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        일본어의 관용표현과 일본문화교육의 접목

        문명재 ( Myung-jae Moon ) 한국일어일문학회 2016 日語日文學硏究 Vol.96 No.1

        본 고찰에서는 「有り難うございます」「將棋をさす」「家をつぐ」의 세 표현을 대상으로, 그 의미의 배경을 밝히기 위하여 문학 역사 문화 등 다양한 측면에서 접근해 보았다. 「有り難うございます」에서는 인사말의 생성 과정으로서 ウ음편현상과 일본인의 정서에 대해 살펴보았고, 「將棋をさす」에서는 일본 장기의 특징을 통해 「さす」라는 동사의 쓰임을 설명하고 역사적 사건을 통해 일본 장기의 문화적 특징을 생각해 보았다. 그리고 「家をつぐ」를 통해서는 「家(이에)」라는 어휘에 담긴 일본인의 상인정신을 『日本永代藏』에 묘사된 에도시대의 초닌(町人)의 모습을 통해 규명해보고자 하였다. 이상과 같 은 언어와 문화를 접목시켜 이해하고 교육하는 일부의 사례를 통하여, 언어, 특히 관용표현의 교육은 단지 그 의미가 무엇인가를 가르치는데서 그쳐서는 안 되고, 표현의 생성 과정과 그 역사 사회 문화적인 배경을 이해하고 교육하는 것이 반드시 필요하다는 것을 밝히고자 하였다. 그렇게 함으로서 언어교육에 있어서 학습자의 흥미를 높일 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 효율적인 교육의 효과를 얻을 수 있고, 언어와 문화를 접목한 교육을 통해 해당 언어를 사용하는 국가에 대한 종합적인 이해도 가능하게 될 것이다. In this review, approach from different aspects as literature, history and culture and so on, in order to uncover the background of the meaning of the three targeted expressions ‘arigatogozaimasu’ ‘syogiwosasu’ ‘iewotugu’, From ‘arigatogozaimasu’, as a process of creating greetings,looked at the occurrence of u-eumpyeon and Japanese emotion, and from ‘syogiwosasu’, it will be described by Japan`s ‘syogi’ features, I thought about Japan`s ‘syogi’ cultural characteristics through historical events. And through the ‘iewotugu’, evaluate to investigate the appearance of the merchant through the Edo period of Japanese craftsmanship depicted contained in the vocabulary of ‘ie’ to "Nihoneitaigura".Understanding by combining language and culture, such as over and through some examples of education, language particularly idiomatic expressions training, just not cease in teaching what is its meaning, and the creation of a representation of the process and its history, socio-cultural understand the background and the characters were saying that it is necessary to educate.In doing so can increase the interest of the learner in language training is possible to obtain the effect of not only efficient training, through the combined language and culture training will also be a comprehensive understanding of the state of the applicable language.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        정부조직개편의 정치주기적 반복성과 실제

        문명재(M. Jae Moon) 한국공공관리학회 2009 한국공공관리학보 Vol.23 No.4

        정부조직개편은 새로운 정부가 출범할 때마다 새로운 정부의 국정운영의 방향과 철학을 엿볼 수 있는 청사진이다. 정부조직개편은 새로운 정부가 출범한 이후에도 정치 주기를 따라서 반복적으로 추진된다. 반복적으로 일어나는 정부조직개편에 일정한 법칙성이 있을까? 조직설계의 원칙은 정부조직개편에 어떻게 적용될까? 부와 청단위의 정부조직개편은 어떻게 다를까? 본 논문은 정부조직개편에 대한 기존의 당위적 또는 기술적 연구에서 벗어나 정치주기에 따른 정부조직개편의 법칙성을 전두환 정부 이후 실시된 정부조직개편의 유형분석을 통해 살펴보고자 한다. 또한 이명박 정부의 조직개편의 특징과 국정운영과 관련된 정부조직개편의 의도와 실제의 괴리에 대한 부분을 진단해보고자 한다. New governing principles are often found and reflected in reorganization of government organizations as a new administration begins. Reorganization efforts continue following political cycle in a repetitive way. Is there any particular pattern in reorganizations of government organizations? How are principles of organizational design applied to government reorganization? Is there any difference in the pattern between cabinet-level departments and agencies? This study attempts to examine any pattern emerged from previous government reorganization experiences since the Chun Doo Hwan administration. This study also investigate the gap between the rhetoric and reality of the Lee Myung Bak administration's government reorganization.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『今昔物語集』의 창의성 고찰 - 역사와 설화 사이-

        문명재 ( Moon Myung-jae ) 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2021 日本硏究 Vol.- No.90

        『今昔』の説話が歴史的史実といかなる関連を持っているかを見ることは、『今昔』の文学性を究明するために必要な過程であろう。本考察は『今昔』に描かれた日本仏教伝来という歴史的事件と聖徳太子との関連叙述に焦点を合わせ、『日本書紀』を中心とする関連資料との照合を通して、史実から説話への過程について、その意味を分析してみたものである。 日本に仏教が伝わった後、朝廷でそれを受容するまでは紆余曲折があったし、歴史上重要な出来事であっただけに、史料でも詳しく記している。その中心に聖徳太子があり、彼に対する民衆の高い尊崇が彼を超人的聖人に再誕生させているが、その過程と結果の一つが『今昔』の聖徳太子説話なのである。 本考察では『日本書紀』のような正統史料の史実が、『日本霊異記』 『三宝絵』 『聖徳太子伝暦』などの文献を経て『今昔』の説話に至る過程を検討してみたが、一つの説話が生れるまでは多くの資料の重疊が地層のように蓄積されていることが知れる。従って説話文学を鑑賞、研究するにおいて、現在の記録の裏に数多く見えない資料が存在することを忘れてはいけないだろう。このような視角から『今昔』の聖徳太子説話を見ると、相当の部分は既に『日本霊異記』をはじめそれ以前の説話的文献の段階で形成されていたものであることを否めない。しかし、その部分を除いても、太子中心的叙述方法と神聖性の強調など、『今昔』なりの注目すべき特徴が随所で息づいていることが分かる。但し、史実から説話への過程において、事実と異なるところも存在していることが分かるが、それが編者の構想によったものかどうかは別にして、現存の姿を『今昔』の文学的特性として評価し、史実から説話への過程として受け止めるべきであろう。何故なら、『今昔』は史実の記録ではなく暮らしの記録なのであり、それゆえ説話文学なのである。 It is thought that examining how the folktale of 『Konzaku』relates to historical facts is an essential process in clarifying the literary nature of 『Konzaku』This review analyzes the meaning of the process from historical to narrative by focusing on the historical event of Japanese Buddhism tradition described in 『Konzaku』and the related description of Prince Shotoku, and comparing it with various related materials centered on 『Nihonshoki』. After Buddhism was introduced to Japan, there were many twists and turns from the government to accept it, and as it was an important event in Japanese history, it is recorded in detail in historical records. Prince Shotoku is at the center of it, and the high respect of the people for him is reborn as a superhuman saint, and one of the processes and results is the story of Prince Shotoku in 『Konzaku』. In this review, we reviewed the process of leading to the tales of 『Konzaku』 through literature such as 『Nihonshoki』『Nihonryoiki』『Sanboe』and 『Shotoku taishidenryaku』, until one story is born, we can feel that a lot of data is accumulated like a stratum. Therefore, in appreciating and studying narrative literature, it should not be forgotten that there are numerous invisible materials behind the current records. From this point of view, it is difficult to deny that much of the story of Prince Shotoku in 『Konzaku』 was already formed in the previous narrative literature stage, including 『Nihonryoiki』. However, in the process of changing from historical facts to folk tales, we find that there are parts that are different from the facts, However, even if that part is excluded, it is confirmed that the notable characteristics of 『Konzaku』, such as the emphasis on prince-centered description method and sacredness, are breathing in various places. However, it is found that there is a different part from historical facts in the process of storytelling, whether it was based on the idea of the writer or not, it should be evaluated as a literary characteristic of 『Konzaku』 and accepted as a process of storytelling in history. Because 『Konzaku』 is not a record of history, but a record of life, so it is a folktale literature.

      • A Usecase of Design MR-IoT/AI convergence Platform in Military Surveillance System

        Geunkyung Choi,Wonchul Park,Dae-ha Yoo,Byeong-hee Roh 한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 2022 한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 학술대회 Vol.2022 No.10

        Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Mixed Reality (MR) are recognized as ones of the most promising core technologies to lead the 4th industrial revolution. In this paper, we introduce a use case of MR-IoT/AI convergence Platform, which provide a general platform architecture to be utilized various filed of areas, to be applied for military surveillance system.

      • KCI등재

        『今音物語集』의 애욕댐(愛欲談) 고찰

        문명재(Moon Myung Jae) 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2015 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.65

        본 고찰은 『今昔』의 작품 세계를 통하여 과거 일본인들의 삶의 세계를 조명하고 작품의 문학성을 음미하는 과정의 일환으로 이루어진 것으로, 예로부터 인간의 삶과 밀접한 관련을 가지고 이어져 온 「애욕(愛欲)」을 중심으로 그 적나라한 모습을 밝혀 보고자 한 것이다. 시대와 장소를 막론하고 남녀 간의 성애(性愛)는 인간의 관심사였던 만큼 『今昔』에도 많은 이야기들이 전해오고 있는데, 성(聖)과 속(俗)을 넘나드는 공간을 무대로 하여 헤이안(平安)시대 일본인의 삶의 궤적을 보여주고 있다. 경전을 서사하는 신성한 작업 도중에 벌인 정사로 인하여 죽음에 이른 다지히(丹治), 법문을 듣고 있는 아내를 불러내어 억지로 관계를 맺다가 죽음에 이른 남편, 이들은 모두 성(聖)을 모독한 욕정이 불러온 불행한 결말이었다. 그리고 수행자의 경우는 욕정으로 인하여 색욕을 금하는 계율을 어김으로써 다년간 쌓아온 공덕이 수포로 돌아가고, 심지어는 소메도노(染殿) 왕후의 경우처럼 귀신이 되어서까지 욕정을 채우는 무서움을 보여주기도 하는데, 이러한 수행자의 파계를 보면서 이성에 대한 욕정의 무서움을 실감하게 된다. 또한 기혼자의 잘못된 욕정은 외도로 이어지고 심지어는 아내가 정부(情夫)와 모의하여 남편을 살해하는 경우도 있어 오늘날과 크게 다트지 않은 시대상을 보여주기도 한다. 흥미로운 것은 서로 어울리지 않을 것 같은 욕정과 해학을 접목하여 심각한 상황에서도 웃음을 발견하게 된다는 점인데, 이것은 『今昔』라는 작품이 인간의 삶의 곳곳에서 해학을 찾아냄으로써 설화문학으로서의 흥미를 이끌어내는 특징을 지니고 있음을 말해준다. 이처럼 『今昔』의 애욕담은 당시의 시대상을 살필 수 있는 다양한 사건들을 기술하면서, 사건의 단순한 전개에 그치지 않고 아쿠타가와류노스케(芥川龍之介)가 묘사의 생생함과 야만스러움이란 말로 적시(摘示)했듯이, 『今昔』만의 특징적인 문학성을 재확인하게 해준다. Sexual love between men and women is a main concern without distinction of age and place. Tus study analyzes past Japanese picture of life and appreciate literary value through the world of 『Konzaku』. Tazihi met a tragic death due to a sexual intercourse while copy the scriptures, a husband met his death because of sex against his wife's will, these are all unhappy ending caused by sexual desire. And a disciplinant's breaking the Buddhist commandments lost his good deeds, it shows afraid of sexual desire. Also a wrong lust of married people caused adultery, further more she plotted to kill her husband This is characteristic of the phases of such as today. What's interesting is that grafting humor onto sexual desire. This unlooked method makes our readers laugh in a serious situation. And to conclude, The sexual desire stories of 『Konzaku』 not only describe the phases of Japanese Heian period, but also represents a literatury value which is specific.

      • KCI등재

        日本古典文學과 日本文化의 敎育

        문명재(Moon Myung Jae,文明載) 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2016 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.68

        As study Japanese classical literature, particularly narrative literature, you always give attention to the contemporary situation, the background of the work. If you connect and educate those interested can obtain effective results in the Japanese language and culture education. Because the narrative literature is, in a sense also, a record of the history alive. Especially Korea China Japan this three countries in East Asia are belong to the Chinese culture, has lived in affect a similar cultural background since olden times. Buddhism for example, was transmitted to China occurred in India, because spread to Korea and Japan through Chinese character translating Buddhism scriptures, referred to Chinese translation buddhism. However the prosess of Buddhism take root in each country, thereby reflecting the cultural elements of the area also show different characteristics. In this study focusing on this point, on the basis of Korean and Japanese narrative literatures, approached in terms of cultural education. The two letters to the vocabuary associated with filial piety and lineage is also important keywords that share the three countries in East Asia. Above as notes, filial piety shown in Korean and Japanese narrative literatures is showing the difference, the reason is difference in the consciousness about filial piety. In addition, even in lineage two countries are showing the difference of an emphasis on lineage and family business, in particular through the depiction of classic literature you may feel able to realize specific aspects. 日本の古典文学、とりわけ説話文学を研究していると、作品の背景となる時代的な状況について常に関心をもつようになる。このような関心を教育と結び付けると日本語や日本文化教育に効果的な結果が得られる。というのは、説話はある意味では生きている歴史の記録でもあるからである。 韓国、中国、日本の東アジア三国は漢字文化圏に属しており、昔から類似した文化的な背景の中で、互いに影響の受け渡しをしながら生きてきた。仏教を例にとってみても、インドで発生した仏教が中国に伝わり、中国で漢訳された経典を通じて韓国や日本に伝播されたから漢訳仏教圏と言われている。しかし、仏教が各々の国に根を下ろす過程においては、該当地域の文化的な要素が反映されることによって、互いに異なる特徴も現わしている。このような点に注目して本考察では、韓国と日本の説話文学を中心とした古典文学を手掛かりとし、孝と家についての文化教育の面から近づいてみた。 孝と家は関連する語彙であり、この二文字は東アジア三国が共有している重要なキーワードでもある。しかし、各々の国における意味からは微妙な違いが感じられるようである。その違いを文字の概念解釈によって規定しようとするのは限界があり、むしろ古典文学に描かれた世界を通じて理解する方が効果的でありうると思われる。 韓国と日本の説話集に現われた孝は、説話集の体裁と内容の面において違いを見せており、その原因は両国の社会において、儒教的な実践徳目としての孝についての意識の差にあると言える。なお、家においても、両国は家門を重要視する意識と家業を重要視する意識の違いが見られるが、とりわけ古典文学の描写を通じて具体的な様相を実感できるのである。 要するに、漢字文化圏に属する東アジア三国が漢字を共有しながらも微妙な差を見せており、その意識の違いが今日まで繋がっているのを見ながら、その根源に潜んでいる特徴を探し出すためにも、古典文学に対する関心は大変有効であると言えよう。

      • KCI등재

        改名으로 본 在日트랜스내셔널 서벌턴의 삶

        문명재 ( Moon Myung-jae ) 한국일어일문학회 2023 日語日文學硏究 Vol.124 No.0

        日本に居住するトランスナショナルサバルタンの生を照明するためには多様な視角から総合的な分析が必要であるが、本考察では名前と改名に焦点を合わせてアプローチしてみた。まず、名前(姓名)についての日本的な特徴として、天皇家の名前と賜姓、改姓の可能な社会という点に注目したが、このような特徴が在日トランスナショナルサバルタンの改名にも影響を及ぼしたのであろう。 一方、古代韓半島の三国は韓日関係によって相当な渡日人が発生したが、『新撰姓氏録』を見ると、総1182氏中渡日人系が326氏で、約27-8%という高い比率を占めている。高句麗・百済・新羅の渡日人たちは日本式の姓で家門を形成し、日本社会に同化して行きながら、日本の文化や生活に色々な影響を与えた。また、16世紀末には日本の朝鮮侵攻とともに多くの陶磁器略奪と陶工連行が行われたが、代表的な家柄として有田焼の李参平と薩摩焼の沈寿官家について述べてみた。 一方、日帝強占期と太平洋戦争後、多くの韓国人が日本で居住することになったが、これらの在日コリアンは韓国式名前の民族名のほかに、日本名に改名したり通名としての日本名を名乗るようになった。彼らの日本名使用の状況や理由など、改名に関する色々な統計数値を見ると、日本社会で在日コリアンたちが改名をしないで生きていくことの難しさが感じ取れる。 要するに、名前と改名は、韓日間の歴史的受難期ごとに発生した渡日人と彼らの生の一部であったのであり、トランスナショナルサバルタンとしての熾烈な生存の過程であったわけである。 In order to reflect on the life of Transnational Subaltern living in Japan, a comprehensive analysis is needed from various perspectives, and in this review, we focused on names. First of all, as a Japanese characteristic of the name, I took note of the name of the Emperor's family, the Emperor's offering of surname, and a surname-changeable society, and this characteristic is thought to have influenced the rename of Transnational Surbaltern in Japan. Meanwhile, the three countries on the ancient Korean Peninsula had considerable numbers of people who went to Japan depending on Korea-Japan relations. According to the 『Sinsensyoziroku』, 326 out of 1,182 surnames came to Japan, accounting for a high proportion of about 27-8%. At the end of the 16th century, along with the Japanese invasion of Joseon, many ceramics were looted and the kidnapping of pottery makers took place, and the representative families of Aritayaki's Lee Sam Pyung and Satsumayaki's Sim Soo-Kwan family were researched. After the Japanese colonial period and the Pacific War, many Koreans lived in Japan, and in addition to the Korean name, they changed their name to Japanese, or used Japanese names together as a common name. If you look at the statistics related to their renaming, it is assumed that there was a social pressure in Japanese society that was difficult for Koreans in Japan to live without renameing. In conclusion, arise people who went to Japan whenever there is was a historical conflict between Korea and Japan, name and rename were part of the lives of Koreans in Japan.

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