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        카타(形), 타오루(套路), 품새의 비교분석을 통한 태권도 품새경기의 방향성 모색

        송남정,임신자 한국체육철학회 2012 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        This research is Qualitative Case study to aim at investigating the proper directivity of Poomsae competition, Korean Taekwondo, by examining and analysing the 2010 competition rules of Kata competition, Japanese Karate, and Taolu competition, Chinese Wushu. To this end, the related literature was referred and other data were considered, with in-depth interviewing, so as to draw the conclusion. As for the analysis of data, the result and the objectives of this study was achieved by modifying and applying the 4 step method for comparison that had been created by Bereday(1964). To assure the veracity of the study of quality in the analysis of data, the triangulation, the conference of experts and the review of participants in the study were carried out. Result in this study are as follows: First, as a result of investigation into characteristics and difference of competition system: Kata and Taolu competitions shows various types of contests, therefore, no monotony, but persue the elite sports concentrating on children and young people; Poomsae competition pursues to expand the base of training people from all ages, but shows monotonous games with 13 recognized types of Poomsae. As a result of investigation into the difference of scoring criteria and system: as for Kata competition, it is entirely judged by referees with the qualitative criteria, thus, its objectivity is enhanced by selecting and training referees strictly; as for Taolu competition, its objectivity is enhanced by adopting detailed and objective scoring criteria and scoring system which assigns each judgement area to each referee by groups, but the scoring criteria is concentrated on the form; as for Poomsae competition, as the institutional system to select and train the referees is yet insufficiently set up, the scoring system is quite formal. Second, to develop the Poomsae competition, the diversification of Poomsae competition and the reinforcement of the referee's judgement and the scoring criteria were considered. 본 연구는 한국 태권도 품새와 유사한 일본 가라데의 카타, 중국 우슈의 타오루의 2010 국제경기규정을 조사․비교분석하여 태권도 품새경기의 올바른 방향성을 모색하는 질적 사례연구(Case study)이다. 이를 위해 문헌조사와 심층면담을 통해 자료를 확보하였으며, Bereday(1964)의 4단계 비교방법론을 수정, 활용하여 심도있게 분석‧해석하여 결과를 도출하였다. 또한 연구의 진실성 확보를 위해 다각검증법과 전문가 회의 그리고 연구 참여자 검토 등을 실시하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 첫째, 경기방식의 특성에 있어서, 카타와 타오루경기는 다종의 품새 경연으로 태권도보다 단조로움은 없었으나, 아동․청소년층에 집중된 경기형태를 추구하고 있었고, 반면, 품새경기는 13가지의 공인품새 경연경기로 단조로운 경기를 운영하고 있지만 다양한 연령의 선수층으로 품새 수련인구의 저변확대를 추구하고 있었다. 심판 및 채점기준의 특징과 차이점에 있어서, 카타경기는 정성적인 기준으로 전적으로 심판의 판단에 의해 승패를 결정하고 있었으며, 타오루경기는 세분화된 채점기준과 심판원의 각기 정해진 담당분야를 나누어 객관성을 높이고 있었다. 반면, 품새경기는 제도적 정립이 미흡하여 형식적인 채점으로 이루어지고 있는 실정으로 나타났다. 둘째, 태권도 품새경기의 발전방향성은 두 가지로 모색되었다. 먼저, 경기를 다양화를 이루기 위한 경기용 품새의 제정이 필요하고, 다음으로 심판판정 및 채점기준의 강화를 위한 엄격한 제도적 정책과 단순화된 채점기준이 이루어져야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        태권체조대회 활성화를 위한 현황분석 및 개선방안 모색

        송남정 한국무예학회 2020 무예연구 Vol.14 No.1

        The present study aims to identify the reality of Taekwon gymnastics and further investigate the reality of Taekwon gymnastics competition and improvements. Throughout this research, it is hoped that Taekwon gymnastics would be more widely adopted and develop in the relevant area. As to methods, in-depth interview by experts was conducted and three problems of the competition and improvements were drawn by using a deductive category analysis. With regard to the problems related to the competition, first of all, gymnastics competition rules; second, appointing referees in charge of Taekwon gymnastics; third, stadiums for holding the gymnastics competition. For improvements, in the first place, it is necessary to segment review areas, assign appropriate referees to each area and sum up total scores for evaluation. Secondly, it is important to consider expertise and professional careers when appointing referees in regard to the problem of appointing them and their expertise. Third, making waiting rooms for players and keeping psychological distance between players and event personnels were suggested for improving the stadium problem. 이 연구는 태권체조의 현황 파악과 더불어 현재 태권체조경연대회의 실태와 개선방안을 조사하여 향후 태권체조가 태권도 현장에서 더욱 활용되고 발전할 수 있도록 하고자 하였다. 이에 따라 전문가 심층면담을 실시하였으며 귀납적 범주분석을 통해 태권체조대회의 문제점 3가지와 이에 따른 개선방안을 도출하였다. 태권체조대회의 문제점으로는 첫째, 태권체조 경기 규정에 관한 문제, 둘째, 태권체조 심판위촉과 심판의 전문성 문제, 셋째, 태권체조대회의 경기장의 문제가 도출되었다. 개선방안으로는 첫 번째, 경기 규정에 대한 문제점의 개선방안으로는 심사영역을 세분화하여 그 영역에 맞는 심사자를 배정하여 평가하여 합산하는 형식으로의 개선이 필요하며, 두 번째, 심판위촉과 심판의 전문성의 문제에 대한 개선방안으로는 심판위촉 시 전문성을 고려한 위촉(공개입찰 위촉, 태권체조 심판교육을 통한 위촉, 태권체조의 예술적 요소 심판 가능한 심판위촉 등), 세 번째, 경기장의 문제에 대한 개선방안으로는 선수들의 대기실 마련, 선수와 진행요원 간의 심리적 거리 제한 등의 개선 방향으로 제시되었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        태권도 수련생의 도장 교육 프로그램 만족도와 생활만족의 관계

        송남정,임신자 한국체육과학회 2007 한국체육과학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        The objective of this thesis is to discover the relationship of gymnasium educational program satisfaction level and life satisfaction of taekwondo trainees by comparing and analyzing the program satisfaction level and life satisfaction according to individual characteristics. As a sample group of higher than grade 4 students trainees attending taekwondo gym that has been operating for more than 3 years located in Seoul, the questionnaires conducted in the studies of Choi, Sang-Jin (2003), Seo, Eun-Mi (2004), Won, Hyung-Joong (1989) were edited and modified to fit the objective and target group. Also, the result of analyzing the randomly collected 162 males, 44 females, total of 206 people were computerized according to analysis objective using SPSS Version 12.0 program for Windows. 1) The taekwondo gym education program satisfaction level and life satisfaction revealed no significant difference according to gender.2) In taekwondo gym education program satisfaction level according to grade, there were significant difference at the level of p<05 on the items as the satisfaction level of taekwondo program, humanitarian education, outdoor activities, school physical education, levels by ability difference, duration of training, release of stress, enhancement of physical strength, leisure program, number of participants, and interest induction. According to grades, the life satisfaction level showed significant difference at the level of p<05.

      • KCI등재

        품새선수의 스포츠 자신감이 운동열정, 운동몰입, 인지된 경기력에 미치는 영향

        송남정 한국무예학회 2019 무예연구 Vol.13 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of sports confidence of Taekwondo Poomsae player on exercise passion, exercise commitment and perceived performance. For this purpose, a sample of the Poomsae players participating in the Poomsae contest was collected using the non-probabilistic Sampling Method, which is one of the Nonprobability Sampling Methods, and the final 195 data were used for the actual analysis. As a result, the sport self - confidence of the Poomsae player had a significant effect on the passion, Second, the passion of athlete 's movement had a significant effect on perceived performance. Third, the exercise commitment of the Poomsae player had a significant effect on perceived performance. 이 연구는 태권도 품새선수의 스포츠 자신감이 운동열정, 운동몰입 및 인지된 경기력에 미치는 영향을 밝혀내는데 연구의 목적을 두었다. 이에따라 이를 위해 품새대회를 참가하는 품새 선수들을 대상으로 비확률적 표본추출법(Nonprobability Sampling Method)의 하나인 유목적 표집을 사용하여 표본을 수집하여 최종 195부의 자료가 실제 분석에 사용되었다. 그 결과 첫째, 품새선수의 스포츠 자신감은 운동열정과 운동몰입, 인지된 경기력에 유의한 영향을 미쳤다. 둘째, 품새선수의 운동열정과 운동몰입은 인지된 경기력에 유의한 영향을 미쳤다. 이에 태권도 품새선수들의 스포츠자신감과 운동열정, 운동몰입은 인지된 경기력에 유의한 영향을 미쳐 선수들의 경기력 상승을 위한 전략으로 활용이 가능할 것으로 생각된다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        태권도 품새의 발전과 향후 과제

        송남정(Nam-Jeong Song) 세계태권도문화학회 2024 세계태권도문화학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        This study examined the development of Taekwondo Poomsae, which is currently developed rapidly, divided into sports for all and elite sports, and considered future tasks. The delvelopment of Poomsae as a Sports for All led to the study of delicate teaching methods for poomsae training, adding to the fun of training, but various poomsae development and change in teaching methods are required according to the change of the training population. The development of Pooomsae as an Elite sport has led to an increase in the number of poomsae trainees around the world, which is developed into as a global game, but securing its position as an Elite game in Korea is insufficient. Therefore, Future tasks will require efforts from Taekwondo leaders, Associations, and the related organizations.

      • KCI등재

        태권도문화콘텐츠 사례분석을 통한 미래사회의 태권도 역할

        송남정(Song, Nam Jeong) 한국무예학회 2021 무예연구 Vol.15 No.3

        이 연구는 문화콘텐츠로의 태권도 사례를 살펴보고 미래사회에서의 태권도의 역할, 문화콘텐츠로의 확립 가능성을 논해 보고자 하였다. 이에 온라인 태권도 대회(경기문화), 온라인 태권도 수련(수련문화), 온라인 태권도 시범(콘텐츠)의 사례를 분석하였다. 연구 결과를 통해 태권도가 미디어의 발달과 더불어 코로나19의 상황에 맞물려 온라인을 통해 경기, 수련, 시범이 이루어지고 있었으며, 지속되는 코로나19 상황 속에 태권도인들의 심리적, 육체적 피로감을 덜어주고 온라인 속에서라도 태권도를 지속할 수 있다는 점은 분명 긍정적인 요소로 작용된 반면 온라인을 통한 태권도경기와 수련에서는 다소 보완되어야 하는 부분들이 다수 존재하는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. 미래사회는 문화콘텐츠의 사회이자 예측할 수 없는 바이러스 발병 상황이 지속적으로 도래될 것이다. 따라서 온라인을 통한 다양한 태권도 콘텐츠 제공해야 할 것이며 온라인을 통한 수련 및 지도에 있어서도 온라인을 적절하게 활용하여 시·공간 제약 없이 언제든지 태권도를 수련할 수 있는 환경을 조성해야 할 것이다. This study looked at taekwondo cases as cultural contents and discussed the role of taekwondo in future society and the possibility of establishing it as cultural contents. The case analysis consisted of online taekwondo competitions (Gyeonggi Culture), online taekwondo training (training culture), and online taekwondo demonstrations (content). Through the research results, taekwondo was being played, trained, and demonstrated online in line with the development of the media and the situation of Corona 19. There are parts and problems that need to be supplemented, but in future society, various contents of Taekwondo should be provided online, and Taekwondo should be established as a cultural content. In addition, the qualitative growth of Taekwondo will have to be combined and fused with culture and content.

      • KCI등재

        태권도 품새선수의 성취목표성향과 자기리더십 및 스포츠대처전략의 관계

        송남정(Song, Nam-Jeong),곽정현(Kwak, Jeong-Hyeon) 한국체육과학회 2012 한국체육과학회지 Vol.21 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to help Taekwondo Poomsae athletes build self-leadership and establish the sports coping with achievement goal orientation, and to provide the psychological basic data for the competitiveness improvement of Poomsae athletes. The result of this study is as follows: First, analyzing the effect of the achievement goal orientation on self-leadership showed that the task orientation of the achievement orientation has a meaningful effect on the self-leadership. Second, analyzing the effect of the achievement goal orientation on the sports coping showed that the task orientation has a static effect on factors of thought regulation, rest, imaging, logical analysis, but a negative effect on factors of evasion and emotionalism The self-orientation was shown to have a static effect on factors of evasion, remaining undisturbed, logical analysis. Third, analyzing the effect of the self-leadership on the sports coping showed that the goal-setting has a static effect on thought regulation, rest, imaging, but a negative effect on evasion. Self-strengthening was shown to have a static effect on thought regulation, imaging, logical analysis, and rehearsal was shown not to affect the sports coping. Self-criticism was shown to have a static effect on emotionalism, logical analysis, and self-expectation was shown to have a static effect on thought regulation, rest.

      • KCI등재

        대학 태권도선수의 자기리더십이 자기관리에 미치는 영향

        송남정(Song, Nam-Jeong) 한국체육과학회 2012 한국체육과학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        This study is to clarify impact of university Taekwondo players" self-leaderships on self management and recognize the difference between Poomsae Player and Gyerugi Player, providing fundamental data in order to improve their competition for games. The results were as follows; First, difference of leadership between Poomsae Player s and Gyerugi Players appears significant difference in terms of setting goals, self-strengthening, and self-expectation. In addition, difference of between both players self-management showed significant differences in terms of people management and physical management. Second, the impact of self-leadership on mental management which is sub-factor of self-management is as follows. For Gyerugi players, self-leadership"s setting goals, self-criticism affect mental management significantly. For Poomsae players, self-leadership"s setting goals, self-expectation appear to affect mental management in order. On result of self-leadership on people management which is a sub-factor of self-management, for Poomsae players and Gyerugi players, setting goals both affects people management significantly. On result of self-leadership on physical management, for Poomsae players, self-expectation affects physical body management. For gyerugi players, self-expectation, self-blaming affect physical management. Result of self-leadership"s impact on training management, for Poomsae players setting goals, self-criticism, self-strengthening affect training management.

      • KCI등재

        대학생 태권도 선수의 스트레스 대처방식과 인지된 경기력의 관계에 대한 다집단분석 : 겨루기와 품새를 중심으로

        송남정 ( Song Nam-jeong ),곽정현 ( Kwak Jeong-hyeon ) 국기원 2022 국기원태권도연구 Vol.13 No.2

        목적 이 연구는 스트레스 대처방식과 인지된 경기력의 관계를 검증하고, 다집단분석을 통해 세부종목 즉, 겨루기와 품새 종목에 따른 영향력의 차이를 분석하여 차후 태권도 종목별 선수들의 스트레스 대처를 위한 기초자료 제공에 연구의 필요성 및 목적이 있다. 방법 연구 참여자는 대학교 태권도 선수인 겨루기 251명, 품새 239명이었다. 수집된 자료는 기술통계, 상관관계, 구조방정식분석 그리고 다집단분석을 실시하였다. 결과 첫째, 스트레스대처방식의 문제중심적 대처, 정서중심적 대처는 인지된 경기력에 양(+)적 영향을, 소망추구적 사고는 부(-)적 영향관계가 있었다. 둘째, 스트레스대처방식과 인지된 경기력과의 관계에서 태권도 품새선수와 겨루기선수의 다집단분석을 실시한 결과, 소망추구적 사고에서 집단 간의 차이가 분석되었다. 결론 겨루기와 품새 종목의 스트레스 대처가 인지된 경기력에 미치는 영향에 큰 차이를 보이고 있지는 않지만 전 세계적으로 평준화되어 가고 있는 기술력에서 우수한 경기 결과를 얻기 위해서는 각 종목이 요구하는 스트레스 대처의 이해를 통한 합리적인 방안으로 지도할 필요가 있을 것이다. Purpose The necessity and purpose of this study was to verify the relationship between stress coping methods and perceived performance, analyze the difference in influence according to Kyeorugi and Poomsae events through a multi-group structural modeling analysis, and provide basic data for athletes’ stress coping on the future. Method Participants in the study were 251 in Kyeorugi and 239 in Poomsae. They were all University taekwondo athletes. Collected data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, correlation, structural equation model analysis, and multi-group structural modeling analysis. Results First, the problem-oriented coping and the emotion-oriented coping of stress coping methods had a possitive(+) effect on perceived performance, and wish-seeking thinking had a negative(-) effect. Second, as a result of conducting a multi-group analysis of Taekwondo Poomsae athletes and Kyeorugi in the relationship between stress coping methods and perceived performance, differences between groups were analyzed in wish-seeking thinking. Conclusion Although there is no significant difference in the effect of coping with stress in Kyeorugi competition and Poomsae competition on perceived performance. But in order to obtain the excellent results in technology that is being leveled around the world, it will be necessary to guide them as a reasonable way through understanding the stress response required by each event.

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