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        Authorship, Authority, and the Polemics of Rachel Speght and the Wife of Bath

        문희경 한국중세근세영문학회 2006 중세르네상스 영문학 Vol.14 No.2

        Chaucer's Wife of Bath and Rachel Speght are both women who spoke out against misogyny in the querelle des femmes. Although the former was a fictional creation of a male author and the latter a historical woman, they had this in common: they both understood the power of language and that controlling it could be empowering. In her refutation of a contemporary attack on women by Joseph Swetnam, Speght draws up her line of defense on two fronts: illiteracy and irreligion, which she sees as being mutually connected. She exposes in A Mouzell for Melastomus how Swetnam's stylistic inadequacies and lack of command over language are symptomatic of his moral, intellectual, and spiritual inferiority. In contrast, by showing her knowledge of the Bible and classical authors, and of rhetoric and an ability to argue logically, she shows herself to be intellectually and morally superior to Swetnam, whom she reduces to being a brute. Through such strategies, she creates an authorial presence that justifies female authorship in a manner that could serve as a model for succeeding generations of women writers in the early modern period.

      • KCI등재

        Sarah Scott’s “Master in the Science of Benevolence” : The History of Sir George Ellison

        문희경 한국18세기영문학회 2015 18세기영문학 Vol.12 No.2

        Along with the earlier work Millenium Hall, The History of Sir George Ellison contains Sarah Scott's vision of utopia based on philanthropy. She places at the centre of her utopian world an exemplary hero whom she calls “a master in the science of benevolence.” Scott's master philanthropist, however, is a flawed one. Though all his actions are uniformly informed by sensibility and virtuous feelings of compassion and sympathy, there are gaps between theory and practice, leading to inconsistencies and paradoxes underlying his activities. They reveal conflicts of interests in the issues of class, gender and race. Where slavery is concerned, he is at once radical and conservative; where economic interests are involved both selfless and opportunistic, and where charity is concerned freely giving but also controlling. A strong rhetoric of sensibility deployed throughout the novel overwrites the hard realities of materialistic interests upon which the hero's utopian vision is based. Thus Ellison's utopian community, not only at home but in his plantation in Jamaica, is built upon the fantasies he creates― fantasies of happy slaves, of happy servants, and of happy women. I explore some of these aspects and question the hero's entitlement to being called “a master in the science of benevolence.”

      • KCI등재

        From Eve to Rachel: Biblical Women in Lucy Hutchinson’s Order and Disorder

        문희경 한국18세기영문학회 2013 18세기영문학 Vol.10 No.2

        Lucy Hutchinson’s biblical epic Order and Disorder (1679) rewrites Genesis from the beginning to the story of Jacob. In thus recounting the story of the origin of the humankind, Hutchinson also tells the stories of various biblical women who have played their part in this history. But what strikes the reader as puzzling is the conspicuous absence of any obvious “feminist” interest in her recounting of their stories. This paper argues that although Hutchinson’s treatment of biblical women appears to be broadly traditional and conservative, in subtle and oblique ways she undermines the patriarchal bias in the biblical text to voice opinions, attitudes and assumptions that are oppositional. By conflating the birth of Eve with that of the church, by claiming that without Eve creation would be incomplete, Hutchinson gives an entirely new dimension to the roles played by Eve in the creation story. The poem’s play on the dichotomy of what belongs to spirit and what to mere flesh takes the women’s roles beyond that of mere procreativity usually assigned to them and thus dignifies their position within the story of God’s providential design for Israel. This paper will show how Hutchinson revises the lives of the early matriarchs to give them an untraditional and a more egalitarian position within a patriarchal family structure.

      • KCI등재

        혈장시료 중 아세메타신과 인도메타신의 HPLC 동시 분석법 개발 및생체이용률 시험에의 응용

        문희경,사홍기,조애리 대한약학회 2019 약학회지 Vol.63 No.3

        Acemetacin is a new potent non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compound which is used for the treatment ofarthritis and rheumatic diseases. To establish an assay condition for bioavailability study of acemetacin, high-performanceliquid chromatographic (HPLC) method using UV detection for the determination of acemetacin and its metaboliteindometacin in blood has been developed. Samples were analysed with Luna C18 column (250×4.6 mm, 5 μm, Phenomenex)which maintained at 40oC. The mobile phase was composed of 0.02M phosphate buffer (pH 4.5):methanol=45:55. Theflow rate was 1.4 mL/min. UV absorbance was monitored at 254 nm. Typical retention times were 23, 31 and 34 min forflubiprofen (internal standard), acemetacin and indometacin, respectively. Calibration curves for the determination ofacemetacin and indometacin in plasma showed a good linearity at a concentration range from 100 to 3000 ng/mL(r2=0.999). Blood samples of eight human volunteers who had received 3 tablets of 60 mg of acemetacin orally wereanalysed with HPLC and pharmacokinetic parameters were evaluated. The developed analytical method afforded a simple,rapid and sensitive assay for the measurements of acemetacin

      • KCI등재

        그림책에 나타난 침묵의 미학적 기능 연구

        문희경 한국아동문학학회 2023 한국아동문학연구 Vol.- No.47

        This study focuses on silence in picture books and explores the aesthetic functions of silence in picture books. Picture books are an effective medium for aesthetically exploring the meaning and effect of invisible silence because they provide visible information through pictures even when characters are silent or the written narrative is interrupted. The aesthetic functions of silence in picture books are as follows. First, the uncertainty and ambiguity of silence functions as a suspense device to build narrative tension. Second, silence facilitates communication through wordlessness. Third, silence acts as an unleashing mechanism for the imagination. By constantly delaying meaning, silence encourages active reader engagement and refines the imagination in the process of filling in the narrative gaps created by silence. Literary education has traditionally focused on the words and actions of characters in a work. Of course, it is undeniable that understanding the words and actions of characters plays an important role in literary appreciation. At the same time, however, it is important to recognize the aesthetic value of silence in literary works.

      • KCI등재

        청소년 소설에 나타난 시와 랩의 미학적 기능 연구

        문희경 한국아동문학학회 2024 한국아동문학연구 Vol.- No.48

        This study explores the aesthetic functions of poetry and rap in young adult novels. As we enter the postmodern era, boundaries are being dissolved or blurred in various fields. In literature, there are experimental attempts to break away from the traditional genre grammar and cross genre boundaries. Because genre shifts involve not only a change in form, but also a change in the meaning of the text itself, the fusion of genres drives new aesthetic effects. When poetry (a lyrical genre) and rap (a pop culture genre) appear in a novel (a narrative genre), the aesthetic functions of poetry and rap are as follows. First, they strengthen the narrative's performance through the aural imagination. Second, poetry and rap serve as aesthetic motifs for characters, giving three-dimensional shape to their emotions and psychology. Third, they function as aesthetic devices to control the pace of the narrative and maximize emotion. Youth culture is characterized by the mixing and fusion of various elements. The significance of this study is that it focuses on the interaction between poetry, which is a lyrical genre, and rap, which is a popular culture genre, in young adult novels to reveal their aesthetic functions.

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