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      • Grit와 Air의 혼합비 최적화를 통한 블라스팅 효율 향상

        배한진(Han-Jin Bae),백재진(Jae-Jin Baek),김을현(Eul-Hyun Kim),정몽규(Mong-Ku Chung),신칠석(Chil-Seok Shin),백광기(Kwang-Ki Baek) 대한기계학회 2004 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2004 No.11

        Achieving the maximum blasting efficiency with minimum abrasive consumption is a critical concern in surface preparation stage of shipbuilding and offshore industry. Increasing the abrasive flow rate beyond the optimum point results in a major reduction in productivity even though the amount of abrasive used is larger. So, this study is intend to find out the optimum abrasive-to-air mixing ratio which can make a significant improvement in blasting efficiency and remarkably reduce the amount of abrasive used. From the test results, it can be identified that as the abrasive feeding rate is increased linearly, blasting efficiency is increased to a maximum point and then gradually decreased in the form of a bell-shaped.

      • KCI등재

        학생인권조례 제정 이후 고등학생 저녁시간 및 야간자율학습시간의 변화

        배한진(Bae, Hanjin),진미정(Chin, Meejung) 한국청소년정책연구원 2017 한국청소년연구 Vol.28 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 야간자율학습의 선택권을 보장하는 학생인권조례 제정 이후 고등학생의 저녁시간 사용패턴 및 야간자율학습시간의 변화를 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위해 통계청의 생활시간조사 자료를 이용하여 학생인권조례 제정 이전인 2009년과 학생인권조례 제정 이후인 2014년의 전반적인 저녁시간 사용패턴을 살펴보고, 이중차이분석을 활용하여 학생인권조례의 제정이 야간자율학습시간을 감소시키는 효과가 있는지 분석하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학생인권조례 제정 여부와 관련 없이 2009년과 2014년 사이 모든 지역에서 고등학생의 학습시간이 줄고 일, 교제 및 여가시간이 증가하는 경향이 발견되었다. 학생인권조례 제정지역에서 미제정지역에 비해 야간학습시간이 더 많이 감소하였으나, 학원수강시간과 학교 외에서의 자율학습시간이 증가함에 따라 교제 및 여가시간의 증가는 제한적이었다. 둘째, 이중차이분석 결과 학생인권조례 제정지역과 미제정지역 간 야간자율학습 시간의 차이가 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 학생인권조례 제정지역에서 서울을 제외할 경우에는 미제정지역에 비해 야간자율학습시간이 더 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과에 따라 학생인권조례 제정이 야간자율학습시간을 감소시켰다는 결론을 내릴 수 있다. 아울러, 학생인권조례의 제정 목적과는 달리 감소된 야간자율학습시간이 여가시간으로 활용된 증거가 미미하므로 청소년의 건강한 발달을 지원하기 위한 정책이 필요하다는 시사점을 제공한다. This study aims to examine whether the Students’ Human Rights Ordinance, which bans compulsory evening study of schools, is associated with changes in the use of both evening time and compulsory evening study time among high school students. Using data from the 2009 and 2014 Korean Time Use Survey , we employed difference-in-differences estimation. The results showed that the average amount of time used for study purposes decreased, while the amount of time used for work and leisure increased between 2009 and 2014. The compulsory evening study time in the regions with the ordinance in effect decreased more than that in the regions with no ordinance. However, the increase of leisure time in the regions under the ordinance was small. The results indicated that the ordinance had a significant effect on reducing the amount of time spent on compulsory evening study. Future studies need to examine any possible associations between reduced study time and the well-being of high school students.

      • KCI등재

        학원 심야교습시간 제한 조례가 고등학생의 학원교습시간 및 수면시간에 미친 영향

        배한진(Bae, Hanjin),진미정(Chin, Meejung) 한국청소년정책연구원 2019 한국청소년연구 Vol.30 No.1

        본 연구는 학원 심야교습시간을 22시로 제한하는 조례의 개정 이후 고등학생의 학원교습시간 및 수면시간의 변화를 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 통계청 생활시간조사 2009년, 2014년 자료를 이용하여 조례 개정지역과 미개정지역의 22시부터 24시까지의 학원교습시간, 22시부터 24시까지의 수면시간, 22시부터 08시까지의 수면시간에 대해 이중차이분석을 실시하였다. 연구 결과 조례개정지역과 미개정지역 모두에서 2009년에 비해 2014년의 22시부터 24시까지의 학원교습시간이 감소하여 조례 개정지역에서 추가적인 교습시간감소가 발생하지는 않은 것으로 나타났다. 22시부터 24시까지의 수면시간의 경우 조례 개정지역과 조례 미개정지역 모두 2009년에 비해 2014년에 오히려 수면시간이 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 22시부터 08시까지의 수면시간의 경우 조례 미개정지역에 비해 조례 개정지역에서 수면시간 증가폭이 컸지만 통계적으로 유의하지는 않았다. 추가적으로 시간대별 학원교습시간 행위자비율과 수면시간 행위자비율을 살펴보고 이중차이분석 결과 조례 개정지역의 학원교습시간 및 수면시간의 변화가 통계적으로 유의하지 않은 이유에 대해 논의하였다. 또한 본 연구에서 설계한 이중차이분석의 결과를 신뢰할 수 있는지에 대해 논의하였다. 본 연구결과는 고등학생의 전반적인 학원 심야교습시간은 줄어들었으나 이것이 고등학생의 수면시간 증가에 직접적인 영향을 주었다고 보기 어려우며, 오히려 고등학생의 아침기상시간 변화가 수면시간 증가에 영향을 주었을 가능성이 있음을 보여주고 있다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the ordinance, which limits hagwon operating hours to 10 p.m., on the late-night study time at the hagwon itself and the sleep time of high school students. To accomplish this goal, we compared the regions where the revised ordinance applied and the other regions where it is not focusing on the study hours at the hagwon and sleeping hours from 10 to 12 p.m. and sleeping hours from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. We employed the difference in differences estimation, using the data harvested from the 2009 and 2014 Korea Time Use Survey. The results revealed that the average time spent on studying at the hagwon was between 10 p.m. to 12 a.m. and decreased in 2014 in those regions where the revised ordinance has been introduced. There was also no statistically significant difference in the change of sleep time between the regions with the revised ordinance and the other regions. We also discussed why this ordinance has apparently been ineffective on the study time spent by high school students as well as possible ways to increase their sleeping hours.

      • KCI등재후보

        행주대첩에 대한 초등학생들의 인식 제고 방안

        배한진(Bae, Han Jin),강석화(Kang, Seok Hwa) 경인교육대학교 기전문화연구소 2021 기전문화연구 Vol.42 No.1

        1593년 2월 12일(음)에 벌어진 행주대첩은 당시 한성에 집결해 있던 일본군에게 큰 타격과 충격을 준 전투로 일본군의 한성 포기와 남쪽 해안지역으로의 철수를 최종적으로 결정하도록 하였다. 임진왜란의 전세를 완전히 역전시킨 중요한 전투였음에도 불구하고 바다에서의 한산대첩에 비해 일반적인 인지도나 관심은 낮은 편이다. 본 연구에서는 전투 현장인 행주산성의 지형에서부터 전투에서 활용된 주요 무기인 변이중 화차에 이르기까지 행주대첩에 관한 일반적인 내용을 우선 간략히 설명하고, 역사 과목, 그 중에서도 한국사를 처음 접하는 초등학생들의 행주대첩에 대한 이해도를 높일 수 있는 여러 가지 방안을 제시하였다. 행주산성 전투에서 일본군은 조선군에 비해 열 배가 넘는 병력을 동원하였음에도 지형상 문제 때문에 전면적인 포위전을 전개하지 못하고 성의 서북쪽에만 공격을 집중할 수밖에 없었으며, 철저한 준비와 우수한 무기를 가진 조선군은 일곱 차례의 전투 끝에 성을 지키고 일본군에게 최종 승리를 거둘 수 있었다. 전투에서 크게 이용된 변이중 화차는 관련 기록이 소략하여 삼면으로 사격이 가능한 장갑차형이라는 설과, 한 방향으로 화력이 집중된 형태였을 것이라는 주장, 삼면으로 사격이 가능하지만 총통들은 수레의 외면에 장착된 형태였다는 설 등 3가지 이론이 제기되어 있다. 이러한 요소를 근거로 학생들의 행주대첩에 대한 인식을 제고하기 위해서는 체험학습, 교사별 평가, 주제중심 통합 학습, 지역행사를 활용한 현장학습 등의 방안이 있을 수 있다. 특히, 변이중 화차에 대한 기존 연구를 정리한 부분을 정확히 이해하면 같은 자료를 바탕으로 얼마든지 다양한 견해가 도출될 수 있는지 이해할 수 있게 된다. 이는 논거와 합리적 추론에 바탕을 둔 스스로의 역사인식을 형성하는 데에도 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. The Battle of Haengju, which took place on February 12, 1593 (lunar), was the battle that gave a great damage and impact to the Japanese army that they decided to abandon Hanseong and withdraw to the southern coastal area. Although it was an important battle that completely reversed the tide of the Japanese Invasion of Korea, the general awareness and interest on which are low compared to the Battle of Hansan on the sea. In the study, the general contents of Haengju Battle, from the topography of Haengju fortress to Byun Eejoong fire cart, the main weapon used in combat, were described in brief. Various measures were also proposed to enhance comprehension of the Battle of Haengju to elementary school students who learn the Korean history for the first time. During the Battle of Haengju Fortress, though the Japanese army mobilized over ten times more troops than the Joseon army, they were limited to concentrate to attack the northwestern part of the castle due to the topographical problems. Meanwhile, the Joseon army prepared thoroughly and brought superior weapons that they eventually won the Japanese army after defending the castle seven times. While the records about Byun Eejoong fire cart are few, there are three theories that suggest that it was an armored vehicle that could fire three directions, that it fired one concentrated direction and that it can fire three directions but the Chongtongs were mounted on surface of the cart. Based on these factors, there are possible improvements to increase students awareness of the Haengju Battle such as experiential learning, assessment by teachers, theme-based integrated learning and field trips utilizing the local events. Especially, if the section organizing former researches about the Byun Eejoong fire cart is fully comprehended, it can be understood that various opinions arise from even one record. It is expected to contribute to form of their own historical perception based on the logic and rational reasoning.

      • 블라스팅 작업인자의 최적화 연구

        배한진(Han-Jin Bae),이병헌(Byung-Hun Lee),이채석(Chae-Suk Lee),신칠석(Chil-Seok Shin) 대한기계학회 2013 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2013 No.12

        For application of high-performance coating in a new shipbuilding, the abrasive blasting cleaning is widely favored primarily because of its economic and performance benefits. Blasting cleaning productivity is known to be affected by a number of parameters, such as air pressure at the nozzle, air volume, abrasive/air mixing ratio, abrasive type and size, and type of nozzle used, and so on. To achieve the economic benefits from abrasive blasting, proper selection and matching of these parameters are essential. In this study, a quantitative relationship between blastingrelated operation parameters and blasting efficiency is evaluated, and the optimum blasting conditions are sought, which can dramatically improve the blasting productivity as well as effectively meet new IMO’s PSPC surface preparation requirements. The results clearly indicated that the newly optimized blasting condition can remarkably reduce the amount of abrasive used. Adjusting the profile height by careful selection of the primary variables such as abrasive size and nozzle pressure, which are closely related to the surface roughness, is important in meeting the new IMO standard.

      • KCI우수등재

        아버지의 양육태도와 유아의 외현화 문제행동 간의 종단적 인과관계 분석

        허청아(Cheong-Ah Huh),배한진(Hanjin Bae) 한국아동학회 2018 아동학회지 Vol.39 No.1

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the longitudinal reciprocal relationship between fathers’ parenting attitude and preschoolers’ externalizing behavior problem. Methods: The study sample consisted of 1,777 fathers and their preschool children (aged 5-7 years, 912 boys and 865 girls) from the Panel Study on Korean Children. Data from three waves were analyzed using the autoregressive cross-lagged modeling. Results: Our analysis showed that fathers’ parenting attitude and preschoolers’ externalizing behavior problem were moderately stable over time. Second, a reciprocal causal relationship was found between fathers’ affective parenting and preschoolers’ externalizing behavior problem. In other words, fathers’ prior affective parenting had a significantly negative effect on preschoolers’ later externalizing behavior problem, and the preschoolers’ prior externalizing behavior problem had a significantly negative effect on fathers’ later affective parenting. Third, the multi-group analysis revealed that there was no significant gender difference. Conclusion: Our findings show that there is an interrelationship between fathers’ parenting attitude and preschoolers’ externalizing behavior problem. Given that preschoolers’ prior externalizing behavior problem decreases fathers’ later affective parenting, which in turn is likely to worsen preschoolers’ later externalizing behavior problem, we recommend finding ways to make fathers show affective parenting regardless of preschoolers’ externalizing behavior problem.

      • 사각 블라스팅 노즐을 이용한 표면처리 생산성 향상에 관한 연구

        이창훈(Chang-Hun Lee),배한진(Han-Jin Bae),윤원준(Won-Jun Yun),최민규(Min-Kyu Choi),도병훈(Byeong-Hun Do) 대한기계학회 2014 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2014 No.11

        The purpose of surface preparation is to get a required adhesion between steel and coated film. Adhesion is a significant factor for suitability and life of protective coatings in corrosive surroundings. In shipbuilding industry, abrasive air blasting with round nozzle is usually applied to increase the surface area and generate proper surface roughness. However, the round nozzle cannot evenly spread the abrasive material on a steel surface. This study focused on rectangular nozzle which increases the surface preparation productivity by avoiding the abrasive material concentration. Rectangular nozzle can shoot the abrasive materials evenly by the end of rectangular shaped nozzle. This feature helps to increase productivity due to wide spreading width in the same air flow rate. Also, Venturi shape inside nozzle can enhance an abrasive material velocity which is the element of surface quality.

      • KCI등재

        남편과 부인의 스마트폰 사용시간의 상관관계

        진미정 ( Meejung Chin ),권순범 ( Soonbum Kwon ),배한진 ( Hanjin Bae ) 대한가정학회 2019 Family and Environment Research Vol.57 No.4

        Smartphones are representative multimedia devices capable of various functions that have emerged due to the development of information communication technologies (ICTs). The popularization of smartphones has changed the way ICTs media is used; consequnetly, it is expected that smartphones will influence family life by changing family communications and time use. However, there is a gap between the empirical research on ICTs media and family. This study explores any correlations in the amount of time spent on smartphones between a husband and wife. We marged 1,444 married couples’ media diaries from the 8th Korean Media Panel Survey (2017) to analyze the average amount of time spent on communications and leisure·shopping using smartphones. The results show that husbands’ time use for communication has increased similarly to wives’ time use. In addition, husbands’ time use for leisure and shopping was positively related to wives’ time spent on communications and leisure·shopping. The findings show that the use of smartphones is interrelated within the family and suggested that a family systems approach is needed in ICTs media research. Future studies will provide a deeper understanding of the impact of ICTs media and how families are using a variety of ICTs media devices such as smartphones.

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