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      • KCI등재

        디지털미디어 시대의 교회학교 미디어 비평교육 요구분석 연구

        박인곤(Inkon Park) 한국기독교교육정보학회 2008 기독교교육정보 Vol.21 No.-

        Modern society is a media oriented society. This fact is also applied to the people of Christian. Christians are affected by media same as secular people. However, there are no critical media education in the church. This study examined 4 research questions. 1) Why media education is need in the church? 2) What kind of media education is need in the church? 3) What should church prepare for media education in the church? 4) What are the expecting effects from the media education in the church? For solving this research questions, the author surveyed 202 seminary students. The results showed very high mean scores for every survey question. Especially, critical media education of the digital media's dysfunction is urgent in the church. The concern for the Internet pornography, game, and addiction makes the media education in the church very important and imminent. Demographic variables' mean differences are not significant related with research questions. This means most survey questions' results showed high mean scores regardless of demographic variables. Through this research the author found out several tasks for the future media education in the church. First, it depends on the changes of minister's recognition of media education in the church. Church leader's mind convert makes media education in the church possible as well as makes a coup. Secondly, the developments of media education programs are imminent to carry out the efficient operation of media education in the church. Finally, well established equipments for the media education should be needed to accomplish the goal of media education in the church.

      • KCI등재

        민족일보의 정치 의제 수립과 현대적 의미

        박인곤(Park Inkon),이경락(Lee Kyung Rag) 한국정치정보학회 2006 정치정보연구 Vol.9 No.2

        언론과 정치의 관계는 불가분의 관계이다. 세계최초의 신문형태인 악타 뒤르나(acta diurna) 등만 봐도 로마 원로원에 의해 탄생한 것을 볼 수 있다. 특별히, 현대사회에 들어서부터는 언론이 정치의제를 설정해준다는 점화효과 (priming effect), 의제수립 (agenda building)등의 개념을 통하여서 언론과 정치의 밀접성을 피력하기도 하였다. 언론과 정치의 불가분성은 1961년 민족일보라는 짧은 기간동안 존재했던 한 신문과 그 발행인인 조용수라는 인물을 통하여서 살펴볼 수 있다. 진보적이고 혁신적이며 민중적인 신문의 발행인이었던 조용수는 1961년 12월 군부세력에 의해서 사형에 처해질 때까지 민족일보를 통하여서 현재 벌어지고 있는 여러 혼란상을 그대로 재현해주고 있다고 할 것이다. 조용수와 민족일보는 현실정치에 어떤 방식으로 개입하였는가? 민족일보가 설정한 의제는 당시와 현재에 어떤 의미를 지니는가? 조용수와 민족일보의 현대적 의미는 무엇인가? 라는 연구문제를 가지고 역사적 연구방법론을 사용하여 조용수와 민족일보의 의미를 새겨보았으며, 3개월간 발행되었던 민족일보의 텍스트를 분석해 봄으로서 그 당시의 정치상황에 적극 참여하였던 한 신문의 시대적 의미와 현재 벌어지고 있는 여러 정치, 경제적 상황과 대비해 보았다. 그리고 이를 통하여서 현대 언론이 따라야 할 새로운 언론윤리에 대하여 제시해보았다. Journalism and politics are inseparable relation. The first quasi-newspaper, Acta Diurna, was closely related with Rome's senate. The importance of the journalism to the politics in contemporary society is immense in terms of its impact to the politicians and citizens. In 1961, there was a newspaper, named Minjok-ilbo, which was existed very short period of time, but impacted to the Korean in various ways. The publisher, Yong Su Cho, was punished by death with a military Coup. The newspaper had been existed for 3 short months. Research questions for this studies are: How Mr. Cho and Minjok-ilbo intervened political issues in 1961? What is the meaning of the newspaper's agenda in 1961 to the contemporary Korea society? The authors used historical analysis method to solve the research questions, and text analysis method to examine the Minjok-ilbo and its political related contents. Finally, the authors suggested several journalism ethics to the modern newspaper industry.

      • KCI등재

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