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      • KCI등재

        養蜂人의 法的 保護

        문흥안(Heung-Ahn Moon) 한국비교사법학회 2005 比較私法 Vol.12 No.1

        Today’s apiculture is recognized as a part of agriculture. Unlike other livestock industries, this field of industry has a specialty in that bee-keeping itself is not for benefits of farmhouses but it is used as the means of production. Bees should be legally protected as a properties of farmers. However in reality, it is hard to find any rules for protection of bee-keepers or dispute mediation among them. There are only three regulations relevant to honey bees: Civil Code Art.252 Claus3, Art.750 and Art.759. Ultimately, problems about bee-keeping stay out of boundary of law. In this vein, this paper investigates possible disputes among apiculturists and the ways and customs to arbitrate the damages by examining customs, other countries’ legislations and leading cases. The major points of this paper are as below. First, the class of honey bees are uncertain between wild animal and cultivated animal because of their wildness and homing instinct. It is recommended to see the examples of German Civil code Art.960 Clause3 or Swiss Civil code Art.719 Clause1 to clearly distinguish the possession of flying bees and interpretate the Civil code Art.252 Clause3 based on them. Second, the matter of hiving off, which originated from honey bees’ unique characteristics, are studied in two different ways. One is when bees fail to chase swarm and return to the wild. The other is when they move in to other hives after missing their swarms. Third, in case of others' bees taking honey from own hives, the bee keepers are obligated to have their own countermeasures against honey stealing. This interpretation corresponds to bees' natural habits and precedents. Fourth, there should be a special law enacted about damages of bees by pesticide and air pollution to mediate bee keepers’ interests. Fifth, there is great needs of special rules for protection and increase of honey plants.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        가족관계등록법의 문제점 및 그 개선방안

        문흥안(Moon, Heung-Ahn) 조선대학교 법학연구원 2013 法學論叢 Vol.20 No.1

        호주제도의 폐지를 계기로 새로이 입법된 가족관계등록제도는 종래의 신분등록제도의 틀을 완전히 바꾸었다. 국민 개개인의 신분사항 및 친족관계 등 기초자료를 전산정보처리조직에 의하여 저장․관리하여 두고, 친족․상속 등과 관련된 권리의무관계를 증명하기 위하여 전산상의 증명서 양식에 해당 전산정보자료를 끌어내어 화면상에 현출된 것을 출력하여 이를 발급하는 시스템이다. 그동안 논란의 중심이었던 ‘호주’, 호주와 관련된 제도와 명칭이 퇴출되었다. 그러나 신분등록은 연속성을 가질 수밖에 없으므로 형식이나 명칭에 있어서는 과거와의 단절이지만 실질적으로 일정부분 그 내용에 있어서는 과거와의 연속선상에 있을 수밖에 없다. 이 논문에서는 남녀평등의 이념을 실현하기 위한 법률개정의 소극성이 헌법재판소를 통한 법률개정으로 이어지며, 국회의 입법권에 대한 독점적 지위가 약화되는 현상을 살펴보았다. 새로운 가족관계등록법의 제정과 시행 과정에서 나타난 사생활보호를 위한 가족관계등록법의 개정과 문제점을 연구하였다. 이 법의 제정과정에서 가족관계등록부의 관장기관을 둘러싸고 대법원과 법무무의 치열한 논리적 공방이 있었다. 이는 1949년 제헌의회에서 법원과 법무부의 대립 이래 다시 두 기관이 논쟁을 벌였으나 국회는 대법원을 가족관계등록사무의 관장기관으로 재천명하여 논란의 종지부를 찍었다. 새로운 신분등록증명서의 발급은 시행 당시 가족관계증명서ㆍ기본증명서ㆍ혼인관계증명서ㆍ입양관계증명서ㆍ친양자입양관계증명서 등 5종류였으나, 노출되는 개인정보가 과다하다는 비판에 따라 위의 5종류의 전부증명 내용 중, 일부의 기록사항만을 현출하는 ‘일부사항 증명방식’의 증명서제도를 신설하여 운영하고 있다. 이러한 10종류의 등록사항별 증명서제도의 도입으로 개인의 사생활보호에 큰 기여를 하고 있다. 그러나 신분관계증명서가 전산방식으로 입력된 정보자료의 조합이라는 장점을 최대한 살리면, 개인정보의 자기결정권을 보장하면서도 필요최소한의 정보를 제공하기 위한 다양한 증명서를 현출할 수 있는 방안이 마련될 수 있을 것이다. 이에 대한 연구가 필요하다. 가족관계등록부와 호적부 및 제적부와의 관계가 문제된다. 새로운 가족관계등록제도가 시행됨에 따라 모든 호적이 제적되었으므로 이제 제적부는 더 이상 국민의 신분증명에 사용되어서는 안 되는 것이 원칙이다. 그러나 호적부의 허위신고 등으로 이중호적이 아직도 문제가 되고 있는 현실에서 오류의 정정이나 이중호적의 정리를 위해서 여전히 호적부(제적부 포함)의 신분증명의 역할은 크다. 호적의 정정과 이중호적의 정리는 가족관계등록제도 하에서도 여전히 현재진행인 문제이다. 정확한 신분관계의 공시ㆍ공증이라는 본연의 임무를 수행하기 위한 가족관계등록부의 정정과 제적부의 정정 그리고 이중가족관계등록부의 정리를 위한 노력이 필요하다. 한편 북한은 호적제도를 폐지하였지만 남한은 호적제도의 바탕 위에 새로운 개인별 가족등록제도를 도입하고 있어, 가족관계등록부가 남북이산가족의 접점의 장이 될 전망이다. 따라서 남북한 이산가족의 가족동질성을 확인할 수 있는 제도적 보완을 위한 지속적인 노력이 필요하다. Enactment of the New Family Registration Law was supposed to be attained through improvement of the national consciousness and fulfillment of the electoral fledges of the former presidents. However it came to prove that it was only a result of the political compromise during its legislation process. The efforts to amend the family law for abolition of the patriarchal family system (the “Hoju System”) and realization of gender equality ended up with the enactment of the New Family Registration Law. The constitutional nonconformity decision toward the Hoju System from the Constitutional Court and the abolition of the Hoju System on the civil law led the abolition of the Family Registration Act and the birth of the New Family Registration Law. Under the current method of identity registry system, an individual gets only one record. The Family Relationship Registration record is registered for each individual and it contains all the identity information from one’s birth to death. Once the Family Relationship Registration record is registered, changes on one’s identity such as marriage, adoption, divorce and etc. never cause any revision on the identity registry but rather they are recorded additionally. Unlike the former system, there are 5 types of different documents for the new identity registration certificate; Family Relation Certificate, Standard Certificate, Certificate of Marriage, Adoption Relation Certificate and Volladoption Relation Certificate. Issue of such certificates shows all of the related information on the Family Relationship Registration record. However societal demand to protect private information such as marital status, parental right or adoption led the amendment of the Family Registration Law. Now the New Family Registration Law allows two options for each certificate to be issued either with the whole record or a certain part of the record. Even though the introduction of this new method for certificate issue contributes a lot to protection of individual privacy, it has not been polished enough to satisfy people’s expectation yet. It is clear that a bit of adjustment is required to the recent change on the identity registration certificate. The mismatch of scope of family between the Family Relation Certificate and the civil law could cause a huge confusion in the society. Also there will be growing demand for protection of personal information control right. An individual should be entitled to select the necessary information printed on the certificate instead of choosing a certain type from the certificates with the fixed templates. A creative measure is urgently needed to provide options for various types of certificates with minimum exposure of individual information at the same time the personal information control right is guaranteed.

      • KCI등재

        반공유재의 비극 -그 서론적 고찰-

        문흥안 ( Moon Heung-ahn ) 건국대학교 법학연구소 2016 一鑑法學 Vol.0 No.35

        이 논문은 현재진행형이며 미래에도 지속될 가능성이 많은 `반공유재의 비극`을 법리적으로 이해하기 위한 서론적 고찰이다. 공유재에 관한 이론은 인간의 탐욕이 공유재를 남용하게 되어 비극적인 상황에 빠질 수 있으므로 이를 회피하기 위한 한 방안으로 사유화를 제시한다. 이렇게 사유화된 토지가 소유자의 의지와 관계없이 활용할 수 없는 상황에 처한다는 것은 그 토지에 내재하는 제한이나 법률-특히 민법이나 행정법규에 의한 제한이라는 것이 이제까지의 논의의 태도이다. 하지만 이 논문에서는 사유화된 토지소유권의 세분화로 많은 토지소유자들이 서로를 방해함으로서 토지가 활용되지 못하고 그 가치가 사장(死藏)되는 현상을 Michael Heller교수의 명명에 따라 `반공유재의 비극`이라 부르며 이에 대한 극히 기초적인 법리를 밝히고자 하였다. 공유재에 대한 사유화가 확대되고 여러 소유자에게 분할되는 경우가 많아지면서 토지는 점차 세분화된다. 결국 일정 규모의 토지에 소유자가 지나치게 많아지고 이들이 서로를 방해하는 일이 발생되면서 자원을 활용하지 못하는 상황이 된다. 이를 공유재와 상반되는 의미로 반공유재라 한다. 사유화는 남용의 문제를 해결할 수 있겠지만 사유화의 도가 지나치면 그 가치가 사장되는 부작용이 발생할 수 있으므로 사유화가 문제의 종국적인 해결이 아닐 수도 있다. 이렇게 반공유재 개념의 핵심은 세분화된 소유권이고, 이를 다시 합치지 못함으로써 각 세분화된 토지소유권이 제 기능을 다하지 못하는 상태가 반공유재의 비극이다. 현행민법은 토지소유권의 분할을 예정한 여러 규정을 두고 있다. 공유물의 분할청구(민법 제268조), 현물분할의 원칙(민법 제269조 제2항), 상속재산의 분할(민법 제1013조) 등이다. 이렇게 토지에 대한 분할허용은, 현행 법규가 이를 전혀 예정하지 않았다 해도 향후 토지의 세분화를 피할 수 없게 한다. 세분화된 부동산을 다시 모을 수 있는 장치를 두지 않은 한, 세대를 거치면서 토지는 점점 더 작게 분할되어 세분화될 수밖에 없을 것이다. 세분화된 다수의 토지소유자가 각자 소유권을 주장함으로서 발생하게 되는 부동산의 `미활용` 혹은 `불충분한 활용` 사례는 사적인 분야에 속하기 때문에 잘 드러나지 않아 사회적 문제로 공론화되기 어렵다. 따라서 반공유재 상황을 적극 발굴하여 이를 가시화하는 것이 중요하다. 반공유재 상황을 가시화하여 인식을 공유하여야 반공유재의 비극을 벗어날 수 있는 협력이 시작될 수 있기 때문이다. 한편 반공유재에 관한 개념은 UN 안전보장이사회의 운영, 특허풀이나 집단저작권제도, `내셔널트러스트`운동, 공유숙박업인 `airbnb` 등과 같이 때로는 완전히 다른 제도적인 구조들의 핵심적인 특징을 이해하는 수단이 될 수 있으므로 이에 대한 이해가 필요하다고 생각한다. This is introductory studies to understand the tragedy of the anticommons from legal point of view that is still ongoing and will highly likely to be continued. As one of the ways to avoid tragic situation of abusing the common properties by avaricious human beings, the study on the commons suggests the privatization of those common properties. The stance of the existing debate on the situation wherein such privatized land is being unusable regardless of owners` will so far has been that it is due to the limitations inherent in the land or by the law, especially civil law or administrative regulations. This paper uses the term “tragedy of the anticommons” as defined by Professor Michael Heller to refer to the situation of the fragmented and privatized land being wasted of its value, and attempts to determine the very basic legal principles behind it. As privatization and divided ownership of common properties spread, the land is becoming more segmentalized. Eventually, it is left with too many owners, and each other`s interruption on use of the land is led to the failure of proper deployment of resources. This kind of land is what is being called anticommon property as in an opposed concept to the common property. While the privatization could be the solution to abuse of the common properties, it also bears the adverse effect of making them of no use once it exceeds a certain bounds. The key to the anticommon property concept is fragmentized ownership. And, the state of this fragmented land ownership causing inability to serve its original function is the tragedy of the anticommons. The current civil law has multiple sections prearranging the fragmentized land ownership such as the claim for division of common property in Civil Act Article 268 (Demand for Partition of Article Jointly Owned), the partition in kind in sub-section 2 of Civil Act Article 269 (Methods of Partition), the division of inherited property in Civil Act Article 1013 (Division by Agreement) and etc. Even if there is no predefined terms in the laws in force, the permission of land fragmentation would have been unavoidable in the society hereafter. Unless we are equipped with an institutional strategy to combine those fragmented land, we will see more divided land into smaller and smaller pieces over the generations. The issue of unused or under use of the land due to multiple owners of the fragmented property would be hard to come under the spotlight as a legitimate social issue since it belongs to the private sector. This is why it becomes even more important to actively discover the tragic situations of the anticommons. Only after the tragic situations are acknowledged in the society, shall the efforts to cooperate to get out of that tragedy be followed. It cannot be emphasized enough for the need of establishment of social system or legislative adjustment to draw the consensus among land owners to combine the fragmented land.

      • KCI우수등재

        북한 가족법제의 동향과 남북 가족법제 통합의 방향

        문흥안 ( Heung Ahn Moon ) 법조협회 2015 法曹 Vol.64 No.11

        There are varying opinions on the possibility of North and South Korea’s unification, but it can be considered in two ways. First is through negotiation. In this case, an establishment of a new legal system, which will be enforced in the Unified Korea, can be expected through both countries’ agreement on the unification of law system. Therefore, a preparation of unified civil law will be strategically established to extract core values of South Korean society, thus to carry them through the negotiation. Second is a unification that will be achieved by the demolition of the truce line, resulting from North Korea’s current urgent situations. In this case, in which the two countries are first physically unified, a stable guarantee of living for the citizens will become the top priority for both countries. Therefore, in the preparation for the unified civil law, it is necessary to discuss how South Korea’s civil law could accept North Korea’s disparate family law system. Along with measures to sustain North Korean’s stable family living system, a more detailed direction for the unified civil law in the future is required. This paper studies the recent trend of North Korea’s family law system and suggests various solutions for the unification of the systems of both countries, in the perspective of the second hypothesis. The “North Korea Family Law”, which was established and has been enforced from December 1, 1990 with 54 provisions, contains practically 46 family-related provisions, since 8 provisions among them are related to inheritance. Compared to “South Korea Family Law” with 204 provisions, “North Korea Family Law” is considered to hold quite theoretical provisions. By still having the inheritance-related provisions in “North Korea Family Law”, even after the establishment of “North Korea’s Inheritance Law” in 2002, it seems to maintain an unstructured legal system. Therefore, in this paper, studies were conducted limited to “South Korea Family Law” and “North Korea Family Law”. Part II studies on the trend of recent amendment of North Korea family law system. North Korea has put effort to establish a legitimate legal system by amending unfair provisions. Part III sets “South Korea Family Law” as a standard and compare corresponding provisions of “North Korea Family Law” to study the characteristics of both law system. Based on this, possible issues that could arise in the process of combining the two law system are extracted, to suggest a direction of unified family law and measures to mediate interests of the two parties, in case “South Korea Family Law” is to be applied in the unification process. Nonetheless, regarding the ‘inheritance’ in “North Korea Family Law”, the discussion was held in accordance to its relationships with “North Korea Inheritance Law”. Part IV is the conclusion. “North Korea Family Law” generally highlights North Korea’s uniqueness and tradition as well as emphasizes the family relations for socialistic rule of state, thus characterizes itself as a public law under the state control. Nonetheless, despite its uniqueness and tradition, if it fails to cover the conventional values, it is no more than a linguistic vanity. The basic premises for unification of family law should include guarantee of dignity, freedom, gender equality and principle of private autonomy, based on liberal democratic order. Therefore, provisions in “North Korea Family Law” and “North Korea Inheritance Law” that fail to hold the conventional values should not be embraced in “South Korea Family Law”. Under these premises, to apply “South Korea Family Law” in the process of unifying both countries family law, it is vital to support the North Korean citizens, who have been living under North Korea Family Law and Inheritance Law, to guarantee their continuity of living. Moreover, if necessary in order to create new values for unified South and North Korea, it is also suggested to accept North Korea Family Law. A proposal to accept stepson as a blood related, which is not the case in South Korea, as well as a proposal to acknowledge and unify both adopted and blood sons as “blood-foster son relationship” should be considered in the establishing unified family law. In addition, the paper emphasizes the necessity of discussion on the double marriage, which can arise as a serious issue even before the actual unification. The two countries hold varying opinions in double marriages, with South Korea asserting that it can be annulled, whereas North Korea not acknowledging its legitimacy. Considering the long term separation and rare opportunities to hear from each other, the paper suggests protection measures on current double marriages. On the other hand, considering North Korean citizens’ lack of understanding of constitutional legislations, easy-to-understand legal terms and simple procedures in applying North and South related provisions are needed. Unification cannot be realized just with an idea. It takes a significant amount of cost. With South Korea’s economic scale, too much risk is at stake in paying this cost at once. The alternative is then to pursue a progressive unification. A desirable factor for this progressive unification will be allowing North Koreans a certain period of time to get accustomed to capitalistic society, and this is why civil exchanges between South Korea and North Korea should become more active. At the same time, South Korea’s system and mindset should also lean more toward to those of unification-friendly. Through the study of “North Korea Law System”, there will be a better understanding of North Korean society and people’s mind set, which in turn, will reduce the cost of unification and social conflicts afterward.

      • KCI등재

        북한지역 지적측량원도의 법적 평가와 활용방안 연구

        문흥안 ( Heung Ahn Moon ),김갑성 ( Kap Sung Kim ),이영성 ( Young Sung Lee ) 건국대학교 법학연구소 2016 一鑑法學 Vol.0 No.33

        이 논문에서는 2가지 문제점을 해결하기 위한 방안을 제시하였다. 첫째, 지적측량원도의 생성과정에서 지적측량원도에 기재된 명의인에 대한 법적지위를 검토함으로서 남북급변사태 시 북한지역 토지소유권을 둘러싼 갈등을 조기에 수습할 수 있는 이론적 근거를제시하고자 하였다. 둘째, 북한지역을 실측한 유일한 지적측량원도를 활용할 수 있는 방안을 제안하였다. 북한은 1946년 토지개혁을 실시하면서 부동산등기부를 비롯한 모든 지적공부를 멸실시켰다고 알려지고 있다. 북한에 지적공부가 존재하였다 하더라도 6·25사변 및 개인의 토지소유권을 전면 폐지하면서 토지에 대한 여러 증명자료를 소실·파기했을 가능성이 매우 높다. 북한의 토지소유권은 국가소유제도로 변경되어 개인의 소유권이 폐지된 상태이고, 농지는 협동단체소유이지만 사회주의소유권이라는 형태로 개인의 권리를 인정하지않고 있다. 그 결과 부동산등기제도나 개인의 소유권에 기반 한 지적공부 등이 폐지되어 있는 상태이다. 이 경우 정부문서기록보존소 부산지소에 보관중인 북한 전 지역의 지적측량원도상의 명의인은 이들 토지의 진정한 소유권자를 검색하기 위한 가장 기초적인 자료가될 가능성이 매우 크다. 지적측량원도에 대한 우리 대법원의 태도는 일관되고 있다. 즉, 지적측량원도에 어떤 사람의 성명이 기재되어 있다는 것만으로 그 사람이 그 토지의 소유자로 사정(査定)받은 것으로 바로 추정할 수 없다는 것이다. 그러나 토지조사부는 지적원도의 기재를 근거로 조제된 실지조사부를 토대로 하여 조제되므로, 지적원도에 어떤 사람의 성명이 기재되어 있다면, 그 사람이 그 토지의 소유자로 사정받은 것으로 짐작케 하는 유력한 자료는 된다고 한다. 따라서 토지등기부 및 지적공부가 전혀 없는 상태에서 지적측량원도만 있는 경우, 이지적측량원도상의 명의인 혹은 그 상속인들의 권리주장에 대한 권리추정력은 인정되지않겠지만 사실상의 추정력은 인정된다고 보아야 할 것이다. 남한에서의 지적측량원도에 대한 법률적 판단은 해방 이전 북한지역의 토지분쟁에 있어서도 그대로 원용될 수 있을 것이다. 즉, 지적측량원도의 명의인은 토지소유자로 사정받은 것으로 짐작케 하는 유력한 사실상의 자료로서의 가치를 인정받을 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 이것이 토지소유자를 확인하여 토지소유권의 원상회복 혹은 토지보상 등을 하자는 의미는 아니다. 북한지역 지적측량원도는 조제된 지 이미 100여년이 지난 종이도면으로, 보관 상태가아직은 양호한 편이나 향후 영구보존에는 문제가 있다. 이를 극복하는 하나의 방안이 디지털화이다. 북한지역 지적측량원도를 전산화 한다고 하더라도 북한지역의 지적측량원도는 그 자체 역사적 유물로서 가치가 매우 클 것으로 생각된다. 가능한 한 원본을 보존하여후손들에게 넘겨주어야 한다. 현재의 시점에서 북한 지적측량원도에 대한 중요성은 토지소유권자의 확인이라는 면보다는 낙후된 북한지역의 개발이라는 측면에 초점이 맞춰져야 한다. 남북한 급변사태 발생 시 북한지역 지적측량원도의 디지털화로 즉시 지번부여가 가능하고, 토지이용계획, 도시개발계획의 수립, 군사 전략적으로 활용 할 수 있을 것이다. 이를 위하여 북한지역의 지적측량원도를 전산화하여 통일 후에는 북한지역 지적조사사업에 참고자료 및 측량용으로사용할 수 있도록 하는 것이다. 본격적인 통일 논의 이전에 토지 기반 각종 정보의 Mother Board 역할을 할 기초도면의 준비가 시급하다. This study was conducted for two purposes. The first is to lay out a theoretical basis for an early resolution of conflict over the ownerships of lands in North Korea that is likely to occur with a sudden change in inter-Korean situation, which is conditional on a review of the legal positions of landowners registered in the original drawing of the cadastral survey. The second is to suggest measures to utilize the only original drawing of the cadastral survey of North Korea (hereinafter referred to as "Original Drawing"). It is known that North Korea completely removed all the cadastral records while conducting a land reform in 1946. Even if North Korea had the cadastral records, they were more likely to be lost during the Korean War or were destroyed because North Korea deprived its people of their landownerships. All the lands in North Korea belong to the state, and farmlands belong to the cooperative group. Thus, each individual cannot have the landownership, which means that cadastral records based on individual landownerships had been destroyed. As the case stands, the landowners registered in the Original Drawing stored in a local branch (Busan, Korea) of Government Archives and Records Service (GARS) are most likely to be the most basic data to search for real landowners. The Supreme Court has maintained the same attitude to the original drawings of cadastral surveys. Its opinion is that it is not reasonable to regard landowners registered in the original drawings of cadastral surveys as legally recognized ones. However, a land survey register is made based on a field survey register grounded on an original drawing of a cadastral survey. Thus, landowners registered in the original drawings of cadastral surveys are most likely to be the legally recognized ones. Specifically, in cases where there is no a land register and a cadastral register but there is only an original drawing of a cadastral survey, the right of the landowner registered in the original drawing or his/her heirs may be null and void, but virtually, their right may be acknowledged. Legal judgments on the Original Drawing can be directly applied to land distributes in North Korea that occurred before Korean independence. Accordingly, the Original Drawing may be the most likely material to enable the landowner registered therein to be legally recognized. However, it does not mean the confirmation of landowners, restoration of their landownerships or land compensation. The Original Drawing was made of paper more than 100 years ago. It has been relatively well kept, at least, until now, but it has problems with perpetuation. Digitalization can be a solution to the problems. The Original Drawing is expected to have a historical value though it is digitalized. So, it needs to be preserved as nearly intact as possible and to be passed down to our descendants. At this point in time, the importance of the Original Drawing needs to be focused on the development of North Korea, a less developed country, rather than on the confirmation of landowners. The digitalization of the Original Drawing makes it possible to give lot numbers to lands in North Korea when a sudden change occurs between South and North Koreas, and can be applied to land use planning, urban development planning and military strategies. In addition, the digitalization of the Original Drawing is expected to be references and measurement values for cadastral surveys of North Korea to be conducted after the inter-Korean reunification. It is urgent to prepare a basic drawing to function as a mother board for land-based information, previously to the discussion of reunification.

      • KCI등재

        북한살림집법을 통해 본 북한부동산시장의 변화와 통일시 시사점

        문흥안(Moon. Heung-Ahn) 한국비교사법학회 2017 비교사법 Vol.24 No.2

        This paper suggests ways to prepare reunification of Korean peninsula by understanding the flow of the changes in North Korean real estate rnarket by resolving the three concerns regarding the right to housing. Firstly. there is a change in the housing policy from the North Korean authorities. North Korean government used to focus on the assurance and regulation of the right to housing. but since 2009. it has been paying keen attention to the housing fees by enacting the housing act and the real estate control law. North Korea has been assigning the housing to its people since implementation of the ground rules for the right to housing in ‘North Korea Constitution of 1972’ and ‘North Korea Civil Law of 1990’. However. the housing transactions has become more vitalized despite of 따 efforts to control the order of utilization of housing and buildings through establishment of various regulations after observing the dramatic increase in covert transactions on housing rights in 1990s. In addition. there is a direct correlation between the collapse of the national rationing system and vitalization of the real estate construction market triggered by active housing transactions. The collapse of rationing system in North Korea was due to the purchase. transportation and distribution system failing to operate normally after the death of Kim. Ilsung in July 1994. Having its successors fail to control the chaos in rationing system led to the North Korean governmenfs economic ruling function to follow the market principle. North Korean residents. who could not be supplied by the government for their fo and the daily necessities. obtained what they need from the farmers rnarket which eventually invigorated the rnarket system. The government attempted to control the farmers rnarket. but as they still could not normalize the national distribution system. it officially converted the farmers market to general market. and since then, the market has become the mainstay of North Korean economy system Meanwhile, the housing transactions have only gotten more dynamic as the demand for the housing near terminal or markets increases. However, note that housing transaction in North Korea is illegal, and therefore subject to punishment. As such, real estate brokers colluding with the authorities started resolving the administrative procedures for housing transactions which led to individual capitalists conspiring with government officials and authorities to enable development of the real estate market by constructing, rebuilding and redeveloping the private houses and apartments Lastly, there is a shift in social perception and economic change in North Korea sprang from the specative investment market in real estates combined with private capitals which is all initiated by transacting the right to housing. Also, there are alternatives to stabilize the housing market sought by considering the perception of people in North Korea in case of the sudden reunification The development of real estate market formed the newly rich in North Korea and the new c1ass with power protecting them. This forewarns of the possibility of change in social structure where the social status based on the capital strength replaces the status traditionally given by loyalty and ancestry. Private accumulation of capital is allowed in North Korea as much as the private property is lega1. Although the title to personal housing (mostly in form of apartmentl does not receive legal recognition yet. the private ownership is accepted as market economy develops. The ownership of private houses acquired from the existing real estate market cannot be denied by the mere logic laid on the concept of housing fees. In the same manner, this paper is conc1uded with the suggestion of the current legal character of home ownership in North Korea to be imrnediately converted from the right to housing to the ownership. 이 연구는 북한의 살림집이용권과 관련된 세 가지 의문점의 해결을 통하여 북한부동산시장의 변화의 흐름을 읽고, 급변 통일에 대비한 방얀을 제시한 논문이다. 첫째, 북한당국의 주택에 대한 정책의 변화이다. 북한은 1964년 이후 주민들에게 살림집을 배정하여 이용하도록 하였고“ 1972년 북한헌법’과 ‘ 1990년 북한민법’에서 이에 대한 근거규정을 두였다. 그러나 1990년대 살림집이용권에 대한 음성적 거래가 늘어나자 주택 등 건물의 이용질서를 규제하기 위하여 1992년부터 여러 법률을 제정하여 이를 막고자 했으나, 살림집거 래는 더욱 활성화되었다. 그러자 북한당국은 2009년 ‘북한살림집법’과 ‘북한부동산관리법’을제정하면서, 부동산가격의 산정과 이에 따른 부동산사용료 징수를 통한 국가재정수업에 초점을 맞추어 정책을 바꾼 것으로 보인다. 둘째, 북한의 국가배급시스댐의 붕피와 살림집의 읍성적 거래로부터 촉발된 부동산건설시 장 활성화와의 관련성이다. 북한의 국가배급시스댐 붕괴는 1994. 7. 김일성의 사망 이후 식량의 수매와 수송 및 배급처깨가 정상적으로 작동하지 않으면서 부터이다. 후계 A)들이 배급시스템의 혼란을 통제하지 못하면서 북한당국의 경제적 통치기능이 시장원리를 수용할 수밖에 없 음을알수있다. 북한당국으로부터 식량이나 생필품을 공급받을 수 없는 주민들은 농민시장을 통하여 이를조달할 수밖에 없었고 시장은 더욱 확대되었다. 북한 it국은 농민시장에 대한 통제를 시도하였지만, 생필품 둥의 공급체계를 정상화시킬 수 없게 되자, 농민시장을 종합시장으로 전환시카는 조치를 취하게 되면서 시장은 북한경제체제의 한 축이 된다. 시장의 활성화는 역 주변이나 시장 얀근 살림집에 대한 수요를 촉발시카면서 살림집거래가 활성화되였다. 그러나 살림집거래는 불법이며 처벌의 대상이 된다. 이 과정에서 권력과 결탁한 부동산중개업자 등이 살림집거래에 띠른 행정절차를 해결하면서 개인과 돈주(자본가)는 관료 등 권력기관과 결탁하여, 개얀주택건설, 아파트건설‘ 재건축과 재개발로 부동산시장을 키워가고 있음을 알 수 있다 셋째, 살림집이용권 거래로부터 시작된 부동산시장이 사적금융과 결합하여 부동산투자 시장을 형성함으혹써 야기된 북한의 경제적 변화와 북한주민들의 인식의 변화이다. 아울러 급변 통일시 북한주민들의 인식에 바탕을 둔 주거안정을 위한 대안의 모색이다. 부동산시장의 발달은 북한에 신흥부유층과 이를 비호하는 부유한 권력층을 형성하였다 북한에서 자본력을 바탕으로 한 지위가 지금까지의 충성도와 성분을 기반으로 한 지위를 대체할 수 있다는 가능성을 제공함으로서 사회구조의 변화가능성을 예고한다. 사적인 자본축적은 사적소유를 어느 정도 법적으로 허용하기 때문에 가능하다. 북한에서살림집 (아파트) 에 대한 소유권은 법적으로 얀정받지 못하지만 시장화의 진전으로 실질적으로는 상속 · 처분할 수 있는 재산으로 인식하고 있다. 이러한 상황을 전제로 이 논문에서는 급변 통얼시 북한주민들의 주거생활의 안정을 최우선적으로 보호하기 위하여 남북통합에 따른 우리민법의 북한지역 적용을 위한 법률적 근거를 마련할 때 삼림집을 사실상 지배하는 북한주민에게 점유권이 있음을 확얀하고‘ 그 점유관계에 대하여 우리민법상 점유권에 관한 규정을적용할 수 있는 근거를 두어 일단 사질 상대를 보호하도록 제안한다. 이후 살림집이용권의 실체법적 성격을 규명하는 경우 북한주민들이 살림집이용권 거래를하면서 관련기관에 등록하여 이용권자로서의 형식적 적볍 요건을 갖추고 있음을 감안하여 둥록된 살림집이용권을 민볍 저11185조에 따라 북한지역에 널리 통용되고 있는 ‘삼림집이용권’이라는 관습법상 울권으로 인정할 것을 제안한다. 다만 ‘살림집이용권’은 북한정권의 영향 하에 있먼 지역으로 한정하여 이를 인정한다. 하지만 향후 북한주민들의 주거생활의 안정과 주택거래에 있어서의 명확성을 담보하기 위하여 가칭 ‘북한지역 삼림집이용권에 관한 특별조치법’을 제정하여 관습법상 물권의 구체화를통하여 소유관깨를 명확히 함과 동시에 공시에 관한 특례규정을 두어 부동산공시제도의 원칙에 따르도록 할 것을 제안한다 이 경우 북한주민들은 배정된 직장에서 주거이전의 자유가 없었을 뿐 아니라 삼림집 건설 둥 각종 노력동원에 무상으로 노동력을 제공했다는 점을 감안하여 삼림집이용권자에게 소유권을 인정한다는 전제하에서 특례규정을두는 것이 합리적이라고생각한다

      • KCI등재

        사실혼 배우자 일방의 사망과 재산의 청산

        문흥안 ( Heung Ahn Moon ) 건국대학교 법학연구소 2012 一鑑法學 Vol.0 No.21

        The Supreme Court recently stated that under case number 2005DU15595 Civil Code Section 382 Article 2 cannot be applied for the right to claim division of the matrimonial property by a surviving spouse of a de facto marriage at the termination of the marriage by the death of one partner. Since then, the academic world has openly questioned if it is appropriate to have no protection in the case of a de facto marriage termination by death of one party given that one is entitled to claim for the separation of matrimonial property if both parties are alive at the termination of marriage. In Case number 2008SU105 one de facto marriage party claimed the end of de facto marriage and the division of property while the other party was in a comma. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the right to claim for separation of property on the grounds that the marriage was terminated by one of the parties before the death of the other party. This decision has set a precedent for filing a law suit for the separation of property when one of the parties experiences a critical health condition. This is undoubtedly unreasonable. To discourage such a situation it is therefore necessary to enact an alternative solution to protect the surviving spouse or the heir of the dead party at the termination of a de facto marriage by the death of one partner. This study reviews the established theories and proposes the use of private opinion to find a means to protect the surviving spouse or the heir of the dead party who is in a state of legal limbo. The scope of protecting de facto marriage fundamentally cannot exceed that of legally binding marriage. The parties in common law marriage are protected by inferring the property division claim system when their relationship is terminated. Then when the relationship is ended by the death of one party, liquidation of the property jointly formed during the period marriage should be made within the range of the inheritance system. This should be applied not only to the surviving party of the de facto marriage but also to the dead party. On the premise of the above mentioned logic, this study aims to find a way to mediate the parties in a de facto marriage relationship by the legal principles of inheritance. It starts from the review of the unique system that one can request to verify if an actual de facto marriage relation exists(사실상 혼인관계존부확인청구제도) in family law. If the Ministry of Justice tries to have a broader view on the existing policy with the case where one partner in the de facto marriage is dead, the surviving partner can be recognized as an official spouse of the de facto marriage according to the kind of lawsuit to confirm the existence of de facto marriage(사실상혼인관계존재확인의 소) even without the other legislative measures. Once the surviving partner is recognized as an official spouse, the spouse can be entitled with the right to claim matrimonial property by applying the inheritance system. After the death of an inheritor, a spouse from a de facto marriage deserves a part of the inherited property for the portion of his/her contribution toward the formation of matrimonial property in the same manner as the spouse from a legal marriage. With the appearance of diverse forms of cohabitation, to respect self-determination and to uniformly admit the spouse inheritance for all parties in de facto marriage, it is suggested to protect the surviving parties with matrimonial property personally and optionally only when one files the kind of lawsuit to confirm the existence of de facto marriage(사실상혼인 관계존재확인의 소).

      • KCI등재

        미얀마 가족법의 현황과 과제

        문흥안(Moon, Heung-Ahn) 한국가족법학회 2014 가족법연구 Vol.28 No.2

        Myanmar is a multiethnic country composed of 7 administrative divisions and 7 tribal states. The 7 administrative divisions are located in its central area that is populated by Burmans, which is surrounded by the 7 tribes, i.e., Shan, Karen (or Kayin), Rakhine, Mon, Kachin, Chin and Kayah. As Buddhists make up 89% of Myanmar’s population, especially make up the majority of Burmans, Buddhist culture has been being preserved nearly intact. And most areas, excluding the metropolitan area, have been maintaining the features of agrarian society and traditional families. Myanmar’s family law system mingles with the common laws of respective tribes forming Myanmar society, the English Common Law and statutory law. During the colonization of Myanmar, Britons called ‘Dhammathats’ Burmese common law ‘Burmese Buddhist Law.’ Dhammathats are affected by Buddhist ethics but are not puritanical law, and instead, it can be defined as a moral standard covering Burmese Buddhists’ customs, culture, social norms and precedents. Nowadays it has hardly been valid, but its value is further increased in relation to civil affairs such as the division of inherited property, marriage, divorce and religious customs. As regards unstipulated problems, the court adopts equitable customs in interpreting them or holding such trials, whereby Dhammathats keep evolving. In particular, it is still useful for cases that are without precedent. Though Myanmar is a multi-cultural society composed of various tribes, yet Bermans have been central to social development and advancement. Hereat, this study looked into legal norms relevant to Bermans’ marriage, divorce and inheritance, on the authority of ‘Burmese Buddhist Law’, namely Dhammathats. The results showed that Bermans, the majority tribe of Myanmar, live their life in positive norms based on respect for humanity and positive view on afterlife that feature in Buddhist culture. Buddhism, respecting equality, affects Bermans’ family system. They have no family names, and the paternal line and maternal line are equal in their relations. Couple-centered nuclear families are basic to the family system. What is significant is that Myanmar operates the family law system that is more rational and advanced than Korea’s, at least in the adoption of foster sons or the division of property. At the same time, however, there are negative aspects, e.g., religious sexual discrimination grounded on religious values, legal recognition of bigamy in specific stratums, and sexual discrimination in divorce claims for marital infidelity. In addition, there is urgent need to clarify the regulations on marriage and divorce predicated upon de facto marriage and to make legal preparation for marriage with other tribes with the open society in mind. The author suggests Myanmar and Korea conduct a joint study on Myanmar’s customs related to the family system of the whole society including ethnic minorities, expecting to support Myanmar with Korea’s advanced law system and promote legal exchange between two countries. The enactment of Korea-Myanmar family law, based on the joint study, or custom laws is expected to help enact conflict law to solve legal problems among tribes, and moreover, the development of family registration system and the operational support are expected to open up a new chapter in legal exchange between two countries.

      • KCI등재

        북한자료를 통해 본 북한민법 연구의 특징 -1997-2018 김일성종합대학학보(역사, 법률)를 중심으로-

        문흥안 ( Moon Heung-ahn ),조근형 ( Jo Geun-hyoung ) 건국대학교 법학연구소 2021 一鑑法學 Vol.0 No.48

        이 논문은 1997년부터 2018년까지 김일성종합대학교에서 발간한 김일성종합대학학보(력사, 법학)에 게재된 민사법관련 논문을 중심으로, 북한에서의 민사법률 연구의 큰 흐름을 검토해 보는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 연구는 논문분석에 앞서 Ⅱ.에서 김일성종합대학학보 발간에 직접 관련이 있는 김일성종합대학과 법률대학에서의 법학교육 및 김일성종합대학학보의 발간에 대해 살펴보았다. Ⅲ.에서는 1997년부터 2018년까지 발간된 김일성종합대학학보 중 민사법관련 83편의 논문을 남한민법 의 체계에 따라 북한민법 학자들의 논문을 연도별, 분야별, 발표자별로 나누어 연구동향을 검토하였다. Ⅳ.에서는 Ⅱ.와 Ⅲ.에서 살펴본 내용을 바탕으로 향후 추가적인 연구에서 있어서의 시사점을 알아보았다. Ⅴ.에서는 이상의 연구에 대한 정리를 하였다. 북한에서 22년 동안 발표된 북한민법 논문을 검토한 결과, 북한 민법연구에 있어서 논문 형식과 그 내용에서 많은 진전이 있었다. 2016년 이후 해가 갈수록 논문의 분량이나 편수가 증가함에 따라 연구수준도 높아지며, 외국 민사법에 대한 소개도 많아지고 있다. 또 논문이 정치적 선전도구로부터 법리적 접근을 하려는 노력이 엿보인다. 그러나 북한의 민법논문은 법해설 정도 수준의 논문이 많아 남한 수준의 학술적 전문성에는 미치지 못하고 있다는 인상이다. 논문의 형식에 있어서는 2016년부터 논문에 실마리어(주제어)를 첨부하고 있지만, 다른 연구자의 논문을 인용한다거나 그에 따른 각주, 초록 등은 앞으로 갖춰나가야 할 것으로 보인다. 북한에도 외국 민사법에 대한 연구자가 보이기 시작했고 그 발표가 늘어나는 것은 논문의 형식뿐만 아니라 내실에 대한 기대를 높인다. This paper aims to review the big flow of civil law studies in North Korea, focusing on thesis on civil law published in the Kim Il-Sung University Academic Journal (History, Law) published by Kim Il-Sung University from 1997 to 2018. Prior to thesis analysis, the study examined law education in Kim Il-Sung University and Law School, and the publication of Kim Il-Sung University Academics, which are directly related to the publication of Kim Il-Sung University’s academic journal in section II. In section III, 83 papers on civil law from the Kim Il-Sung University’s academic journals published from 1997 to 2018 by North Korean law scholars were categorized according to the system of the South Korean Civil Law, to review the research trends by year, field, and presenter. In section IV, the implications for further research were examined based on the foundings from the sections II and III, followed by section V with the summary of the above studies. As a result of reviewing the papers on North Korean civil law published in North Korea for 22 years, there has been much progress in format and content of the paper in the study of North Korean civil law. Since 2016 the volume and number of published paper have increased, so does the level of research level with foreign civil law being introduced. Additionally, it’s been observed in those papers that there is an effort to consider a legal approach toward a political propaganda sphere. Still, as a large portion of North Korean papers was at the level of merely providing legal interpretation on North Korean civil law, the level of academic expertise does not seem to bear that of South Korea. As for the format of the papers, the relevant key words have been added since 2016, but there still are rooms to improve for citing, adding footnotes and abstracts, etc. The fact that researches on foreign civil law started to appear in North Korea, with an increasing number of publications on them raises expectations not only for the format but also for the fidelity of the published papers.

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