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        Durrenmatt 의 " Der Besuch der alten Dame " 에 나타난 ' Das Groteske ' 의 기능

        박병화 한국독어독문학회 1987 獨逸文學 Vol.39 No.1

        Fur Durrenmatt ist die Welt $quot;ein Ungeheures, $quot; ein $quot;Ratsel an Unheil$quot; and der Mensch ist unfahig uberhaupt, mit Hilfe seiner eigenen, etwa seiner Vernunftkrafte, die Welt zu $quot;gestalten$quot; and zu $quot;beherrachen$quot;; er kann nur versuchen, sie zu $quot;bestehen.$quot; Diese Welt ist fur Durrenmatt dramatisch nicht mehr in der Tragtidie, die $quot;eine gestaltete Welt$quot; voraussetzt, sondern nur noch in der KomSdie darstellbar. Ihre Hauptmerkmale sind $quot;Paradoxie and Groteske$quot;. In diesem Sinne scheint auch $quot;Der Besuch der alten Dame$quot;, $quot;Eine tragische KomSdie,$quot; die 1956 uraufgefuhrt wurde, ein Yersuch zu sein, in der KomSdie durch Paradoxie and Groteske eine ungeheure Welt darzustellen. Die alte Dame, Claire Zachanassian, in diesem Werk ist die Zentralfigur des Groteaken, die mit dem inhumanen and $quot;aul3.erhalb der menschlichen Ordnung$quot; vorhandenen Charakter in die alltaglichen Gullener-Welt hineinbricht and durch die pervertierte Gerechtigkeit Ill, die Hauptfigur, ermordet. Vor dieser Gewalt des $quot;BSsen$quot; steht Ill machtlos and geht zugrunde ohne Rettungsgnade, wobei das Tragische erscheint. Jedoch verzichtet der Autor hier nicht auf die komi. sche Darstellung. Das wird deutlich vor allem in den Szenen der Marionetten um Zachanassian, in der Technik des Zufalls and des MiBverstandnisses and in der parodistischen Namengebung. Denn Durrenmatt glaubt, daB er das Tragische dieser Welt, in der es keine Schuldigen mehr, keine im wahren Sinne Verantwortlichen gibt, aus der Kombdie heraus erzielen, hervorbringen kann. Aus dem $quot;Plbtzlichen, $quot; $quot;Unerwarteten$quot; and grimmigen Komischen, das sich bis zum Tod Ills durch das pervertierte Gericht entwickelt, eracheint die Paradoxie. Sie fuhrt das Publikum zur Distanz and Nicht-Identifikation, was den Verfremdungseffekt wie bei Brecht schafft. Im Verhaltnis zur Tradition, in der Kritik am uberkommenen Begriff der Tragbdie, im Versuch, den Zuschauer an der distanzlosen Identifikation zu hindern-and damit hangen $quot;die Thechniken der Verfremdung and Episierung$quot; zusammen-gibt es die Ziige, die DGrrenmatt and Brecht miteinander verbinden. Aber Durrenmatt, der eine paradoxe, ungerechte Welt darstellt, wirft die Frage nach ihrer Veranderbarkeit auf, wahrend Brecht um die Frage kreist, durch welche Techniken der Zuschauer am besten zur Kritik zu erziehen sei. Bei Brecht wird dem Leser $quot;eine uberlegene Perspektive$quot;, eine Einsicht in die dargestellte Welt, $quot;ein erwunschter Ausgang$quot; als m8glich angeboten. Anders Durrenmatt. Er beharrt darauf, $quot;Das Theater ist nur insofern eine moralische Anatalt, als es vom Zuschauer zu einer gemacht wird.$quot; Er zwingt den Zuschauer zu Nichts, nennt keine Lbsungen, wahrend er in der Darstellung von Paradoxien and Grotesken verharrt. Darin liegt einer der fundamentalen Unterschiede, die Durrenmatt von Brecht trennen. Dieses Verhalten Durrenmatts scheint mit seinem Standpunkt, daB die menschliche $quot;Ursprungssituation$quot; paradox sei, in Zusammenhang zu stehen. Ills Sterben ist nicht $quot;substentiell begrundet$quot;, sondern $quot;entspringt der grotesken Racherlaune$quot;. Die Gerechtigkeit ist selber kriminnell. Die Gemeindeversammlung am Ende des Stnckes, eine $quot;furchtbarlacherliche Demonstration$quot;, faBt das Groteske des Werkes zusammen. In der Mitte dieser grotesken Stromung ist Claire Zachanassian. Durch sie erscheint die Gestaltung des Grotesken als $quot;der Versuch, das Damonische in der Welt zu barmen and zu beschwtiren$quot; wie Kayaer sagt and da ist Durrenmatts Verauch abzusehen, der das Tragiache $quot;als einen schrecklichen Moment, als einen sich Sffnenden Abgrund$quot; aus der Kombdie heraus erzielt. Darin liegt das Groteske als die wichtigste Funktion der Gestaltung, die das Werk als $quot;Eine tragische KomSdie$quot; charakterisiert.

      • 「The Turn of the Screw」에 관한 硏究 : Governess 를 中心으로

        朴炳和 東亞大學校 敎育大學院 1982 敎育大學院 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        The gift of projecting himself against a screen of perceptions made it possible for James to develop fiction into a complex and exacting art. The modern novel owes many of its basic principles of composition to his theory and practice. Poe and Hawthorne had understood the dilemma of the arist as a forced choice between the world of the imagination and the world of fact and had chosen the former, Henry James made art a fact. The Turn of the Screw might be thought of as a series of variations on the theme of evil, mostly as it appears in children and as it tkes the form which had so obsessed Howthorne-the violation of one hyman heart by the possessive will of another. The nameless evil of The Turn of the Screw, about which there has been so much controversy, is therefore not too difficult to comprehend. It is nameless because, like evil in the tales of Poe and Hawthorne, it is malign only in its consequences. James's tale may be regarded as pure melodrama-a mystery or ghost story written for the sake of terror alone-but it is surely more than that. The hold which the dead Peter Quint and Miss Jessel have on the two living children is daemonic;whether it is interpreted as the result of a curse or of psychotic perversion will depend on the reader's habit of mind. And the question of whether the new governess who tells the story is agent or victim of the curse will depend on the reader's own whimsy. James is deliberately as ambiguous as the evil of which he writes. His aesthetic detachment has developed to the point at which he can present the most horrible of moral situations without authorial comment.

      • "The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg"와 "The $30,000 Bequest"에 나타난 Black Humor

        박병화 동아대학교 인문과학대학 영어영문학과 1994 동아영어영문학 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate that much of Twain's fiction contains stylistic, structural, and thematic elements normally attributed to black humor of the 1960s and 1970s. The feature of black humor is that it is simultaneously comic and sad. In "The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg" and "The $30,000 Bequest," Twain emphasizes that man is unchangeable and corrupted at the core. In "Hadleyburg," people are presented as identical machines that have been programmed to prize public approval and money abore all else. The citizens of Hadleyburg, coming from an environment where they have been trained to appear honest and to be proud of their good reputations, do not recognize the existence of evil within themselves. Because they have never experienced temptation, they do not know how to resist it. This makes them vulnerable targets for the stranger, who appeals to their in born greed when he tempts them with dreams of owning a sackful of gold. The Fosters in "Bequest" are controlled by inherited romantic tentencies. Already inclined to daydream, when they are promised an inheritance, they cannot control themselves and become obsessed with imaginary investments and purchases. Irony of fate operates in both stories, where the characters are controlled by heredity and environment. Circumstances in the environment prevent the Fosters from learning that Tilbury died penniless. When they do find out the truth, it is too late ; their dreams have taken them so far from reality that they cannot return, and they are destroyed. Circumstances prevent the Richardses from keeping the bag of gold at the beginning, when they would have seen that it contained only lead disks and would have remained unharmed. Likewise, circumstances prevent them from confessing their guilt. Instead, guilt festers in them, and destroys them. The characters in "Hadleyburg" dream about spending the gold they hope to receive, but in "Bequest," the Fosters become completely unable to distinguish between reality and their dream of wealth, which becomes their reality. In "Hadleyburg," Twain offers laughter as a tool to cope with the absurdity of life. With the exception of the Richardses, whose guilt remains unexposed, the leading citizens of the Hadleyburg face their guilt publiy and alleviate themselves of it by laughing. Even though "Bequest" is more humorous, "Hadleyburg" has a more optimistic ending. Twain suggests that once one recognizes the evil potential within himself', he is free to train himself to fight it by resisting evil impulses. Twain's sensitive, imaginative, pessimistic personality and tragic personal experiences contributed to his development as a humor artist. Additionally, his scientific reading anti such literary strains as Southwestern humor influenced him to write fiction of black humor Twain wrote fiction that contains most of the same stylistic, structural, and thematic elements typically found in the black humorists' works of the twentieth century.

      • Mark Twain작「The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County」에 나타난 諧謔性

        朴炳和 東亞大學校 大學院 1982 大學院論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        Mark Twain upheld the tradition of American frontier humor and showed Americans' longcherished desire, their literary independence with their idioms and oral style. He developed a narrow genre of rough and low tall tales into a humoristic literature which was more polished more emotional, and more universal. Thus he exploited in American literature a new literary traditiom, which was different from the Eastern literature that was characteristic of English style with its gentle and intellectual satire, but the frontier humor was wildish, democratic, sometimes mean and vulgar, fabricated rather than comic, and mad rather than satirical. Its most remarkable and important feature which was different from the tradition of the Eastern literature was that in it idioms and popular languages were frequently used. This can be regarded not only as resistance against the traditional English style, but also a challenge against the Eastern literature. American frontier humor originated in oral literature where raconteurs of pioneers used to laugh with witty humor whenever they crowded. Humors are classified in the following categories: reminiscene, abult dilemmas, folklore, farce, nonsense, satire, social commentary, tall tales, and whimsy. Tall tales are a kind of humor. The basic element of Jumping Frog was tall tale of the frontier humor. Jim Smiley bitterly satirize every odious figure of their society through humor. Mark Twain, a keen humorist,portrayed excellently humor of tall tale through the hero of the above work.

      • KCI등재

        서비스품질, 관계품질, 재이용 및 추천의도의 구조적 관계 ― 의료서비스 이용 고객을 대상으로 ―

        박병화,주기중 대한경영정보학회 2016 경영과 정보연구 Vol.35 No.5

        의료시장의 경쟁심화와 외국계 영리병원의 설립을 시작으로 한 의료서비스의 개방, 고령화 사회 및 생활수준의 향상 등으로 의료서비스에 대한 수요가 증가함과 동시에 의료서비스를 이용하는 소비자의 기대수준이 높아지는 등 최근 의료업을 둘러싼 환경의 변화는 의료업의 본질적인 서비스인 진료 수준의 향상뿐만 아니라 부가적인 서비스의 향상을 통한 경쟁우위의 확보를 필요로 하고 있다. 본 연구의 분석결과는 환경품질, 과정품질, 결과품질이라는 서비스품질이 고객만족과 고객몰입이라는 관계품질에 긍정적인 영향을 미치며 의료서비스 성과의 중요 요소가 될 수 있는 재이용의도 및 추천의도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과에서 3가지 요인의 서비스품질이 관계품질을 통해 재방문의도와 추천의도에 미치는 영향이 통계적으로 유의하고, 높은 설명력을 보여주고 있다. 본 연구결과를 통해 의료서비스내의 다양한 분야에서 서비스품질향상의 필요성을 이해하고 이를 통한 실무적 시사점을 제공한 점에서 그 의의를 가진다. Due to the rapid growth in the number of healthcare providers and medical market open started from the establishment of foreign for-profit hospitals healthcare organizations in Korea face intense competition. In order to keep up with the needs of an aging Korean population and improvement of living standards, the healthcare industry needs to achieve competitive advantage by improving healthcare quality. The results show that three dimensions of service quality such as physical environment quality, process quality, and outcome quality have a positive impact on relationship quality of customer satisfaction and customer commitment, resulting in a positive effect on re-use intention and recommendation intention, which are important factors for business performance of healthcare organizations. Practical implications of this study can help healthcare organizations understand the importance of quality improvement in all three dimensions of service quality.

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