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      • KCI등재

        특집원고 : 프랑스 초,중등학교 연극 교육의 현황

        박미리 ( Park Mi Li ) 한국연극교육학회 2002 연극교육연구 Vol.8 No.-

        C`est tre`s important de faire l`e´ducation artistique soit a` l`inte´rieur soit a` l`exte´rieur de l`e´cole pour devenir `le meilleur citoyen` en France. Parmi laquelle se re´alise l`e´ducation the´a^trale aussi avec succes. Le cours du the´a^tre n`est pas encore une des disciplines re´gulie`res par le Ministe`re de l`Education Nationale Franc¸aise, mais un des cours que les e´le`ves peuvent choisir libreme.nt, c`est-a`-dire un Atelier d`Expression Artistique, et un Itine´raire De De´couverte. On pourrait y trouver un mode`le ide´al pour e´tablir notre e´ducation the´a^trale : le professeur et le texte. Ce ne sont pas Ies professeurs de l`e´cole qui se chargent du cours the´a^tral, mais les spe´cialistes du the´a^tre y compris du cirque meme. Il ne s`agit pas de faire des jeunes e´le`ves de futurs come´diens, mais de leur donner le gou^t et les moyens de de´couvrir l`art dramatique. Les professeurs comme les spe´cialistes pourraient aider les e´le`ves, progressivement et a` leur rythme, a` de´velopper un langage clair, pre´cis et structure´, a` affirmer leur volonte´ et leurs ide´es, a` contro^ler leur timidite´ et a` mieux mai^triser les re`gles de l`e´coute, du regard, du geste et du contact. Les textes varie´s du the´a^tre aussi les conduisent a` faire des exercices the´a^trales vives et utiles. II y a trois sortes de textes the´a^traux : des pie`ces de the´a^tre dans le texte du franc¸ais, des textes recommande´s par le Centre National de Documentation Pe´dagogique et des textes prive´s comme collection spectacles chez Actes Sud Junior. Les pie`ces de the´a^tre dans le texte de franc¸ais aident les e´le`ves a` comprendre le monde artificiel du stage, c`est-a`-dire les intentions du metteur en sce`ne, les blocking des acteurs, etc.. Les textes par le CNDP en 2001 sont six : pour pratiquer, connai^tre le the´a^tre, de´couvrir la cre´ation the´a^trale, connai^tre les oeuvres et les auteurs, croiser les approches et les arts du cirque. Ces diversite´s des textes se re´unissent au celui d`audio-visuel pour re´aliser l`expe´rience the´a^trales des e´le^ves. Les textes prive´s chez Actes Sud Junior sont tre`s utiles a` l`apprentissage des gestes et des expressions du corps pour les e´le`ves, au de´veloppement de la capacite´ cre´atrice de l`imagination et a` la progression de leurs sociabilite´s en fin de compte. Le monde the´a^tral est essentiellement celui de la fiction. II nous faut faire des exercices de techniques affecte´es pour comprendre la re´alite´ a` travers 1e monde de la fiction. Le professeurs comme les spe´cialistes the´a^trales et les textes varie´s d`audio-visuel nous conduiront a` l`expe´rience du monde artificiel a` trois dimensions. Avec tout cela, la fleur de l`illusion produirait le fruit de la re´alite´ pour les e´le`ves.

      • KCI등재

        초,중등학교 연극 교과서 개발 방안에 관한 고찰

        박미리 ( Park Mi Li ) 한국연극교육학회 2003 연극교육연구 Vol.9 No.-

        This essay is a study aimed at developing the drama textbook in primary, middle and high school. Dramatic methods were so much included in other curriculum Korean, Music, Gymnastics, Domestic affairs, etc. - that we could not see the necessity of the drama education in school. Drama is one of the most desirable curriculums which is needed for the dynamic society in 21st century. For this, we need to develop ideal drama textbooks in positive ways by looking into drama textbooks in France. What a drama textbook needs for the most, is emphasizing `acting` and `imitating`, which are the essence of theater arts, and it is more desirable if constructed by `acting drama directly`, and `seeing a theater`. Being closely connected with scene of performance, well organization of performance data, activation of theater arts aimed at education, and development of many kinds of drama textbook connected with real life should be accomplished in order to achieve the ideal drama textbook. If professional teachers as actors are trained, existing teachers are reeducated, and drama education is discussed actively, theater arts will rise as a subject exactly corresponding to the purpose of the 7th education process, which puts a high value upon the learner`s spontaneity and originality. Although the modern convenience is giving us more comfortable lives, the quality of human life is becoming poorer. However, drama can offer our children the space to enjoy playing together. The reason for teaching dramas in schools is not to make students actors in the future. It is to teach them their tastes and methods in discovering dramas. It should be started as early as in elementary schools at any cost.

      • 유아용 영어 학습 및 코딩 교육을 위한 에듀테인먼트 콘텐츠 개발

        송미영(Mi-Young Song),박혜빈(Hye-Bin Park),김지은(Ji-Eun Kim),박미리(Mi-Li Park),원희연(Hee-Yeon Won),최유정(You-Jung Choi ),Young-bae Oh 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2020 한국컴퓨터정보학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.28 No.1

        본 논문은 코딩 교육과 영어 교육의 융합을 지향한다. 즉, 하나의 애플리케이션으로 두 가지 교육을 동시에 진행 가능할 수 있는 프로그램을 목표로 삼아 개발되었다. 시중에 공개되어있는 유아 코딩교육 애플리케이션이나 영어 교육 애플리케이션의 수는 많지만, 코딩과 영어를 동시에 교육할 수 있고, 이를 게임으로서 즐길 수 있게 만든 애플리케이션은 드물다. 특히 유아들에게 코딩과 영어에 대한 자신감과 흥미를 심어주고 고착화된 공부 방식이 아닌, 놀이를 통한 교육 방식을 제공하면서 코딩과 영어에 대한 긍정적 인식을 심어주기 위해 노력했다.

      • KCI등재

        취학전 아동의 조기 시력검진사업 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

        김신자,박미리 韓國學校保建學會 1996 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.9 No.2

        This research was performed to screen eye health status far pre-school children (4-5 age) and establish as eye health checking system in community health center This data was collected from 1st February, 1995 to 31st October, 1995. To screen the state of their vision, the Developed Visual Test (D.V.T) was used for pre-school children. This is used at home by their parents and then it is also used among the kindergarten health team at Jung-gu health center in Seoul. This was done with the aid of Randot and Han Choun Souk tests. The total number of children who were tested was 1441. Among the children, children aged 5 were 707, and these aged 4 were 734. The results of this study were as follows; * Description of the health states for the pre-school children 1. The rate of children average vision in broth eyes, whose was below 0.5 by Han Choun Souk are 7.6% (age 4) and 4.8% (age 5). 2. Only 20.4% (age 5) and 30.8% (age 4) of the pre-school children had been tested through the ophthalmic department. 3. The children with a level below 0.5 (Han Choun Souk test) had been tested only 43% (age 4), and 12% (age 5). 4. There was no particular difficulty in understanding the D.V.T: 13.9% (age 4), 11.6% (age 5) of the tested children had eye problems. 5. 231 cases were trichiasis, entropin, strabismus, and amblyopia. * The different visual tests The results of the visual tests between the two groups (parents and health teams) are similar and it shows that parents can easily test at home. * Delivery system of the D.V.T questionaire The way children's parents received the D.V.T questionaire were carried out by two ways. By mail from the community health center. Send through the institution for example the kindergarten school. The receipt rate of this D.V.T questionaire sent through the institution was higher than sent by mail.

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