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      • KCI등재

        수입수산물의 경제적 민감도분석에 관한 연구

        박철형(Cheol-Hyung PARK),장영수(Young-Soo JANG) 한국수산해양교육학회 2008 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.20 No.1

        This study is intended to analyse the economic sensitivity of imported fishery products due to decrease in or elimination of tariff rates through the progress of free trade. Forty-seven species of fishes were selected for this study on the basis of the HS Code. The substitution and price effects were calculated using the price elasticities of both domestic and imported demands for fishery products under the assumption of 5% decrease in a tariff rate. Seven main economic variables were extracted from the fishery industry which can mediate the substitution and price effects. A multiple regression analysis was conducted to obtain the influence weights of these main economic variables on both effects. The order of sensitivity of the fishes was calculated using these weights. The 47 fish species were classified into four groups according to their sensitivity based on the means and the standard deviations of their total scores on seven main economic considerations. Nine fish species such as squids, hair tails, shellfishes, and crabs belonged to the hyper-sensitive group, whereas 15 fishes such as eels, sea breams, and sea weeds belonged to the sensitive group. Twelve species including common sea basses, cods, and abalones were among the less-sensitive group, and 11 species including skate rays and mud fishes comprised the non-sensitive group.

      • KCI등재

        Super-SBM을 이용한 어항의 효율성분석에 관한 연구

        박철형 ( Cheol Hyung Park ) 한국수산경영학회 2010 수산경영론집 Vol.41 No.3

        This study is to analyze the efficiency of Korean fishing ports using DEA. First, the study calculated the efficiency scores based on a CCR-BCC framework and hence technical, pure technical, and scale efficiency scores are seperated for the 38 fishing ports under study. The Average of technical, pure technical, and scale efficiency are turned out to be 0.6834, 0.8582, and 0.7774 respectively. The 15 fishing ports are fully efficient under the constant returns to scale while 21 fishing ports under the variable returns to scale. Second, the super efficiency scores are also calculated under the radial model without the consideration of slacks. The highest score is turned out to be 4.4984 for the P16 fishing port with the average score of 0.9652 for the entire fishing ports. Nevertheless, P16 fishing port has showed up only once as a reference set. On the other hand, P34 fishing port has showed up 11 times as a reference set, which scored the second highest score of 2.9815. Finally the super efficiency scores are calculated under the non-radial model with the explicit consideration of slacks. Now the P34 fishing port scored the highest score of 2.3424 with even 15 times referred to a bench-mark. herefore the importance of P34 fishing port is emphasized once again on the field of bench-marking for the efficiency of fishing ports. When the targets for the input factors to improve the efficiency of each DMU are calculated the area of fishing port needs the most adjustment to be reduced for 40.36% on the average, while the cosignment sales area does the least adjustment for 13.70%.

      • KCI등재

        DEA를 이용한 수산양식업 효율성의 비교분석에 관한 연구

        박철형 ( Cheol Hyung Park ),최치훈 ( Chi Hoon Choi ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2012 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate production efficiency of various Korean aquaculture species using Data Envelopment Analysis. The study extracts 18 fishes in sea cage culture, 8 in aquarium basin, and 7 in enclosed aquaculture for its analytical purpose. First, the study estimates technical, pure technical, and scale efficiency of each aquaculture species based on traditional DEA under the assumptions of CRS and VRS. 10 fishes are identified as efficient DMUs under the CCR-model, and 15 under the BCC-model. We provide inputs that allow inefficient fishes to be efficient DMUs on a production frontier, and a reference set for their bench-marking. The study obtains a 95% confidence interval for each fish. By incorporating kernel density estimation and reflection method, the analysis uses smoothed bootstraping method in the process of resampling. While previous studies suffer from bias in the process of solving linear programming with the deterministic nature of production frontier, our research manages to estimate the bias-corrected efficiency scores. Hence, we can distinguish the order of efficient DMUs, which was actually impossible in the traditional-DEA. We have identified that puffers in aquarium basin are the most efficiently produced in both technical and pure technical efficiency. This result holds for both cases when the efficiency scores are adjusted with or without bias. Also we managed to measure the inefficiency which exists in efficiently produced fishes(in aquaculture production) when estimating the bias corrected efficiency scores.

      • KCI등재

        이기대 水邊 도시자연공원의 經濟的 價値推定에 관한 硏究

        박철형(Park Cheol-Hyung),김종천(Kim Jong-Chun) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2007 인문사회과학연구 Vol.8 No.2

          본 논문의 목적은 부산 이기대 수변 도시자연공원에 관해서 TCM과 CVM을 사용하여 경제적 가치를 평가하는데 있다. 이 조사는 방문객중 152명의 사용자 설문조사에 기초를 두었다. 그리고 소득, 연간소득, 연령, 직업, 거리, 시간, 여행비용, 보전 지불의사와 같은 사회경제적 변수들이 통합된 21개 지역의 응답자들로부터 분석되었다. 통계 패키지를 이용하여 추정된 회귀방정식의 계산 결과는 양분선택형 CVM을 이용하였을 때의 보전가치가 자본가치로 840억~14,770억원으로, 그 다음이 TCM을 이용하였을 때의 사용가치가 자본가치로 710억~10,660억원, 그리고 지불카드형 CVM을 이용하였을 때의 사용가치가 자본가치로 94억~140억원으로 나타났다. 따라서, 총경제적 가치는 자본 가치로 900억~25,000억원에 달했다.   The purpose of this study is to evaluate economic values of Ikidae Waterfront Urban Park using Travel Cost Method and Contingent Valuation Method.<BR>  This research was mainly based on questionnaire survey of 152 users of visitors. Socio-economic factors such as income, annual income, age, occupation, distance, time, travel cost, conservation-willingness to pay were analysed from integrated 21 residential areas of the respondents.<BR>  The computation results of presumed regression equation using statistic packages(EXCEL, SPSS) showed that the preservation values of Ikidae Waterfront Urban Park using dichotomous choice contingent valuation method was estimated as 840~14,770 hundred million won by capital values, the use values using TCM as 710~10,660 hundred million won by capital values, and the use values using payment card formats as 94~141 hundred million Won by capital values. Accordingly, total economic values were estimated as 900~25,000 hundred million won by capital values.

      • KCI등재후보

        맘퀴스트 생산성지수를 이용한 수협 산지 위판장의 총요소생산성 변화의 추정

        박철형(Park, Cheol-Hyung) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2011 인문사회과학연구 Vol.12 No.1

        본 연구는 맘퀴스트(Malmquist) 생산성지수를 이용하여 2004-2005년 및 2005-2006년의 총요소생산성의 변화와 이의 구성성분을 이루는 다양한 효율성 변화의 지표들을 39개 수협단위의 산지위판장을 대상으로 추정하였다. 투입요소로는 단위수협별 위판장의 수, 물리적 시설물로서 유개경매장, 인적 자원으로 중도매인과 경매사의 수 등 4개의 변수를 선정하였고 산출요소로서는 위판물량과 위판금액의 2개의 변수를 이용하였다. 그 분석결과을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 2004-2005년에는 총요소생산성이 13% 가까이 감소되었으나 2005-2006년에는 8% 정도의 상승으로 반전되었다. 하지만 전체적으로는 분석기간 동안 연평균 3% 정도의 총요소생산성의 감소를 경험하였다. 이러한 총요소생산성의 변화는 연 6%의 기술적효율성의 상승과 연 9% 정도의 기술수준의 퇴보, 즉 생산가능곡성의 하향이동을 통하여 나타났다. 기술적효율성의 경우도 규모의 효율성에는 변화가 없었던 반면 위판장관리 및 운영상의 효율성의 상승을 보여준 순수기술적 효율성이 연 6%씩 증가한 결과였다. 둘째, 2004-2005년의 기간에는 거제가 129%에 가까운 생산성의 향상으로 최대값을 기록하였는데 5%에 해당하는 기술수준의 퇴보에도 불구하고 순수기술효율성이 85%로 분석 DMU 가운데 역시 최대치로 증가한데 따른 결과였다. 이 기간 진동의 경우는 91%에 가까운 생산성의 최대 감소폭을 보여주었는데 이는 기술적인 효율성이 51%, 기술수준이 81% 가까이 감소한 결과였다. 셋째, 2005-2006년의 기간에는 완도가 134%로 총요소생산성 향상의 최대값을 기록하였는데 이는 순수 기술적 효율성이 최대치인 148%로 향상된데 힘입은 바 크다. 이 기간 영흥은 35%에 가까운 생산성의 최대 하락폭을 기록하였으며 이는 순수기술효율성이 30% 가까이 하락한 데에 따른 것이었다. 넷째, 분석대상 39개 DMU들 가운데 목포, 해남군, 마산, 권현망, 부산시, 및 한림의 6개는 분석기간 동안에 총요소생산성의 변화가 전적으로 기술수준의 변화에 의하여 결정되었으며 기술적인 효율성에는 아무런 변화가 없었던 DMU들로 나타났다. 따라서 기술적인 효율성과 분리하여 기술수준의 진보 및 퇴보로 대표할 수 있는 효율변경 혹은 생산가능곡선의 전체적인 이동에 대한 정보의 열쇠를 쥐고 있는 이들 6개 DMU들의 위판장 운영을 정밀 분석함으로써 기술수준의 향상에 관련한 시사점을 도출할 수 있을 것이다. This study is to estimate total factor productivity changes in Korean fisheries port markets utilizing the input-oriented Malmquist distance functions of DEA. The study investigated 39 port markets with 4 input and 2 output factors for the period of both year 2004-2005 and year 2005-2006. In the period of 2004-2005 PM26 had recorded the highest MPI of 2.2853 with the highest PECI of 1.8536. On the other hand, PM35 had recorded the lowest MPI of 0.0925 with the lowest scores of TECI as 0.4926. There had been, on the average, almost 13% of deterioration of total factor productivity among 39 DMU’s. On the next period, year 2005-2006, PM14 had the hightest MPI of 2.3404 with the highest TECI of 2.6001 and PECI of 2.4814 while PM4 had showed the lowest MPI of 0.6444. There had been, on the average, 8% increase in total factor productivity. However, the entire study period had showed us 3% annual decrease in productivity over all. The study could identify 6 DMU’s like PM12 which had the same values for both TCI and MPI while TECI, PECI and SECI were all remained 1, meaning that no changes in these figures of efficiency. This means that the Technical changes resulted in entire changes in total factor productivity without any changes in any kind of efficiency. These results suggest us that close investigation of these DMU’s might provide the keys to the information on technical changes represented by shifts of efficient frontiers.

      • KCI등재

        양식업의 양식방법별 어종별 생산효율성 비교분석에 관한 연구

        박철형 ( Cheol Hyung Park ) 한국수산경영학회 2012 수산경영론집 Vol.43 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the production efficiencies of the Korean aquaculture fishery with respect to species and methods using a Data Envelopment Analysis. The study extracted the 8 fishes in each of the sea cage culture, aquarium basin, and enclosed aquaculture for the analytical purposes. First, the study estimated the technical, pure technical, and scale efficiencies of the total of 24 aquaculture fishes based on the traditional DEA under the assumptions of both CRS and VRS. 2 fishes were identified as the efficient DMUs under the CCR-model, and 6 fishes under the BCC-model. Second, we tested to see if there was any difference in production efficiencies regarding those three different methods of aquaculture. We could not find any evidence of the differences in efficiency using a rank sum test based on the traditional DEA. However, we could do find that the pure technical efficiency in the sea cage culture was lower than others at 1% level of significance and the pure technical efficiency in enclosed aquaculture was also lower than others at 5% level of significance using Bilateral-DEA, which could explicitly consider the heterogeneity in the 3 production methods of aquaculture. Finally, the study obtained the 95% confidence intervals of the efficiency scores for the 24 fishes under our study using the smoothed bootstrapping method in the process of the re-sampling in cooperation with both a kernel density estimation and a reflection method, At the same time, we could estimate the biascorrected efficiency scores while the traditionally estimated efficiency scores suffered from the biases in the process of solving a linear programming with the deterministic nature of a production frontier. And hence, we could distinguish the differences in production efficiencies of the 8 fishes with respect to those 3 methods of aquaculture.

      • KCI등재

        수산물 소비자 및 생산자가격지수 정보전달 메커니즘의 동태적 분석

        박철형 ( Cheol Hyung Park ),최치훈 ( Chi Hoon Choi ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2015 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.27 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze an information delivery mechanism on consumer and producer price indices of fisheries products, or more specifically, the price and volatility spread effect. The VAR model and VECM model(conditional mean equations) were used in order to track the price spread effect. The results showed that the rates of return in comsumer price index leads the produce price index and effects the existence of the long-run equilibrium between them. The long-run elasticity of the consumer price index with respect to the produce price index turned out to be unitary elastic. The impulse response function based on the estimation results of VAR model showed that the consumer price market shock persists a little longer than the producer market. Also, regardless of the changes in model specifications we managed to obtain very robust estimation results by tracking the volatility spread effect based on conditional variance equations through diagonal-BEKK and CCC models. The ARCH effect was stronger in the producer market while in the consumer market, the GARCH effect turned out to be stronger. The persistence of volatility was also stronger in the consumer market compared to the producer market. Based on the TGARC model in conjunction with the CCC mode, the asymmetry of volatility was confirmed significant in the consumer market.

      • KCI등재

        뉴질랜드 ITQ 시스템의 경제적 성과분석과 이의 한국수산업에 대한 도입가능성에 관한 연구

        박철형(Park Cheol Hyung) 한국해양비즈니스학회 2005 해양비즈니스 Vol.- No.6

          This paper is to evaluate the economic outcomes of ITQ in New Zealand and to investigate the possibility of adaptation of ITQ into Korean fisheries management system. The first part of the paper focuses on the theoretical aspects of ITQ system in order to find out the positive economic outcomes corresponding to the introduction of the system. The second part analyzes the outcomes of ITQ from the viewpoints of four economic variables in the case of New Zealand. Those variables are the amounts of catches, the monetary values of catches, the level of employment in the fishery sector, and the cost of system enforcement. The performance of all these variables turn out to exhibit positive outcomes as expected by the theoretical results. The third part of the study investigates the conditions for the introduction of ITQ into Korean fishery management system. The study finds some incentives to introduce ITQ. The first condition of the successful operation of ITQ must be based on quotas allocated in fishes. The second one is the existence of the incentives to have dealings with individual quotas. The third one is the establishment of transaction system of individual quotas. It is found that Korean fishery sector already have the potential foundations of all of these three conditions because of the experience of TAC and traditional transactions of fishing rights.

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