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      • 陸上競技中 높이뛰기의 正面足非와 腹面 足非의 研究

        박복현 김천대학교 1990 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        I. Purpose Judging from the result of looking up the Korean School physical Education or Track and Field events, the real state is the at most of the coachers and players clon't play games by the "Belly Roll over Form" method, but follow the old Unfavor-able way of the "Front Jump" having doubt in the backurdness like this, I'm going to prore how much "the Belly Roll over" is more advan tageous than "the Front Jump" through the practice raise, interest in the guidance method.get rid of the evil practice of the metool in the past and improve it by new method. II. Procedure 1. Sampling High School boys in Seoul area. Total number of subiects were 120. 2. The peried of Test​ Nov. 10, 1972-Dec, 10, 1972. BLE 3. Sur Test 1) Front Jump 2) Belly Roll over 4. Results (Examined 4 times) 1) "Belly Roll over" had a better record than "Front Jump" GRoup A by about 4.3 cm. GRoup B by about 6.6 cm. 2) "B.R.O." Wassuperior by 5.3 cm than "F.J." 3) Record growth "B.R.O." Was superior than "F.J." 4) The injured by "B.R.O.".................. 20 persons. by "F.J..................... 6 persons. 5. Rooulto 1) Moan Group A and B : "B.R.O." Was Superior by 5.3 cm. 2) Growth rate – "B.R.O." washigher tham "F.J." 3) The injured - "B.R.O." having much more injured people, it can be said tha that ehe difference in number is depending on the equip ment,

      • 보건관리 대행사업 이후 작업환경 수준의 변화

        박복현,김화성,이용진,안규동,이병국 순천향대학교 산업의학연구소 1999 순천향산업의학 Vol.5 No.1

        This study was performed to evaluate the threshold limit values(TLVs) exceeding rates and periodical changes based on the results from work environmental measurement for 40 factories applied health service program, located in Cheonnan area, from 1995 to 1997. The obtained results were as follows; 1. The hazaed frequency in environmental monitoring were noise(865, 34.4%), illumination(804, 31.9%), dust(205, 8.1%), organic solvent(371, 14.7%), lead(114, 4.5%), and specific chemicals(31, 1.2%), heavy metal(127, 5.0%) in order. 2. The order of TLVs exceeding rate of hazardous agents by type of industries were cement-related manufacture(42.3%), fiber industry(40.0%), food stuff industry(24.3%), metal work industry(21.8%), electronics manufacture (9.9%), other industries(10.2%), chemical industry(7.9%). 3. The mean exceeding rates of hazard by type of industry were 29.5% in noise, 27.3% in dust, 25.8% in specific chemicals, 10.2% in solvent and 7.9% in lead, but none in heavy metal. 4. The average of standardized values of noise divided by TLV were decreased in food stuff industries and chemical industries, but not changed in fiber and cement-related industries. While, the average of standardized values of organic solvents divided by TLVs were decreased in electronic manufacturing industries and other industries.

      • 육상경기의 삼단도 지도 및 트레이닝법에 대한 연구 : 과학적 트레이닝을 중심으로

        박복현 김천대학교 1992 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.13 No.-

        현재 중고등학교 체육교과서 및 실기편 육상경기 3단조는 말 그대로 3개의 연속된 고약에 의해 마아크한 거리의 멀리뛰기를 겨루는 경기다. 그 요소로는 타고난 강성과 스피이드 및 억센 다리힘, 그리고 교차성 등이 필요조건이다.

      • 鬪技種目 選手와 球技種目 選手의 體格과 足 型에 關한 研究

        박복현 김천대학교 1989 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        This study has been made in order to research the correlation between the physical constitution and the foot types of the fighting and ball game players. Forth players of the fighting games (each ten of judo, Boxing, faekwondo, and korean wrestling and another foren players of the ball games (each ten of hand-ball, Volley-ball, soccer- ball and basket- ball) have been used as subjects of this survey. In this survey, the players weight stature, chest _circumference in this survey, foot_width, foot_diameter and foot_circumference have been measured and analized, The result of the survey turned out as follows. 1. On the point of physical constitution, the Player group of judo and korean wrestling (fighting games) has bigger one compared with the player group of soccer-ball (ball game), the quotient of the physical constiution differs greatly accorting to each game. 2. In the cose of Boxing players (fight game) their foot-lengh, foot width and foot-circumference turned out to be small compared with those of the game players. As has been expected, the foot-length, foot-width, foot-diameter and foot-circumference turned out wider and stabler than those of the other game players. 3. The foot-diameter and-circumference of the football players (ball game) turned out to be smallest of the game players.

      • 韓國 生活體育의 運營實態 分析

        박복현 ; 차영수 김천대학교 2016 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.16 No.-

        Life physical education in Korea is a request from the times and is increasingly demanded as a means of making a healthy nation. The conditions are, however, unsatisfactory. Through the anslysis of them, this study aims at providing data which will be helpful in activating the life-physical education. 1. Things are going wrong largely because the local life-physical education facilities are being administered to two other ways one by direct, while the other by trust administration to solve this. much more joined-efforts both from the government and from other groups should be made in corportion. 2. Considering the type of the facilities, the plans mainly for maxi mum utilizing land may well be regarded to have emphasized the functionalizm of them. But the plans for making good use of the space are not estimatied to be moderate, as a result, some problems are now being exposed especially on the inner side of the facilities. 3. Programs are, for the most part, popular items for a normal person. This shows that there is an urgent need to develop programs for the disabled and the old. 4. On the part of the facilities' funds, all but one are making a red figures. The fact is that there is not enough supply from the National treasury. Instead, a acheme for tuning to keep in the black without external assistance such as national treasury has yet to be devised. 5. Lacking in the man power is another difficulty when managing the local life physical deucation. So, the earnest services are required to link the government with the private physical education groups. This will be expected to raise a new plan on better supply-ing man-power into the physical education facilities.

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