 즉 修辭는 이론으로서의 역할을 수행할 뿐 아니라, 그 이론을 실천으로 옮기지 못하면 이론 자체가 무의미해진다는 이론과 실천 사이에서 중간 매개체로서의 역할을 수행하고 있는 것이다. 번역 이론의 관점에서 보자면, ‘Rhetoric’의 동양어로서의 修辭는 효과적인 측면에서는 ‘소통중심’이자 의미적으로는 ‘자국화’된 충실하고 정확한 번역어라 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        德(덕)의 함의 및 그 구성요소 고찰

        안성재(Ahn, Sung-jae) 한국수사학회 2016 수사학 Vol.0 No.26

        In everyday life, we often use the phrase ‘Accumulation of morality’. In spite of this, it is difficult to articulate the meaning and practice, of the ‘Accumulation of morality’. What is the main reason for this difficulty? Actually the correct answer is quite simple, because morality itself belongs to the concept of abstractness in metaphysics. It is fortunate that Laozi and Confucius left many sentences related to morality in the Dao De Jing and the analects of Confucius and so on. This article will firstly discuss the conception of morality of Laozi and Confucius, followed by whether these two views are consistent regarding their meaning and constituent factors. If this research process or approach is successful, it may also help to solve other problems related to understanding morality.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『論語』의 引詩分析을 通한 中國古代修辭學試探

        안성재(Ahn Sung Jae)(安性栽) 대한중국학회 2016 중국학 Vol.55 No.-

        작품과 본인의 뜻이 완전하게 부합되는 경우는 引詩 본연의 존재의의이자 주된 목적이라고 할 수 있다. 또한 그러한 引詩의 목적이 자신의 말에 설득력을 높이기 위해서라면, 논리적인 측면이나 이해도 측면에서도 모두 문제가 되지 않는다. 하지만 『論語』에서 孔子와 그의 제자들은 자신의 뜻을 보다 명확하게 피력하기 위하여, 다소 납득이 가지 않는 부분도 있지만 어느 정도 이해할 수 있는 범위 내에서의 응용을 하고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 심지어는 전혀 맥락이 상통하지 않는 즉 앞뒤가 서로 통하지 않는 斷章取義나 牽强附會의 방법까지도 쓰고 있다. 여기에 더욱 더 이해할 수 없는 것은, 공자는 그러한 제자의 모습을 보고 극찬을 아끼지 않는 모습까지 보이고 있다는 점이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 『論語』의 引詩 용례들을 먼저 살펴보고, 그 본연의 의도를 구체적으로 파악해보고자 한다. 그리고 이를 기반으로 나아가 引詩 용례와 중국 고대의 수사학과의 관계에 대해서도 살펴보고자 한다. Quote Poetry is quote a verse of a poem or full work of The book of Songs. Using Quote Poetry in The analects of Confucius is found at eight places, specific distribution in GUO FENG has four, XIAO YA has 1, DA YA has 1, and SONG has 2 songs. These statistics is enough to explain something else that Quote Poetry phenomenon has become so common at that time, in order to improve the persuasive. According to its characteristics, these Quote Poetry can be divided into three types: First, Quote Poetry is fully comply with user’s intentions; second, Quote Poetry is not fully meet with user’s intentions, but can say into line; third, it is far-fetched, taken out of context between two. Therefore, this article first analysis Quote Poetry cases in The analects of Confucius, to study the ancient Chinese understanding of rhetoric level, and widely used or not.

      • KCI등재

        [道德經]에 나타난 聖人의 정의에 대한 수사법적 접근

        안성재(Ahn, Sung-jae) 한국수사학회 2015 수사학 Vol.0 No.22

        We have been using the habitual expression that Saint and Moralist. However, between these two words, there is a difference dignified. Therefore, Confucius has also spoken. I have never seen Saint, I just hope to have seen Moralist. Lao-tzu has mentioned the Saint over 31 times in the Tao Te Ching, but only to mention over 2 times for Moralist. On the other hand, Confucius has mentioned Moralist over 107 times in the Analects, but only to mention over 4 times for Saint. For this reason, In this paper, by analyzing Saint and the related statements of the Tao Te Ching as a rhetorical and want grasp the meaning of Saint.

      • KCI등재

        修辭의 定義 및 『論語』의 修辭活用 考察

        안성재(Ahn Sung Jae)(安性栽) 대한중국학회 2016 중국학 Vol.57 No.-

        修辭(수사)의 사전적 의미는 修辭가 文彩(문채: figure)의 분류 기준이 됨을 뜻하므로, 사실상 修辭의 범위를 문법학적으로 제한함을 뜻한다. 그런데 孔子(공자)는 修辭에 대해서 대단히 부정적인 태도를 취했고 나아가 언어적인 측면보다 실천의 측면을 더욱 강조했으므로, 사전적 의미로서의 修辭 개념에 전면적으로 대치된다고 볼 수 있다. 하지만 『左傳(좌전)』에서 공자는 오히려 말을 하지 않으면 그 뜻을 드러내지 못한다고 강조하며, 언어표현의 중요성을 부각시키고 있다. 修辭學(수사학)에 있어서 ‘修辭’는 “修辭立其誠(수사입기성)”이란 구절에 기인하고, 이는 “말을 닦음에 그 성실함을 세운다.”는 것이니, 이는 그간 인지되어온 修辭의 사전적 의미와는 상당한 괴리감이 있음을 의심하지 않을 수 없다. 이에 본 논문에서는 修辭의 어원과 그 의미 나아가 修辭가 활용된 空間(공간)의 유형에 대해서까지 섭렵하기로 한다. The rhetoric means the art of speaking or writing so as to persuade people effectively. This means that the rhetoric is the classification of a simple figure, actually the rhetoric is limited to the scope of grammar. By the way, Confucius pointed out luxuriant words interfere speaker clearly convey the meaning. Confucius stressed that people should not be arbitrarily spoke in particular, so we can understand he against rhetorical function indirectly. Therefore, Confucius not only appeared an attitude for against rhetoric, but also more prominent action, And this may account for completely confrontationthe between Oriental rhetoric and contemporary rhetoric concept. In spite of this, Confucius also pointed out don t speak, don t show it’s will. in the Zuo zhuan, this is even more highlights the importance of language expression. It is notorious that origin of the rhetoric can be traced back to a sentence “xiu ci li qi cheng(修辭立其誠)” in The I Ching, and we translate it to be careful to speak, just can be said to be honest. . And this truth let a person have to suspect that rhetorical meaning and modern rhetoric concept has certain gap. Therefore, this thesis first examine the source of the Oriental rhetoric and definition, and then investigate the rhetorical use of Oriental space.

      • KCI등재

        孔子(공자)의 발언을 통한 禮樂(예악)의 함의 분석

        안성재(Ahn, Sung-Jae) 한국수사학회 2016 수사학 Vol.0 No.25

        Since the duke of dynasty Zhou complete to system, Confucius has been revered and claims should carry out a system of rites and music. As is known to all, The analects of Confucius is a record of words and deeds of Confucius’s works. It mainly discusses about what kind of mentality and action should have as a leader. And it also emphasizes the role of ritual and music everywhere. In other words, ritual and music contains the strong political meaning in the minds of Confucius. This paper discusses about the definition of ritual and music at first, the next review there is what kind of logical relationship between ritual and music, In the final analysis out there are what kind of the relationship between music and politics.

      • KCI등재


        安性栽(Ahn Sung-jae) 한국중어중문학회 2008 中語中文學 Vol.43 No.-

        Scholars of many generations has given utterance variety thoughts about 'feng' in the Book of Odes, and these opinions can't escape from traditional translation techniques. Even though I can't guarantee peoples of the Book of Odes age and the legendary age has same thoughts, but entertained it's true lights that ancient peoples has a lot of opinions about nature, for example, totemism and so on. Many writers of 'feng' are the working classes especially. take notice of this idea, I try to analyze literary works of Book of Odes age, and recover it's true character on the whole. It is a purpose to write this paper. For systematic research, this paper divide into three parts and make an approach to world of 'feng'. It also analyze out eleven creative writings in the 'feng'.

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