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      • KCI우수등재

        미네소타 프로젝트

        박동민(Park, Dongmin) 대한건축학회 2018 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.34 No.9

        The United States understood the fostering of pro-U.S. elites in “free world” countries as an important Cold War weapon. From 1954 to 1962, the U.S provided considerable assistance to Seoul National University (SNU) for its postwar rehabilitation and future development in terms of repair and construction of campus buildings, equipment and book purchases, and faculty exchanges. With the aid of this educational assistance project widely known as the Minnesota Project, SNU was reborn with an academic orientation to the U.S., separating itself from the Japanese education that was its origin. This study argues that the Minnesota Project played an important role in crafting SNU’s architecture program and the exchange program’s recipients as key “knowledge brokers.” For individual trainees, experience in the U.S., as opposed to a backwards situation in their homeland, had allowed them to recognize the U.S. as an ideal source of knowledge. Since the Minnesota Project, SNU’s Architectural Engineering Department was filled with faculty members who had trained or studied in the U.S., which became a significant distinction of SNU’s architecture program in sharp contrast to its counterparts at Hanyang University and Hongik University where most of the faculty members studied in Japan during the Japanese colonial period. As many graduates of SNU had been appointed as faculty members in newly-founded architecture programs in South Korea, a hierarchical diffusion path had emerged in architectural education that led from SNU to other school’s architecture programs, with the U.S. at the apex. The legacy of the Minnesota Project extended over the next few decades, in which studying architecture in the U.S. was recognized as a shortcut to success in the field.

      • KCI우수등재

        현대 조선식 건축의 탄생

        박동민(Park, Dongmin) 대한건축학회 2018 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.34 No.10

        In the late 1950s, departing from their unquestioning following of Soviet architecture, North Koreans attempted to discover the specificities of traditional Korean architecture and apply them to their contemporary monuments. This paper examines the ways in which North Korean architects developed their unique version of Socialist realism in the making of Pyongyang Grand Theater. The traditional elements in harmony with North Korea’s political ideology-an early form of Juche ideology-and modern building technologies were to be viewed as contemporary elements, and not as a simple revival of the past. This study applies Socialist realism’s compositional principle "national in form and socialist in content" to Pyongyang Grand Theater and examines specifically what "socialist content" and "national form” were and how the two were combined in the construction of Pyongyang Grand Theater. By situating the building in the context of localization of Socialist realism which is universal art principle of the communist world, this study contributes to the deeper and wider understanding of North Korea’s Modern Joseon Architecture.

      • KCI등재

        주택법상 인·허가의제에 따른 지구단위계획의 절차상 문제

        박동민(Park, Dongmin),균성(Park, Kyun-Sung) 충남대학교 법학연구소 2021 法學硏究 Vol.32 No.4

        지구단위계획이란 도시·군계획 수립 대상지역의 일부에 대하여 토지이용을 합리화하고 그 기능을 증진시키며 미관을 개선하고 양호한 환경을 확보하며, 그 지역을 체계적·계획적으로 관리하기 위하여 수립하는 도시·군관리계획의 하나이다. 이와 관련 주택법은, 사업계획승인권자가 사업계획을 승인 또는 변경 승인할 때 국토계획법에 따른 지구단위계획구역의 지정 또는 변경에 관한 계획과 지구단위계획의 결정 등에 관하여 관계 행정기관의 장과 협의한 사항에 대하여는 해당 인·허가 등을 받은 것으로 의제하는 규정을 두고 있다. 의제된 지구단위계획의 하자와 이에 대한 불복방안과 관련하여, 먼저 인·허가의제 대상 처분의 실재 여부가 문제되나, 인·허가가 실제로 존재하는 것은 아니지만 법적으로 존재하는 것으로 보는 것이라고 이해할 필요가 있다. 절차의 집중에 대해서는 절차집중설과 제한적 절차집중설의 대립이 있고, 판례 또한 절차집중설의 입장에 있다. 그러나 절차집중만을 강조할 경우 이해관계인의 권익보호라는 관점, 즉 적법절차의 원칙에 문제가 없지 않다. 행정기관 사이의 ‘협의’만으로 사업계획이 승인되고, 주민과 지방의회의 의견 청취 등 모든 절차를 생략해도 된다는 것은 타당하지 않다. 또한 ‘협의’의 의미와 관련하여 견해가 대립하나, 의제대상 인·허가기관의 협의는 엄격한 의미의 자문이나 동의가 아닌 사실상 동의로 보는 것이 타당하다. 인·허가의제 대상 처분의 하자를 이유로 불복을 할 경우 대상적격이 문제되고, 대법원 판례도 모순되는 판결이 공존한다. 의제되는 인·허가가 법적으로 실재한다는 입장에서 의제되는 인·허가에 고유한 위법사유가 있는 경우 의제되는 인·허가 처분만 취소 가능한 것으로 봄이 타당하다. 한편 주택법상 사업계획승인에 따라 지구단위계획이 의제되는 현행법의 태도 자체가 과연 타당한 것인지 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 주택법에 의한 아파트의 건설은 주택부족 문제를 해결하기 위한 효율적인 방안이지만, 일단 건설되고 나면 교통문제, 환경문제 등 주변에 크나큰 영향을 미친다. 그럼에도 현행 주택법에 따른 아파트건설사업은 인·허가의제를 통해 도시계획적 검토와 판단을 회피하는 수단으로 이용되고 있다. 국토계획법에 따른 지구단위계획을 바탕으로 아파트건설 등 개발사업이 이루어져야 함에도 주택법의 사업계획승인으로 지구단위계획을 의제하여 국토계획법상 절차적 규정들을 무력화하는 것은 본말이 전도된 것이다. 주택법에 의한 지구단위계획의 의제를 폐지하고, 지구단위계획 수립 후 주택건설사업승인 절차를 이행하는 방안을 검토할 필요가 있다. The district unit plan means an urban or Gun management plan formulated to rationalize land utilization, to increase its functionality, to improve aesthetics, to secure a better environment, and to manage the relevant area in a systematic and planned manner, for part of an area subject to the formulation of an urban or Gun plan. In this regards, the Housing Act includes a provision that “deems to authorize or permit” the project plan that has been consulted with the heads of related administrative agencies in the process of planning the designation or the change of designation of the area affected by the district unit planning or determining the district unit plan under the National Land Planning and Utilization Act(Land Planning Act). Regarding the appeals on the defected district unit plan that has been deemed to be authorized or permitted, the issue is whether the agency disposition was existed. It should be understood that the disposition has never exited de facto, but it has existed de jure. There are two leading theories which focus on procedure: the theory of procedural focus and the theory of limited procedural focus. However, if the procedure is overly-stressed, the rights of interested parties can be overlooked, which may raise the issue of due process. It is neither appropriate nor desirable to exempt all the procedures such as holding hearings for residents and local governments just because the development project was deemed to be authorized or permitted by the simple fact that it has been consulted among agencies under other law. Also, there are conflicting views on what “consultation” means. It is more appropriate to understand the consultation does not mean giving advice or agreement in a strict term, but rather means an agreement de facto. If there is an appeal on the defected disposition that was deemed to be authorized or permitted, the issue is whether the disposition object can be sued. There are conflicting case laws even in the supreme court level. Following the theory that the deemed authorization or permission exists de jure, if the deemed authorization or permission has a distinct unlawfulness, then the disposition of authorization or permission that are deemed should be canceled. On the other hand, we should think about whether it is appropriate that the current law deems to authorize or permit a district unit plan according to an approval of a project plan under the Housing Act. The construction of the apartment complex is an efficient way to solve a housing shortage problem. However, once the complex has been constructed, it affects the traffic and the environment of the area to a great degree. Nonetheless, the “deemed to authorize or permit” provision of the current Housing Act is used to avoid the discussion and judgement over the construction project from a urban planning perspective. It should be more appropriate and logical to approve development projects, such as the construction of apartment complex, according to a district unit planning under the Land Planning Act. The current law and practice deems to authorize or permit a project plan under the Housing Act, thereby overrides procedural provisions of the Land Planning Act. It is as absurd as to put the cart before the horse. The “deemed to authorize or permit” provision under the Housing Act should be abolished and the procedure to approve a housing construction only after district unit planning should be established.

      • KCI등재

        지구단위계획과 건축행위의 제한 - 주요 판례 사안을 중심으로 -

        박동민(Park, Dongmin),균성(Park, Kyun-Sung) 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2021 江原法學 Vol.65 No.-

        지구단위계획구역 안에서 건축물을 건축하기 위해서는 건축법상의 요건에 합치해야 할 뿐만 아니라 지구단위계획에도 부합해야 한다. 그런데 그 동안 지구단위계획구역에서의 건축허가의 법적 성질 및 건축행위의 제한에 대한 연구는 많지 않았다. 이 논문에서는 먼저 건축법과 국토계획법의 관계에 대해 살펴보고, 지구단위계획구역에서의 건축행위 제한과 관련된 몇 가지 쟁점에 대해 주요 판례 사안을 중심으로 논의하였다. 건축법과 국토계획법상의 두 가지 건축허가를 별도로 받아야 하는지 문제될 수 있는데, 두 법률은 그 취지가 달라 별도로 허가를 받아야 하는 것이 원칙일 것이다. 그런데 법률은 의제조항을 통해 건축법에 따른 건축허가를 받으면 국토계획법에 따른 개발행위허가(건축물의 건축 포함)를 받은 것으로 본다. 그리고 최근 대법원은 건축법상 건축허가절차에서 관련 인·허가의제제도를 통해 두 허가의 발급 여부가 동시에 심사·결정되도록 해야 한다고 판시했다. 그 과정에서 건축법상 건축허가기준을 충족하더라도 국토계획법상 개발행위 허가기준을 충족하지 못할 경우 행정청은 건축법상 건축허가의 발급을 거부하여야 한다는 것이다. 궁극적으로는 건축법상의 건축허가와 국토계획법상의 건축허가에 대한 요건과 그 심사방식을 보다 명확히 구별하는 형태로 입법적 해결을 모색할 필요가 있다. 아울러 주요 판례 사안을 중심으로 지구단위계획구역에서 건축행위의 제한에 대해 살펴보았다. 권장용도의 지정, 고시만으로 해당 지구단위계획구역에서 무조건 해당 용도(숙박시설)의 건축허가가 가능하다는 취지의 공적 견해를 표명한 것이라고 볼 수는 없고, 중대한 공익을 이유로 건축허가신청을 거부할 수 있다고 보아야 한다. 또한 지구단위계획이 기존 건축물이나 건축행위 등에도 적용되는지와 관련하여 신축의제규정에 따라 건축행위를 제한하는 민간부문 지구단위계획 시행지침의 유효 여부가 문제되는데, 대법원은 절충설의 입장에서 증축되는 부분에 한해 지구단위계획이 적용된다고 보았다. 그러나 지구단위계획의 취지를 고려할 때 일정한 범위에서는 기존 건축물이나 건축행위 등에 대해서도 지구단위계획의 효력이 미친다고 봄이 타당하다. 그리고 지구단위계획구역이 지정된 경우 타인의 소유권이나 사용권 취득을 강제할 수 있는지 문제되는데, 공익사업 또는 도시계획을 위한 토지의 취득은 적법한 토지수용절차를 통해 이루어져야 할 것이고, 막연히 ‘지구단위계획에 맞게 하여야 한다.’는 이유로 토지의 처분까지 강제할 수는 없을 것이다. To construct a building within district unit plan zone, requirements from district unit plan, as well as those for Building Act, should be met. However, there have been few studies on the legal nature of building permit and limitations of building activities in district unit planning zones. This paper delves into the relation between Building Act and National Land Planning and discusses a number of issues related with restrictions on acts of construction within district unit plan zones, pivoting around cases of judgement. As an owner who seeks to construct a building, the issue of whether to acquire respectively building permits under Building Act and National Land Planning Act arises. Because these two legislations have different purposes, one should, in principle, acquire separate permission under these legislations. However, the legal fiction is that once permission is acquired under Building Act, permission for development activities, including building, is considered to be secured. And the Supreme Court has recently ruled that in case an owner is to build a building, he/she should have permissions under Building Act and National Land Planning Act evaluated and decided via system of the deemed authorization or permission, instead of receiving separate permissions under the two different laws. And even if the building permit standards under Building Act are met, administrative agencies shall refuse to issue building permit under Building Act if it does not comply for permission criteria for development activities under National Land Planning Act. Ultimately, legislative resolutions need to be sought for clearer distinction between requirement and method of evaluation for building permit under Building Act and those under National Land Planning Act. In addition, pivoting around key judicial precedents, this paper delves into restrictions on acts of building within district unit plan zones. Designation and notification of recommended usage within district unit plan zone do not necessarily clarify public view that building permit may be granted for desired purposes, including accommodation. Moreover, in some cases, requests for building permit may be denied for significant public interest. In addition, as for applicability of district unit plan to existing buildings or acts of building, validity of enforcement guideline of district unit planning in private sector under regulation on new building may emerge as an issue. As for this kind of issue, the Supreme Court viewed, as part of compromise between conflicting views, that parts that are to be built in addition shall be subject to application of district unit planning. However, considering the key purpose, it is viable to view that district unit planning is effective on existing buildings and acts of building to a certain extent. Furthermore, in case of designation of district unit planning zone, an issue of possibility of coercing acquisition of ownership and rights of usage from owners may arise. For acquisition of land for public purpose or urban planning, land expropriation system would be essential to ensure legality and legitimacy, as disposition of property shall not be compelled for vague purpose of compliance with relevant district unit plan.

      • 시각장애인 친화적 충돌 회피 시스템 개발

        박동민(Dongmin Park),강동오(Dongoh Kang),임혜빈(Hyebin Im),정예진(Yejin Jung),장지영(Jiyoung Chang),권령구(Ryeonggu Kwon),권기현(Gihwon Kwon) 한국정보기술학회 2024 Proceedings of KIIT Conference Vol.2024 No.5

        시각장애인들이 일상생활에서 어플리케이션을 통해 이동의 불편함을 줄이고 일상생활을 도와주고자 충돌회피 시스템을 개발하게 되었다. 우리는 Roboflow의 데이터셋 생성 툴을 이용하여 경기대학교의 강의실 내부를 탐지하기 적합한 데이터셋을 구성하였으며, 이 데이터셋을 Yolo에 학습시켜 책상, 의자 그리고 사람 총 세개의 클래스를 탐지하는 mAP 0.91의 객체 탐지 모델 ClassVision AI를 만들었다. 우리는 핸드폰 카메라와 연동하여 사용자 앞의 객체를 탐지하고, TTS 음성를 이용하여 사용자에게 소리를 통해 객체의 유무를 알려줄 수 있도록 어플리케이션을 구현하였다. 이를 통해 사용자는 교내에서 안전하게 생활할 수 있으며, 시각장애인 학생이 선택할 수 있는 하나의 도구를 만듦으로서 삶의 향상을 도울 수 있게 되었다. We developed a collision avoidance system to reduce the inconvenience of mobility and assist daily life for visually impaired individuals through an application. Using Roboflows dataset creation tool, we constructed a suitable dataset for detecting the interior of Kyunggi Universitys classrooms. We trained this dataset with YOLO to create ClassVision AI, an object detection model with an mAP of 0.91, capable of detecting three classes: desks, chairs, and people. We implemented an application that integrates with a smartphone camera to detect objects in front of the user and uses TTS (Text-to-Speech) to audibly notify the user of the presence of objects. This allows users to safely navigate campus and provides a tool for visually impaired students to enhance their daily lives.

      • KCI등재

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