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      • KCI등재

        한자 대회 프로그램을 통해 본 중국의 언어문자정책과 문화정치

        문준혜(Moon, Joon-Hye) 중국문화연구학회 2018 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.41

        The purpose of this study is to identify the changes of Chinese language and character policy through the Chinese language contest TV program and to understand it in the context of Chinese culture politics. The current trend of the Chinese character contest TV program, which is currently being broadcasted in China, is based on the social phenomenon that people can not accurately utilize Chinese characters. However, the contest program seems to contribute to the purpose beyond the educational level of simply writing letters correctly.Chinese government presented in December 2012, “National medium and long-term language enterprise reform and development plan (2012-2020, national long-term language literacy reform program),” as the main task. Strengthening Chinese writing ability is to cultivate the ability to read the recorded classics(古典), and Classics is the basis of traditional Chinese culture, which is presented as the basis of the claim when the chinese premier,Xi Jinping, makes a speech. Hanja is a powerful adhesion that unifies Chinese people who are divided into economic status, regions, and ethnic group; This unification is the ground of Chinese classical culture emphasized by the Xi Jinping government. In this respect, the trend of Chinese writing contest is closely relevant to the Chinese language and literary policies, moreover, should be understood in the context of cultural politics.

      • KCI등재

        《六書經緯》의 構成과 體裁

        文準彗(Joon-Hye Moon) 중국어문논역학회 2015 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.0 No.36

        《六書經緯》는 조선 후기의 학자 洪良浩(1724-1802)가 당시에 통용되던 약 1,700여 개의 한자에 대해 해설한 문자학 저작이다. 제목이 암시하듯이 《육서경위》는 한자의 구성 원리에 입각하여 각 글자의 구조와 의미를 해설했는데, 내용상 당시 중국의 문자학적 해석과 다른 독특한 관점을 보여준다. 《육서경위》는 <仰觀篇>, <俯察篇>,<近取篇>, <遠取篇>, <?物篇>, <撰德篇>, <辨名篇> 등의 7편으로 구성되었고, <仰觀篇>에는 하늘과 관련된 글자, <俯察篇>에는 땅과 관련된 글자, <近取篇>에는 사람과 관련된 글자, <遠取篇>에는 禽獸草木과 관련된 글자, <?物篇>에는 생활과 관련된 글자, <撰德篇>에는 윤리와 관련된 글자, <辨名篇>에는 名物度數와 관련된 글자가 수록되어 있다. 수록된 글자들은 당시에 통용되던 글자들이며, 분석한 자형은 古文이 아닌 今文, 즉 楷書였다. 《육서경위》의 문자 해설 형식과 대상을 살펴보면, 홍양호는 글자의 본래 구조와 본래 의미를 탐구하기보다, 구조에 대한 철저한 분석을 통해 당시의 상용 의미를 설명하려고 했던 것으로 보인다. 그리고 때때로 의미 해설을 누락하고 조자 방법과 구조만 설명한 것도 있는데, 이것은 홍양호가 가장 중요하게 생각한 것이 글자의 구조, 조자 원리의 파악임을 보여준다. This paper investigates the structures of Liushu Jingwei, written by Hong Liangho (late Chos?n dynasty) studying on Chinese characters. As the title infers, Liushu Jingwei interprets each character’s meanings based on fundamental principles of Chinese character but it has different perspectives from Chinese scholars at that time. Liushu Jingwei is including 1,700 characters and is consist of 7 parts, which is <仰觀>, <俯察>, <近取>, <遠取>, <?物>, <撰德>, <辨名>. Interpreted characters in this book were used frequently in daily lives and are in shape of these days forms not the old days’. Therefore contents of Liushu Jingwei appear to considered meanings and philosophical ideas, not the original form of each character. For this aspect, the main point of Liushu Jingwei is to make people study the meanings easily rather than understanding the original forms of characters.

      • KCI등재

        교육용 기초 한자에 대한 검토와 제안

        文英喜 ( Moon Young Hee ),文準彗 ( Moon Joon Hye ),朴智英 ( Park Jee Young ) 중국어문학회 2020 中國語文學誌 Vol.0 No.70

        The purpose of this paper is to identify the Chinese character used in Sino-Korean words, and to present the most useful Chinese characters in a list as a basic data for learning Chinese characters. According to Vocabulary for Korean Language Education by Grade(2003), the total number of Sino-Korean words that students acquire until middle school reaches to 21,860 and 2,792 Chinese characters has been used. We contained most of the Chinese characters in a list excluding the unfrequently used ones. The list is composed of 2,309 Chinese characters in total and it is divided into four grades. This is about 500 characters more than the 1,800 basic Chinese characters for teaching established by the current Ministry of Education, but it can be effectively used for both Korean language and Chinese characters education as those characters are often used in Sino-Korean words.

      • 教育用基础汉字析议

        文英喜(Moon, Younghee),文準彗(Moon, Joonhye),朴智英(Park, Jeeyoung) 한국중어중문학회 2021 한국중어중문학회 우수논문집 Vol.- No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to identify Chinese characters in Sino-Korean words and it has presented the most useful Chinese characters into a list as a basic data for learning Chinese characters. According to Vocabulary for Korean Language Education by Grade(2003), the total number that students acquire until the middle school education reaches 21,860 Sino-Korean words and 2,792 Chinese characters. Among them, we excluded rarely used characters and made a useful list of which is composed of 2,309 Chinese characters and are divided into four grades. The number of characters on the list exceeds about 500 characters to that of the basic Chinese characters for teaching(1,800) presented by the current ministry of education. This is because the ministry of education deals with characters for Chinese curriculum whereas we handle characters for use in daily lives. Studying the list is effective in correctly understanding the Korean language as well as memorizing Chinese characters.

      • KCI등재

        『설문해자(說文解字)』의 ‘자기해설자’ 연구

        廉丁三 ( Yum Jungsam ),文準彗 ( Moon Joonhye ),鄭鎭傑 ( Jeong Jingeol ),金孝信 ( Kim Hyoshin ),文秀貞 ( Moon Sujeong ) 중국어문학회 2021 中國語文學誌 Vol.- No.77

        In Shuowen Jiezi, there are cases where the title letter reappears in the description of itself. If we regard Shuowen Jiezi as a dictionary explaining the meaning of the letters, this phenomenon is unreasonable and inappropriate. However, Xushen’s purpose of writing Shuowen Jiezi was not limited to explain the meaning of single letters. He had the intention of organizing a meta-commentary and text commentary that correctly interprets the characters that appeared in main classics during Later Han Dynasty, especially Shi詩 Shu書 Yi易 Li禮 Chunqiu春秋. Considering the purpose of writing Shuowen Jiezi by Xushen, it is possible to grasp the characteristics of this text not only as a dictionary but also as a commentary on the classics. The analysis of “circular definition” in Shuowen Jiezi reveals these characteristics of this text more clearly. This paper first compared the characteristics of Shuowen Jiezi and Er Ya, which were written under a specific academic background at the time, and examined the characteristics of “circular definition” by classifying and analyzing the aspects of “circular definition” seen in Shuowen Jiezi.

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