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      • KCI등재

        미·일 극장 애니메이션 산업 분석을 통한 중국 극장 애니메이션 시장 연구

        류징(Liu Jing),최철영(Choi, Chul Young) 동국대학교 영상문화콘텐츠연구원 2017 영상문화콘텐츠연구 Vol.13 No.-

        오늘날 전 세계 애니메이션 산업에서 미국 애니메이션 산업은 독보적인 자리매김하고 있다. 미국과 일본은 애니메이션 산업은 그 체계를 갖추고 있는데, 미국 애니메이션 산업의 발전은 창작 기반의 상업 애니메이션을 중심으로 하고 있고, 일본 애니메이션 산업은 발전 초기부터 오늘날까지 만화와 매우 밀접한 관계를 유지해오고 있다. 미국 애니메이션의 성공 투자 방식에는 할리우드 영화산업과 같은 대기업 투자 방식과 “완성보증” 투자 제도가 있는데, 이 두 가지 투자 방식은 미국 애니메이션 산업을 한층 더 발전시키고 작품의 품질을 향상시키는 데 큰 도움을 주며, 나아가 만화를 보던 아이가 커서도 만화를 소재로 한 애니메이션을 즐겨보도록 유도를 하고 있다. 일본 애니메이션의 경우 모든 연령층이 시청할 수 있는 애니메이션, 다시 말해, 모든 국민을 애니메이션 산업의 소비자로 만들며, 제작위원회를 중심으로 애니메이션 투자를 유치하는 등 다른 나라와는 차별화되는 산업의 모습을 보여주고 있다. 미국과 일본 애니메이션 공통점은 바로 관객층이 모든 연령층이 애니메이션 산업의 소비자가 될 수 있다는 특징을 보여주고 있다는 것이다. 따라서 미국과 일본 애니메이션 영화의 성공 사례를 학습하고 참고하는 과정은 성장하고 있는 중국 애니메이션의 발전에 있어 매우 중요한 역할을 할 수 있을 것이라고 생각한다. At present, American animation films occupy an irreplaceable position in the animation industry all over the world. Just for the animation industry in Japan and the United States, they both already have a perfect industrial system. At first, American animation was centered on business animation, and then developing by combining with mature comics technologies. Japanese animation industry has already entered a mature stage, on the angle of industry level,from the beginning of development to today; it has a very intimate relationship with comics. The investment mode of American animation adopts the investment mode of large companies and "Performance and Guarantee" investment system which are the same as Hollywood film industry.These two investment methods make the development of American animation industry to a new level, and give a help to improve the quality of American animation works. By doing so, even kids who read comics grow up, films that take comics as the material can still be made to make them appreciate. Japanese animation is the one that all ages can watch it, in other words, it turns all the people into anime consumers. It is slightly different from other countries, they use the method that by taking the production committee as the center to fetch in animation investments. The common feature of American animation and Japanese animation is that their audiences are all citizens, which can turn all age groups into the consumers of the animation industries. So, I think, while learning and drawing on the successful examples of American and Japanese animation films, it will also have important influences in the development of Chinese movies that are growing.

      • KCI등재

        중국 먀오다오군도의 현황과 개발을 위한 제언

        왕지콩 ( Wang¸ Ji-kong ),김민영 ( Kim¸ Min-young ),류징 ( Liu¸ Jing ),탕쿤 ( Tang¸ Kun ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2021 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.33 No.3

        The Miaodao Islands are a chain which spread out between the Shandong Peninsula and the Liaodong Peninsula. Its southern end is 7 kilometers from Penglai, on the Shandong Peninsula and its northern end is 42 kilometers from Lvshun, on the Liaodong Peninsula. The Miaodao Islands consist of 151 small islands, 10 of them are inhabited. The Miaodao Islands cover a total area of 59.258 square kilometers, and a total sea area of 3242.742 square kilometers. The total coastline of the Miaodao Islands stretches 187.64 kilometers. The Miaodao Islands are also well known under the name of Changdao”, and sometimes people also call the islands Changshanliedao”. The Miaodao Islands are administratively part of Yantai City, Shandong Province and now they are called the Changdao Integrated Marine Ecological Civilization Test Zone”. The Miaodao Islands look like the dividing line between the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, and also the sea gateway between Beijing and Tianjin on the map. The position of this area is very important militarily. Therefore, the Miaodao Islands have been called the Changshan Fortress” since ancient times. Because of its important location in national defense, the Miaodao Islands have never been developed on a large scale until now, although the economic and social development on the islands is not slow. The Miaodao Islands’ economic growth mainly depended on the fishery industry and tourism, but almost all in traditional ways. Along with the changing of the political and economic situation at home and abroad, the pattern and contents of economic development in China is changing to Eco-friendly and High-quality development. In this context, “The Starting Plan for the Construction of the Changdao Integrated Marine Ecological Civilization Test Zone” was drawn up. This plan described the development goals, content, path and its guarantee in the Miaodao Islands. This plan paid more attention to the Miaodao Islands' ecology protection, economic development, and its role in the national defense and military. It aims to achieve the goal of ecology protection and national defense through economic development. Instead of emphasizing economic developing speed, this plan focused more on ecological protection, life facilitation, modernization, high-quality economic development, etc. while achieving these goals with the latest technology. However, this plan did not answer the questions of how to coordinate the relationship between economic development and ecological protection, or how to obtain the necessary capital funds and labor power for economic development and ecological protection, nor how to efficiently use the tourism facilities in the off-season. Therefore, four suggestions on the Miaodao Islands have been made. First, through the cooperation among industry, universities, government, and research institutes, it determined to find the specific problems on coordinating the relationship between economic development and ecological protection, and study the technical ways to solve them. Second, making a specific preferential policy to attract investment from enterprises and to encourage talented individuals to migrate to the Miaodao Islands. Third, by constructing multi-functional tourism facilities and using them as training facilities for practitioners or as public sports facilities in the tourism off-season was viewed as an option. Last, by preparing countermeasures for the impact on the Miaodao Islands’ ecology and industry by Japan’s discharging nuclear wastewater to the Pacific Ocean, a plan is needed to be formulated.

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