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      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        朝鮮前期의 主人層과 流通體系

        朴平植(Park Pyeong-Sik) 역사교육연구회 2002 역사교육 Vol.82 No.-

        This study aims to sample various Juin(主人) groups and adjust their characters in the commerce in the Early Chosun Dynasty. And furthermore it aims to understand the real aspects and character of circulation system in this period by analyzing their activities and roles in Commercial Circulation System. Juin Class of the Middle Ages in our country was called the social force that intervened between offices and people or people and people, ran an inn for them, and linked both parties in commercial reason. Various Juin groups who played the merchant role in brokerage and wholesale carne into being and were at work only in the Capital, Hanyang(漢陽), and the Suburbs, that is Han(漢) River area, but also in the local ports or strategic spots of transportation in the Early Chosun Dynasty. First of all, Kyungjuin(京主人) and Sajuin(私主人) group of them were at work in the Capital and had a hold on the National Distribution System(物流體系). And Public Juin group(民間 主人層) linked the Capital and local markets or domestic Market and foreign merchants. Also they played the broker-merchant role in mediating circulations of merchandise. In the Early Chosun Dynasty, Juin class grew up more and more and settled their right of trade(營業權). From this point of view, it is well proved that although under the commercial control policy(抑末策) of Government, the Capital-centered National Circulation System putted in good order and developed still more. Also it is said that since the commerce had entered the field, it developed and evolved more remarkably in social-economy in the Late Chosun Dynasty, which is shaped on the assumption of evidently historical development of the commerce in the Early Chosun Dynasty.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        朝鮮前期의 麤布流通과 貨幣經濟

        朴平植(Park, Pyeong Sik) 역사학회 2017 역사학보 Vol.0 No.234

        This paper studies the actual appearance and circulation of Choo-po(麤布) in early Chosŏn. Choo-po, which means loose cloth or fabric, first appeared in the middle of the 15th century, and it was widely circulated in various forms including Sang-mok(常木) that is roughly 16 meter long and with 3 Seung(升), where 1 Seung means the warp of 80 strings. In the course of the circulation, short single-woven cloth as well as short cloth and 2 Seung Cloth were also broadly used in the market. Choo-po, which came into existence to replace the role of hemp cloth as a fractional money, was widely circulated money suited to the development of the rural or peasant exchange economy of the lower social stratum at the time. The Chosŏn government continued to prohibit the use of such money as a part of its monetary policy, but it was not effective. In the sixteenth century, Chosŏn was at the stage of the Choo-po economy. In both the private exchange economy and the national financial sector, Choo-po became the base currency. It was the final and ultimate form of commodity money in Korea’s currency history. Moreover, it was at the quasinominal level of money, which later served as the basis for the emergence of metal money.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        16世紀 對中貿易의 盛況과 國內商業

        朴平植(Park, Pyeong Sik) 역사교육연구회 2018 역사교육 Vol.146 No.-

        This paper is a research on the prosperity of the trade with China in the 16th century, focusing on domestic commerce and intermediary trade by Joseon merchants. In the 16th century, since King Joongjong’s reign, the private trade with China using silver was actively developed by Joseon silver produced in Dancheon and other regions by Joseon merchants. After then, around the last year of King Joongjong’s reign, the large influx of Japanese silver resulted in the prosperity of the trade with China. In the course, sanctions by Chinese government and criticisms by its people upon the private trade accompanied with Sahaeng(使行) grew. During this period, the trade with China was grounded on the growth of domestic commerce since the late 15th century. Therefore, not just the import of luxury goods, but also the silk weaving industry using Chinese silk thread, developed in Joseon, and affordable processed ginseng product called Pasam (把蔘) which targeted general public was produced and exported. In the 16th century, Joseon merchants were monopolistic in the intermediary trade of the early Japanese silver, Chinese silk fabrics and silk thread. However, after King Myeongjong’s reign, this initiative intermediary trade of Joseon merchants diminished, as the direct trade between China and Japan increased.

      • KCI등재

        朝鮮前期의 貨幣論

        朴平植(Park Pyeong-Sik) 歷史敎育硏究會 2011 역사교육 Vol.118 No.-

        This study analyzes the perceptions of currency and monetary theory that existed in the early Chos?n based on the monetary policies which were implemented during this period. The monetary theory and policies of Chos?n, which were based on the principle that government should monopolize commercial profits(利權在上, Igw?n chaesang), were predicated on the state control of mintage. However, as can be seen from the inability of paper notes(ch?hwa) and coins(tongj?n) to take root, such efforts had continuously failed since the foundation of the dynasty. Despite the failure of introduction of a national currency, the continued cultivation of cotton ensured the steady expansion of the clothcommodity economy(布貨經濟, P’ohwa ky?ngje) representative of the barter economy in place since the monetary order based on the 5-s?ng hemp cloth had first been established during the late Kory? dynasty. The growth of the barter economy that was boosted during the reign of King S?ngjong in the late 15th century and reached full-blown status in the 16th century, and the spread of markets(changsi) and crude-cotton currency (ch’up’o) at the national level, implied that a new stage of the monetary economy known as ch’up’o ky?ngje(蕉布經濟) which is the economy based on crude-cotton currency, had been entered by this period. The recognition of the need for a national currency as an exchange tool that first surfaced during the reigns of King Chungjong and My?ngjong(16th century) and the spread of support for the circulation of coins in effect paved the way for the popularization of the use of coins at both the national policy level and in conjunction with the private barter economy, that is as long as the supply of the copper used as the raw materials used for mintage could be secured.

      • KCI등재

        朝鮮初期의 對外貿易政策

        朴平植(Park Pyeong-Sik) 한국사연구회 2004 한국사연구 Vol.125 No.-

        This paper was studied about foreign trade policy in the early Joseon Dynasty, connected with the economic and commercial policy that Joseon Dynasty had driven. At the end of Goryeo(高麗), the development of foreign trade brought about a variety of social problems to Goryeo society. The spread of luxurious tendency followed by the overflowing of Chinese luxury goods, the disorder social class, the aggravation of international payments and government finance and the prosperity of foreign trade caused minor peasants' to collapse as well as the agricultural basis to fall to pieces. Consequently, these threatened the foundation of economic structure focused on agriculture. The establishment of Joseon Dynasty brought the opportunity of conversion to the economic and commercial policy. In a word, it meant not only reconstructing agriculture-central economic structure based on ‘Restraining Commerce’ and ‘Being of Benefit to the Upper’, but also unilaterally strengthening to take charge of and control the national economy at large, especially commerce and foreign trade. The foreign trade policy of Joseon government aimed not at suppressing the foreign trade but at preventing revival of social problems that the prosperity of foreign trade had brought about since the end of Goryeo by means of governmental taking charge of and controling. The policy also had the intention for stability of agriculture-central economic structure. Therefore the reinforcement of the governmental control concerning foreign trade was essential, which was in accordance with the establishment of national order of centralizing power that Joseon Dynasty had been heading for. Foreign trade both with China and with Japan had been developing, particularly led by private trade on the condition that foreign trade policy in the early Joseon Dynasty did not suppress unilaterally foreign trade. Moreover, in this process, foreign trade activities of Capital merchant and great merchants based on Gaesung(開城), Pyeongyang(平壤), Uiju(義州), Dongnae(東萊) made more progress that the former ages. The commercial and foreign trade policy of Joseon government on the basis of Restraining Commerce' was carried out under these actual circumstances.

      • KCI등재

        조선초기(朝鮮初期)의 화폐정책(貨幣政策)과 포화유통(布貨流通)

        박평식 ( Pyeong Sik Park ) 연세대학교 국학연구원 2012 동방학지 Vol.158 No.-

        이 논문은 조선초기 국가의 國幣 보급정책에도 불구하고 교환경제의 현장에서 通貨기능을 하고 있던 布貨의 유통실태를 정리한 연구이다. 고려후기에는 5승포가 국가재정과 민간의 교환경제에서 등가기준과 교환수단으로 통용되면서 기준통화의 지위에 있었다. 조선왕조 개창 이후 이 5승 마포는 이제 正布(‘正五升布’로도 칭)와 常布(‘常五升布’ ‘五升布’ ‘粗布’로도 지칭)로 분화되어 일상 통용되고 있었고, 한편으로 새롭게 면포가 유통되기 시작하는 가운데 부분적으로 면주와 저포도 포화로서 기능하고 있었다. 국초 태종·세종조에는 국폐인 楮貨와 銅錢의 보급정책이 강력하게 추진되었으나 실패하였다. 이처럼 집권국가의 貨權장악 노력이 좌절되는 가운데, 태종조에는 5승 마포인 상포가 추포의 명칭으로 그 통용이 더욱 확산되었다. 그리고 세종조를 전후한 시기에는 棉作의 확산과 더불어 이제 綿布가 교환경제에서 퇴조하는 상포를 대신하여 새로운 기준통화로서 기능하고 있었다. 한편 세종조 후반 이후 상포의 소멸이라는 교환경제의 현실에서, 특히 민간의 하층 농민층의 교환경제 영역에서 이 상포를 대체할 새로운 소액화폐의 출현이 절실하게 요구되었다. 15세기 중반 이후 도성시장에 등장하기 시작한 추악한 면포를 가리키는 이른바 새로운 ‘粗布’는, 따라서 태종조까지 5승 마포였던 상포와는 전혀 다른 포화로서 이후 교환경제에서 새롭게 기준 통화의 역할을 하게 되었다. This study analyzes the state of cloth-commodity (布貨, p`ohwa) distribution system during the early Choson dynasty. In this regard, cloth functioned as currency within the exchange-based economy despite the existence of a national currency system. During the late Koryo dynasty, regular quality hemp cloth (5-sungp`o) served as the base currency. It was employed in the private sector exchange economy, as well as in the national budget, as both an equivalency and tool for exchanges. After the foundation of the Choson dynasty, this regular quality cloth (5-sungp`o) was divided into standard quality hemp cloth (正布, chongp`o) - also called chongosungp`o (正五升布) - and low quality hemp cloth (常布, sangp`o) - also called sangosungp`o (常五升布), osungp`o (五升布) and ch`up`o (粗布). Meanwhile, silk cloth (綿紬, myonju) and ramie cloth (苧布, chop`o) also functioned as cloth-commodities (布貨, p` ohwa), and cotton cloth (綿布, myonp`o) also made its way onto the market. Although the policy of introducing the paper money known as chohwa (楮貨) and coins was arduously pursued during the reigns of King T`aejong and Sejong, it ultimately failed. Indeed, the use of low quality hemp cloth (常布, sangp`o) as ch`up`o (粗布) became even more pronounced during the reign of King T`aejong. In addition, the spread of cotton cultivation resulted in cotton cloth (綿布, myonp`o) functioning as a new standard currency at the time of the reign of King Sejong, thereby replacing hemp cloth`s (常布, sangp`o) position within the exchange economy. After the reign of King Sejong, the disappearance of hemp cloth (常布, sangp`o) in the exchange economy led to a desperate need in the private sector, particularly among farmers, to introduce a new small currency denomination to replace the hemp cloth (常布, sangp` o). The so-called ch`up`o (粗布), or unsightly cotton cloth, that emerged in the capital area marketplace, and played the role of a new standard currency within the exchange economy from the mid 15th century onwards. This was a completely different cloth-commodity system from the one based on hemp cloth (常布, sangp`o) that had revolved around regular quality hemp cloth (5-sungmap`o) up until the reign of King T`aejong.

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