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        함정용 패키지 에어콘 응축기 핀튜브(Cu-Ni 70/30) 누설파괴 원인 분석

        박형훈(Hyoung Hun Park),황양진(Yang Jin Hwang),이규환(Kyu Hwan Lee) 한국표면공학회 2016 한국표면공학회지 Vol.49 No.5

        In 2015, a fin tube (Cu-Ni 70/30 alloy) of package type heat exchanger for navy vessel was perforated through the wall which led to refrigerant leakage. This failure occurred after only one year since its installation. In this study, cause of the failure was determined based on available documents, metallographic studies and computational fluid dynamics simulation conducted on this fin tube. The results showed that dimensional gap between inserted plastic tube and inside wall of fin tube is the cause of the swirling turbulent stream of sea water. As a result of combination of swirling turbulence and continuing collision of hard solid particles in sea water, erosion corrosion has begun at the end of inserted plastic tube area. Crevice corrosion followed later in the crevice between the outer wall of plastic tube and inner wall of fin tube. It was found that other remaining tubes also showed the same corrosion phenomena. Thorough inspection and prompt replacement will have to be accomplished for the fin tubes of the same model heat exchanger.

      • KCI등재

        북한 SLBM 탐지를 위한 레이다 수신전력 간편 추정 방법

        서형필,박형훈,이경행,Seo, Hyeong-Pil,Park, Hyoung Hun,Lee, Kyoung-Haing 한국시뮬레이션학회 2017 한국시뮬레이션학회 논문지 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구에서는 시뮬레이션을 거친 북한의 잠수함 발사 탄도미사일의 비행궤적에 대하여 레이더 수신전력에 대한 간편 추정방법에 대해 제시하였다. 최근 북한은 잠수함 발사 탄도미사일의 비행시험에 성공하였으며, 이는 국제적인 안보에 상당한 위협이 되고 있다. 따라서 이러한 위협에 능동적으로 대응하기 위해서는 잠수함 발사 탄도미사일의 위협에 대해 레이더를 이용한 탐지특성에 대한 과학적이고 논리적인 분석이 이루어져야 한다. 이러한 관점에서 본 연구에서는 북한의 잠수함 발사탄도미사일의 비행궤적에 따른 레이더의 탐지특성을 분석하기 위해 레이더 반사 면적(RCS)과 전파특성에 대한 모델링 및 시뮬레이션을 실시하였다. This research focuses on convenient radar received power prediction method for detection predictions of North Korea SLBM(Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile). Recently, North Korea tested launching of SLBM which is threatening international security. Therefore, for active respondence to these threat, it is essential to analyze the radar detection prediction of SLBM. In this point of view, this work suggests a method for detection predictions for SLBM by simulating of RCS(Radar Cross Section) and wave propagation.

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