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        대한방사선종양학회지의 학술민용 변화 추이 및 학술 영향력 지수 개선을 위한 제안

        김성환(Seong Hwan Kim),황성수(Seong Su Hwang),안명임(Myeong Im Ahn),정소나(Sona Jeong) 대한방사선종양학회 2006 Radiation Oncology Journal Vol.24 No.4

        목 적 최근 6년킨 한국의학학술지 인용색인 정보 (KoMCI)를 분석하여 대한망사선증앙학회지의 학술 인용 추이를 알아보고 학술지 영향력 지표OFI 개선방안을 찾아보고자 하였다. 대상과 방법 2000년에서 2005 년까지 KoMCI 자료에서 대한방사선좀앙학회지의 연간 게재 논문 수, 인용한 국내외 참고 문현 수, 자체 및 타 학술지의 인용 빈도, 대한방사선증앙학회지를 인용한 다른 국내 학술지 종류, IF 및 자체 학술지 인용를 제외한 영향력 지수 (ZIF) 등의 변화를 알아보고, 이를 K야AC기 등재 국내 학술지 평균과 비교하여 학술 인용 색인 추이 번화 앙상의 차이를 살펴보고 IF 개선을 위한 방안을 찾아보았다. 결 과 연간 게재 놈문 수의 감소는 국내 학숱지 전반에 걸쳐 공룡된 현상이었고, KoACI 등재 국내 학숱지 평균에서는 32%, 대한방사선증앙학힐지에시는 최대 38%의 감소 추세였다 논문당 국내 논문 인용빈도는 KoMCI 학술지 평균치는 2.0편에 비해 조금 낮은 1. 6편이었다 대한방사선종앙학회지의 놈문당 전체 발간 논문에 대한 인용 빈도는 1.333으로 KoMCI 학술지 평균 1.694에 비해 낮았으나, 2000년의 1,000 에 비해 20005 년에는 1.670으로 67% 증가하였다 논운당 자체 학술지 인용은 KaMCI 학술지 명란에서는 전체 인용빈도으 161% 였으니, 대한방사선종앙학회지 에서는 72%로 초금 더 높았다 6년간 대한방사선증앙학회지의 IF값은 2000 년의 0.144에서 2000년 0.107까지 감소후 2005 년에는 0.203으로 개선되었다 자체 학슬지 인용을 배제한 긴F값은 2004년의 0.044를 제외하고 2000 년의 0.038에서 2005 년의 0.013으로 감소 경향이었다. 결 론 대한방사선증앙학회지의 IF는 점진적 개선되고 있으나 매우 작은 인용빈도를 바탕으로 산출된 한계가 있다. 자체 학술지 인용를 보다 적극적으로 확대하고 타 학술지굳부터의 인용증대을 위한 노력(교차인용 학대 및 영문 논문 게재 증가) 들이 지속적인 학회지의 IF 개선에 필요하며 이를 위해 학회 회원들의 학술지 IF 중요성 인식 및 개선에 대한 적극적인 홍보 노력이 요구된다. purpose: To analyze the recent citation trend and to find a way to improve impact factor (IF) of the Journal of Korean Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (JKSTRO) by analysis of Korean Medical Citation Index(KoMCI) citation data of JKSTRO and comparison with that of mean citation data of all journals enlisted on KoMCI (KoMCI journals) during 2000-2005. Materials and Methods: All citation data of entire Journals enlisted on KoMCI and JKSTRO tram 2000 to 2005 were obtained from KoMCI. The trend of total and annual number of published articles and reference citations, total citations and self-citations per paper, IF and Impact factor excluding self-citations (ZIF) were described and compared on both KoMCI journals and JKSTRO Results: Annual number of published articles was decreased for 6 years on both KoMCI journals and JKSTRO (32% and 38% reduction rate). The number of Korean journal references per article is 1.6 papers on JKSTRO comparing to 2.0 papers on KoMCI journals. The percentage 이 Korean References/total references Increased from 5.0% in 2000 to 7.7% in 2005 on JKSTRO and from 8.5% in 2000 to 10.1% on KoMCI journals. The number of total citations received/paper on JKSTRO (average 1.333) is smaller than that of KoMCI journals (average 1.694), there was an increased rate of 67% in 2005 comparing to 2000. The percentage of self-citations/total citations (average 72%) on JKSTRO is slightly higher than that of KoMCI journals (average 61%1. IF of JKSTRO was gradually improved and 0.144, 0.125, 0.088, 0.107, 0.187, and 0.203 in 2000-2005 respectively However, ZIF of JKSTRO is steadily decreased from 0.038 in 2000 to 0.Ot3 in 2005 except 0.044 in 2004 conclusion: IF of JKSTRO was slightly improved but had some innate problem of smaller number of citations received. To make JKSTRO as a highly cited journal, the awareness of academic status of JKSTRO and active participation of every member of JKSTRO including encouraging elf-citations of papers published recent 2 years and submission of English written papers, and active academic cooperation with related academic societies

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        단순포진 뇌염의 99mTc - HMPAO 국소 뇌혈류 SPECT의 소견

        박용휘(Yong Whee Bahk),이성용(Sung Yong Lee),김종우(Jong Woo Kim),안명임(Myeong Im Ahn) 대한핵의학회 1989 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.23 No.1

        Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) is one of the fulminant necrotizing, often fatal sporadic form of the encephalitis caused by herpes simplex type I virus. Characteristically, there is early and almost constant involvement of one or both temporal lobes, although there are common additional areas of involvement. Appropriate early treatment following correct diagnosis by clinical findings, CSF study, EEG and several radiological studies including angiography, redionuclide studies, CT or MRI can reduce its mortality and severity of the sequelae. We report a case of HSE diagnosed by adjuvant study of Tc-99m-HMPAO regional cerebral blood flow SPECT, which showed a marked increase in bitemporal cerebral blood flow in a 24-year-old man.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        일과성 뇌허혈 발작 환자에 있어서 99mTc - HMPAO 국소 뇌혈류 SPECT의 유용성

        박용휘(Yong Whee Bahk),정수교(Soo Kyo Chung),이성용(Sung Yong Lee),김종우(Jong Woo Kim),박영하(Young Ha Park),안명임(Myeong Im Ahn) 대한핵의학회 1989 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.23 No.2

        N/A Transient ischemic attacks (TJAs) is a syndrome resulting from brain ischemia lasting less than 24 hours. The mechanisms of TIAs may be similar to those of cerebral embolism and thrombosis, and thus TIAs may be followed by cerebral infarction. Despite the availability of CT scanning, the diagnosis and management of TIAs continue to be difficult. Recently SPECT has been advocated as a diagnostic imaging modality. We performed Tc-99m-HMPAO regional cerebral blood flow (rCRF) SPECT in 24 patients with the clinical diagnosis of TIAs to assess its ability to detect early changes of rCBF, and determine the diagnos(ic value. l en men and fourteen women with an average of 51 years (range; 27- i4 years) were i ncluded. All but 8 patients had normal brain CT prior to SPECT. The two patients had mdderate degree of hrain atrophy and the 6 patients nonspecific calcifications. Eighteen of the 24 patients had abnormal Tc-99m-HMPAO rCBF SPECT. Fifteen had unilateral involvement and the other three had bilateral involvemeots. Seventy-five percents of the defects were found in the left cerebral hemisphere. According to the distribution of the lesions (total number: 34 tesions), fourteen were in the parietal, eight in the ternporal, and the remainders were elsewhere. Tc-99m-HMPAO rCHF SPECT is sensitive in detecting vCRF abnormalities in patients with TIAs, and represent the most accurate diagnostic tool available in the diagnosis of TIAs.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Talc 늑막유착술 이후 발생한 치명적 저산소증 2예

        박신애 ( Shin Ae Park ),이한희 ( Han Hee Lee ),김대준 ( Dae Jun Kim ),심병용 ( Byoung Yong Shim ),송소향 ( So Hyang Song ),김치홍 ( Chi Hong Kim ),안명임 ( Myeong Im Ahn ),조덕곤 ( Deog Gon Cho ),조규도 ( Kyu Do Cho ),김훈교 ( Hoo 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2007 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.62 No.3

        Talc pleurodesis is a safe and effective treatment for a recurrent malignant pleural effusion. However, acute hypoxemia, pulmonary edema or acute respiratory failure can develop in a small number of patients. We report 2 patients who developed fatal hypoxemia after talc pleurodesis which was necessary the control recurrent pleural effusion. The first case was an 18-year old male diagnosed with Ewing`s sarcoma with bilateral lung metastases and pleural effusion. The performance status was ECOG (Eastern Cooperative Foncology Group) grade 3. Fever along with hypoxemia and leukocytosis developed 10 hours after the second talc pleurodesis on the right side for an uncontrolled pleural effusion, The patient died from respiratory failure after 13 days. The second case was a 66-year old female diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer with a bone metastasis. Two weeks after systemic chemotherapy, she complained of dyspnea, and a pleural effusion was observed on the right side. Her performance status was ECOG grade 3. Talc pleurodesis was performed for recurrent pleural effusion, but hypoxemia developed 6 days after pleurodesis and she died from respiratory failure 10 days after pleurodesis. In conclusion, talc pleurodesis should be performed very carefully in patients with a poor performance status, in cases with repeated pleurodesis, bilateral pleural effusion, recent chemotherapy, radiotherapy and when there are parenchymal metastatic lesions present. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2007; 62: 217-222)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        반사성 교감신경계 기능장애 증후군 ( RSDS ) 의 손 3상 골스캔 소견

        박용휘(Yong Whee Bahk),정수교(Soo Kyo Chung),박정미(Jeong Mi Park),신경섭(Kyung Sub Shinn),김성훈(Sung Hoon Kim),박영하(Young Ha Park),안명임(Myeong Im Ahn) 대한핵의학회 1991 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.25 No.1

        N/A Reflex sympathetir. dystrophy syndrome (RSDS), known also as Sudecks atrophy, is an uncomrnon disoder recognized by its distinctive symptom complex consisting of pain and tenderness, vasomotor instability, swelling, and dystrophic skin changes and radiologic changes. The present study has been carried out to prospectively establish scintigraphic diagnostic criteria for RSDS using three-phase radionuclide bone scintigraphy (TPBS). In addition, the csefulness in the evaluation of treatment of RSDS was assessed. Patients included were 6 men and 7 women with the age ranging from 25 to 63 years (average 47 years). Diagnosis was based on typical clinical symptoms and signs as described above. Associated r.linical conditions in these patients were cerebral infarction (4 patients), lung cancer (2 patients), trauma (1 patient), lymphoma (1 patient), and unknown cause (5 patients). All patients showed diffuse radionuclide accumulation in juxtaarticular region on the delayed static image and 11 patients showed diffusely increased activities also on scintiangiogram and blood-pool image. Fillow-up TPBS after corticosteroid therapy in 4 patients revealed near normal return of abnormal radionuclide accumulations in the affected hand. TPBS is an useful test for the diagnosrs of as well as the evaluation of the therapeutic effects of RSDS.

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