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      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Reciprocal Approach on Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategy, Comprehension, and Vocabulary

        박은 한국교원대학교 교육연구원 2016 敎員敎育 Vol.32 No.2

        This study aimed to investigate how Korean EFL learners’ perceptual change of metacognitive awareness of reading strategies (MARS), comprehension, and vocabulary learning are influenced by reciprocal reading (RR) while reading test-based materials. These were compared with the results by translation-based reading (TR). Fifty-four participants were chosen and divided into the two reading conditions, who were involved in all data collection procedures during 6 weeks: a pre and a post questionnaire of MARS, a pre test for target words, two reading practices, two interventions for data, two post reading comprehension tests, two immediate tests for word recall and a delayed test for word retention. The results revealed that RR approach was effective in enhancing learners’ metacognitive awareness of reading strategies, comprehension and word knowledge. In perceptual change of MARS, learners in RR approach reported significant increases in metacognitive awareness of global, problem-solving, and support reading strategies, whereas TR group did not show any significant increase in those strategies. In both reading comprehension performance and receptive word gain, RR group benefited more than TR group, while immediate word recall was similar in both conditions.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Prior Planning on EFL Learners’ Speaking Anxiety in Class

        박은 한국교원대학교 교육연구원 2017 敎員敎育 Vol.33 No.2

        The present study aimed to discover whether prior planning activities positively influence on EFL learners’ anxiety of oral performance in front of the class. Based on the effect of pre-task planning on linguistic features shown by previous researchers, the present study expanded the positive role of prior-planning in language use on public speaking anxiety in L2 classroom contexts. For the study, three types of planning activities were adopted: reading a model text, writing a draft, and rehearsing for oral practice. The change of speaking anxiety between pre and post planning activities was measured by using the public speaking class anxiety scale (PSCAS). The results revealed that overall the prior planning activities benefited by lessening debilitating L2 speaking anxiety in front of the class. The anxiety level of both components, ‘comfort of using English (CUE)’ and ‘fear of negative evaluation (FNE)’ were significantly lessened, while the anxiety levels in ‘test anxiety (TA)’ and ‘communicative apprehension (CA)’ were slightly decreased after the planning activities. This positive effect of prior planning seemed to be attributed to collaborative scaffolding in language use by reading and writing, more opportunities for oral practice by rehearsing and favorable atmosphere built with mutual understanding during the planning activities. (Dankook University)

      • KCI등재

        EFL Learners’ Writing Apprehension Change by Process Writing Approach

        박은 한국교원대학교 교육연구원 2019 敎員敎育 Vol.35 No.4

        The present study aimed to explore how the process writing approach influences on EFL beginner learners’ writing apprehension. Based on the original DM-WAT, a modified WAT was used for collecting data from fifty-two participants concerning perceptual changes in their writing apprehension after the process writing teaching intervention. The data were analyzed according to four factors of writing apprehension: ‘Enjoyment of writing in English’ (EOW), ‘Negative perception about writing in English’ (NPW), ‘Fear of evaluation’ (FOE) and ‘Self-confidence of writing in English’ (SCW). The results revealed that overall learners were likely to experience significant alleviations in the degree of negative writing apprehension in the four factor areas after the process writing approach, although female learners showed more positive perceptual change of writing apprehension between pre and post WAT. Both male and female learners showed considerable benefits in the NPW and SCW factors, while males showed more significant differences in the SCW factor than females between the pre and post WAT. It appeared that the activities involved in the process writing stages, such as brainstorming a topic, reading a model text with language preview in the pre-writing stage, drafting, and interactional feedback for revising and editing could enable learners who have poor linguistic knowledge and low self-confidence to have time for practicing and improving their language use. The students’ confidence in their writing capabilities was raised, which led to lessening negative attitudinal and motivational tendencies of L2 wring considerably.

      • KCI등재

        L2 Reading Comprehension and Lexical Usage in Writing by Summarizing Instruction

        박은 한국교원대학교 교육연구원 2020 敎員敎育 Vol.36 No.2

        This study aimed to examine how explicit summarizing instruction and practices can influence reading comprehension and lexical usage in writing by Korean EFL learners in classroom contexts. For the study, the value of summarizing in L2 learning and lexical us a gein writing were discussed. The results showed that learners could significantly better understand reading passages than before the summarizing intervention. In lexical diversity,overall learners could use more diverse and advanced lexical items in post-compositions. The average TTR (type/token ratio) for three word lists, the 2nd 1000 word list, academic word list(AWL), and not-in-the-list words (NLW), increased significantly, whereas that of the 1st 1000list decreased slightly in the post-writings. In terms of lexical sophistication measured by the total number of tokens in both AWL and NLW, learners showed significantly higher degrees of AWL, with slightly more in NLW in their post-writings. This positive effect would appear to be attributed to integrated summarizing processes with reading source texts about different topics, while deleting unimportant information and focusing on key words, phrases or sentence level comprehension for bottom-up processes, which was followed by output activities that transferred those expressions into their writing through sentence combination, paraphrasing,syntactic transformation and invention with dictionary use, teacher modelling and feedback.

      • KCI등재

        L2 Listening Comprehension and Learner Perception of LCPs by Reading-while-listening

        박은,배상희 한국중원언어학회 2017 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.43

        The aim of this study was to examine the effect of ‘reading-while-listening’ input on L2 listening comprehension and learners’ perceptual change in listening comprehension problems (LCPs) pertaining to metacognitive awareness in test-based EFL listening contexts. Forty-eight undergraduates were assigned to one of the two intervention groups: (1) ‘reading aloud while listening’ (RAWL); (2) ‘reading silently while listening’ (RSWL). For data collection, this study utilized a pre- and a post-listening comprehension tests and surveys questionning the participants’ LCPs. The results revealed that overall both RAWL and RSWL input modes benefited comprehension by L2 beginners regardless of the interventions: reading aloud and silently while listening. In terms of LCPs beliefs, the RAWL influenced more positively on the participants’ perceptual change of LCPs relevant to metacognitive awareness than the RSWL. In particular, the RAWL input mode was more likely to be effective on ‘words’ and ‘meaning’ factors of LCPs. This seemed to be ascribable to oral plus aural effects as input enhancement by repetitivedly reading texts with L1 glossed key words.

      • KCI등재

        Decomposable and Non-decomposable L2 Idiom Learning in Enhanced Input Context

        박은 한국교원대학교 교육연구원 2019 敎員敎育 Vol.35 No.2

        The aim of the present study was to examine how Korean EFL learners differently recall and retain both decomposable and non-decomposable idioms when they are exposed to those items through enhanced input contexts. For the study, twelve target idioms (six decomposable and six non-decomposable) that have verb plus noun form were selected. As a conceptual framework, the models of idiomatic processing in comprehension, the theories and studies about the role of semantic compositionality were discussed. The results revealed that learners recalled high percentages of both types of idioms while non-decomposable idiom recall was significantly higher in both receptive and productive knowledge immediately after the enhanced contextual language input task activities. More receptive knowledge of non-decomposable idioms was yielded than decomposable ones, and no major difference was found in delayed productive retention between the two types of idioms two weeks following the task intervention. The results are inconsistent with the view of the compositional model that posits decomposable idioms have a processing advantage in comprehension over non-decomposable ones when L2 learners were exposed to language input in contexts with cloze production and enhancement ways such as bolding, L1 glossing and repetition for target idioms simultaneously.

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