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      • KCI등재

        생도 선발 적성검사 개념화 연구

        신응섭,남기덕 외2명 陸軍士官學校 2001 한국군사학논집 Vol.57 No.-

        This is a study for the development of an aptitude test for the selection of Korea Military Academy candidates. For this purpose, antecedent studies related to the aptitude test are primarily reviewed. As a result, four relevant factors are supposed to be the main domains of cadet aptitudes: professional ethics, job related abilities, personality traits, and interests. It is suggested that the three factors except ethics could be assessed quantitatively through a proper test for aptitudes. Secondarily, variables in cadet life are examined empirically in order to find indexes that predict a successful career as a military officer. Through this analysis it is founded that the evaluation data in cadet-selection test, the psychological test, the variables during the cadet's life, and career as a officer are highly co-related.

      • KCI등재후보

        불멸화 사람 구강 각화상피세포에서 각화세포막의 아미노산 성분

        신응섭,박경주,이종헌 대한구강악안면병리학회 2005 대한구강악안면병리학회지 Vol.29 No.2

        The study of cornified cell envelope has been used to investigate the differentiation factors and to advance oral carcinogenesis, CE of human oral keratinocytes are in wet condition as saliva containing many proteases, growth factors, and many kinds of bacteria, The analysis of CE in Immortalized human oral keratinocyte(IHOK) derived from normal human oral keratinocyte(NHOK) will be used to study the pathogenesis of oral squamous cell carcinoma, The purpose of this study was to analyze the amino acid component derived from CE of cultured NHOK and IHOK, It will be helpful to study the role of transfected E6/E7 gene in forming CE, and to examine the pathogenesis of oral squamous cell carcinoma, After primry culture of NHOK, IHOK were cultured in KBM bullet kit at 370C under 95% C02 incubator, Growth curve according to calcium concentration, cornified cell envelope measurement(CEM), and protein chemistry for amino acid component of CE were done(Mena :f::SD) , respectively. The obtained results were as follows, lHOK showed small areas of stratification, more compact, with irregular border and tightly apposed cells in 1,2 mM Ca++, Cornified cell envelope exhibited an aggregated group of empty space surrounded by the remained cell membrane, During the terminal differentiation in cultured NHOK and IHOK, insoluble cornified cell envelope formation was increased, CEM of NHOK was about 4 folds than that of lHOK under high calcium, Amino acid component of both groups showed Pro/Glu(SPR) , Gln/Glu(lnvolucrin) , and Gly(Loricrin) in descending order, From the aboving results, ít was suggested that when the terminal dífferentiation in cultured NHOK and IHOK, major amino acid component of CE in cultured lHOK was the same to that of cultured NHOK, It was thought that E6 and E7 gene should be involved in preventing the differentiation and proliferation of IHOK from making CE,

      • KCI등재

        군 복무 부적응자의 심리적 특성 분석

        신응섭 陸軍士官學校 1998 한국군사학논집 Vol.54 No.-

        In the process of recruiting, maladaptive soldiers must be excluded. For this purpose, it is required a first discrimination by means of a psycholigical test. This implies the necessity of an adequate psychological test. The adequate psychological test production must conceptualize the object of measurement. But the truth is that there are few studies treating psychological features of the potentially maladaptive. The present study is to conceptualize the psychological features of the maladaptive soldier. The methods used were the analysis of existent investigations, and interviews with officers on the front line to find out features. The results are as follows; First, the standards that clarify mental disorders are schizophrenia, neurosis, somatiazation, adaptive disorder, personality disorder, epilepsy. Second, high ratings in L, F, K, Pd, Pa, Sc, Ma, Hs, Pf in the MMPI scale. Third, the emotional problems were depression, anxiety, animosity, aggressivnessm anger. Forth, in the begiinning, the adaptaionwas difficult because of introvertedness in interpersonal relationships. Fifth, the difficulty in adaptation of intelligence were mental retardation and borderline intelligence.

      • KCI등재

        實狀況에서 集團決定의 極端指向 傾向性에 관한 硏究

        申應燮 陸軍士官學校 1985 한국군사학논집 Vol.29 No.-

        본 실험의 목적은 개인과 집단결정간의 차이를 나타내는 선택의 변화이동현상을 실제 상면에서 추시하고 책임감의 영향을 검증하는데 있다. 사용된 변인은 제시문에 의해서 조작된 책임감이었으며 선택문제는 유격훈련의 난이도였다. 피험자는 육사2학년생도 000명이었으며 피험자들은 64명씩 2개 집단으로 무선적 방법에 의해 구성되었다. 모든 피험자는 개인결정을 한 후에 집단결정을 실시하였으며 결정수준간의 차이로 결과분석되었다. 합의에 의한 집단결정은 합의전 개인결정의 평균과 의의있는 차이가 있을 것이란 가설 Ⅰ은 통제집단이 더 보수적이었음으로 지지되었다. 책임집단이 비책임집단보다 더 보수적일 것이라는 가설 Ⅱ는 지지되지 않았다. 이 결과는 피험집단이 이 문제에 대해 갖고 있는 보수적 경향성과 책임감의 보수성이 동일 방향이었기 때문으로 해석될 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        사람 구강각화세포와 상피각화세포에서 다양한 사이토카인의 발현

        신응섭,박경주,이종헌 대한구강악안면병리학회 2007 대한구강악안면병리학회지 Vol.31 No.6

        Cyto kinc production by epiclerma l keratinocytes has been investiga ted ext ensive ly cluring the past decacle in the skm Furthermore‘ cyto kines produced by pidermal kerat inocytes may be regar decl as important regulators in inflammation, 1 nunune responses‘ and during wound healing, The associa tion of specific cytokine patterns in proliferative a ncl/or infl ammatory related cha nges in the s kin suggests a role in the pathogenesis of certain skin diseases, Although it is conceiva b1e that the pa ttern of cytokine express ion in o1'al kera tinocytes might be sirnilar t o tha t of epidermal origin, the1'e a re only sparse reports that have s hown t his experi menta lly, In addition, there is s ome evidence that there may be differe n ces in the proliferative capacity of oral versus epidermal keratinocytes, Since t his may be crucial for better un clerstanding the biologica l processes in the oral mucosa and how they may differ from the e pidennis, we a na lyzed the cyto kine expression pat tern of human oral kera tinocy tes, The purpose of this study were to investigate mRNA & protein express ion 0 1' va rious cy tokines between NHOK and NHEK by RT-PCR & immunoslot blotting, and to apply its results 1‘0 1' bet ter understancling t he pathological processes in the o1'al mucosal d1seases Cultured NHEK showecl larger a rea of cel lula r s tratil'icat ion tha n cul tu ++ 1'ed NHOK in 0 05mM Ca concentra tion, 1L - 1α , IL- 6 mRNA expression 0 1' cult ured NHOK we1'e hi gher than that of NHEK, TNF- mRNA expression of NHEK was about 1, 2 folds than that 0 1' NHOK, ICAM- 1 mRNA expression of NHOK was a bout 13 folds t han that of NHOK, while NHEK was weakly detected, 1L- 1a , IL-6 pro tein expression of cul tured NHOK were hi gher t han t ha t of NHEK TNF-a protein expression of NHEK was about 1, 2 fo lds than that of NHOK, 1CAM- 1 protein expression of NHOK was about 40 folcls than that of NHOK, whil e NHEK was weakly detectecl , mRNA express ion was associa ted wi th prot ein expression in cul tured NHOK ancl NHEK, It s uggestecl that lL- 1a ‘ 11-6 and ICAM-1 mRNA and protein be highl y expressecl in cultured NHOK, Especially, ICAM- 1 would be a useful ma rker for the pathogenesis of oral mucosal di sease,

      • KCI등재

        군리더의 바람직한 특성 고찰 : 신세대 장병 지휘를 중심으로

        신응섭 陸軍士官學校 1997 한국군사학논집 Vol.53 No.-

        These days new members recruited into the army units, including both officers and soldiers, are characterized as "New Generations". These new members have different values and/or behavier styles from older generations. These differences are considered to be a possible cause of troubles that leaders, who take a traditional ledership style, are confronted with. This article is aimed to examine what traits are need for army leaders to effectively manage the troubles. This study was conducted mainly through literature review. Conclusions of this study are summarized as follows. The categoried of the traits required for army leaders in the "New Generation" era are trifurcate. The first category is related to the subjects of internalization of military ethics. The second category includes three traits that are directly related to duty fulfillment. The third category involves five traits that becomes importent when characteristics of surbordinates are considered. Discussions are focused on the traits of the second and the third categories.

      • KCI등재

        군의 정신장애 진단체계 연구

        신응섭 陸軍士官學校 1997 한국군사학논집 Vol.52 No.-

        Some researches on the mental disorders in the army has been done so far, but they were neither general nor comprehensive. This study, therefore, was focused on to investigate and analyze the researches systematically and to present clearly the directions and the methods of the researches on the subject. The methods used in this study were interviews with clinical practioners, officers concerned and U.S.A. army doctors, questionnaires with company commanders and normal enlisted men, and survey of the concerned institutes'literatures. In summary, this study has six suggestions te be put in. First, it is necessary to restandardize and improve the current used K.M.P.I. in short term, to adopt M.M.P.I. and develop an army aptitude tests in long term. Second, psychiatric epidemiological survey in the army must be done. Third, it is necessary that clinical psychologists are in place. Fourth, all staffs must be educated on mental health in regular courses. Fifth, in screening the E.M. the administrative processes must be improved. Sixth, it need to establish the accurate criteria on the dropping out of abnormal the E.M. must be studied.

      • KCI등재

        軍 精神 障碍者를 위한 集團心理 檢査 製作 硏究

        申應燮 陸軍士官學校 1984 한국군사학논집 Vol.26 No.-

        The purpose of the present research was to construct a scale which is proper in discriminating psychoses or criminal dispositions in order to prevent the maladjusted from joining the army. For this purpose, researcher tried to make the group psychological test which can be used under the present situation of the army, by applying the empirical keying approach. At the result, we obtained the following results.

      • KCI등재

        군 구성원의 가치관에 관한 탐색적 연구

        신응섭,고재원 陸軍士官學校 2000 한국군사학논집 Vol.56 No.-

        리더쉽 연구에서 70년대 후반부터 새로운 이론들이 제시되었으며, 이들의 공통점 중 하나는 구성원 개개인에 대한 보다 깊은 이해를 강조하는 것이다. 개인 이해의 한 방안으로 심리과정과 행동에 영향을 미치는 문화를 규명하려는 연구들이 있다. 본 논문의 목적은 군의 리더쉽 연구에서 기본적인 측면인 조직문화를 경험적으로 검토하려는 것이며, 특히 문화의 심층적 요소인 가치관의 문제를 측정, 비교하려는 것이다. 군은 조직목적의 특수성과 이에 따른 추구가치의 독특성을 갖는 반면에 구성원들의 다양성 때문에 개인가치와 집단가치간의 차이점이 리더쉽에 중요한 영향변인이다. 그러나 이 분야의 연구는 전무한 실정이어서, 본 연구에서는 군의 가치관을 탐색적이고 기술적인 수준에서 우선 검토하려고 하였다. 이를 위해 정진곤 등(1997)이 한국적 가치관의 탐색을 위해 제작한 가치관 측정 도구를 이용하여, 사병집단과 장교집단의 개인적 가치와 군에 대한 집단적 가치를 조사, 비교하였다 동시에 측정도구와 각 척도의 타당성을 분석하여, 군의 가치관 측정 도구 개발에서 검토가 필요한 부분을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        사람 악하선 선암종에서 유도된 SGT 세포 주에서 트랜스글루타민아제 발현

        이동식,유종우,신응섭,이병헌,이종헌,홍성철 대한구강악안면병리학회 2003 대한구강악안면병리학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        Established SGT cell line from human submandibular gland adenocarcinoma was used to study the TGase expression on a cellular level in vitro. Transglutaminase 2(TGase 2) is assoacitated with apoptosis, GTP binding protein, and cell marix interaction. The role of TGase 2 in salivary gland tumors is not clear yet. The pupose of this study were to examine the TGase expression of SGT cell line compared to other tumor cell lines, and to apply these results to the pathogenesis of salivary gland tumor. TGase enzyme assay of SGT, SCC-15, HN 4 and HeLa tumor cell line was 3 times repeated, and calculated. Immunoslot blot for semiquantitative protein analysis was done. The obtained results were as follows. 1. SGT cell line showed the highest TGase 2 enzyme activity(about 6-16 folds) irrespective of pre or postconfluency. 2. HN 4 cell line showed the highest TGase 1 enzyme activity(about 2-3 folds) irrespective of pre or postconfluency. 3. Under postconfluency TGase 1 induction was not induced, but slightly increased in all tumor cell lines. 4. TGase enzyme activity in all tumor cell lines was accompanied with TGase protein formation. From the aboving results, the higher TGase 2 expression of SGT cell line suggested that they would come from submandibular ductal cells and have a important role in the pathogensis of salivary gland tumors.

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