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        덕 윤리(Virtue Ethics)로 고찰한 『종달새의 노래』

        변효정(Hyojeong Byun) 한국동서비교문학학회 2020 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.54

        This study examines the process that Thea, the leading character in The Song of the Lark, gains virtuous realization of art and finally succeeds in the artistic world as a prima donna through virtue ethics mainly including the concepts of Aristotle and Slote in the article. With practical wisdom, empathy, honesty, goodness, courage, tolerance all having to work together, she overcomes the absurdity of the corrupt Chicago that commercializes music and uses singers as kinds of tools for one’s desire. So she acquires her own virtue balance and spiritual powers to keep her arete steadfast in the end. By doing so, she does learn how to communicate truly with the public through music without any anxiety and self-sacrifice. In this respect, it means that virtue ethics emphasizes the balance that embraces both reason and emotion, so she has ultimately become psychologically and musically a real musician. For the reason, her success not only reminds readers of the advanced meaning of virtue ethics, but provides them with a chance to reflect on true happiness.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of MICE Competition Among International Conference Cities: Using Niche Theory

        변효정(Hyojeong, Byun) People&Global Business Association 2021 Global Business and Finance Review Vol.26 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand the competition among international conference cities in South Korea by applying the theory, which is useful for understanding the relationships among individual (industry) groups competing for limited resources. Design/methodology/approach: In this study, data on MICE events (government meeting, corporate meeting, association/group meeting, etc.) held in 2019 in 10 international conference cities including the hosting organizations, event topics, event scales, and conference facilities were completely enumerated, and analyses were attempted. Findings: As a result of the breadth analysis, Changwon (host organization, event topic), Daejeon (event topic, event scale), and Goyang (conference facility) were found to have strong specialized natures. Meanwhile, as a result of the overlap analysis, it was found that Daegu and Gyeongju were in competition with each other according to hosting organizations, Jeju and Gwangju, and Busan and Daejeon according to the scales of events, and Seoul and Daegu, and Changwon and Incheon according to the types of events, Daejeon and Goyang according to event topics, and Changwon and Daegu, and Changwon and Seoul according to conference facilities. Research limitations/implications: Through the findings of this study, implications helpful for the establishment of differentiation strategies for international conference cities were provided. Therefore, although efforts were made to collect data close to complete enumeration, the possibility that there may be missing data cannot be eliminated. Originality/value: This study is meaningful in that presents strategies that help establish differentiation strategies for each International conference cities.

      • KCI등재

        『채식주의자』와 『빌러비드』에 나타난 몸-권력 욕망과 생명의 통치성

        변효정 ( Byun Hyojeong ) 대한영어영문학회 2022 영어영문학연구 Vol.48 No.2

        This study explores the resistance of bare life that can frustrate desire of prejudiced mainstream classes to dominate, control, and conquer the weak women in man-focused and white-centered society in The Vegetarian and Beloved. This paper, in the process, examines the meaning of governmentality of life focusing on not just survival, but restoration of life and self-realization of excluded lives to inculcate human values beyond absurdity and restriction of society. This is an attempt to newly analyze the meaning of absolute and prevalent power throughout society, which Han Kang and Toni Morrison have noted, and can convey the message that the absurdity of society can be rectified through the power of governmentality of real life. It leads to embodying the meaning of desire for the real body-power of human existence and the energy of life controlling of human spirit and soul. Each protagonist, Yeong-hye and Sethe in the two works, is ultimately reborn as a true subject of life with the spontaneity of desire and provides a new chance to interpret these novels in a sense of rebirth of life. This, in the end, proves that the exercise of irrational power by the mainstream and the ruling classes is to be neutralized in the face of the power of life and true love, enhancing the future value of these two novels. (Daejin University)

      • KCI등재

        『비의 왕 헨더슨』: 아프리카, 이산 그리고 아나키즘

        변효정 ( Byun Hyojeong ) 대한영어영문학회 2016 영어영문학연구 Vol.42 No.3

        This study aims to trace Henderson's spiritual development through his movement to Africa with the theories of diaspora and anarchism. The protagonist Henderson lives a life as a scion in America, but he suffers from turmoil in his heart caused by memories regarding his family members. This emotion exiles him from his homeland, so he goes to the deepest, darkest part of Africa, which has a primitive power toward renewal, following the promptings of his unforgettable inner voice, "I want," and longing to set things straights. In Africa, Henderson goes through trials and errors among two different types of tribes, the Arnewi and the Wariri. By experiencing a unique rainmaking ceremony among the Wariri, he faces violent and aggressive forces and the essence of his own life. As time goes by, with King Dahfu helping, he enjoys a useful and fulfilling life and feels calm without the pressure or congestion of his thoughts. Further, Henderson breaks through his spirit's sleep in the end and finds a cure for his spiritual malady. Hence he has successfully built his spiritual community, acquired his real psychological freedom, gained deep insight for the future, and become a fully integrated human being, as anarchism, which continually asks the meaning of the self and emphasizes cooperation, suggests. (Daejin University)

      • KCI등재

        『교수의 집』에 나타난 세인트 피터 교수의 고아공포증 극복 연구

        변효정 ( Byun Hyojeong ) 대한영어영문학회 2014 영어영문학연구 Vol.40 No.4

        This study illuminates Professor St. Peter’s orphancy, orphanophobia, and various aspects of emotions of deprivation occurring in his heart on the basis of modern definitions of an orphan. He, among the family, is superficially not an orphan, but suffers from a sense of emptiness owing to his family members who are indulged in materialistic desires all the time. For the reasons his ego lacks and depression is getting deeper, so he constantly tries to meet his real self, Jung’s the Self. Looking back on the dead Tom, his twin image, he sticks to his old house which proves his persona and evokes the Blue Mesa making him overcome his own loneliness and hollow feeling. That is, Tom is the reflection of the shadow and anima according to the theory of Jung’s Individuation. Ultimately this work is identical to the Jungian theory, process of self-realization pursuing the Self. Hence Professor St. Peter has successfully experienced significant changes that have him face his life wholly through his own inner differentiation by taking courage for the future. (Daejin University)

      • KCI등재

        『대주교에게 죽음이 오다』: 라투어 주교의 개성화 과정

        변효정 ( Hyojeong Byun ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2015 현대영어영문학 Vol.59 No.4

        The protagonist Father Latour in Death Comes for the Archbishop mainly performs religious services as a God`s vicar to strengthen the Roman Catholic Church in the New World, American Southwest. In the process of the mission, however, he experiences he loses his composure and is exhausted due to horrifying Western landscapes, several corrupt priests and harsh missionary work and so on. In spite of the poor situation he continually tries to maintain his equilibrium. But he is in the dilemma he has to guide native people with his own distinctive ways. While he undergoes a series of trials and errors in the land, his ego is getting stronger than before. This comes down to Jung`s Individuation and he inevitably experiences the archetypes including persona, shadow, anima and Self only to achieve his true religious beliefs and get a personal sense of fulfillment. He then slowly can overcome the shadows Mexican priests and feel warm hearts with Native Indians, Mexicans, and a couple of his anima figures. Latour in the end bravely breaks his early narrow-minded religious beliefs, strong persona, and extreme shadows and meets his real Self. And he finally builds the Midi Romanesque Cathedral in Santa Fe not only as a symbol of combining pagan and Christian images, but as a symbol of rebirth. As a result of this process he exhibits a refined elegance toward all creatures, passing away in the peaceful shadow of his symbolic Cathedral. (Daejin University)

      • KCI등재

        『종달새의 노래』에 나타난 티어의 혐오 극복 양상

        변효정 ( Hyojeong Byun ) 미국소설학회 2016 미국소설 Vol.23 No.2

        This study focuses on Thea``s overcoming disgust including basic emotions of smells that bunch the nostrils, sights of contaminated things, food that squint the eyes, and the secular people in a protean artistic community who make her feel repulsive. Disgust becomes threatening Thea all the time and leads her to the psychic and moral danger in the process of her being a strong-minded artist with a fundamentally self-securing emotion. Thea who comes from Moonstone, a little town in Colorado, wants to move into Chicago for her dream to come true as an artist. However, while she fights her way to the upper air in Chicago with her own pride, she faces disgusting and timeserving people and artistic communities which consider an art as a business. In this kind of atmosphere, Thea thinks the situation blots out her identity and it is mainly revealed through her own disgust reacting towards the food she has to eat, a sense of offensiveness for the source of pollution, and contamination potency around her etc. In the end, Thea needs glorious air to breathe, so she goes to the Panther Canyon to be inspired by Mother Nature. While she stays in the Canyon, she gets refreshed with pure water, clean air, sunshine, pine trees, and the ruins of the local Indians. After the journey to the Canyon, she gained the vital source of artistic life and is encouraged to do anything in the contaminated artistic world. And finally, she conquers and sings Sieglinde on the stage of the Metropolitan as a magnificent singer, prima donna. It means that she has tried to make her own way towards the perfect fruitage of her genius as a real artist by overcoming all the psychic and moral disgust.

      • KCI등재

        혐오 프레임으로 읽는 『술라』

        변효정 ( Hyojeong Byun ) 미국소설학회 2017 미국소설 Vol.24 No.3

        This study aims to explore Sula's process of self-exploration and self-construction within a broken society and an oppressive community, the fictional village of the Bottom, on the basis of a disgust frame. A disgust frame is meaningful in the sense that a frame makes something go to a certain direction and the disgust in the work illuminates black figures' trauma and their collective morality. Although Sula is a black woman living in a chaotic family, community, and society, she, as an autonomous figure, seeks to live outside the restraints of prevailing social norms carving out her own identity as a sexual monster. Sula's outlawed behavior transgresses against the town's morality and flouts the conventions of the society. For this reason, the free-spirited Sula is regarded as the repository of evil and a potent invader to the townspeople. However, Sula's functions as a preserving force that keeps the bond of the town show the positive vision for the community. Hence, she finally becomes the newfound independence of women by removing a disgust frame.

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