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        천도교청년당의 지도이념과 조직체계

        성주현(Ju-Hyeon Sung) 독립기념관 한국독립운동연구소 2009 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.33

        1920년대 들어 국내민족운동은 크게 민족주의세력과 사회주의세력으로 분화되었다. 1920년대 초반에는 민족주의세력들이 중심이 되어 민족운동을 주도해 갔다. 그러나 사회주의사상을 수용한 청년들이 사회운동의 중심세력으로 교체되면서 민족운동은 그 주도권을 놓고 경쟁과 연대를 통해 세력을 확장하고자 하였다. 1920년대 중반 들어 민족운동의 중추기관으로 성장하고자 하였던 천도교청년들은 선전적 단체의 성격을 가진 기존의 천도교청년회를 ‘근대적 정당’의 개념을 도입한 천도교청년당을 창당하였다. 뿐만 아니라 청년당의 개념을 새롭게 인식하고자 하였다. 즉 당이란 ‘동일한 주의와 목적, 구성원, 조직, 지도자 그리고 방책이 있어야 하며, 이를 유기체로서의 운영이 되어야 한다’고 인식하였다. 이에 따라 청년당은 ‘천도교의 주의 · 목적을 사회적으로 달성코자 이에 시종할 同德으로써 조직된 유기체’였던 것이다. 나아가 이를 실현하기 위해 주의 · 강령 · 약속 · 실행조건 등을 마련하였다. 그리고 이를 ‘절대적 복종’이라는 규율로 청년당의 운영을 규정화하였다. 한편 청년당의 창당 초기에는 ‘불문율에 의한 결의제’를 통해 조직을 운영하였다. 이는 당으로써 조직체계를 갖추지 못하였을 뿐만 아니라 보혁 분규로 인한 내분 때문이었다. 그렇지만 점차 교단이 안정되고 지방조직을 확대됨에 따라 조직체계의 정비가 요구되었다. 더욱이 민족운동의 중추기관으로서의 역량을 갖추기 위해서는 일사불란한 조직체계가 무엇보다도 우선적으로 요구되었던 것이다. 이에 따라 청년당은 불문제를 폐기하고 성문당헌을 제정하고 당 조직의 계선화를 도모하였다. 그 결과 청년당은 인내천집중제를 거쳐 민주집권제를 확립하였다. 민주집 권제를 채택한 청년당은 상하관계의 당본부-지방부-접-연이라는 조직체계를 갖추었다. 또한 의결기구로서 당본부에는 전당대표대회과 중앙집행위원회, 지방부에는 지방당원대회 혹은 지방집행위원회, 그리고 접에는 접원회를 두었다. 그리고 이를 뒷받침할 성문당헌을 제정하였던 것이다. 그리고 청년당이 강력한 민주집권제를 마련한 것은 첫째 당의 효율적 운영, 둘째 천도교단의 전위적 역할, 셋째 민족운동의 중심세력으로 확고히 하기 위함이었다. The force for the domestic racial movement was divided into the force of nationalism and socialism in 1920s. In the early 1920s the force of nationalism led the campaign for liberation of the Korean people, however, as young people that accepted socialism appeared as the central force of a social movement, the two forces of the racial movement tried to expand their influence through competition and solidarity in order to hold the leadership. In the middle of 1920s young people of the Cheondogyo who wanted to grow into the wheels of the racial movement established the Young Men’s Party of the Cheondo religion with the concept of a modern political party from the existing Young Men’s Association of the Cheondogyo with the disposition of propaganda. And also they wanted to newly recognize the concept of the Young Men’s Party, that is, they recognized that a party should have the doctrine and aim of identity, its members, organization, leader and strategy, and it should be operated like an organism. Accordingly, the Young Men’s Party was an organism formed by the believers of the Cheondogyo to accomplish its doctrine and aim socially. Besides they prepared the terms to realize its doctrine, code of conduct, promise and fulfillment. And they enacted the provisions of its operation under the rules of “unconditional obedience”. They operated its organization through resolution system based on the common law in the early stage of its establishment because of the unpreparedness of its organizational system as a political party and its internal trouble due to a dispute between conservatives and reformists, however, as the Cheondogyo order settled down and its local system expanded, it was required to organize its system. Furthermore, ordered organizational system was required first to be equipped with capabilities as a central organization for the racial movement. Accordingly, the Young Men’s Party abolished its resolution system based on the common law and enacted its written party constitution. As a result, it established a democratic power system through the centralization on the basis of the equality of human rights, and then it organized a system of the upper and lower parts composed of a party headquarters, district department, Jeob and Yeon. As its decision-making body, there were a party representative convention and a central executive committee in the party headquarters, and there was a convention of district party members or a district executive committee in the district department, and in Jeob there was a Jeob committee. The written party constitution was established in order to support its organizational system. The reason why the party established its strong democratic power system was to operate the party efficiently, and secure the role of the vanguard of the Cheondogyo and central force of the racial movement.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        1930년대 천도교의 반일민족통일전선운동에 관한 연구 -갑산ㆍ삼수ㆍ풍산ㆍ장백현 지역의 조국광복회를 중심으로-

        성주현 ( Sung Ju Hyeon ) 한국민족운동사학회 2000 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.25 No.-

        The Nation Unification Movement(hereafter called as the Movement) by Chondo-Gyo(天道敎) under the colony of Japan had been started from 1920s right after the March first Independence Movement on March 01, 1919 and developed until the end of 1930s. The exisiting study on the Movement concerning the Chondo-Gyo didn't get a few results with the Koryo Revolution Party Movement by Choi, DongHee, Kim, BongKook, Lee, DongKook, Lee, DongKoo, etc., the Shinkan Association Movement by the old family of ChondoGyo, the One Korea Party Movement by Shin, Sook, Choi, DongOh, Kang, JeHa, etc., the June 10 Movement, etc. in 1920s. However, in fact there is no study result in details regarding the ChondoGyo in the connection with the Movement by the members of “the Fahterlahd Restoration Associacion”(hereafter called as the FRA) in the late 1930s. Especially there is almost no spotlight on their members, organizations, activities, etc who participated in the Movement with the FRA. It needs a new cognition of the activities of the FRA at the point of struggle in arms and connection with Kim, II Sung who established North Korea. When the study result on the their activities was released, it was told that they made and developed Chondo-Gyo and the Movement but it was mostly focused on the truth and untruth of the Kim, II Sung’s activities, the establishing procedure and organization of the FRA, and the reconstruction of Communist Party. It has dealt with the connection with Choado-Gyo neglectfully or slightly. The summary on the foundation and activities of the FRA and the Movement by Chondo-Gyo are as following; First, Chondo-Gyo and the FRA had abandoned the strategy called as “Rank v. Rank” at the 7th Comintern Meeting in July 1935 and made the consolidation between Anti-Japanese and People Consciousness of Chondo-Gyo for the change to do make a stronger struggle against Japan. The 7th Comintern made a new policy, “ Change the 2nd troops of East-North People’s Revolution Army into the corps for the Chosun Independence from Japan” with the contents that the Chinese Communists made the Chosun communists do their revolutional struggle for our independence from Japan while they made the union force against the Japan for the Colonies in the East-North Asia. Also it is appointed to the Chondo-Gyo as the object of the Movement entirely. At that time, the communists had got hostility towards the Chondo-Gyo deeply because the Chondo-Gyo didn't do only their religious activities by itself and did have the line to compromise with Japan in the country. Nevertheless, it is the central role of the party against Japan that the FRA did the Movement with the Chondo-Gyo. Second, the both parties had the same line of the cognition of Chondo-Gyo and the straggle against Japan by Kim, II Sung and the People’ sense against Japan by Park, In Jin after the meeting twice. It is based on the realistic recognition under the control of Japan chat only Chondo-Gyo couldn’t succeed in expelling Japan from the country and keeping our people safe, and the FRA itself didn’t get the independence. Also the Chondo-Gyo believers( hereafter called as “the believers” ) in the areas did have the through spirit of People. The believers led by Park, In Jin were not the communists but it is enough possible to do the Movement with the FRA that they had the strong spirit against Japan with the top target for our independence. This spirit was established by Chondo-Gyo of itself, especially it remained continuously by the TongHak troops who had the experience or fighting against Japan during the Tonghak Revolution, fled from Japan and stayed in the areas. Park, In Jin listened to the general principle and announcement of the FRA during the talk with Kim, II Sung, he could take participate in the movement actively. In this point, Kim, Ii Sung could be expressed as ‘an progressive Chondo-Gyo believers'. Third, the believers did very aggressive activities in building the infrastructure after they joined the movement with the FRA. They organized the Wang Family Branch and the Temple Branch centering the Choado-Gyo temple in the Jangpaekhyun with their 17 towns, their areas and branches in mainly Kapsan-gun, Pungsan-gun, Samsoo-gun, Hyesan-gun in the country, and their corps in charge of production. The infrastructure of the Group was made at Jangpakhyun in Manchuria, the partial districts of Hamkyongnam-do and Pyongan-do in the current North Korea while the very nuclear structures were those of Jangpaekhyun, Kapsan, Pungsan, Samsoo districts. They were very important for the infrastructure concerning the Chondo-Gyo. Fourth, the Chondo-Gyo believers like Park, In Jin, Lee, Jeon Hwa, Lee, Kyong Woon, Lee, Chang Sun, etc. did enter the FRA and took participate in the Movement very actively. The leader, Park, In Jin, who controled the 5 branch temples in some parts of Jangpaekhyun, Kapsan, Pungsan, Samsoo, Hyesan, etc., did take the meeting with Kim, Il Sung and the representatives at each temple, then they mostly entered the FRA and did take participate in the struggle in arms against Japan with the East-North Union against Japan, too. But it is the limit that every Chondo-Gyo didn't join the movement successfully. Nevertheless, it is very important meaning that the believers at the districts of Hamkyongnam-do and Pyonganbuk-do with most of Chondo-Gyo did join the FRA and made the Movement against Japan with the FRA.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        남파 박찬익의 대한민국임시정부 활동

        성주현(Sung, Ju-Hyeon) 한국사학회 2010 史學硏究 Vol.- No.97

        南城 朴贊翊은 1884년 1월 2일 경기도 파주군 주내면에서 출생하였다. 일제 강점 직후인 1911 년 2월 만주로 망명하여 중국관립학교에서 중국어를 배웠다. 그의 중국어 실력은 훗날 임시정부에서 외교활동을 전개하는데 중요한 몫을 차지하였다. 박찬익은1921 년4월 임시의정원 경기도 의원으로 임시정부에서 첫 공식 직함을 갖게 되었다. 이어 외무부 외사국장 겸 외무차장대리의 역할을 맡으면서 임시정부의 초기 외교업무를 관장하였다. 박찬익의 주요 외교활동은 대중외교였다. 광동의 호법정부의 임정 주재대표, 봉천군별 장작림과의 관계모색, 중국 국민당 요인과의 회담 둥을 통해 임시정부의 위상을 제고시켰다. 또한 재중한인들의 생명과 재산을 보호하는 외교를 전담하였던 것이다. 1930년대 초 임시정부 복귀전에는 한국독립당의 외교활동을 전담하였다. 뿐만 아니라 임시정부와 원만한 관계를 유지하면서 외교업무를 지원하였다. 1932년 윤봉길의거 이후 임시정부는 상해를 떠나 항주, 기강, 유주, 장사 등지를 전전하였다. 이 시기 박찬익은 임시정부의 재정을 담당하는 한편 붕괴된 통신연락망을 재구축하는 등 임시정부의 위상을 확립하는데 노력하였다. 이러한 그의 활동은 박찬익이 1939 년 임시의정원 의원으로 임시정부에 복귀하는데 중요한 역할을 하였다. 이후 박찬익은 국무위원겸 법무장, 임시의정원 의원, 무임소국무위원 등으로 임시정부에서 중요한 역할을 맡아 활동하면서 1945 년 8월 15 일 해방을 맞았다. 해방 후에는 재중한인의 생명과 재산의 보호 및 귀환을 담당하는 주화단대표로 활동하였을 뿐만 아니라 임시정부가 환국하는데도 적지 않은 역할을 하였다. 박찬익의 대한민국임시정부 활동은 크게 셋으로 나누어 정리할 수 있다. 첫째는 임시정부 초기 외교활동, 둘째는 임시정부 복귀 후 국무위원 등 중요 요직 참여, 셋째는 해방 후 재중한인의 생명과 재산 보호 및 귀환활동이었다. 박찬익은 1921 년 4월 첫 임시정부에 참여하여 1948년 4월 고국에 귀환할 때까지 임시정부와 공식적, 비공식적으로 활동하였지만 대중외교를 통해 임시정부의 위상을 확립하는데 기여하였다. 또한 임시정부가 정부로서의 주요한 역할인 국민의 생명과 재산을 보호하는 역할에도 그 책임을 다하였다. Nam Pa Park Chan-Ik was born in Paju County Juna face in January 2, 1884. he defected to Manchuria in February 1911. He studied Chinese in China government institution school. His Chinnese language skills were to take an important share Development diplomatic activities in the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea. He worked member of the provisional National Assembly in April 1921. He represents Gyeonggi Province. And he was in charge of Foreign Affairs of the Provisional Government of Korea. In particular, he was responsible diplomatic relations with the China. He was responsible for life and property of Korean people in China. He charged of diplomatic activities of the Korea Independence party. And He has supported the diplomatic activities of the Provisional Government 0f the Republic of Korea. Yoon, bong-gil stood up against the oppressive rule of the Japanese colonial government at Shanghai in 1932. The Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea had to leave due this accident. The Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea were going from Shanghai to Hangzhou, Qijiang, Liuzhou. This time, he was in charge of provisional government finances. And he installed collapse server network. This was established phase of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea. He has come back to provisional National Assembly in 1939. He worked in provisional government as Cabinet member, Justice Minister, member of the provisional National Assembly. Korea was liberated from Japan on August 15, 1945. After the liberation, he was in charge of life, property and safe return of Korean people in China at Delegation Foreign Affairs to China(駐華代表團). His actions may be look into three in the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea. The first, he contributed diplomatic activities in Provisional Government. The Second, he was valuable part of n Provisional Government as Cabinet member, Justice Minister, member of the provisional National Assembly. The third, after the liberation, he was in charge of life, property and safe return of Korean people in China, after all the analysis of his activitie, He led the independence movement of Korea. The especially, he was valuable role diplomatic activities in the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea.

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