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        식이조성 차이에 따르는 고춧가루 섭취가 운동중 에너지 기질 대사에 미치는 영향

        서혜정(Hea Jung Suh),권태동(Tae Dong Kwon) 한국운동영양학회 2001 Journal of exercise nutrition & biochemistry Vol.5 No.2

        N/A The effects of dietary red-pepper with a high-carbohydrate meal (HC) or a high-fat meal (HF) on energy substrates utilization during exercise were examined in athletes, 19-21 yr of age. A standardized meal was given on the evening prior to the experiment. The subjects had the HC (650 ㎉) or the HF (650 ㎉) with or without 10 g of hot red-pepper for breakfast. During exercise (pedaling for 1 h at 60% of maximal oxygen uptake, using cycling ergometer), expired gasses and venous blood were collected. HC with hot red-pepper significantly elevated respiratory exchange ratio (RER) compared to HC without red-pepper. However, HF with hot red-pepper significantly lowered RER than HF without red-pepper. Blood glucose, plasma free fatty acid and insulin levels were not affected by red-pepper ingestion in HC or HF trial. These results suggest that hot red-pepper ingestion stimulates exogenous energy substrates with meal during exercise in athletes.

      • KCI등재

        장기간의 가르시니아 추출물 섭취가 운동능력 및 체지방 감소에 미치는 영향 효과

        서혜정 ( Hea Jung Suh ) 한국운동영양학회 2004 Physical Activity and Nutrition (Phys Act Nutr) Vol.8 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a 3-month weight loss program and garcinia extract (HCA) ingestion on visceral fat accumulation and aerobic capacity in young women. Forty-one young women, aged 19.6±0.5 years, who had not exercised regularly, volunteered to participate in the present study as subjects. They completed a 3-month weight loss program consisting of swimming exercise performed three times/week, for 60 min/session at lactate threshold level. For the period, they had a regularly energy intake, i.e., 1,980 kcal/day. The visceral fat area (VFA) and subcutaneous fat area (SFA) were estimated at the umbilicus by the computed tomography. VFA and SFA were decreased by swimming exercise, HCA ingestion alone or exercise + HCA ingestion, but not significant in HCA ingestion alone. It was concluded that the 3-month swimming exercise was effective for the reduction in VFA and SFA., and suggesting that HCA ingestion also decreased the body fat by independent on exercise effect in young women.

      • KCI등재

        비만여성의 체중감량 프로그램 적용 전후의 신체조성 평가

        서혜정(Hea Jung Suh) 한국발육발달학회 2001 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        본 연구는 16주간의 운동 및 식사제한 프로그램을 병행한 중년 비만여성을 대상으로 생체전기저항법 (bioelectrical impedance method: BI법) 및 피하지방두께법(skinfold thickness: SK법)으로 프로그램 적용 전 및 프로그램 적용 후의 체지방량 및 제지방량(FFM)을 비교하여 체지방량측정법의 차이에 따르는 신체조성 평가법의 차이를 검토하였다. 질병이 없고 프로그램 적용 당시 약물을 복용하지 않는 중년여성 30명을 대상으로 에어로빅댄스 등을 포함하는 유산소 운동을1일 60분, 주3회 실시하였으며 식사제한은 프로그램 적용 전의 약 70% 수준으로 하였다. 프로그램적용 전후의 체지방량은 BI법에서는 25.5±4.3㎏이었으나, 프로그램 적용 후에는 17.9±4.4g이었다. 한편 SK법에서는 프로그램 적용 전에 28.3±5.8㎏이었으나, 적용 후에는 17.1±4.4㎏으로 BI법에 비하여 프로그램 적용전에는 높게 평가되고 적용후에는 낮게 나타나는 경향이 있었다. 한편, FFM은 BI법에서 프로그램 적용 전후에 각각 43.4±4.8㎏ 및 41.0±4.2㎏이었으나, SK법에서는 각각 40.5±3.2㎏ 및 41.8±2.9㎏으로 BI법과는 많은 차이를 나타내었다. 이와 같이 감량프로그램 적용 전후의 신체조성 평가는 평가방법에 따라 차이를 나타내는 이유는 본 연구에서는 명확히 밝혀지지는 않았으나, 체지방의 분포 특히 내장지방량이 SK법으로는 측정되지 않기 때문으로 사료되어 향후 신체조성 평가법의 개선을 위해서는 체지방 분포를 포함하는 평가방법의 개발이 요청된다. The assessment of body composition by using bioelectrical impedance method (BI) and skinfold thickness method (SK) was evaluated in 30 obese women weight-loss by aerobic exercise training (60 min/day, 3 times/week) and low-calorie diet programs for 16 weeks. The subjects had not any disease and drug. The fat mass before and after the program measured by BI was 25.5±4.3㎏ and 17.9±4.4㎏, respectively. However, the fat mass before and after the program measured by SK was 28.3±5.8㎏ and 17.1±4.4㎏, respectively. The fat free mass by BI before and after the program was 43.4±4.8㎏ and 41.0±4.2㎏, but in using by SK 40.5±3.2㎏ and 41.8±2.9㎏, respectively. The difference in body composition methods between BI and SK would explain body fat distribution including subcutaneous fat and visceral fat because SK can not evaluate visceral fat mass. The new and comfortable assessment for body composition including visceral fat mass is required in field of body weight reduction.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        아기스포츠단 참가자의 시기별 체력발달 비교

        이성노(Seong No Lee),서혜정(Hea Jung Suh) 한국발육발달학회 2001 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        본 연구는 만4세, 만5세, 만6세 유아들의 체력을 유아 교육기관의 교육기간인 3월부터 익년 2월까지를 4개월 단위로 측정하여 성별 연령별 시기별에 유연성, 순발력, 근지구력, 민첩성,평형성의 발달경향과 특성을 밝히는데 있다 4세 남아는 유연성, 평형성이 3월에서 7월 사이에 , 순발력, 근 지구력, 민첩성은 7월에서 11월 사이에 다른 시기간 보다 발달이 두드러졌다. 그리고 4세 여아는 유연성, 순발력, 근 지구력, 평형성이 3월에서 7월 사이에, 민첩성은 7월에서 11월 사이에 다른 시기간 보다 발달이 두드러졌다. 5세 남아는 유연성, 순발력, 근 지구력은 3월에서 7월 사이에, 평형성은 7월에서 11월 사이에, 민첩성은 11월에서 익년 2월 사이에 다른 시기간 보다 발달이 두드러졌다. 그리고 5세 여아는 유연성, 순발력, 근 지구력, 민첩성이 3월에서 7월 사이에, 평형성은 7월에서 11월 사이에 다른 시기간 보다 발달이 두드러졌다. 6세 남아는, 유연성, 순발력이 3월에서 7월 사이에, 근 지구력은 7월에서 11월 사이에, 민첩성, 평형성은 11월에서 익년 2월 사이에 다른 시기간 보다 발달이 두드러졌다. 그리고 여아는 좌고, 순발력, 민첩성, 평형성이 3월에서 7월 사이에, 근지구력, 유연성이 7월에서 11월 사이에 다른 시기간 보다 발달이 두드러졌다. 유아기 체력의 요소와 종목은 연령에 따라, 또한 연령별 각 시기에 따라 발달의 속도가 다르며, 유아기의 운동놀이 지도시에는 각 연령과 시기에 따라 발달의 요소와 종목을 달리하여 지도내용과 방법 및 과정을 구성해야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the trend and characterization of development in childhood by longitudinal measures, which were measured 4 times a year. Flexibility, power, muscular endurance, agility, balances were measured for physical fitness. The results of this study are as follows: The development of physical fitness trend and characteristics of children showed almost straight line increasing of age and period. Boy had better performance in the power, muscular endurance, and agility. The girl had better performance in the flexibility, and balance. The development of physical fitness on childhood showed different trends according to the in crease in age, period, and sex. Flexibility, power, agility and balance showed differences in speed of development according to age. Power, muscular endurance, agility and balance showed differences in speed of development according to the period of each age. The development of physical fitness during childhood showed differences in trend and speed according to sex, age and period. Thus teachers in physical education class must consider the trend and characteristics of development for children aged 4 to 6 by age, sex, and period of each age.

      • KCI등재

        한국 프로골퍼의 Personality 특성에 관한 연구

        최제일(Choi Jai-Il),서혜정(Suh Hea-Jung) 한국체육과학회 2001 한국체육과학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        This study has been intended to understand the personality of 76 men and 49 women pro golfers who are the members of korea pro golfers association and Korea women pro golfers association respectively and investigate their personality character for the elevation of the power of the game by making the results basis of scientific training. A type from the series of A, B, C, D and E of 16 personality factor testing papers developed by Cattell and his colleagues was used as the method of investigation after having it produced into Korea Edition Personality factor testing paper(Yum, Tae Ho and Kim, Jung Kyu, 1990) by complementing the items of it and the results of the investigation which has been conducted through the method of filling out the result of self-evaluation. This study and analysis has been the result. 1. In the test of difference per personality factor according to the agetsex) of pro golfers. 2. In the test of difference per personality factor according to the experience of pro golfers. 3. In the test of difference per personality factor according to the weigh and height of pro golfers.

      • KCI등재

        여자체조선수의 고관절 등속성 근력에 관한 연구

        김태형(Kim Tae-Hyeong),서혜정(Suh Hea-Jung) 한국체육과학회 2001 한국체육과학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to elite and non-elite female gymnasts in compare the specific character of hip joint isokinetic strength. Hip joint was measured using Cybex 770 dynamometer. The results of two groups are compared. The results are as follow: 1. Flexion at peak torque % body weight of shoulder ratio at 60deg/sec, 180deg/sec is highly significant(p<.01, p<.05) comparing with control. Flexion at peak torque % body weight of hip ratio at 60deg/sec, 180deg/sec, 240deg/sec in female gymnasts is highly significant(p<.01, p<.05) comparing with control. Extension at ratio of hip at 60deg/sec, 180deg/sec in female gymnasts is highly significant(p<.05) comparing with control. 2. Angle at peak torque of flexion and extension in hip was measured peak torque in same ratio of two groups. 3. Flexion of average power at 240deg/sec in hip is highly significant(p<.01, p<.05) comparing with control. Flexion of average power at 60deg/sec, 180deg/sec in extension is highly significant(p<.01, p<.05) comparing with control. 4. Hip extension of average power % body weight at 180deg/sec, 240deg/sec in female gymnast is highly significant(p<.05) comparing with control.

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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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