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      • KCI등재

        전략적 기업문화의 측면에서 접근한 CI개발에 관한 탐색적 고찰

        박민생,윤대혁 한국상업교육학회 2006 상업교육연구 Vol.14 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 기업의 경영환경이 격변하고 있는 상황하에서 변화되는 경영환경에 적응할 수 있는 패러다임의 변혁을 탐색해 보고, 그의 한 방법으로서 체계적인 CI개발과 그 프로세스를 제시하는 것이다. CI는 기업이미지 차원에서 기업문화의 구성요소들이다. 기업은 이러한 구성요소들을 변화된 사회의 문화적 요구에 부응할 수 있는 방향으로 전략을 실현시킬 도구, 즉 방법론을 필요로 한다. 기업문화를 변화시키는 전략적이고 효과적인 방법론으로는 여러 가지가 있지마는 이러한 방법론 중의 하나가 바로 ‘조직이나 단체의 자아동일성’이라고 하는 CI를 바람직한 방향으로 개발하는 것이다. CI개발의 과정으로는 관리과정적 측면에서 네 가지 과정, 즉 현상진단, 개발전략구상과 계획수립, 개발집행, 그리고 결과평가와 사후관리로 나타내고 있다. 이는 결과보다도 과정이 더 중요하다는 CI개발의 특징적인 성격도 있지마는 CI개발의 실천적 유효성의 가능성에서도 CI개발의 기본과정을 분명히 해 둘 필요가 있다는 것이다. The purpose of this paper is to research paradigm change which can be acclimated to newly changing business environment and to present a systematic CI(Corporate Identity) development and its process as a means of that, under the rapidly changing circumstances. In this paper, we will be able to understand the elements of corporate culture from a viewpoint of business image, that is to say: business concept and business philosophy, tradition and history of corporate, rites, brand, symbol mark and logo, corporate image, advertisement and propaganda, episode, a custom, work norm and the staff's behavioral pattern and criterion. these are just business resources in that they can lead corporate development by affecting customer's goodwill and revitalization of the staff. CI is, as ‘self-identity of an organization or corporate’, to attempt to consolidate common ideas, objective and behavioral pattern and it is various activities to effectuate this purpose. If each corporate and organization does not have unified identity, It may bring about heterogeneous emotion and divergence of manpower in the organizations. Therefore, a corporate should do its best for the corporate culture strategy and CI development for coping with newly changing business environment.

      • KCI등재

        企業文化 開發의 方向이 企業文化의 强度에 미치는 影響

        박민생 대한경영정보학회 1997 경영과 정보연구 Vol.1 No.-

        In the situation of Korean company today it is considered that the necessity of developing a corporate culture is not only more important than ever, but also indispensable to the organization management in the future. Focused on the development of corporate culture, the purpose of this study is to find out the influence of the direction of corporate culture development on its own strength. The method of this study is the empirical method based on theoretical one with the previous bibliographical studies. It is thought that in viewpoints of the culture pragmatists, the development of corporate culture means the intentional and systematic creation of culture. And, the direction of corporate culture development is thought as the management philosophy a corporate desires, or the desirous direction of corporate culture to express the management policy. According to the results of this study, it is found that the progressive direction of the corporate culture development has the most intensive influence on the various sides. Therefore, the management should research and develop the progressive value of culture more deeply, to get the effective development of corporate culture.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국기업에서 비정규직의 인적자원관리전략에 관한 탐색적 연구

        박민생,Park, Min-Saeng 대한경영정보학회 2008 경영과 정보연구 Vol.24 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to propose the human resource management strategies of non-standard workers that can contribute to accomplishing both corporate social responsibility and business purpose in efficient and effective ways. For the purpose, this researcher investigated circumstances under which Korean companies are using non-standard workers and systems related to those workers. In Korea, the Non-Standard Workers Protection Act was enacted and revised, and became effective on July 1, 2007. The main provisions of the act are as follows. First, the systems of discriminatory treatment prohibition was legally stipulated, Second, restrictions on overwork for fixed-term and part-time employees and the written statement of working conditions were compelled. Third, only 26 kinds of jobs were permitted for worker dispatch in accordance with positive list system. To achieve their business purpose, companies often use standard workers, but sometimes non-standard workers unavoidably in accordance with their business strategy. This study propose main human resource management strategies of non-standard workers such as determining the scope of jobs, strengthening legal and systematic human resource management, improving human relations, extending the grievance procedure and converting non-standard workers into standard ones.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국 노동운동의 뉴 패러다임에 관한 연구

        박민생,변상우 대한경영정보학회 2008 경영과 정보연구 Vol.25 No.-

        The purpose of the study is to examine a new paradigm of Korea labor movement so that Korea labor union may adapt itself to change of labor environment and raise its organizing rate. Examining assignments to have to practice for a new paradigm of a labor union in the 21st century. First, common industrial relations should be constructed. To achieve it, it is necessary that labor and management have a strong partnership as a group sharing common destiny on the basis of mutual confidence. Second, unionism in the side of social reform should be settled down. Labor and capital should grope coexistence and co-prosperity through conversation and negotiation, escaping from opposition and fighting. Third, service function of a labor union should be strengthened. A labor union should offer service as pursuit of diversity, self-management and autonomy in work for laborers. Fourth, labor and management should try to stabilize industrial relations followed by industrial-level negotiations. Fifth, labor and management should try to develop human resources in cooperation between the two. Labor and management should participate in developing human resources on the basis of cooperation. If a labor union has a positive practice for a new paradigm of labor movement as above and recognition about a labor union is changed, industrial relations will realize more developmental relation.

      • KCI등재후보

        기업 메세나활동의 동기와 효과에 관한 고찰

        박민생 대한경영정보학회 2009 경영과 정보연구 Vol.28 No.3

        이 연구는 기업 메세나활동의 동기를 개관하여 보고, 한국기업의 메세나활동의 실태와 애로점을 분석한 이후, 마케팅 관점에서의 메세나론으로 지향하기 위해 메세나활동의 효과를 탐색하는데 그 초점을 두었다. 기업 메세나활동의 동기로는 문화투자론적 관점, 즉 기업이미지 개선, 마케팅관점, 세제혜택 등 기업의 사적인 이익과 직결되고 있으며, 기업의 사회적 공헌과 책임은 제한적으로 제시되고 있다. 그리고 우리나라 기업의 메세나활동을 조사한 결과, 1996년부터 2007년까지의 연평균증가율은 지원건수 기준으로 18.45%, 지원금액 기준으로 15.27%의 견조한 증가세로 나타났다. 그리고 기업 메세나활동의 효과로서 Kotler와 Scheff는 기업의 예술 후원이 앞으로 마케팅에서 가장 주목받는 분야가 될 것이라고 주장하였으며, 호주문화?인문학 재단과 앤더슨은 문화투자로서 기업 메세나활동의 효과를 기업측면, 시장측면, 그리고 종업원측면으로 나누어 제시하고 있다. 그리고 한국메세나협의회에서는 기업의 정당성, 시장우위, 종업원혜택의 3가지 측면으로 분류하여 그 효과를 제시하고 있다. 이와 같이 기업의 메세나활동은 philanthropy관점보다는 마케팅관점에 입각한 메세나론이 보다 설득력을 얻고 있기 때문에 기업의 효율성과 유효성을 위해서는 마케팅관점에 입각한 메세나론으로 지향되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        기업문화 개발의 활동이 조직성과에 미치는 영향 연구

        박민생 ( Min Saeng Park ) 한국인적자원관리학회 2006 인적자원관리연구 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of the developmental activities of corporate culture on organizational performance in Korean corporations on the assumption that there is culture by the unit of a corporation that can represent a certain corporation. The developmental activities of corporate culture as an artificial and intentional change go through various steps like problem diagnosis, value search, development strategy, development plan, development implementation and evaluation. A corporation develops new corporate culture through such developmental activities, as a result of which we can expect definite organizational performance. The organizational performance shown as an effect of development of corporate culture was found out to be such qualitative factors as company satisfaction and job satisfaction on the individual`s level and organizational adaptability on the organizational level. On the basis of the above, the result of empirical analysis on the effect of the developmental activities of corporate culture on organizational performance is as follows. It was found out that development implementation, value search and development strategy have significant influence on company satisfaction, value search and development plan have significant influence on job satisfaction and development plan and development implementation have significant influence on organizational adaptability as an effect that development degree of corporate culture has on organizational performance variables. It is suggested by this study that first, corporate culture should be managed systematically and second, developmental activities of corporate culture, intentional managing activities contribute to organizational performance positively in the end.

      • KCI등재

        비정규직 근로 제도의 국제비교 연구

        박민생 ( Min Saeng Park ) 한국인적자원관리학회 2007 인적자원관리연구 Vol.14 No.4

        This study is for the contribution to human resources management and implementing social labor policy for practical use in Korean nonstandard work by examining nonstandard work institutions in major advanced countries to learn and evaluate about proper economical function of irregular work and the way to improve the quality of working life. The types of nonstandard work in this study are contingent work, part time work, temporary agency work, work paid by temporary help agencies, amorphous work, home based work and on call work according to durability of employment, working hours and method of offering labor employment. International organizations like the ILO and OECD are trying to establish guidelines of regulation and protection about nonstandard work. There are small differences in nonstandard work policy among the major advanced countries. However, all of these major countries emphasize aspects such as flexibility, expansion of labor market and protection of labor. Keeping with this trend, Korea should also make its laws and systems reasonable so as to improve the flexibility of the labor market. Korea will be able to increase employment and protect the nonstandard workers through these processes. There are two suggestions in this study. First, Korea should stabilize employment protection, whether regular work or nonstandard work, so as to increase employment. That is because OECD-member countries stabilized regular and nonstandard work employment protection as a help measure for the unemployed from the latter half of the 1980s. Next, Korea should implement an industrial relation culture so as to solve the problem of discrimination for nonstandard work in keeping with the principles of the market economy.

      • KCI등재

        企業文化 開發의 水準과 方向에 관한 硏究

        朴敏生 한국기업경영학회 1995 기업경영연구 Vol.2 No.1

        Focused on the development of corporate culture, this study aims at finding out the degree of the developmental activities of corporate culture, its direction and the desirable method of the development. This study has applied two methods ; theoretical and empirical sides. The theoretical one has reviewed and analyzed the previous studies on the development of corporate culture, and made the theoretical framework for this study. The empirical one has set up an analytical task from the theoretical one. It has done the research for demelopmental model through questionnaire from the Korean listed firms, and tried to solve the analytical task. This study shows that corporate culture should be managed by strategic planning, and its implications are as follows : ① Generally, the developmental degree of corporate culture has not been progressed in higher level. Thus management must find out more systematic and intensive developmental activities of corporate culture and they should perform them effectively. ② The progressive direction from the development of corporate culture has the most positive influence on the various sides. Management should research and develop the progressive value of culture to get the effective development of corporate culture more intensively. ③ The shared power approach among the developmental approaches of corporate culture is most desirable. Thus, it should be necessary to have more familiar and cooperative relations between management and organizational members. From the above-mentioned, the developmental activities of corporate culture should be progressed desirely based on the comprehensive view and the concrete insight for the development phenomena of corporate culture.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        정보시스템의 사용자 만족도 평가에 관한 연구

        박민생(Min-Saeng Park),신미향(Mi-Hyang Shin) 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2000 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.5 No.4

        최근 정보기술의 급격한 발달과 함께 정보시스템의 개념과 역할에도 많은 변화가 나타나고 있다. 더불어 정보시스템의 효과적인 관리와 운영을 위해서는 보다 체계적인 MIS 평가가 요청되고 있는 실정이다. 이전부터 MIS 평가에 관한 많은 연구들이 이루어져 왔으나, 관점의 다양성과 MIS의 도입성과의 포괄성으로 인해 MIS 평가를 위한 사용자 만족도가 개별 시스템에서 산출되는 결과물에 대한 평가로 국한되어왔다.<br/> 이에 본 연구에서는 기존의 MIS 평가에 관한 연구들을 기초로 변화된 MIS를 종합적으로 평가할 수 있는 개념적인 프레임워크를 제시하였다. 즉 MIS 도입으로 인한 결과물에 대한 사용자 만족도 및 조직 전체의 변화에 대한 만족도 등 기존의 MIS 평가에서 제시된 다양한 관점과 평가방법을 종합하여 새로운 평가 프레임워크를 제시하였다. Recently, there are great variations on concepts and rolls of information system as the radical growth in information technology. A systematic MIS evaluation is requested for effective management and operation of information system. Although many researches on MIS evaluation have been progressed, the evaluation of the user satisfaction is limited by evaluating from the each system's result because of the diversity of view points and inclusion of MIS introduction.<br/> Therefore, in this paper, a conceptual framework is suggested to evaluate MIS synthetically that is changed by the result of existing MIS evaluation. So to speak, a new evaluation framework is suggested by synthesizing various view points and evaluation method that suggested from the existing MIS evaluation such as user satisfaction of results as the introduction of MIS and the satisfaction of variation of entire organization.

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