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      • KCI등재

        연민선생의 『한국한문학사(韓國漢文學史)』 중국어 번역 출판

        리우창 연민학회 2013 연민학지 Vol.20 No.-

        淵民李家源先生韓國漢文學史是韓國漢文學史研究方面最重要研究成果之 一。 以淵民先生作者家學深厚, 熟諳中韓古代漢學經典, 其漢文學史, 亦尤其突出 民族特性、 文學思潮對於文學之影響, 以及對於原書作品原文之大段引用。 結合該書上述特點, 筆者與導師在儘量蒐集書中所引原作, 校對原文, 保證譯稿 中引文之正確性, 並在漢字標記文學之翻譯過程中, 亦儘量考慮文體特點進行翻 譯。 此外, 為更準確表現原書內容, 筆者亦力爭閱讀淵民先生所引之原典, 結合原 典, 以期對於淵民先生之概括分析, 進行更恰當之翻譯。 十餘年前, 筆者導師趙季先生來韓講學, 得該書於書肆, 即着手翻譯, 形成初稿。 去年五月, 導師出席淵民學會, 旋即命筆者對初稿進行校訂, 重寫撰寫譯文。 幸蒙 許捲洙、 許敬震兩位教授在學力、 物力雙方面大力支持, 中譯本 ≪韓國漢文學史≫ 最終得在江蘇鳳凰出版社出版。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        허균 시의 율격(律格) 분석

        리우창 ( Liu Chang ) 연민학회 2018 연민학지 Vol.30 No.-

        Hur Gyun had discussed on the topic about a Ci-poem (詞) named Yu jia ao (漁家傲), and said that ‘all the melody of characters used in this Ci-poems are right except one (一篇總合音律而一字不合)’. Then he provided a problem about the initial's voice-voiceless (淸濁) of the character ‘Zhu (朱)’. I think there is a relationship between the initial's voice-voiceless, the level and oblique tones, and the rhyme. So in this paper, I will analyze the rhyme and the level and oblique tones of Hur Gyun’s poems. On this basis, I will compare the initial consonant of example provided by Hur Gyun and the example on the collection of ci-poems. Through that I will discuss the initial's voice-voiceless of the character ‘Zhu (朱)’.

      • KCI등재

        `당풍을 크게 갖춘(唐風大備)` 정지상 - 고려 한시사 상의 첫 고봉-

        리우창 ( Liu Chang ) 연민학회 2016 연민학지 Vol.25 No.-

        The cultural undertaking of Koryo Dynasty almost achieved a crest at 200 years of accumulation. The poems written at that time had nearly already ceased to exist, and most of the remainders were look like the poems of Song Dynasty. Compared to the scenery-description, these poems were mostly written for communication. The impact of Tang Dynasty on the Korean Peninsula was continuous, but there was no one famous for writing poems with the style of Tang. Until 12 century, Jeong Ji-sang emerged and things had changed. He became the first famous poet of Koryo Dynasty and one of the best poets in Korea history because of meticulous observation, bright scene and artistic conception

      • KCI등재

        연민 선생의 <화도음주시(和陶飮酒詩)>에 담긴 사상 고찰

        리우창 ( Liu Chang ) 연민학회 2017 연민학지 Vol.28 No.-

        Yi Kawon and Tao Yuanming’s “drinking” were linked to the nation and the state of society, as their drinking and becoming inebriated derived from an unyielding integrity refusing to cater or accommodate the filth of the secular world. Tao’s drinking contained his intense agonies over the universe, nature, and life while his life as a recluse originated from his utmost disappointment with human society. Yi, a descendant of Yi Toegye and initiated into Neo-Confucianism since youth, never ceased worrying the current state of things and was always concerned about his fatherland and society. Toegye admired Tao Yuanming for his steadfast integrity and emphasis in enjoying a free and easy life. Su Shi, on the other hand, admired Tao Yuanming mostly for the latter quality as he solely emphasized “suitability,” while Yi especially lauded Tao’s integrity as a Confucian and recluse that “practiced self-cultivation by himself.” This was an important difference between Su and Yi’s understanding of Tao. Aside from the influence of Neo-Confucianism and being a descendant of Yi Toegye, Yi Kawon’s experience of seeing his fatherland fall in his youth was a probable factor in the emphasis on his patriotism and concerns about the state of things in his response to Tao’s drinking poems and on Tao’s resolute integrity.

      • KCI우수등재

        1949년-1980년대 초기 시범을 통한 우슈의 국제화

        리우창(LiuChang),정경원(JungKyungwon) 한국체육학회 2019 한국체육학회지 Vol.58 No.5

        이 연구는 중국무술인 우슈의 국제화 기간(1949년-1980년초기)에 초점을 맞추어 어떠한 방법으로 해외에 전파되었는지 언론매체를 살펴보고, 발생한 사건에 대하여 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 특히 중국정부와 관련단체들은 중국 우슈를 국제화시키기 위한 전략으로 우슈 사범의 교육 및 파견, 해외시범공연, 우슈영화 제작 등 국제적인 소통을 통해 대외홍보를 시행했다. 이러한 관련사항을 중국의 인민일보, 미국의 워싱턴포스트, 뉴욕타임스, 일본의 마이니치 신문 매체를 통해 수집·분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 확인 할 수 있었다.첫째. 중화인민공화국의 설립(1949년) 이후, 첫 번째 우슈의 국제교류는 1959년 李天驥(li tianji)이 일본 방문객들(마츠무라 겐조(松村謙三), 후루이 요시미 (古井喜實))에게 태극권을 가르친 것으로 확인되었다. 이후 1960년 6월 중국무술팀의 체코슬로바키아방문(7일간)과 2차 프라하(스파르타키아)의 공연, 같은 해 12월에는 무술팀의 40일간의 미얀마 방문이 확인되었다. 둘째, 1961년부터 1965년까지는 해외 손님의 중국 방문 시 공연을 통해 국제교류가 빈번히 이루어졌으며, 당시 베이징스포츠협회(Beijing Sport Institute) 무술팀의 11번의 공연이 이루어졌다. 셋째. 문화혁명 기간(1966-1976) 동안, 특히 5년간은 다수의 무술가가 지방으로 분산되고 우슈 관련 서적과 무기가 말살되었으며, 일반적인 우슈의 활동조차도 금지되었다. 넷째. 1974년 이후, 전문적인 교육을 수료한 우슈 해외대표단(delegation) 32명이 멕시코, 미국, 홍콩, 일본으로 방문을 하면서 우슈의 국제적 소통이 재개되었다. 이후 1975년부터 1981년까지 5개 대륙, 47개국의 국가와 지역을 방문하는 등 활발한 해외 전파 활동이 이루어졌던 것으로 확인되었다. This research aims to analyze how the Wushu became well-known to the world by looking at its internationalization process from 1949 to the early 1980.Chinese government and the related organizations, such as Chinese Wushu association, tried to promote Wushu to the world by strategically sending off Wushu teachers and education materials, promoting overseas demonstrations, and even creating Wushu movies, especially after 1978 when the Reform and opening policy adopted. While the details of international communication of Wushu before 1978 are not yet clear. Therefore, this study collected the related material from People’s Daily, the memoirs that were written by Wushu pioneers and the books of Wushu history. Also interviews and foreign newspapers were referred to understand the influences of the international communications of Wushu delegation as well as the foreigner’s attitude towards Wushu performance. The results are as follows.1. After the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, the first international communication of Wushu was took place when Li Tianji taught Tai Chi to the Japanese politics (Matsumura Kenzo and Furui Yoshimi) in 1959. A year later, in 1960, the Wushu team performed in Prague (the second Spartakiad) in June and also visited Myanmar in December. 2. Wushu international communication was frequently done when foreign visitors came to China from 1961 to 1965. Wushu team in Beijing Sports Institute performed at least 11 times for the foreign guests during this period. 3. During the Cultural revolution (1966-1976), especially for the former 5 years, Wushu suffered great damage. Large number of martial artists were distributed to the rural area, normal Wushu activities were prohibited, weapons and books of Wushu were destroyed. 4. It was not until 1974 that international communication of Wushu started again when the delegation visited Mexico, United States, Hong Kong, and Japan. After that, from 1975 to 1981, Wushu delegation kept their active interactions by visiting 47 countries and areas in 5 continent.

      • KCI등재

        조선왕조에서 신하에게 시호를 내리는 제도에 대하여

        리우창 ( Chang Liu ) 연민학회 2014 연민학지 Vol.22 No.-

        Siho (諡號, 시호), or posthumous names, were evaluations of the lives of the deceased. During the Choson Dynasty, the system was generally defined by three aspects: sipop (諡法, 시법), or posthumous naming laws, the process of deliberating and deciding names, and the eligibility of posthumous naming. The development of sipop in the Choson Dynasty was based on the comprehensive Chinese posthumous naming laws and related literature in combination with Korean sources, and therefore had unique Korean characteristics as well as deep ties with China. There were two major stages of revision for the procedure of deciding names, reflecting a trend from the simple to the complex, and were linked to reforms in organizing the government. The Choson Dynasty was highly concerned with the dates of debating names, and required that related government personnel participate. As such, the process of granting posthumous names made it difficult to guarantee fairness, i.e. whether or not the posthumous name matched with the actions of the deceased. This was because the contemporary political situation and subjectivity of those debating influenced the posthumous naming process. In addition, although eligibility in receiving a posthumous name was limited, naming had some flexibility as government official were granted names based on their civil service grade and conduct, and also reflected the politics of that time. In sum, the posthumous naming system for Choson Dynasty subjects was based on that of ancient China’s, and was made with in consideration to Choson’s specific circumstances, creating a system with new characteristics. This study will discuss these three aspects of the posthumous naming system and attempt to clarify its Korean characteristics and its deep links to China’s posthumous naming system.

      • KCI등재


        리우창(劉暢) 연민학회 2024 연민학지 Vol.41 No.-

        新羅末, 崔承祐、崔匡裕、朴仁範、崔致遠等人在唐賓貢及第, 因時值晚唐, 故歷來多言其有晚唐詩風, 今學界研究亦往往受此影響, 聚焦宾贡诸子的晚唐詩風。 但所謂“詩風”, 當指詩歌風格, 包括內容和形式上別具一格的特點。 嚴格來說, 今文學史所謂“晚唐詩風”, 當指晚唐詩歌的“風格”, 即區別於初盛中唐的詩歌特點, 是屬於晚唐這一時代的獨特標識。 晚唐社會整體陷入危機, 在苦悶的時代風氣下, 詩人創造力衰減, 詩人將關注點由國家命運轉移至個人生活, 尤其私人情感與哲學思考, 詩壇整體由注重風骨、興寄, 轉向對聲律、辭采、韻味的追求, 詩歌感情往往細膩傷感, 也更注重藝術形式的精工雕琢, 詩學史也將“晚唐詩風”歸納為偏愛形式美, 致力於藝術上的精雕細琢、鍛造工致, 而以温庭筠、李商隐等人的詞采華贍、聲情流美、細膩委曲為典範。 以此, 文學史對“晚唐詩風”的概括, 乃出於對時代新風的把握, 並非對詩壇全貌的總述。 實際的晚唐詩壇, 風氣龐雜:李頻等人學賈島的清苦, 項斯、司空圖等人學張籍的雅正, 于濆、曹鄴等學元結的簡古, 陸龜蒙學韓愈的博奧, 羅隱學白居易的通俗, 李群玉、吳融等人則學溫庭筠、李商隱的精工典麗, 各種風格不乏其人, 更有如杜荀鶴、皮日休融合多家詩風者。 若細讀賓貢諸子的傳世作品, 其詩作抒寫的內容並不都帶有明顯的晚唐特征, 在藝術形式上雖嚴守近體詩格律, 但未見形式上的精雕細刻; 且除卻李商隱等晚唐詩人的影響, 也有體現對初盛中唐唐詩的接受。 从这一角度来看, 不属文学史“晚唐诗风”典型。 諸子詩風的形成, 既源自其在晚唐的生活經歷, 又與晚唐與新羅的時代背景密切相關, 在唐末、羅末兩國衰颯時代氛圍下, 诸人诗作體現出個人有志難伸的苦悶壓抑, 这与晚唐詩衰颯的氛围相符应。 During late Silla, Korean scholars Choi Seungwoo, Choi Kwangyu, Park Inbeom, and Choe Chiwon passed the imperial examination during the late Tang period. Consequently, their poetry has been characterized as embodying a late Tang poetic style. However, in contemporary literary history, the so-called “late Tang poetic style” generally refers to poets’ shift of focus from the fate of the country to their personal lives amidst the oppressive atmosphere of the late Tang era, especially in personal emotions and philosophical thinking. A careful examination of their surviving works reveals that the content of their poetry does not consistently exhibit distinct characteristics of the late Tang Dynasty. Although they strictly adhered to the rules of modern styles of poetry in their artistic forms, their works were not meticulously carved. From this perspective, they do not belong to the typical “late Tang poetry style” in literary history. Amidst the declining atmospheres of the late Tang and Silla dynasties, the poems of various poets reflected the depression and suppression of largely unattainable personal aspirations consistent with the declining atmosphere of late Tang poetry.

      • KCI등재

        우슈 투로와 태권도 품새의 경기규칙 비교분석을 통한 품새경기의 발전 방향에 관한 연구

        정경원,리우창 국기원 2019 국기원태권도연구 Vol.10 No.3

        The significance of this study is to be helpful for seeking for the future direction of Taekwondo Poomsae competition by analyzing the competition rules of Taekwondo Poomsae and Wushu Taoru, and then considering the raised problems. To achieve this objective, by using the literary research method, the data was collected and analyzed through the Taekwondo Poomsae Competition Rules(2005-2019) and the Taoru Competition Rules(1958-2019) while referring to theses, journals, books, magazines, and related-people’s interview records in relation to Poomsae and Taoru. In the results of considering the problems of each competition and seeking for the development direction of Poomsae competition, the conclusions were obtained as follows. First, the competition rules of Poomsae and Taoru were similar to each other in the aspect of scoring standards(accuracy, presentation, technical skills) for deciding the results, players’ competition efficiency, and stadium regulations for safety(lighting, standard, mark). However, in case of competition method, Poomsae was segmentalized into eight divisions in accordance with age while Taoru was divided into four divisions, so that mostly young players participated in it. In case of referee, Poomsae was based on the seven-referee system, and each referee screened the whole scoring standards while Taoru based on the 12-referee system screened each scoring standard more objectively. Second, in the consideration in accordance with changes in competition rules of Poomsae and Taoru, the declined characteristics of martial arts(real fight), lack of fairness of score judgment, biased training method in accordance with scoring standards, and risk of injuries were revealed as problems. Regarding the improvement measures for Poomsae, in case of the declined characteristics of martial arts, it would be necessary to develop/allow diverse hand-techniques besides Jeongkwon. To increase the fairness of referees’ scoring, the number of referee, scoring of each field, artistry of other competitions, and education of the scoring system for technical skills would be needed. As the reverse effects of the revision of rules, the high-score movement-centered training as a part of victory-centered strategy caused the decline of martial arts characteristics and techniques, on top of the risk of injuries caused by the high-level technique-centered training. 본 연구는 태권도 품새와 우슈 투로의 경기규칙을 분석하고 제기된 문제점들을 고찰하여 태권도 품새 경기가 나아가야 할 방향성 모색에 보탬이 되는데 본 연구의 의의가 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 문헌적 연구방법을 사용하여 태권도 품새 경기규칙(2005-2019년)과 투로 경기규칙(1958-2019년)을 통해 자료를 수집 분석하고 품새, 투로와 관련 있는 학위논문과 학술지, 서적, 잡지, 관련 인사들의 인터뷰기록 등을 참고하였다. 각 경기의 문제점들을 고찰하고 품새 경기의 발전 방향을 모색한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 품새와 투로의 경기규칙은 승부를 판정하는 채점 기준(정확성, 연기성, 기술성)과 선수들의 경기 효율, 안전을 위한 경기장 규정(조명, 규격, 표시) 면에서 유사한 것을 알 수 있었다. 하지만 경기방식의 경우 연령별 8부로 세분화 되어 있는 품새와는 달리 투로는 4부로서 주로 젊은 층의 선수들이 참여하는 면에서 차이가 있었다. 심판원의 경우 품새가 7심제로 각각의 심판이 채점기준을 전부 심사하는 반면 투로는 12심제로 각 채점 기준별로 나누어 보다 객관적으로 심사가 이루어지고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 품새와 투로의 경기규칙의 변화의 따른 고찰에서는 무술성(실전성)의 쇠퇴와 점수판정에 대한 공정성의 부족, 득점기준에 따른 편중된 수련방법과 부상의 위험이 문제점으로 드러났다. 품새의 개선방안으로는 무술성의 저하에서는 정권 외에 다양한 손기술의 개발 및 허용이 필요하며, 심판 채점의 공정성을 높이기 위해서는 심판원의 수와 부문별 채점, 타 경기의 예술성, 기술성 채점시스템의 교육도 필요한 것으로 사료된다. 규칙개정에 따른 역효과로는 승부 중심의 전략적 일환으로 고배점 동작 중심의 훈련이 무술성과 기술의 질 쇠퇴를 가져왔고 더불어 고난도 중심 훈련으로 인한 부상의 위험성을 가지고 있음을 알 수 있었다.

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