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      • KCI등재후보

        Expression of NMDA Receptor Subunit mRNAs in the Developing Circadian Pacemaker of the Rat

        박환태(Hwan Tae Park),강성구(Seung Gu Kang),강은경(Eun Kyoung Kang),배기원(Ki Won Bae) 대한해부학회 1998 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.31 No.4

        시상하부의 시각교차위핵은 포유류에서 일주기성 행동이나 호르몬의 리듬을 생성 및 조절하는 circadian pacemaker이며, 시각교차위핵은 망막시상하부로를 통해 주위 환경으로부터 낮과 밤의 신호를 받는다. Glutamate는 시각교차위핵으로 투사하는 망막수입에 있어서 주요한 흥분성 신경전달물질로 알려져 있는데, glutamate 수용체의 일종인 N-methyl-D-aspartate 수용체가 성체 시각교차위핵에서 발현되는 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구자들은 흰쥐의 시각교차위핵에서 N-methyl-D-aspartate 수용체 아단위(NR)1, NR2A, NR2B, NR2C의 mRNA의 발현을 각 아단위에 특이적인 riboprobe로 in situ hybridization을 실시하여 출생후 발육과정 동안 어떠한 발현변화가 일어나는지를 조사하였다. 출생후 2일군에서는, NR1 mRNA가 시각교차위핵의 복외측부위와 배내측부위에서 높은 발현을 보였고, NR2C mRNA의 발현은 시각교차위핵의 배내측부위에서만 주로 발견 되었으며, NR1과 NR2C mRNA 발현정도와 분포 형태는 출생후 2, 8, 15, 45일군에서 거의 변하지 않았다. 출생후 전 실험군에서 시각교차위핵의 NR2A mRNA의 발현은 발견되지 않았다. NR2B mRNA의 발현은 출생후 2일군과 출생후 8일군의 시각교차위핵의 두 부위에서 모두 분명히 발견되었으나, 출생후 15일이후에는 그 발현이 감소하여 출생후 45일군에서 거의 관찰되지 않았다. 이러한 결과는 출생직후의 시각교차위핵에서도 NR이 glutamate 수용체로 작용하고 있고, 복외측부위에서는 NR1, NR2B, 그리고 배내측부위에서는 NR1, NR2B, NR2C가 출생초기의 시각교차위핵의 NR의 아단위임을 시사한다. 또한 NR2B는 발육 중인 시각교차위핵에서만 NR의 구성요소일 것이라는 것을 시사한다. Hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is a circadian pacemaker which controls diurnal behavioral and hormonal rhythms in mammals. The SCN receives environmental light signals through the retinohypothalamic tract, and glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the retinohypothalamic tract. In the present study, we investigated the developmental expression of the mRNAs for N-methyl-D-aspartate type glutamate receptor (NR)1, NR2A, NR2B and NR2C subunits in the rat SCN using in situ hybridization with specific riboprobes. At postnatal day 2 (P2), P8, P15 and P45, the high level of NR1 transcripts was observed in both ventrolateral and dorsomedial subdivisions of the SCN, and the distinct expression of NR2C mRNA was principally found in the dorsomedial SCN. The weak NR2B mRNA expression was clearly found in both subdivisions of the SCN at P2 and P8, whereas specific NR2B hybridization signals were not found at P15 and P45. There was no specific hybridization signal of NR2A in the SCN throughout the postnatal life. These findings implicate that NR may play an important role in the neonatal SCN. In addition, this study suggests that NR1, NR2B and NR2C might be the major NR subunits in the developing SCN, whereas NR1 and NR2C could be the subunit components of NR in the adult SCN.

      • 채터리 부인의 사랑에 관한 비평

        裵基源 관동대학교 1998 關大論文集 Vol.26 No.1

        In this paper, I depicted on D.H.Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover, his last novel. Consequently, I delineated Connie's instinctive sexual desire"Connie's sex and literature"Connie's sex and feminism. So far I anatomized Lady Chatterley's Lover it is a sound novel, not a obscenity novel since the England court gave a decision upon the novel as a fine novel in 1960 although in England it was turned down to publish in 1929 when he tried to publish. In addition, the novel enumerated that Connie was reasonable and got real to meet Mellors, having coitus with him for Clliford could not do the sexual intercourse perpetually because his half bottom body was paralyzed in the war. Yet Connie acknowledged. through her coitus with Mellors, life-force becoming a vitalist. Connie and Mellors had the orgasms meanwhile Connie conceived a baby. She and Mellors left Clliford for their sexual satisfaction and for a better harmonized living because it is so vital and important to the men and the women. Lawrence explored overtly the sex problems through their carnal sexes, especially Lady Chatterley's Lover. I partially evolved the novel for readers's criticism and evaluation.

      • 젊은 예술가의 초상

        裵基源 관동대학교 1997 關大論文集 Vol.25 No.1

        James Joyce published his long novel, A Portreit of the Artist as a Young man, in 1916. He employed Stephen's growing mind from his infancy to his young man; from a six years old child to a twenty years old young man. The novel is composed of five chapters, thereby I researched them by chapters in this novel. As over 90% of Irish populations and Joyce are catholic, I concentrated on their ethos and connected them in conjunction with five chapters. While Stephen was attending Belvedere College, the rector of school consulted with him to become a catholic father. However, Stephen declined to become an artist, although the rector didn't know the fact that Stephen had carnal sex with a whore. Therefore, he rued so much after hearing a father's preaching on the hell where all devils, evils, and thirty things are. As a result, Stephen departed from his family, church, country and exiled to foreign countries to become a creative literary writer. Thus, Joyce buckled down for ten years, concluding this ambitions and fine work. In this novel, the readers realize that there are Stephen's strong intrepid soul and spirit to describe this literary art, the novel. In addition, I delineated something about stream of consciousness.

      • The Great Gatsby 試論

        裵基源 관동대학교 1995 關大論文集 Vol.23 No.2

        The 1920s is the American Jazz Age. During this period, Fitzgerald's masterpiece The Great Gatsby was issued in 1925. A main theme of this novel is Gatsby's fantasy and its characteristics, in which Fitzgerald's depiction of problems of love, money, death, and the false American dreams are shown mainly in conjunction with the character of Daisy. Gatsby loved Daisy five years ago but his love could not be realized due to his lack of money. Meanwhile Daisy married Tom, a rich man. Then Gatsby became a wealthy bootlegger and the owner of illegal drug stores in order to win Daisy with money; he purchased a huge house at the West Egg, opposite Tom's grand house at the East Egg. However, Gatsby was shot and died, at the pool, with Wilson's pistol. Wilson thought Gatsby killed Myrtle, Wilson's wife, with Gatsby's car, although Tom knew that it was Daisy who killed Myrtle. Tom instigated Wilson to kill Gatsby. What remains is Gatsby's fantasy. His nothingness is vain. Even though it was not right, Gatsby tried to win Daisy but his actions were immoderate. Thereforce, this novel reveals to readers that false fantasy comes to a tragic end, although this is not a didactic novel.

      • 여인의 초상에 있는 이사벨

        裵基源 관동대학교 1999 關大論文集 Vol.27 No.1

        The Portrait of a Ladyis a saga nove among Henry James's twenty one novels. It is covered in over 850 pages in two volumes. In fact, as James said, it became a big building upon completion. Furthermore, unlike those who have disparagements on James's last period triology criticizing them as not having unteresting stories, many people admit that The Portrait of a Lady has a manifest polt. Isabel Archer, the heroin, came to England with her aunt Mrs. Touchett with a hope to enjoy her liberty, morals and independence not doing anything wrong. She meets an English aristocrat Lord Warburton who proposes to her to marry but rejects him. Secondly, she became to know a Europionized young American business man. Caspar Goodwood, who energetically pleads toher to woo but alsorefused, which made her aunt frighten since the two suitors are attractive and well qualified ones. Nevertheless, Isabel marries to Gilbert Osmond who is a widower having neither fame, asset nor prospective future. It is an irony. It was Osmone's cheat for him to provide dowery for his daugheter Pansy's marriage under agreement with stratagem of paramour Madam Merle. It is Isabel's doom affronting her destiny.

      • 토끼 신장 근위세관의 신경분포에 대한 연구 : Morphological Study of Renal Innervation in Proximal Tubules of Rabbit Kideny I. Relation between Renal Innervation and Interstitium

        양영철,배기원 인제대학교 1994 仁濟醫學 Vol.15 No.4

        토끼 신장의 신경분포를 준초박절편과 초박절편을 이용하여 근위세관의 기저막 아래에서 모세혈관 주위와 간질 주위에 신경말단이 근접되어 있는 상태를 관찰하였다. 피막하 피질에서 신경말단은 관찰되지 않았으며 혈관주위세포(pericyte 혈관 주위세포 Ⅰ형과 Ⅱ형)가 빈번하게 관찰되었다. 피막하 피질에 있는 Ⅰ형세포는 진정염색질이 풍부한 추체형태의 핵, 한쌍의 중심체, 긴 사립체, 많은 유리 리보좀, 약간의 골지체와 미세한 소포를 풍부하게 가지고 있으며 세포질 돌기를 발모양으로 근위세관의 기저막 아래를 향하여 내고 있었으며 돌기내에는 작은 소포들을 가지고 있었다. 중간피질과 속피질의 근위세관 아래에는 신경말단이 관찰되었으나 근위세관의 기저막에 직접 닿아 있지는 않았다. 신경말단은 혈관주위세포 Ⅰ형의 세포질에 의해 둘러싸여 시냅스의 형태를 이루고 있었다. 신장 피질의 모세혈관 주위에는 대부분 혈관주위세포 Ⅱ형들이 관찰되었으며 신경말단은 모세혈관에 직접 분포하였다. 이 Ⅱ형세포는 진정염색질이 많고 삼각형의 핵을 가지고 있으나 전반적으로 세포질내 소기관의 발달이 미약하였다. We studied to determine the relation between innervation and connective tissue cells beneath the proximal tubules of renal cortex in rabbit. At subscapular cortex, nerve endings were not seen, but the type I and II of the pericyte were frequently seen. The type I of subcapsular cortex had a relative large pyramidal nucleus rich in euchromatin, paired centriole, a few elongated mitochondria, relative developed Golgi apparatus, abundant vesicles, and a moderate number of free ribosomes. This pericyte had long footlike process containing vesicles and free ribosomes. At midcortex and inner cortex, the nerve ending surrounded with the process of the type I was seen. The nerve ending was directly out of contact with the basal lamina of proximal tubule. Around the arteriole of the inner cortex, there is the nerve ending surrounded with cytoplasmic process, one process containing several rough endoplasmic reticulum, and the other process had secreting vesicles in the vicinity of the basal lamina of the proximal tubule. Around the capillaries of renal cortex, the type II was seen and the nerve ending was directly contacted with basal lamina of the capillary. This type I had a triangular euchromatic nucleus and poor-developed cytoplasmic organelles.

      • KCI등재후보

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