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박종용(Jong-Yong Park),김낙완(Nakwan Kim),신용구(Yong-Ku Shin) 한국해양공학회 2016 한국해양공학회지 Vol.30 No.2
An envelope protection system is a control system that allows a submarine to operate freely using its own operational envelope without exceeding the structural limit, dynamic limit, and control input limit. In this paper, an envelope protection system for the pitch angle of a submarine is designed using a dynamic trim algorithm. A linear quadratic regulator and artificial neural network are used for the true dynamics approximation. A submarine maneuvering simulation program developed using experimental data is used to validate the designed envelope protection system. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the designed envelope protection system.
박종용(Jong-Yong Park),김낙완(Nakwan Kim),신용구(Yong-Ku Shin) 대한조선학회 2017 대한조선학회 논문집 Vol.54 No.4
Safety operational envelope (SOE) is the area which guarantees the safety of a submarine from the accident such as jamming and flooding. The maximum safe depth is set to prevent the damage to the hull from increasing water pressure with depth. A minimum safety depth is set to prevent a submarine from the exposure above the free surface and collision against surface ship. The prediction method for the SOE in the design phase is needed to operate the submarine safely. In this paper, the modeling and calculation methods of the SOE are introduced. Main ballast tank blowing modeling and propeller force modeling are conducted to simulate the accidents and the recovery process. The SOEs are established based on the crash stop and emergency rising maneuver simulation. From the simulation results, it can be known that the emergency rising maneuver is more effective recovery action than the crash stop.
김흥열(Heung-Youl Kim),신용구(Yong-Ku Shin),김수영(Soo-Young Kim),신성철(Sung-Chul Shin),정보영(Bo-Young Chung),조정화(Jung-Hwa Jo),김현수(Hyun-Soo Kim) 대한조선학회 2012 대한조선학회 논문집 Vol.49 No.2
This study aims to analyze the strength of pressure hull of a small submarine. The pressure hull of a submarine has to withstand very large differential pressure between hydrostatic pressure in submarine operating depth and atmospheric pressure in inner space of a submarine. To do that, the pressure hull is generally ring-stiffened cylindrical shell under external pressure. In this situation, there are some foreseeable failure modes of the pressure hull such as shell yielding, axisymmetric shell buckling, asymmetric shell buckling, overall buckling and buckling of end closure. We calculated collapse pressures of these failure modes with approximation and empirical formulas. And, to analyze critical buckling pressure, we performed eigenvalue analysis with finite element method tools.
김흥열(Heung-youl Kim),신용구(Yong-Ku Shin),김수영(Soo-yung Kim),신성철(Sung-chul Shin),조정화(Jung-Hwa Jo),정보영(Bo-young Jung),김현수(Hyun-soo Kim) 대한조선학회 2011 대한조선학회 학술대회자료집 Vol.2011 No.6
In this study's contents are structural design for submarine's pressure hull structural strength to secure a stable. The most stable for at least the surface of the pressure hull is sphere. Speed on the hydrodynamic aspects of the vessel, the efficiency and production of space, because of the cylindrical structure is applied against. The material of the pressure hull HY100 was used for weight loss. Submarine pressure hull is composed of several different structural elements. This failure mode is complex and the interaction between the components should be reviewed.. In this study, designed the submarine pressure hull structure design of the core driven mainly Approximation, Empirical, FEM analysis was verified in parallel.
정재훈(Jae-Hun Jeong),한지훈(Ji-Hun Han),옥지훈(Jihun Ok),김형동(Hyeong-Dong Kim),김동훈(Dong-Hun Kim),신용구(Yong-Ku Shin),이승건(Seung-Keon Lee) 한국해양공학회 2016 한국해양공학회지 Vol.30 No.1
In this study, hydrodynamic coefficients were obtained from a Rotating Arm (RA) test, which is one of the captive model tests used to provide accurate coefficients in the control motion equation of an underwater vehicle. The RA test was carried out at the RA facility of ADD (Agency for Defense Development), and the forces and moments acting on the underwater vehicle were measured using a six-axis waterproof gage. A multiple regression analysis was used in the analysis of the measured data. The experimental results were also verified by comparison with the theoretical values of the previous linear coefficients. In addition, the stability indices in the horizontal plane were calculated using the linear and nonlinear coefficients, and the dynamic stability of the underwater vehicle was estimated to have a good dynamic performance with a depth ratio of 6.0.