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      • KCI등재

        은희경과 리앙 소설 속 여성의 성적 욕망과 주체의식 비교 - 「먼지 속의 나비」와 「北港香爐人人揷」를 중심으로

        신춘란 ( Shen Chun-lan ),조영준 ( Jo Young-joon ) 경희대학교 글로벌인문학술원 2019 비교문화연구 Vol.54 No.-

        한국 작가 은희경의 「먼지 속의 나비」와 타이완 작가 리앙의 「北港香爐人人揷」는 여성의 성적 욕망을 통해 여성 주체의식의 확립을 시도한 작품이다. 두 소설 속 여주인공 최선희와 린리즈는 사회와 주변인들의 비난어린 시선에도 불구하고 자신의 성적 권리를 주장하며, 여성의 ‘몸’은 남성에게 지배되거나 성적대상이기만 한 것이 아닌 여성 자신의 소유임을 분명하게 드러낸다. 최선희는 구속적이지 않은 성 가치관을 지니며, 자신의 에세이에서 한 명의 여성이 복수의 남성과 육체적 관계를 맺는 이야기를 묘사하기까지 한다. 성의 문제에 있어 남녀 간에 차별적인 사회의 윤리관에 맞선다는 측면에서 최선희의 반항의식은 진보적으로 보이지만, 그녀가 의도적으로 남성들을 모방하는 듯한 행위는 오히려 그릇된 남성적 기준을 그대로 받아들이는 셈이 된다. 린리즈는 활발하게 정치적 활동에 참여하며 여성의 ‘몸’을 통해 남성으로부터 권리를 되찾자고 분투한다. 여성이 스스로 자신의 권익을 실현하기 어려웠고, 사회적으로 남녀 관계에 있어 종속적인 위치에 놓여있던 기존의 인식을 전복한다는 측면에서 린리즈의 적극적인 정치 행보는 진보적 의의를 지니지만, 그녀 역시 여성의 신체가 상품으로 작동하는 상황을 타파하지는 못한다. Both The Butterfly in the Dust by the Korean writer, Eun Hee-kyung and Beigang Incense and Burner of Lust by the Taiwanese writer Li Ang, are novelettes that convey the idea of women's subjective consciousness by writing extensively on the subject of female-desire. The heroines Choi Seon-hee and Lin Lizi in those works, advocate the upcoming sexual rights and a beginning of the idea allowing women to gain control of their bodies, regardless of the opinion of the society and the people around them. Choi Seon-hee had an unrestrained and free attitude towards sex in the book. She also wrote an essay about the complex sexual relationship between a woman and several men. Choi Seon-hee's rebellious consciousness has a huge impact on deconstructing the ethics through which the society differentiates men and women when it comes to sexual problems, and the societal allowances afforded to each sex in the resolving of those problems. Nonetheless, by deliberately reproducing male's behavior means an affirmation on male's societal standards. Lin Lizi actively participated in politics, preaching openely for women to seize their personal power back from the men who oppressed them. In the subversion of women's previous absence or subordinate status, Lin's initiative was considered as progressive. Yet, she failed to make a break in the hopes of influencing the differences of thought regarding the situation of a woman's body as an object as seen in the eyes of men.

      • KCI등재

        리앙 문학에 나타난 정치 폭력 속 약소자의 모습과 저항 방식 : 『北港香爐人人插를 중심으로

        신춘란(Shen, Chun Lan),조영준(Jo, Young Joon) 순천향대학교 인문과학연구소 2017 순천향 인문과학논총 Vol.36 No.3

        1980년대 독재 통치의 종식과 함께 개방의 시대로 들어선 타이완에서는 역사의 진실에 대한 폭로가 정치문학이라는 장르를 통해 주목받기 시작했다. 그 외 1970년대부터 싹트기 시작했던 신여성주의 사조의 발전과 더불어 1990년대 리앙은 ‘젠더 문제와 정치사건’을 결합한 소설들을 발표했다. 그 대표작인 北港香 爐人人插 (1997)에는 1947년에 일어난 2ㆍ28사건과 1979년 대검거 사건을 배경으로 정치 운동에서 불행을 겪은 다수의 여성들과 성적 소수자가 등장한다. 본 논문에서는 타이완 정치 운동에서 약소자들의 억압이 어디에서 비롯되었는지, 또 그들이 택한 저항의 방식은 어떠하였는지를 분석한다. 민주화 운동에서 남성을 대신한 여성들은 과감하게 자신들의 욕구를 표현하며, 자신의 신체에 대한 소유권을 되찾고 권리를 쟁취하고자 한다. 이러한 시도는 여성들이 민주화 운동의 폭력에 직접적으로 저항한 의미를 지닌다. 여성 외에 남 성 동성애자 역시 독재 체제와 민주화 운동의 폭력으로부터 피해를 받은 약소자 그룹이다. 독재 체제의 피해와 민주화 운동이 적극적으로 벌어지는 사회에서 역시 폭력적이고 차별적인 시선을 받은 동성애자 남성은 메이크업이 라는 행위를 통해 자기 자신을 인정하고 그 성적 정체성을 밝히려고 한다. 이처럼 리앙의 문학에서는 정치 운동 속에서 약소자들의 모습을 부각시켜 독재 체제를 비판하는 동시에 민주화 운동의 아이러니를 폭로한다. With the termination of dictatorship in the 1980s, Taiwan finally opened the door towards a democratic society and political literature started to get the spotlight as the historic truth started to get exposed. In addition, with the budding of the new feminism trend since 1970, Li Ang published novels which combine the gender problem with the political events in the 1990s. One of her representative works is Beigang Incense Burner of Lust (1997), in which many women and sexual minorities appear and suffer a lot in the political movement on the background of the Feb. 28 event, which occurred in 1947, and the big arrest event, which happened in 1979. This paper analyzes how the suppression of the weak people started in the Taiwanese political movement and what kind of resistance method they adopted against it. In the democratization movement, the women bravely express their demands, and fight for their rights. Their efforts have the implication that the women directly resisted against the violence in the democratization movement. Besides women, the male homosexuals are also weak people who suffered a lot in the violence in the dictatorship system and the democratization movement. In the society where there are a lot of damages from the dictatorship system, causing active movement for democratization, the male homosexuals who suffer from violence and discrimination try to recognize themselves through the act of make-up in order to expose their sexual orientation. As such, in Li Ang’s literature, the weak people in the political movement appear in order to criticize the dictatorship system and expose the irony of the democratization movement at the same time.

      • KCI등재후보

        옌거링, 『방화(芳華)』 소론 : 작중 주인공의 광기와 비극성을 중심으로

        조영준(Jo, Young-Joon),신춘란(Shen, Chun-Lan) 숙명인문학연구소 2020 횡단인문학 Vol.5 No.1

        세계화문문학계의 대표 기수 중 하나인 옌거링의 소설 『방화』는 곧이어 영화로도 제작되었으며 2017년 중국에서 큰 화제를 불러 모은 작품이다. 본고에서는 작중 역사적 배경이 된 문화대혁명과 베트남 전쟁이라는 격변의 시대를 염두에 두고 남녀 주인공의 삶의 궤적을 추적해가며 『방화』를 분석해보았다. 그 과정에서 이들 주인공에게 보이는 광기와 비극적 운명을 야기한 요인들을 짚어보고, 역사의 특수한 시대를 작품 속에 담아내고자 한 작가의 새로운 시도와 그 문화론적 의의를 찾고자 하였다. 작중 주인공인 허샤오만과 류펑은 모두 집단에서 소외되고 배제된 자이다. 허샤오만의 불행은 갑작스러운 가정의 변화에서 비롯되었다. 특히 어머니에 대한 애정 결핍은 그녀의 특이한 행동 습관과 정서적 불안을 초래하였다. 또한 사회 집단으로부터 부여받은 낯선 정체성은 주인공들에게 광기가 나타난 중요한 원인이 된다. 다재다능한 류펑의 손은 문혁의 시대에 요구되어진 (재)생산의 기호로 작동하지만, 동시에 정치 지배 이데올로기와 집단의 이기심이 한 개인을 파멸로 몰고 간 비극의 신체 표상으로 나타나기도 한다. 마지막으로 서사전략의 측면에서 한 가지 주목해 보고 싶은 점은 이 작품이 특별한 시공간적 배경을 담고 있으면서도 구체적인 역사서술을 최소화한 채 개인의 이야기에 치중하며 휴머니즘적 요소를 부각시키고 있다는 것이다. 문화대혁명 시기의 재현과 더불어 베트남 전쟁의 상황을 담아낸 중국 문화계에서 전례를 찾기 쉽지 않은 이 작품은 대중과 호흡하며 오늘날 문혁과 전쟁의 시대를 새롭게 이야기할 수 있는 서사물의 한 방안을 잘 보여주고 있다. The novel Youth written by Geling Yan, who is One of the representative writers of overseas Chinese literature, was adapted into a film and became a hot topic in China in 2017. According to the particular historical background of the work — the Cultural Revolution and the Vietnam War, this study of Youth will focus on the life of it s hero and heroine in turbulent times. Therefore, this study will try identifying the factors that caused the madness and tragic fates of the protagonists in depth, analyzing what the author wanted to express by setting a particular period of history in her work and also discovering the text s cultural significance. As the hero and heroine, Xiaoman He and Feng Liu are both isolated and eventually excluded by social groups. The tragedy of Xiaoman was traced by a sudden change in her family. In particular, a lack of affection from her mother led to her unusual behaviors and emotional instability. In addition, an unfamiliar identity given by social groups is an important factor that caused her madness. Feng Liu is a man of versatile talents, whose hands act as a symbol of (re)production that was required in the era of the Cultural Revolution, however, at the same time, it appears as a representation of an ideology of domination and sense of selfishness in a group that ultimately drove him towards destruction. Last but not least, one thing needs to be noted on the aspect of the narrative strategy is that the author attempted to deal with a particular historical period, yet focusing on individuals while minimizing descriptions of specific historical events highlights more humanistic elements in this work. With its representation of the Cultural Revolution, Geling Yan s work is also related to the Vietnam War, which is an aspect that is not easily found in Chinese literature history. Therefore, this work can be regarded as one method of narrative reference based on which the public can use a new perspective to view the history of the Cultural Revolution and Vietnam War in today’s context.

      • KCI등재

        장샤오펑(張曉風) 초기 작품에 나타난 대립적 세계와 그 문학적 의미

        조영준(Jo, Youngjoon),신춘란(Shen, Chunlan) 조선대학교 국제문화연구원 2017 국제문화연구 Vol.10 No.2

        Zhang XiaoFeng is a leading Taiwanese writer in the introduction of various literary structures and styles of expression, who is said to have opened the modern era of Taiwanese essay literature by expanding the range of the techniques in writing. Although Zhang has made a number of accomplishments not only in essay literature but also in plays and short stories, there are not as many studies on her short stories as those on her essays, plays and other works. As this study focuses on Zhang s short stories that have seldom appeared in the research on her literature, it explores the characteristics of her early literature and analyzes their meaning from the writer s perspective. Zhang s early works often involve two oppositional worlds as structural characteristics. In that setting, her protagonists desire to escape the real world, or they become agitated between the real and ideal worlds. These characters in Zhang s works eventually choose the real world after they undergo inner conflicts between the oppositional worlds. This study highlights that their psychological states as well as the series of choices they make strongly imply Zhang s nostalgia for China and her religious(Christian) sense

      • KCI등재후보

        린하이인(林海音) 문학 속 고향의식과 가정관 연구 - ≪재호동리장대(在胡同裡長大)≫와 ≪애정적산보(愛情的散步)≫를 중심으로

        조영준 ( Jo Youngjun ),신춘란 ( Shen Chunlan ) 전북대학교 인문학연구소 2017 건지인문학 Vol.0 No.19

        Lin Haiyin is one of the most influential writers in Taiwan in the 1950s to 1960s. She made a lot of contribution to the development of women`s literature in Taiwan and the cultural exchange between China and Taiwan. Lin Haiyin, who was born in Japan lived in Taiwan, the hometown of her parents in her childhood. After she had lived in Taiwan for a few years, she and her family left for China to escape from the Japanese colony at her father`s decision. She lived in Beijing for more than 20 years, and after Taiwan was liberated from Japanese ruling, she and her family returned to Taiwan. However, due to the political conflicts between Taiwan and China or the so-called “Cross-Strait relation”, she was unable to set her foot back in Beijing where she considered as her own hometown for a long time. Most of Lin Haiyin`s books are comprised of the author`s autobiographic novels, showing her own complex background of her youth and identity issue. Those characteristics are reflected in the books in a way that the main characters are portrayed to have confused identities being caught between China and Taiwan and as constantly longing and yearning for a return to Beijing. It also leads to an obsession with a stable space called `home` and for a complete form of a family that is comprised of `father-mother-child`. This study focuses on the alienation from which Lin Haiyin felt like an outsider when she had to live in an acutely hard period under the Japanese colonial ruling and also on her longing for and desire to return to Beijing or the hometown of her mind as she could not go back to Beijing due to the worsened Chinese and Taiwanese relation. This study analyzes her view of home through her obsessive pursuit of an intact form of a complete family with all modern family members, and her own concept of `home` which are reflected in her literature.

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