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      • KCI등재

        iTECH 시스템의 시공성 및 경제성 분석

        백태룡(Baek Tae-Ryong),장명훈(Jang Myung-Houn),주영규(Ju Young-Kyu) 대한건축학회 2003 大韓建築學會論文集 : 構造系 Vol.19 No.6

        Steel structure has several advantages such as flexibility in space layout, structural stability, durability, and ease of fabrication. However, steel structure has higher story height and smaller gross floor area than reinforced concrete structures, since the slabs are constructed over the steel beams. The reinforced concrete structure that uses wide beams has shorter story height, but requires complex construction processes and long construction duration. This research presents the iTECH(Innovative, Technical, Economical, and Convenient Hybrid) system that has the advantages of both steel and reinforced concrete structures. The system is a composite beam that consists of asymmetric steels with web opening and in-situ concrete. The system was applied to the selected 2-story building to verify its practical use. The building was constructed with short story height, small material quantity, short construction duration, and fine workability and structural stability. Therefore, it is concluded that the proposed system is beneficial in many aspects, and can be readily applied to several types of buildings such as high-rise residential building, office buildings, and long span structures.

      • KCI등재

        공공주택공사에서의 도급단가 리스크 규명에 관한 연구

        김순영,한충희,백태룡,김균태,이준복,Kim, Soon-Young,Han, Choong-Hee,Baek, Tae-Ryong,Kim, Kyoon-Tai,Lee, Jun-Bok 한국건설관리학회 2010 한국건설관리학회 논문집 Vol.11 No.2

        현재 턴키 대안입찰공사에서의 도급내역서 단가가 적정하게 책정되지 않고 있다. 그 사유는 각 입찰제도의 성격 및 그에 따른 단가책정 프로세스가 다르기 때문이며, 이러한 사유로 인하여 턴키 입찰에서는 총액을 맞추기 위한 단가가, 그리고 내역 입찰에서는 저가심의제를 통과하기 위한 단가가 도급내역서에 사용되고 있으면 그 단가는 각 공종별 적정단가라 할 수 없다. 그러나, 도급계약후에는 이러한 단가들이 각 입찰제도의 성격 및 그에 따른 단가책정 프로세스의 고려없이, 모두 도급기성, 설계변경, 물가변동 등 법적 기준단가로 사용되고 있으며, 또한, 저가하도급 판정 기준 및 실적공사단가로도 사용되고 있어 다른 제도에까지 영향을 주고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 시스템은 검증되지 않은 단가를 책정한 입찰자와 발주자에게 모두 리스크 상승요인으로 작용하고 있어, 본 연구에서 그 리스크인자를 규명하고 그 리스크의 정도를 파악하여 향후 그 리스크를 대비하고 관리할 수 있도록 하였다. Currently, the unit price of public construction projects are not being evaluated appropriately for several reasons. First, the evaluation of the unit price differ per nature of the bidding process and its estimation process. In fact, pricing is determined to meet the total price in turnkey projects and to pass the low bid price deliberation process in unit price projects, and thus, such prices cannot be said to be reasonable prices per public project. After the contract is awarded, however, the prices determined without taking into consideration the characteristic of each bidding process and price estimate process are used for the valuation of progress payment, design changes, and escalation. Furthermore, this is also being applied to other low bid deliberation process as actual public project unit price, thereby affecting other processes as well. In effect, this system increases the risks for both the owner and the bidder who have determined the unit price. This research examines the risk factor and its extent in order to properly manage it in preparation for the future.

      • KCI등재

        원도급자 측면에서의 저가하도급 판정기준의 문제점과 개선방안

        김순영,한충희,백태룡,김균태,이준복,Kim, Soon-Young,Han, Choong-Hee,Baek, Tae-Ryong,Kim, Kyoon-Tai,Lee, Jun-Bok 한국건설관리학회 2009 한국건설관리학회 논문집 Vol.10 No.6

        1983년 제정되어 찬반논란이 계속되고 있었던 저가하도급심사제도는 2004년 12월 건설산업기본법이 개정되고, 2005년 6월 동법시행령과 시행규칙을 개정함으로써 공공발주자에게는 의부사항이 되었으며, 최근 개정된 법령에서는 하도급계획서 제출을 강화하고 하도급공사정보망을 구축하는 등 저가하도급에 대한 관리가 강화되었다. 이 제도의 당초 도입취지는 저가하도급 여부를 사전에 심사함으로써, 저가하도급으로 인한 부실시공을 방지하고, 공정거래질서의 교란을 방지하는 것이었다. 그러나, 현행 저가하도급 판정기준에는 몇가지 문제점이 있어 그 도입취지대로 역할을 수행하는데 한계가 많은 실정이다. 본 논문은 현행 저가하도급 여부를 판단하는 기준으로 사용되는 원도급계약단가와 금액, 하도급낙찰률, 그리고 저가하도급 판단기준율에 대한 문제점을 고찰하고 그 분석 검토결과를 바탕으로 하여 개선방안을 제시함으로써, 저가하도급심사제도의 당초 도입취지를 살리는 데 기여하고자 한다. As the Fundamentals of Construction Business Act was revised in December 2004 and its implementing ordinances and enforcement regulations were adjusted in June 2005, the screening system of low price subcontracting has been an obligation to the public owners, having brought about arguments for and against since it enacted in 1983. The statutes for low price subcontracting have been reinforced from this year; for example, it underlines to submit to a project and builds an information network of subcontracting works. The system's original intention was that prevents shoddy and fraudulent constructions caused by low price subcontracting and precludes disturbances of fair trade by screening that whether it satisfies the conditions or not in advance. But, the criterion for the existing low price subcontracting has several issues having held up a true mirror to the real situation. It is arguable to discharge an important task with the primary purpose. This dissertation have researched the problem with a deposit of subcontract and the low price subcontracting basic rate are being used by the criteria for deciding whether it is a low price subcontracting or not, so showing the plan of reformation based on the findings, it wishes to contribute toward making the most of the system's essential intent.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재

        건설 생산성 제한요인 분석을 통한 생산성달성율 산정 모델

        김태완(Kim Tae-Wan),유정호(Yu Jung-Ho),백태룡(Baek Tae-Ryong),이현수(Lee Hyun-Soo) 대한건축학회 2004 大韓建築學會論文集 : 構造系 Vol.20 No.2

        Productivity reduction factors(RF) have an important role in calculating productivity achievement ratio(PAW, an indicator for productivity evaluation. However, it lacks a detailed analysis for RFs and causes these three problems: (1) objectiveness of RF<br/> classification, (2) assumption of RFs as discrete variable, (3) dimness in RF controllability. This study aims to analyze RFs using delphi method. In the process, 10 experts in construction industry participated in the delphi inquiries. Likewise, coefficient of controllability(CC), which is the coefficient indicating to what extends each RF could be controlled, is proposed to establish an improved PAR model. A case study is performed to show the implications of the model. This research may contribute to calculating more practical and precise PAR value.

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