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      • 테니스競技에 있어서 要素技能의 活用頻度에 關한 硏究 : 남여 중학교 선수를 중심으로

        박무철 경희대학교 체육과학연구소 1979 體育學論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        This study is to contribute to the elevation of the basic unctions for the predominent tennis players by analyzing and researching the frequency of the utilization of the factor functions of boys' and girls' tennis players in the junior high schools, mainly in the eighth all-Korea boys' and girls' athletic contests and the seventh all-Korea boys' and girls' tennis tournament of the junior & senior high schools for So Gang's Cup. Through the players' single matches in the above tournaments, the frequency of skills, the rates of losing and getting points, services, ground strokes, smashings, volleys, passings and so on were statistically measured, and the results and contents were gained as follows. A. The records of the success-rates about the acquisition of points with the whole technique elements appeared the high success-rates in smashing, forevolley passing in the cases of boys' junior high schools, and recorded the low success rates in the first services and second services. In the cases of girls' junior high schools, forehand strokes, smashing, and volley marked the high success-rates, service backhand strokes marked the low rates. B. The records of the rate of failure appeared the high failure-rates in the first service and smashing in the cases of the boys' junior high schools, and forehand strokes, backhand strokes, forevolleys recorded the low failure-rates. In the cases of girls' junior high schools, second services, backvolleys recorded the high failure-rates, and smashing, gro ground strokes appeared the low failure-rates. According to the above illustrations in the tennis games, it will be emphasized that smashing and volley advancing ahsad toward the nets at the moment of serving will bring remarkable effects in the success-rates of the tournaments rather than the negative playing by ground strokes at the nearby baselines waiting for the blunders of the other parts. The training and cultivating of the attacking techniques be requested in the exercise and actual operations as well as in the tournaments, and the continuous studies and developments about the basic functions are leading toward the predominent skills. In conclusion, the more researches and exploitations on the new, expedient techniques will have to be concentrated for the acquisition of championship and the enlargement of the population adicting to the physical education.

      • 老人敎育과 長壽를 위한 平生體育 : 食生活과 健康管理를 中心으로

        박무철 安東大學 1987 安東大學 論文集 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of thisstudy is to investigate the efforts of the old to keep and improve their health condition in daily life. The author made a survey of the various habits in their lives and the management of health on the students of the schools for the old age in the north area of Kyungbuk Province. The followings are the results of the survey earned by statistical method. A. Eating Habits The usual eating habits for keeping health, which turned out to be as usual as we know, are as follows: (1) to avoid overeating (2) to keep eating time reqularly (3) to have little at a time but frequently (4) to have more vegetables rather than meats or fishes. B. Management of Health The usual way of the management of health in their daily lives turned out to be as follows (1) to have regular habits and moderate exercises (2) to have regular health check rather than to go to hospital for sickness (3) to take a walk, to climb mountains and to do other recreations during leisure time.

      • 텔레비젼 스포츠 프로그램이 中小都市 靑少年들의 스포츠 活動에 미치는 影響

        박무철 安東大學 1996 安東大學 論文集 Vol.18 No.1

        현대사회는 정보화 사회이며, 이 정보화 사회에서 매스커뮤니케이션의 기초로서 대중에게 대량 정보를 제공하는 매스미디어는 스포츠 분야에서 신속하고 정확한 현장의 분위기를 생생하게 직접 전달한다는 면에서 매우 중요하다고 할 수 있다. 대중매체의 집중지원을 받은 프로 스포츠는 저변 확대와 깊숙히 뿌리를 내리는 데는 성공하였다. 현대사회에서 스포츠는 매스미디어에 의해서 그 기능이 확대되어 수많은 대중에게 위대한 사회적인 파워로 확산되고 있다. 활발한 스포츠 보도는 그들에게 스포츠 지식과 정보를 제공해주며, 스포츠에 대한 대중의 관심과 참여도를 높여준다. 또한 NBA농구, 월드컵 축구, 미식축구, 프로야구 월드시리즈에서 뛰는 외국선수들의 경기 방송을 통하여 스포츠의 열기를 불러 일으켜주며, 청소년들의 건전한 여가신용의 기회제공 및 스포츠의 생활화와 활성화에 기여함으로써 국민체력 향상과 건강증진에 지대한 영향을 미치고 있다. 특히 텔레비젼의 보급은 스포츠와 매스미디어의 관계를 더욱 밀접하게 만들었다. 매스미디어를 통한 스포츠장면의 생생한 보도는 일반대중에게 생생한 현장감과 더불어 인식의 변화 및 스포츠 참여를 조장하는데 결정적인 역할을 하였다.

      • 안동지역 청소년들의 스포츠 소비행동 실태에 관한 조사연구

        박무철 安東大學校 安東地域社會開發硏究所 1997 安東開發硏究 Vol.8 No.1

        현대 사회에서 스포츠는 매스미디어에 의해서 그 기능이 확대되어 수많은 대중들에게 위대하리 만큼 사회적인 파워로 확산되고 있다. 활달한 스포츠 활동은 그들에게 스포츠 지식과 정보를 제공해주며, 스포츠에 대한 대중의 관심과 참여도를 높여준다. 특히 폭발적인 인기 종목의 경기는 날로 증가하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 청소년들이 경기장에서의 스포츠 이벤트의 관전이나 매스미디어, 신문, 잡지 등을 통한 간접적 스포츠활동과 스포츠 소비행동에 관계되는 요인별 실태를 안동지역 남, 여 고교학생 200여명을 대상으로 하여 성별로 살펴보고 청소년들의 스포츠에 대한 태도를 밝혀 본 결과 청소년들의 스포츠 사회화에 대한 지역민과 학부모, 교사의 관심과 지도가 요청되며 건전한 문화를 누릴 수 있는 기회를 부여하기 위해 청소년들이 선호하는 각종 경기의 유치가 필요하고 스포츠 소비 형태에서는 남자 고등학생들은 전반적인 스포츠 내용에 관심을 두고 있으며, 여자 고등학생은 스포츠 빅 이벤트 또는 스타플레이어 소식 등의 내용을 소비하고 있는 것으로 사료된다.

      • 일과 餘暇의 關係에 대한 考察

        박무철 安東大學 1990 安東大學 論文集 Vol.12 No.1

        In an effort to analysis leisure behavior in a social psychology of leisure and recreational perspectives, the present study examined the interrelationships between work and leisure. No matter how important leisure is to an individual, people nevertheless have to work in modern society, in other words, work and leisure are the two major components of the cognitive and behavioral repatoire. Therefore, leisure should not only be analyzed as an isolated aspect of life but also as an interdependent element of total human behavior. The first section focused on the effects of work on leisure and reviewed the conceptual and empirical validity of the work-leisure hypotheses, with particular focus on spill-over theory, compensatory theory, and no-relation theory. It was concluded that all of these hypotheses are in adequate to explain the influence of work on leisure. The reported empirical research has been inconsistent and contradictory, chiefly because the worker`s socialization experiences as well as their perceptions of their work have not been controlled in the past studies. But this criticism imply that leisure behavior can be understood better by considering leisure socialization processes, leisure attitudes, and motives. Although much has been written about the influence of work on leisure, relatively little attention has been devoted to the effects of leisure on work. There is, however, tentative evidence to indicate that a person`s leisure environment affect his job satisfaction and performance. Specifically, vary satisfactory leisure environment seem to be conductive to job satisfaction and perhaps also to improved job performance. It appears that if a company provides recreation (programs) services to its employees, their job satisfaction and performance increase. Finally, social comparison and interpersonal relations on job were discussed. It remains the task of future research to determine specifically the roles of social comparison processes and interpersonal leisure behavior in the job satisfaction.

      • 일과 餘暇가 知覺된 生活의 質에 미치는 影響

        박무철 安東大學校 安東地域社會開發硏究所 1991 安東開發硏究 Vol.2 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine what aspect of leisure and job satisfaction contribute to perceived quality of life. It was argued that the concept of economic person should be replaced by the concept of psychological person, because happiness cannot be achieved by oversatisfaction of economic and materialistic needs. Past research has shown that in order for a person`s job to enhance his life satisfaction, working conditions have to be conduceived to the development of feelings of personnel freedom, competence, control and responsibility. These ingredients of intrinsic motivation are important, not only because of their capacity to improve job satisfaction, but also because of their strong contribution to overall life satisfaction, psychological well-being and mental health. In a similar vein, intrinsically motivated leisure activities contribute substantially to the perceived quality of life. Past findings strongly indicate that active leisure (recreational) participation contributes to the perceived quality of life and psychological well-being. Why should active leisure activities be more conducive to life satisfaction than is passive activities? The answer is discussed in terms of the idea of optimal aroual and incongruity. Life and leisure satisfaction at their highest when leisure behavior is optimally arousing or incongruous, and at their lowest when leisure behavior provides too little or too much arousal. In conclusion, only intrinsically motivated work and leisure activities (that is, personally meaningful activity) can become the main sources of life satisfaction, psychological well-being, and mental gealth.

      • 記錄向上을 爲한 Roller Speed Skating의 技術 指導에 關한 硏究

        박무철 安東大學 1986 安東大學 論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        Considered a variety of facts which researchers always saw and flet themselves, this theme is to study on technical directions of ROLLER SPEED SKATING in order to improve the records. I chose 30 representative players at Junior and senior high schools in Kyung-Buk as the subjects of investigation, and the analyses conclusions about the influence on the improvement of the basic physical strength and the ability to have contest. 1) Strengthening training for about 8 weeks was remark was remark abley improved in basic physical strength. In each event there were the following improvmments. ① Soft ball-Throwing. In experimenta lgroup the advanced record was 8.08m better than first record. ② 100M Run In experimental group the advanced record was 0.26˝ better than first record. ③ Chin-Up In experimental group the advanced record was 2.45 times better than first record. ④ Standing Board Jumping In experimental group the advanced record was 7.35cm better than first record. ⑤ Sit-up In experimental group the advanced record was 6.68 times betters than first record. ⑥ 1,000M Run In experimental group the advanced record was 7.1˝ better than first record. The advanced record of non-eperimental group was inferior to that of experimental group. 2) Those who did not take strengthening training were very different from those who took it. The difference better experimental group and Non-experimental group were following. ① 500M In experimental group the advanced record was 1˝98 better than first record. ② 1,000M In experimental group the advanced record was 3˝55 betten than first record. ③ 1.500M In experimental group the advanced record was 6˝06 better than first record. ④ 3,000M In experimental group the advanced record was 8˝83 better than first record. ⑤ 5,000M In experimental group the advanced record was 10˝69 better than first record. 3) Owing to 8 weeks strengthening training, the basic physical strength of experimental group and the advanced record in Roller SPEED SKATING were better than those of non-experimental group. Especially this theme showed that nothing was more important and systmatic group-training.

      • 高等學校 男·女 排球競技의 攻擊形態에 따른 成功率 比較 分析

        박무철,최동준 安東大學 1998 安東大學 論文集 Vol.20 No.1

        In order to find out the percentage of success or failure according to the types of attacks in women's and men's high-school volleyball players, the high-school volleyball teams participated in two tournaments became the subject of this study. One tournament was held in the spring of 1998. It was the national men's and women's volleyball divisions held under the auspices of the Korean junior high-school and high-school volleyball associations at the Jang Chung Stadium from March 28, to April 3, 1998. The men's high-school division included KyungGi Physical Education high-school, SooSung high-school, InHa University affiliated high-school, Chonnam University affiliated high school, and Women's high-school division included KangNeung women's high-school, ChungAng women's high school, SeHwa women's high-school, SinMyong women's high school. The other tournament was the 25th national men's and women's volleyball divisions held under the auspices of the Korean junior high-school and high-school volleyball associations in Pusan from June 5, to June 10, 1998. The men's high-school division included SungJi Technical high-school, MaSan JungAng high-school, Kyung buk Physical Education high-school, SooSung high-school, and Women's high -school division included DukMyong women's high-school, SeoMoon women's high-school, Masan Jeil women's high-school, Kyong buk women's business school. The result of the percentage of success or failure according to the types of attacks of men's and women's high-school volleyball players was as follows. 1. The analysis of the percentage of success or failure depends on all types of attacks. (1) Open spike : (M) Percentage of s or f 24.97%. (W) Percentage of s or f 26.94%. (2) Delayed spiking : (M) Percentage of s or f 15.86%. (W) Percentage of s or f 17. 82% (3) A quick : (M) Percentage of s or f 12.18%. (W) Percentage of s or f 6.30%. (4) Back open spike : (m) Percentage of s or f 9.20%. (w) Percentage of s or f 12.46%. (5) Feint : (m) Percentage of s or f 8.23%. (w) Percentage of s or f 8.84%. (6) C quick : (m) Percentage of s or f 7.09%. (w) Percentage of s or f 12.73%. (7) Back delayed spiking : (m) Percentage of s or f 6.13%. (w) Percentage 10.05%. (8) Back A quick : (m) Percentage of s or f 5.52%. (w) Percentage of s or f 1.07%. (9) Back Attack : (m) Percentage of s or f 5.25%. (w) Percentage of s or f 1.47%. (10) B quick : (m) Percentage of s or f 4.73%. (w) Percentage of s or f 1.87%. (11) Setup Play : (m) Percentage of s or f 0.78%. (w) Percentage of s or f 0.40%. 2. Women's high-school teams applied various types of attacks 1349 times, whereas men's high-school teams applied attacks 1711 times. The men's teams applied attacks more frequently than women's teams. The attack methods of the open spike took the highest percentage place. The men's high school teams applied it 426 times and women's teams applied it 367 times. The percentage of success or failure was 24.97% for men and 26.94% for women. The open spike showed the greatest amount of application. On the other hand, Setup Play showed the least attack, and was applied 89 times at men's high school teams and 5 times at women's. Moreover, it showed the least percentage of success or failure among all the types of attacks. 3. Men's high school teams showed a higher percentage of success or failure at attacks such as A quick, Back A quick, Setup Play, Back Attack, B quick more than women's high school teams. But, women's high school teams showed a higher percentage of success or failure at attacks such as the open spike, C quick, Delayed spiking, Back Delayed spiking, Back open spike Feint more than men's teams. I think it is necessary to train the stabilized and accurate service receive and the offensive ball receive. Also it is necessary to build up the power of players wrists and their quick swing. Men's high school teams should increase the percentage of success or failure at the types of attacks. The training of toss men requires improvement. Even though women's high school teams showed a higher percentage of success or failure at C quick and Back Delayed spiking than men's high school teams, women's high school teams did not have as many attack times as attack as men's high school teams. Because there were differences in the percentage of success or failure, women's high school teams were perceived to require cultivated training in improved response for quick offense. Moreover, women's high school teams had the lowest percentage of success or failure in Back attack due to physical condition, that is, height and physical strength problems. In conclusion, the highest percentage of success was attributed to intensive training of strong players who are both tall and have excellent jumping skills.

      • 中, 長距離 選手의 競技力 向上을 위한 效果的인 指導 方法의 硏究 : Weight Training과 Circuit Traning을 中心으로

        박무철,오만석 安東大學 1991 安東大學 論文集 Vol.13 No.1

        I had exercised 16 middle and long-distance runners attending this school in Weight Training and Circuit Training to improve their running skills for 12 months. Having arranged and analyzed the improvement of their physical strength and their records, I had applied a training schedule and a record list system to them. So I came to the conslusion as follows. A. By means of exercising them in accordance with their aptitude, 1. almost all runners improved their physical strength, muscular staying power, softness, promptitude, etc. 2. they imporved their records remarkably by improving their physical strength and by an ideal running method. 3. they improved their physiques normally by a rational training method. B. By means of using a progressive coaching technique method and the record list in accordance with training schedule, 1. I could easily sieze the individual capacity and the fact that the runners went on doing their best. 2. the runners realized the importance of physical strength and exerted themselves to improve their records. 3. the runners trained with a firm faith without languor. C. The runners` respons after Weight Training and Circuit Training 1. Though they agonized physically and spiritually, more then 90% of them wanted to continue training. 2. More then 90% of them improved their records after the training and three sets which between a third and two-thirds of their capacity was used in were moderate tranining.

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