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        다른 밀원에서 기원한 꿀의 전자코 분석

        홍은정,박수지,이화정,이광근,노봉수,Hong, Eun-Jeung,Park, Sue-Jee,Lee, Hwa-Jung,Lee, Kwang-Geun,Noh, Bong-Soo 한국축산식품학회 2011 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        전자코를 이용하여 아카시아 꿀, 잡화 꿀, 밤 꿀, 유채꿀, 사양 꿀, 목청 꿀, 기타 꿀을 대상으로 밀원에 따른 차이를 구분하였다. 그 결과 꿀 종류에 따라 뚜렷이 구분 가능하였으며 각기 다른 꿀을 혼합하였을 때 혼합 비율에 따라서도 구분 가능하였다. 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30%의 사양 꿀을 목청 꿀에 혼합하였을 때 혼합비율이 증가함에 따라 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 54, 56, 58, 60 amu의 감응도 값이 크게 나타났으며 판별함수분석한 결과 사양 꿀의 혼합비율이 증가함에 따라 DF1값이 양의 방향에서 음의 방향으로 일정한 경향을 보이며 뚜렷이 구분되었다(DF1: $r^2$=0.9962, F=490.6 DF2: $r^2$=0.9128, F=19.44). 이를 통하여 DF1값과 목청 꿀에 사양 꿀의 혼합 농도에 대해 DF1=-0.106$^*$(사양 꿀의 농도)+0.426($r^2$=0.96)와 같은 높은 상관관계식을 얻었다. 아카시아 꿀의 경우에도 목청 꿀과 유사하게 사양 꿀의 혼합비율이 증가함에 따라 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 70 amu의 감응도 값이 크게 나타났으며 DF1과 사양 꿀 혼합 비율간에 높은 상관관계를 보이며 일정한 경향을 나타냈고(DF1: $r^2$=0.9957, F=396.64 DF2: $r^2$=0.9447, F=29.3) DF1=-0.112$^*$(사양 꿀의 농도)+0.434($r^2$=0.968)의 상관관계식을 갖는다.


        여러 가지 LED를 처리한 전지유, 무지방 우유, LTLT, UHT, HTST 처리 우유의 휘발성분 패턴 분석

        김기화,홍은정,박수지,강지원,노봉수,Kim, Ki-Hwa,Hong, Eun-Jeung,Park, Sue-Jee,Kang, Jee-Won,Noh, Bong-Soo 한국축산식품학회 2011 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        The objective of this study was to analyze the pattern recognition of volatile compounds from different types of milk under LED (Light Emitting Dioxide) irradiation for 6 d. Yellow, red, blue, dark, and fluorescent light were produced using LED equipment. A mass spectrometry-based electronic nose and DFA (discriminant function analysis) were used to determine the change in volatiles from different types of milk under LED irradiation. As the LED exposure time was increased, DF1 of whole milk changed considerably under blue light, while that of skim milk changed significantly under red and yellow light irradiation. Among the types of milk tested, the most light-induced oxidation sample was LTLT milk under blue light. The volatile compounds that were shown to increase due to LED treatment in the electronic nose analysis, which was based on MS, were mainly acetaldehyde, propanal, pentanal, hexanal, heptanal, nonanal, 3-methyl butanal, 2-methyl propanal, 2-butanone, 2-pentanone, 2-hexanone, and 2-heptanaone and 2-nonanone.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Pale ale류에 속하는 맥주 신제품의 이화학적 특성 평가

        김기화(Ki Hwa Kim),박수지(Sue Jee Park),김지은(Jee Eun Kim),동혜민(Hyemin Dong),인선(In Seon Park),이재환(JaeHwan Lee),현소양(So Yang Hyun),노봉수(Bong Soo Noh) 한국식품과학회 2013 한국식품과학회지 Vol.45 No.2

        Pale ale류에 속하는 수입산 시판 맥주 3종과 신제품 맥주를 대상으로 일반적 품질특성과 향기패턴 및 맛의 성향을 비교하였다. 그 결과 신제품은 4.35%의 알콜 함량을 나타냈으며 B.U.는 3.5, 색도는 34.43(EBC), sweetness는 2.28oP, pH는 3.96, 총산은 5.21, 폴리페놀은 181.22 ㎎/L의 함량을 보였다. 전자코에 의한 향기패턴의 경우 시판 맥주와는 구분되어 다른 향기특성을 갖는 것으로 나타났으며, GC를 이용한 총 14종의 휘발성분 중 ethyl acetate, isobutanol, isoamyl acetate, isoamyl alcohol, ethyl hexanoate 함량의 차이를 보였고 그 외 물질들은 시판 맥주와 유사한 것으로 나타났다. 전자혀 분석에서는 시판 맥주에 비하여 NB의 신맛이 부족한 것으로 나타났으며 맥주의 주요한 쓴맛을 나타내는 성분중 하나인 quinine을 정량 한 결과 시판 맥주에서의 농도는 1.5-1.8 ㎎/L 사이로 나타났다. This study was conducted to evaluate and compare new beer (NB) with market beers, e.g., New castle brown ale (NC), Victoria bitter (VB), and Coopers pale ale (CP) using physicochemical parameters. In addition, pattern recognition analyses were carried out using an electronic nose based on mass spectrometry (MS-E nose) and an electronic tongue (Etongue) for differentiation of the different types of beer. The measured alcohol content of NB was 4.37%. NB was not significantly different compared with other types of beer with regard to bitterness unit, color, and polyphenol content (p<0.05). On the basis of the flavor pattern determined by the MS-E nose, NB was separated by DF1 (first score from discriminant function analysis), while NC, VB, and CP were located in the same group. The result of the E-tongue showed that the different samples could be clearly discriminated; NB was less sour. It was suggested that the discriminant function analysis (DFA) given by the MS-E nose and E-tongue could be used for evaluations during new product development. Furthermore, because of its simplicity, it might be possible to use the validated method for the evaluation of beer.

      • 질량분석기 기반 전자코를 이용한 LED조사 후 옥수수유의 향기패턴분석

        김기화,박수지,노봉수 서울여자대학교 자연과학연구소 2011 자연과학연구논문집 Vol.23 No.-

        The objective of this study was to analyze volatile compounds from corn oil under Light Emitting Diode (LED) irradiation for 12 weeks. Yellow, red, blue, and fluorescent light were treated by LED equipment. Storage in the dark was also conducted at the same time. A mass spectrometry-based electronic nose and discriminant function analysis (DFA) were used to monitor the changes of volatile compounds of corn oil under LED irradiation. As exposure time of LED treatment increased, volatile compounds of corn oil increased considerably under blue light followed by fluorescent, red, and yellow light. It showed the least changes under the dark condition. The volatile compounds from corn oil were identified as butanal, 2-butenal, pentanal, 2-pentenal, hexanal, 2-hexenal, heptanal, 2-heptenal, 2,4-heptadienal, octanal, 2-octenal, nonanal, 2-nonenal, decanal, 2-decenal, 2,4-decadienal, 2-undecenal, 2-pentylfuran, methyl 8-oxooctanoate, methyl 10-oxodecanoate, methyl 11-oxo-9-undecenoate,1-heptanol, 1-pentanol, 1-octen-3-ol, heptane, octane, and pentane. Key words:corn oil, lipid oxidation, light emitting dioxide, oxidative stability, electronic nose.

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