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        공공장소에서의 음주규제 정책

        손애리(Aeree Sohn),신정훈(Jeong Hoon Shin),김용범(Yongbum Kim) 한국보건교육건강증진학회 2018 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.35 No.4

        Objectives: The aim of this study is to give recommendations on public drinking restriction in the alcohol accessibility policies in order to bring about changes in the alcohol consumption norm. Methods: As for in-country literature, reports of government agencies and research papers were reviewed. Results: Though public drinking prohibition laws differ from state to state, one common law that every state shares are that, it is illegal to drink in public areas in Australia. Canada’s alcohol law jurisdiction is based on the federal law or local government. All territories and states commonly share the same principals of public alcohol consumption. It is illegal to drink alcohol in public and public spaces are defined broadly throughout Canada. The law prohibits people from carrying around opened alcohol bottles in the USA. Under the alcohol laws in Singapore, one can drink in public but only during specific times. Violating the public drinking prohibition time will amount to consequences ranging from a fine to imprisonment. Conclusions: Thus, prohibiting public drinking should be clearly stated under the National Health Promotion Act. Detailed locations should be also defined under the jurisdiction from the local government’s ordinance.

      • KCI등재

        서울시 지역주민의 알코올장애와 스트레스, 정신건강 및 자살

        손애리(Aeree Sohn),Sherme Villasurda Legaspi,홍인옥(In-ok Hong),김태경(Tae-kyung Kim),류은정(Eunjung Ryu),오경재(Gyung-jae Oh) 한국보건교육건강증진학회 2009 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        Objectives: This study furthers the currents understanding of alcohol use disorders, stress, mental health status and suicide among Seoul citizens. This study is to identify differences according to socio-demographic variables and variables which affect stress, mental status and suicide for developing mental health programs. Methods: The study subjects using cluster-stratified sampling method were 1234 adults over 19 years old from 17 dong, S-Ku in Seoul City. A cross-sectional study with face-to-face interview was used to collect data. A questionnaire measuring socio-demographic variables, Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) and psychosocial wellbeing index-short form (PWI-SF) was utilized. Results: Three findings in this study were discussed: (1) The prevalence of problem drinking and alcohol dependence and AUDIT score were significantly higher among male, younger age, and high level of education and income; (2) AUDIT score were related with stress, all 9 symptoms of SCL-R and suicide plan; (3) Problem drinkers were more likely to have 2.5 times of anxiety, 3.0 times of hostility, and 2.4 times psychoticism than non alcohol problem drinkers. Alcohol dependence drinkers were more likely to have 1.9 times of high risk group of stress, 4.1 times of obsessive-compulsive, 4.7 times of anxiety, 5.5 times of hostility, and 2.3 times psychoticism than non alcohol dependence drinkers. Conclusion: The findings suggest that the future intervention of Mental Health programs should be carefully designed and tailored by socio-demographic variables.

      • KCI등재

        서울시 지역주민의 인구ㆍ사회경제적 특성별 정신건강 실태 및 스트레스

        손애리(Aeree Sohn),김태경(Tae-kyung Kim),류은정(Eunjung Ryu),오경재(Gyung-jae Oh),안동현(Dong-Hyun Ahn) 한국보건교육건강증진학회 2010 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        Objectives: This study furthers the currents understanding of mental health status and stress level among Seoul citizens and to identify differences according to socio-demographic variables for developing mental health programs. Methods: The study subjects using cluster-stratified sampling method were 1234 adults over 19 years old from 17 dong, S-Ku in Seoul City. A cross-sectional study with face-to-face interview was used to collect data. A questionnaire measuring socio-demographic variables, Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) and psychosocial wellbeing index-short form (PWI-SF) was utilized. Results: Three findings in this study were discussed: (1) The rate of clinical mental health was low in contrary to that of border group which was high and the rate of high risk group of stress was 68.1% (men 67.0%, women 69.0%); (2) The mental health and the stress level was significantly higher among female, elderly, lower education level, divorced, and lower family income; and (3) In Pearson correlation analysis, stress were correlated to all 9 symptoms of SCL-R. Conclusion: The findings suggest that the future intervention of Mental Health programs should be carefully designed and tailored by socio-demographic variables.

      • KCI등재

        언어네트워크를 이용한 일반인과 간호사의 코로나19 위험인식과 예방행동에 대한 이해 : 리스크 커뮤니케이션

        손애리(Aeree Sohn),한숙정(Suk-Jung Han) 한국보건사회학회 2020 보건과 사회과학 Vol.0 No.55

        본 연구는 언어네트워크 분석을 이용하여 일반인 11명과 간호사 8명의 코로나19 위험인식과 예방행동을 파악하기 위해서 수행된 질적연구이다. 중심성 분석결과 일반인의 핵심어는 36개로 집, 친구, 학교의 순으로 출현 빈도가 높았고, 매개중심성이 가장 큰 핵심어는 ‘집’이었다. 간호사의 경우는 핵심어가 57개로 환자, 병원, 코로나의 순으로 빈도가 높았고, 매개중심성이 가장 큰 핵심어는 ‘환자’와‘병원’이었다. 응집분석 결과 일반인과 간호사 모두 4개의 응집클러스터가 나타났다. 일반인은 ‘집’과 ‘가족’을 중심으로 ‘일상에서의 위험인식(G1)’을 하였고, 이를 중심으로 ‘코로나19 인식’과 ‘집단감염 위험인식’으로 연결되었고, 이는 다시 ‘일상에서의 예방행동’으로 연결되는 네트워크 구조를 보였다. 간호사는 ‘환자’, ‘코로나19’, ‘병원’을 중심으로 ‘자신이 감염/감염원이 될 가능성에 대한 두려움(G4)’을 중심으로‘코로나19 인식(G2)’, ‘병원 감염예방 환경 및 지침(G3)’과 ‘일상에서의 예방행동(G1)’으로 연결되는네트워크 구조를 보였다. 일반인은 자신의 감염 가능성을 다른 사람보다 낮게 평가하였고, 간호사는 자신이 감염될 가능성뿐 아니라 감염원이 되어 가족이나 타인에게 감염시킬 수 있다는 불안이 일반인 보다 훨씬 더 컸다. 일반인은 집, 직장, 학교 등 자신의 생활터를 중심으로 코로나19에 대한 위험을 인식하였으나 감염병자체보다는 자신의 일상생활의 변화에 대해서 두려워하였다. 이태원, 물류센터 등에서 발생한 집단감염으로 인해 자신이 거주하는 곳에 확진자가 증가하여 자신의 감염가능 확률이 높아지는 것에 대해스트레스와 불안 등을 호소하였다. 일반인의 경우 일상에서의 예방행동 중 ‘마스크’와 ‘손 씻기’가 가장 영향력있는 예방행동이었고, 사회적 거리두기, 외출자제는 실천이 어렵다는 반응을 하거나 언급되지 않았다. 반면 간호사는 병원 내에서 철저한 방역, 방호복 착용, 일상에서도 타인을 만나지 않는 외출자제나 자가격리 등을 많이 언급하였다. 가족이나 지인이 자신으로 인해 감염될 가능성이 크므로 손씻기, 마스크 사용 등과 같은 개인예방 행동을 철저히 하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 간호사는 코로나19 환자를 치료하는 병동에 근무하기 때문에 다른 사람이 접촉을 꺼리는 존재로 낙인화가 되어 다른 사람을 만나는 것을 기피하거나조심하기 때문에 스트레스가 큰 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구결과는 추후 다른 신종감염병이 발생할 경우 일반인과 간호사를 대상으로 감염병 대응과 관리뿐만 아니라 효과적인 메시지나 중재프로그램을 개발 시 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다 This qualitative research study was carried out with a semantic network analysis to evaluate the understanding of COVID-19 risk perception and preventive behavior of 11 ordinary people and eight nurses. As a result of the analysis of centrality, there were 36 keywords of the general public, and the frequency of mention was high in the order of home, friend, and school. The keyword with degree centrality was “home.” In the case of nurses, there were 57 keywords, in the order of patients, hospitals, and COVID-19, and the keywords with degree centrality were “patient” and “hospital.” As a result of the community analysis, four clusters were found for both the public and nurses. The public had a “daily risk awareness (G1)” centering on “house” and “family,” and it was linked to “COVID-19 perception” and “collective infection risk awareness.” It showed a network structure connected to “preventive behavior.” Nurses focused on “patient,” “COVID-19,” and “hospital,” with an emphasis on “fear of the possibility of infectious agent (G4),” showing a network structure connected with “COVID-19 awareness (G2),” “hospital infection prevention environment and guidelines(G3),” and “preventive actions in daily life (G1).” The public underestimated their infection risk as lower than that of others, and nurses were more anxious that they could become infected and infect their families or others. The public recognized the risk of COVID-19, centering on living areas such as the home, workplace, and school but feared that their daily lives would have to adapt to the infectious disease instead of the other way around. They complained of stress and anxiety about the increase in the probability of infection due to the increase in the number of confirmed patients in the residence. In the case of the public, masks were the most influential preventive action among everyday preventive actions. There were many reactions that it was difficult to practice social distancing and refrain from going out, and this resulted in a weak influence, suggesting that optimistic prejudice was working. On the other hand, in the case of nurses, they performed their work in a thorough quarantine state, even in hospitals, controlled themselves through thorough social distancing in daily life, and strictly followed the government’s infection prevention guidelines such as hand washing and mask use. Others even showed a tendency to avoid interpersonal relationships with nurses working in hospitals with COVID-19 patients, because they were stigmatized. This research found that practical implications which include risk communication and psycho-social support of nurses should be directed at achieving sociocultural understanding. This finding can contribute to the development of effective intervention programs.

      • KCI등재

        서울시 지역주민의 인구사회적 특성과 정신건강상태에 따른 건강관련 삶의 질

        손애리(Aeree Sohn),윤주탁(Ju-Tak Yoon),고승덕(Seung-Duk Koh),천성수(Sungsoo Chun) 한국보건교육건강증진학회 2010 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        Objectives: This study was conducted to estimate the health-related quality of life using EQ5-D by socio-demographic characteristics and mental health among Seoul citizens for developing health promotion programs. Methods: The study subjects using cluster-stratified sampling method were 1234 adults over 19 years old from 17 dong, S-Ku in Seoul City. A cross-sectional study with face-to-face interview was used to collect data. A questionnaire measuring socio-demographic variables, Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) and Euroqol EQ-5D instrument. The Difference on the EQ-5D index among groups were tested with Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis test. Results: The mean EQ-5D index for all subjects was 0.946(±0.105). The EQ-5D index were significantly different by sex, age, marital status, eduction level and income. The EQ5-D indexes among clinical mental health groups were the lowest scores and significantly different from other groups. Conclusion: The findings suggest that the future intervention of health promotion programs should be carefully designed and tailored by socio-demographic variables. Especially, the mental health programs need to be developed.

      • KCI등재

        여성의 BMI에 따른 인구사회학적 특성 및 건강행동 특성비교

        손애리(Aeree Sohn),진기영(Ki-Young Jin) 한국보건교육건강증진학회 2008 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to identity the variables which affect BMI and the relationships among BMI and socio-demographic variables and health-related behaviors among women in Pajoo city. A self-report questionnaire was used covering questions regarding health, eating habits and health related behaviors such as smoking and drinking behavior, exercise, weight management, etc. Test of significance for differences between the groups were performed with χ²-test and hierarchial regression. The level of BMI has a positive relationship with age, married status, and weight management among Pajoo citizens in Korea. This study may be utilized in preparation and planning for dementia prevention programs and policies of older people. Also it can be useful for developing and enhancing various health programs and policies when applied appropriately.

      • KCI등재

        데이터마이닝을 이용한 청소년 유해업소 출입경험에 영향을 주는 요인

        손애리(Aeree Sohn) 한국보건교육건강증진학회 2014 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.31 No.3

        Objective: This study was conducted in order to explore the predictive model of the experience of harmful shops in middle and high school students. Methods: The survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire method online via the homepage of the education ministry’s student health information center. Participants were 1,888 middle school students and 1,563 high school students from 107 schools in Korea. The collected data were processed using the SPSS classification trees 18.0 program and examined using data mining decision tree model. Results: In this study, 6.9% of all subjects were found to have been to sex industry harmful place and 81.8% game place. The results revealed that smoking, living with parents, and school grade were significant predictors for experience of sex industry harmful place. The perception of study disrupts, drinking, living with parents, stress, and satisfaction of school life were significant predictors for experience of game harmful place. Conclusions: These results suggest that an educational approach should be developed by tailored conditions to prevent the access to harmful shops.

      • KCI등재

        음주장소규제와 관련한 지자체 조례, 법 및 금연구역 분석

        손애리(Aeree Sohn),서미경(MeeKyung Suh),문제은(Jei Eun Moon),장사랑(Sarang Jang) 한국중독정신의학회 2021 중독정신의학 Vol.25 No.2

        Objectives: The objective of this study was to develop effective standard ordinances for the designation and management of alcohol prohibited zones in public places. Methods : To investigate public drinking regulation ordinances in Korea, we analyzed places where drinking should be controlled or prohibited, contents of regulations, laws related to drinking place regulation, and nonsmoking areas. Results : Results of the analysis of existing local government ordinances on alcohol-regulated places were as follows. A total of 91 local government ordinances specified places where drinking was prohibited or restricted. In these ordinances, restricted places were divided into external places where many people would gather and facilities for minors that would restrict access to alcohol according to age. Conclusion : To promote health, the designation of prohibition zones must include the protection of vulnerable members of the society whose health is at risk, sports facilities that must maintain a healthy environment, hospitals, and clinics. In addition, a unified administrative system for prohibition management should be considered.

      • KCI등재

        보건의료분야에서의 전문 직업성

        손애리(Aeree Sohn) 한국보건사회학회 2019 보건과 사회과학 Vol.0 No.51

        This article is to outline and introduce several sociological researches on health professions, the theme of this special edition. The health professions are a group of occupations developed in the 20th century, being operated on the basis of high skill and knowledge, gaining prestigious social status and consequently drawing high sociological attention. Evaluations on characteristics and developmental process of medical professions are varied from different theoretical perspectives. However, many recent analyses pointed out the declining social status of medical professions. The recent trend of theoretical analysis explains this phenomena as operation of countervailing powers or sovereignty dispute and adjustment. Using these concepts, this article introduces three studies on the development possibility of occupational professionality of physicians, pharmacists and physical therapists. Finally, additional issues to be studied in the future are also discussed. 이 글은 이번 특집호의 주제인 의료전문직의 사회학의 관련 분야 연구를 개괄하고 수록된 논문들을 소개하기 하기 위한 목적에서 작성되었다. 의료전문직은 20세기에 발전한 직업군으로 지식을 근 간으로 활동하면서 높은 사회적 지위를 성취함으로써 사회학적 관심의 대상이 되었다. 그 특성과 발전과정에 대한 평가는 이론적 시각마다 상이하다. 그런데 최근에는 의료전문직의 사회적 지위가 하락하고 있다는 분석들이 많다. 이것을 일종의 상쇄권력의 작동으로 해석하거나 관할권 분쟁과 조정으로 해석하는 것이 최근의 이론적 경향이다. 이러한 개념들을 활용하여 우리나라 의사, 약사, 물리치료사의 전문직업성의 발전 가능성을 분석한 세 편의 논문을 소개하였다. 끝으로 향후 추가 분석이 필요한 이슈들에 대하여 논의하였다.

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